mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
Merge hrecursion into master
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@ -1,31 +1,39 @@
Require Import HoTT.
Require Export HoTT.
Require Import HitTactics.
Module Export FinSet.
Section FSet.
Variable A : Type.
Private Inductive FinSets (A : Type) : Type :=
| empty : FinSets A
| L : A -> FinSets A
| U : FinSets A -> FinSets A -> FinSets A.
Private Inductive FSet : Type :=
| E : FSet
| L : A -> FSet
| U : FSet -> FSet -> FSet.
Axiom assoc : forall (A : Type) (x y z : FinSets A),
U A x (U A y z) = U A (U A x y) z.
Notation "{| x |}" := (L x).
Infix "∪" := U (at level 8, right associativity).
Notation "∅" := E.
Axiom comm : forall (A : Type) (x y : FinSets A),
U A x y = U A y x.
Axiom assoc : forall (x y z : FSet ),
x ∪ (y ∪ z) = (x ∪ y) ∪ z.
Axiom nl : forall (A : Type) (x : FinSets A),
U A (empty A) x = x.
Axiom comm : forall (x y : FSet),
x ∪ y = y ∪ x.
Axiom nr : forall (A : Type) (x : FinSets A),
U A x (empty A) = x.
Axiom nl : forall (x : FSet),
∅ ∪ x = x.
Axiom idem : forall (A : Type) (x : A),
U A (L A x) (L A x) = L A x.
Axiom nr : forall (x : FSet),
x ∪ ∅ = x.
Fixpoint FinSets_rec
(A : Type)
Axiom idem : forall (x : A),
{| x |} ∪ {|x|} = {|x|}.
Axiom trunc : IsHSet FSet.
Fixpoint FSet_rec
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -34,20 +42,20 @@ Fixpoint FinSets_rec
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x : FinSets A)
(x : FSet)
{struct x}
: P
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> P with
| empty => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => e
| L a => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => l a
| U y z => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => u
(FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
end) assocP commP nlP nrP idemP.
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> P with
| E => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => e
| L a => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => l a
| U y z => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => u
(FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
end) assocP commP nlP nrP idemP H.
Axiom FinSets_beta_assoc : forall
(A : Type)
Axiom FSet_rec_beta_assoc : forall
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -56,17 +64,17 @@ Axiom FinSets_beta_assoc : forall
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x y z : FinSets A),
ap (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (assoc A x y z)
(x y z : FSet),
ap (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (assoc x y z)
(assocP (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
(assocP (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
Axiom FinSets_beta_comm : forall
(A : Type)
Axiom FSet_rec_beta_comm : forall
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -75,16 +83,16 @@ Axiom FinSets_beta_comm : forall
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x y : FinSets A),
ap (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (comm A x y)
(x y : FSet),
ap (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (comm x y)
(commP (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(commP (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
Axiom FinSets_beta_nl : forall
(A : Type)
Axiom FSet_rec_beta_nl : forall
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -93,15 +101,15 @@ Axiom FinSets_beta_nl : forall
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x : FinSets A),
ap (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nl A x)
(x : FSet),
ap (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nl x)
(nlP (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(nlP (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
Axiom FinSets_beta_nr : forall
(A : Type)
Axiom FSet_rec_beta_nr : forall
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -110,15 +118,15 @@ Axiom FinSets_beta_nr : forall
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x : FinSets A),
ap (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nr A x)
(x : FSet),
ap (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nr x)
(nrP (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(nrP (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
Axiom FinSets_beta_idem : forall
(A : Type)
Axiom FSet_rec_beta_idem : forall
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
@ -128,200 +136,397 @@ Axiom FinSets_beta_idem : forall
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x)
(x : A),
ap (FinSets_rec A P e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (idem A x)
ap (FSet_rec P H e l u assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (idem x)
idemP x.
(* Induction principle *)
Fixpoint FSet_ind
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y: FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x : FSet)
{struct x}
: P x
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> P x with
| E => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => eP
| L a => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => lP a
| U y z => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => uP y z
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
end) H assocP commP nlP nrP idemP.
