mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
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Require Import HoTT.
Module Export BadInts.
Private Inductive Z : Type :=
| zero_Z : Z
| succ : Z -> Z
| pred : Z -> Z.
Axiom inv1 : forall n : Z, n = pred(succ n).
Axiom inv2 : forall n : Z, n = succ(pred n).
Section Z_induction.
Variable (P : Z -> Type)
(a : P zero_Z)
(s : forall (n : Z), P n -> P (succ n))
(p : forall (n : Z), P n -> P (pred n))
(i1 : forall (n : Z) (m : P n), (inv1 n) # m = p (succ n) (s (n) m))
(i2 : forall (n : Z) (m : P n), (inv2 n) # m = s (pred n) (p (n) m)).
Fixpoint Z_ind
(x : Z)
{struct x}
: P x
(match x return _ -> _ -> P x with
| zero_Z => fun _ => fun _ => a
| succ n => fun _ => fun _ => s n (Z_ind n)
| pred n => fun _ => fun _ => p n (Z_ind n)
end) i1 i2.
Axiom Z_ind_beta_inv1 : forall (n : Z), apD Z_ind (inv1 n) = i1 n (Z_ind n).
Axiom Z_ind_beta_inv2 : forall (n : Z), apD Z_ind (inv2 n) = i2 n (Z_ind n).
End Z_induction.
Section Z_recursion.
Context {P : Type}.
Variable (a : P)
(s : P -> P)
(p : P -> P)
(i1 : forall (m : P), m = p(s m))
(i2 : forall (m : P), m = s(p m)).
Definition Z_rec : Z -> P.
simple refine (Z_ind _ _ _ _ _ _) ; simpl.
- apply a.
- intro ; apply s.
- intro ; apply p.
- intros.
refine (transport_const _ _ @ (i1 _)).
- intros.
refine (transport_const _ _ @ (i2 _)).
Definition Z_rec_beta_inv1 (n : Z) : ap Z_rec (inv1 n) = i1 (Z_rec n).
unfold Z_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (inv1 n) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply Z_ind_beta_inv1.
Definition Z_rec_beta_inv2 (n : Z) : ap Z_rec (inv2 n) = i2 (Z_rec n).
unfold Z_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (inv2 n) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply Z_ind_beta_inv2.
End Z_recursion.
End BadInts.
Section NotSet.
Context `{Univalence}.
Definition Z_to_S : Z -> S1.
refine (Z_rec base idmap idmap (fun _ => idpath) _).
simple refine (S1_ind _ _ _).
- apply loop.
- refine (transport_paths_FlFr _ _ @ _).
refine (ap (fun z => _ @ z) (ap_idmap _) @ _).
refine (ap (fun z => (z^ @ loop) @ loop) (ap_idmap _) @ _).
apply (ap (fun z => z @ loop) (concat_Vp loop) @ concat_1p loop).
Definition p1 : pred (succ (pred zero_Z)) = pred (succ (pred (succ (pred zero_Z))))
:= inv1 (pred (succ (pred zero_Z))).
Lemma q1 : ap Z_to_S p1 = reflexivity base.
apply Z_rec_beta_inv1.
Definition p2 : pred (succ (pred zero_Z)) = pred (succ (pred (succ (pred zero_Z))))
:= ap pred (inv2 (succ (pred zero_Z))).
Lemma q2 : ap Z_to_S p2 = loop.
refine ((ap_compose _ _ _)^ @ _).
assert (forall (n m : Z) (p : n = m), ap (fun n : Z => Z_to_S(pred n)) p = ap Z_to_S p) as X.
{ reflexivity. }
refine (X _ _ _ @ _).
unfold Z_to_S.
refine (Z_rec_beta_inv2 _ _ _ _ _ (succ (pred zero_Z))).
Lemma ZSet_loop_refl (ZSet : IsHSet Z) : idpath = loop.
assert (ap Z_to_S p1 = ap Z_to_S p2).
assert (p1 = p2). { apply (ZSet _ _ p1 p2). }
apply (ap (fun z => ap Z_to_S z) X).
apply (q1^ @ X @ q2).
Lemma ZSet_not_hset (ZSet : IsHSet Z) : False.
enough (idpath = loop).
- assert (S1_encode _ idpath = S1_encode _ (loopexp loop (pos Int.one))) as H' by f_ap.
rewrite S1_encode_loopexp in H'. simpl in H'. symmetry in H'.
apply (pos_neq_zero H').
- apply ZSet_loop_refl.
apply ZSet.
End NotSet.