mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
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228 lines
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Require Import HoTT.
Require Import HitTactics.
Require Import definition.
Require Import operations.
Require Import properties.
Ltac destruct_match := repeat
match goal with
| [|- match ?X with | _ => _ end ] => destruct X
Ltac destruct_match_1 :=
repeat match goal with
| [|- match ?X with | _ => _ end ] => destruct X
| [|- ?X = ?Y ] => apply path_ishprop
| [ H: ?x <> E |- Empty ] => destruct H
| [ H1: ?x = E, H2: ?y = E, H3: ?w ∪ ?q = E |- ?r = E]
=> rewrite H1, H2 in H3; rewrite nl in H3; rewrite nl in H3
Ltac eq_neq_tac :=
match goal with
| [ H: ?x <> E, H': ?x = E |- _ ] => destruct H; assumption
Section EmptySetProperties.
Context {A : Type}.
Context {A_deceq : DecidablePaths A}.
(*Should go to properties *)
Lemma union_subset `{Funext} :
forall x y z: FSet A, x ∪ y ⊆ z = true -> x ⊆ z = true /\ y ⊆ z = true.
intros x y z Hu.
- eapply subset_isIn. intros a Ha.
eapply subset_isIn in Hu.
+ instantiate (1 := a) in Hu.
+ transitivity (a ∈ x || a ∈ y)%Bool .
apply union_isIn.
rewrite Ha. cbn; reflexivity.
- eapply subset_isIn. intros a Ha.
eapply subset_isIn in Hu.
+ instantiate (1 := a) in Hu.
+ rewrite comm. transitivity (a ∈ y || a ∈ x)%Bool .
apply union_isIn.
rewrite Ha. cbn. reflexivity.
Lemma eset_subset_l `{Funext} : forall x: FSet A, x ⊆ ∅ = true -> x = ∅.
intros x He.
apply eq_subset.
- cbn; reflexivity.
- assumption.
Lemma eset_subset_r `{Funext} : forall x: FSet A, x = ∅ -> x ⊆ ∅ = true.
intros x He.
apply eq_subset. apply symmetry. assumption.
Lemma subset_transitive `{Funext}:
forall x y z, x ⊆ y = true -> y ⊆ z = true -> x ⊆ z = true.
Lemma eset_union_l `{Funext} : forall x y: FSet A, x ∪ y = ∅ -> x = ∅ .
assert (x ⊆ (x ∪ y) = true).
apply subset_union_equiv. rewrite assoc. rewrite (union_idem x). reflexivity.
apply eset_subset_r in X.
assert (x ⊆ ∅ = true).
apply (subset_transitive x (U x y)); assumption.
apply eset_subset_l.
Lemma eset_union_lr `{Funext} :
forall x y: FSet A, x ∪ y = ∅ -> ((x = ∅) /\ (y = ∅)).
apply eset_union_l in X; assumption.
rewrite comm in X.
apply eset_union_l in X. assumption.
Lemma non_empty_union_l `{Funext} :
forall x y: FSet A, x <> E -> x ∪ y <> E.
intros x y He.
intro Hu.
apply He.
apply eq_subset in Hu.
destruct Hu as [_ H1].
apply union_subset in H1.
apply eset_subset_l.
destruct H1.
Lemma non_empty_union_r `{Funext} :
forall x y: FSet A, y <> E -> x ∪ y <> E.
intros x y He.
intro Hu.
apply He.
apply eq_subset in Hu.
destruct Hu as [_ H1].
apply union_subset in H1.
apply eset_subset_l.
destruct H1.
Theorem contrapositive : forall P Q : Type,
(P -> Q) -> (not Q -> not P) .
intros p q H1 H2.
unfold "~".
intro H3.
apply H1 in H3. apply H2 in H3. assumption.
Lemma non_empty_singleton : forall a: A, L a <> E.
intros a H.
enough (false = true).
contradiction (false_ne_true X).
transitivity (isIn a E).
cbn. reflexivity.
transitivity (a ∈ (L a)).
apply (ap (fun x => a ∈ x) H^) .
cbn. destruct (dec (a = a)).
destruct n.
(* Lemma aux `{Funext}: forall x: FSet A, forall p q: x = ∅ -> False, p = q.
intros. apply path_forall. intro.
apply path_ishprop.
Lemma fset_eset_dec `{Funext}: forall x: FSet A, x = ∅ \/ x <> ∅.
- left; reflexivity.
- right. apply non_empty_singleton.
- intros x y [G1 | G2] [G3 | G4].
+ left. rewrite G1, G3. apply nl.
+ right. apply non_empty_union_r; assumption.
+ right. apply non_empty_union_l; assumption.
+ right. apply non_empty_union_l; assumption.
- intros. destruct px, py, pz; apply path_sum; destruct_match_1.
+ rewrite p, p0, p1. rewrite nl. rewrite nl. reflexivity.
+ assumption.
+ rewrite p, p0 in p1. rewrite nl in p1. rewrite comm in p1. rewrite nl in p1.
+ rewrite p in p0. rewrite nl in p0.
apply (non_empty_union_l y z) in n. eq_neq_tac.
+ rewrite p, p0 in p1. rewrite nr in p1. rewrite nr in p1. assumption.
+ rewrite p in p0. rewrite nr in p0.
apply (non_empty_union_l x z) in n. eq_neq_tac.
+ rewrite p in p0. rewrite nr in p0.
apply (non_empty_union_l x y) in n. eq_neq_tac.
+ apply (non_empty_union_l x y) in n.
apply (non_empty_union_l (x ∪ y) z) in n. eq_neq_tac.
- intros. destruct px, py; apply path_sum; destruct_match_1.
+ rewrite p, p0; apply union_idem.
+ rewrite p in p0. rewrite nr in p0. assumption.
+ rewrite p in p0. rewrite nl in p0. assumption.
+ apply (non_empty_union_r y x) in n. eq_neq_tac.
- intros x px.
destruct px. apply path_sum; destruct_match_1.
+ assumption.
+ apply path_sum; destruct_match_1. assumption.
- intros x px.
destruct px. apply path_sum; destruct_match_1.
+ assumption.
+ apply path_sum; destruct_match_1. assumption.
- intros. cbn. apply path_sum. destruct_match_1.
+ apply (non_empty_singleton x). apply p.
Lemma union_non_empty `{Funext}:
forall X1 X2: FSet A, U X1 X2 <> ∅ -> X1 <> ∅ \/ X2 <> ∅.
intros X1 X2 G.
specialize (fset_eset_dec X1).
intro. destruct X. rewrite p in G. rewrite nl in G.
right. assumption. left. apply n.
Lemma union_non_empty' `{Funext}:
forall X1 X2: FSet A, U X1 X2 <> ∅ ->
(X1 <> ∅ /\ X2 = ∅) \/
(X1 = ∅ /\ X2 <> ∅) \/
(X1 <> ∅ /\ X2 <> ∅ ).
intros X1 X2 G.
specialize (fset_eset_dec X1).
specialize (fset_eset_dec X2).
intros H1 H2.
destruct H1, H2.
- rewrite p, p0 in G. destruct G. apply union_idem.
- left; split; assumption.
- right. left. split; assumption.
- right. right. split; assumption.
End EmptySetProperties.