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_assoc : forall
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y: FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x y z : FSet),
apD (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP)
(assoc x y z)
(assocP x y z
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP z)
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_comm : forall
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y : FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x y : FSet),
apD (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (comm x y)
(commP x y
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
(FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP y)
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_nl : forall
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y : FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x : FSet),
apD (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nl x)
(nlP x (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_nr : forall
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y : FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x : FSet),
apD (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (nr x)
(nrP x (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP x)
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_idem : forall
(P : FSet -> Type)
(H : forall a : FSet, IsHSet (P a))
(eP : P E)
(lP : forall a: A, P (L a))
(uP : forall (x y: FSet), P x -> P y -> P (U x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (U y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (U x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y : FSet) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nl x # uP E x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x E px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP (L x) (L x) (lP x) (lP x) = lP x)
(x : A),
apD (FSet_ind P H eP lP uP assocP commP nlP nrP idemP) (idem x)
idemP x.
End FSet.
Instance FSet_recursion A : HitRecursion (FSet A) := {
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := FSet_ind A; H_recursor := FSet_rec A }.
Arguments E {_}.
Arguments U {_} _ _.
Arguments L {_} _.
End FinSet.
Definition isIn : forall
(A : Type)
(eq : A -> A -> Bool),
A -> FinSets A -> Bool.
Section functions.
Parameter A : Type.
Context {A_eqdec: DecidablePaths A}.
Notation "{| x |}" := (L x).
Infix "∪" := U (at level 8, right associativity).
Notation "∅" := E.
(** Properties of union *)
Lemma union_idem : forall (X : FSet A), U X X = X.
intro A.
intro eq.
intro a.
refine (FinSets_rec A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
hinduction; try (intros; apply set_path2).
- apply nr.
- intros. apply idem.
- intros X Y HX HY. etransitivity.
rewrite assoc. rewrite (comm _ X Y). rewrite <- (assoc _ Y X X).
rewrite comm.
rewrite assoc. rewrite HX. rewrite HY. reflexivity.
rewrite comm. reflexivity.
Focus 6.
apply false.
(** Membership predicate *)
Definition isIn : A -> FSet A -> Bool.
intros a.
- exact false.
- intro a'. destruct (dec (a = a')); [exact true | exact false].
- apply orb.
- intros x y z. compute. destruct x; reflexivity.
- intros x y. compute. destruct x, y; reflexivity.
- intros x. compute. reflexivity.
- intros x. compute. destruct x; reflexivity.
- intros a'. compute. destruct (A_eqdec a a'); reflexivity.
Focus 6.
intro a'.
apply (eq a a').
Infix "∈" := isIn (at level 9, right associativity).
Focus 6.
intro b.
intro b'.
apply (orb b b').
Lemma isIn_singleton_eq a b : a ∈ {| b |} = true -> a = b.
Proof. cbv.
destruct (A_eqdec a b). intro. apply p.
intro X.
contradiction (false_ne_true X).
Focus 3.
Lemma isIn_empty_false a : a ∈ ∅ = true -> Empty.
cbv. intro X.
contradiction (false_ne_true X).
Focus 1.
destruct x.
destruct y.
Lemma isIn_union a X Y : a ∈ (X ∪ Y) = (a ∈ X || a ∈ Y)%Bool.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Focus 1.
destruct x.
destruct y.
destruct y.
(** Set comprehension *)
Definition comprehension :
(A -> Bool) -> FSet A -> FSet A.
intros P.
- apply E.
- intro a.
refine (if (P a) then L a else E).
- apply U.
- intros. cbv. apply assoc.
- intros. cbv. apply comm.
- intros. cbv. apply nl.
- intros. cbv. apply nr.
- intros. cbv.
destruct (P x); simpl.
+ apply idem.
+ apply nl.
Focus 1.
destruct x.
destruct (eq a x).
Lemma comprehension_false Y : comprehension (fun a => a ∈ ∅) Y = E.
hrecursion Y; try (intros; apply set_path2).
- cbn. reflexivity.
- cbn. reflexivity.
- intros x y IHa IHb.
rewrite IHa.
rewrite IHb.
rewrite nl.
