Merge branch 'cleanupish'

This commit is contained in:
Dan Frumin 2017-10-11 13:50:17 +02:00
commit 0f44ee009b
3 changed files with 100 additions and 1 deletions

FiniteSets/HitTactics.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
Class HitRecursion (H : Type) := {
indTy : Type;
recTy : Type;
H_inductor : indTy;
H_recursor : recTy
Definition hrecursion (H : Type) {HR : HitRecursion H} : @recTy H HR :=
@H_recursor H HR.
Definition hinduction (H : Type) {HR : HitRecursion H} : @indTy H HR :=
@H_inductor H HR.
(* TODO: use information from recTy instead of [typeof hrec]? *)
Ltac hrecursion_ :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?T -> ?P ] =>
let hrec1 := eval cbv[hrecursion H_recursor] in (hrecursion T) in
let hrec := eval simpl in hrec1 in
let hrecTy1 := eval cbv[recTy] in (@recTy T _) in
let hrecTy := eval simpl in hrecTy1 in
match hrecTy with
| forall Y, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P)
| forall Y _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _)
| forall Y _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| _ => fail "Cannot handle the recursion principle (too many parameters?) :("
| [ |- forall (target:?T), ?P] =>
let hind1 := eval cbv[hinduction H_inductor] in (hinduction T) in
let hind := eval simpl in hind1 in
match type of hind with
| ?Q =>
match (eval simpl in Q) with
| forall Y , (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _)
| forall Y _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _)
| forall Y _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| _ => fail "Cannot handle the induction principle (too many parameters?) :("
(*| _ => fail "I am sorry, but something went wrong!"*)
Tactic Notation "hrecursion" := hrecursion_; simpl.
Tactic Notation "hrecursion" ident(x) := revert x; hrecursion.
Tactic Notation "hinduction" := hrecursion_; simpl.
Tactic Notation "hinduction" ident(x) := revert x; hrecursion.

FiniteSets/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Formalization of Kuratowski-finite sets in homotopy type theory
The Coq docs can be found [here](
# Building instructions
Prerequisites: the [HoTT library](
1. Generate the Makefile: `coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o Makefile`
2. Compile the library using make: `make -j 2`
3. The HTML coqdoc can be obtained via `make html`
An overview of some of the main results can be found in the file `CPP.v`

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-R . "" COQC = hoqc COQDEP = hoqdep
-R ../prelude ""