Definition comprehension : forall
(A : Type)
(eq : A -> A -> Bool),
(A -> Bool) -> FinSets A -> FinSets A.
Lemma comprehension_union X Y Z :
U (comprehension (fun a => isIn a Y) X)
(comprehension (fun a => isIn a Z) X) =
comprehension (fun a => isIn a (U Y Z)) X.
intro A.
intro eq.
intro phi.
refine (FinSets_rec A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Focus 6.
apply empty.
Focus 6.
intro a.
apply (if (phi a) then L A a else (empty A)).
Focus 6.
intro x.
intro y.
apply (U A x y).
Focus 3.
apply nl.
Focus 1.
apply assoc.
Focus 1.
apply comm.
Focus 1.
apply nr.
destruct (phi x).
hrecursion X; try (intros; apply set_path2).
- cbn. apply nl.
- cbn. intro a.
destruct (isIn a Y); simpl;
destruct (isIn a Z); simpl.
apply idem.
apply nr.
apply nl.
apply nl.
- cbn. intros X1 X2 IH1 IH2.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (comm _ (comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Y) X1)
(comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Y) X2)).
rewrite <- (assoc _
(comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Y) X2)
(comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Y) X1)
(comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Z) X1)
rewrite IH1.
rewrite comm.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (comm _ (comprehension (fun a : A => isIn a Z) X2) _).
rewrite IH2.
apply comm.
Definition intersection : forall (A : Type) (eq : A -> A -> Bool),
FinSets A -> FinSets A -> FinSets A.
Lemma comprehension_idem' `{Funext}:
forall (X:FSet A), forall Y, comprehension (fun x => x ∈ (U X Y)) X = X.
intro A.
intro eq.
intro x.
intro y.
apply (comprehension A eq (fun (a : A) => isIn A eq a x) y).
all: try (intros; apply path_forall; intro; apply set_path2).
- intro Y. cbv. reflexivity.
- intros a Y. cbn.
destruct (dec (a = a)); simpl.
+ reflexivity.
+ contradiction n. reflexivity.
- intros X1 X2 IH1 IH2 Y.
cbn -[isIn].
+ rewrite <- assoc. apply (IH1 (U X2 Y)).
+ rewrite (comm _ X1 X2).
rewrite <- (assoc _ X2 X1 Y).
apply (IH2 (U X1 Y)).
Definition subset (A : Type) (eq : A -> A -> Bool) (x : FinSets A) (y : FinSets A) : Bool.
Lemma comprehension_idem `{Funext}:
forall (X:FSet A), comprehension (fun x => x ∈ X) X = X.
refine (FinSets_rec A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
Focus 6.
apply x.
Focus 6.
apply true.
Focus 6.
intro a.
apply (isIn A eq a y).
Focus 6.
intro b.
intro b'.
apply (andb b b').
Focus 1.
destruct x0.
destruct y0.
Focus 1.
destruct x0.
destruct y0.
destruct y0.
Focus 1.
Focus 1.
destruct x0.
destruct (isIn A eq x0 y).
intros X.
enough (comprehension (fun x : A => isIn x (U X X)) X = X).
rewrite (union_idem) in X0. assumption.
apply comprehension_idem'.
Definition equal_set (A : Type) (eq : A -> A -> Bool) (x : FinSets A) (y : FinSets A) : Bool
:= andb (subset A eq x y) (subset A eq y x).
(** Set intersection *)
Definition intersection :
FSet A -> FSet A -> FSet A.
intros X Y.
apply (comprehension (fun (a : A) => isIn a X) Y).
Fixpoint eq_nat n m : Bool :=
match n, m with
| O, O => true
| O, S _ => false
| S _, O => false
| S n1, S m1 => eq_nat n1 m1
Lemma intersection_comm X Y: intersection X Y = intersection Y X.
hrecursion X; try (intros; apply set_path2).
- cbn. unfold intersection. apply comprehension_false.
- cbn. unfold intersection. intros a.
hrecursion Y; try (intros; apply set_path2).
+ cbn. reflexivity.
+ cbn. intros.
destruct (dec (a0 = a)).
rewrite p. destruct (dec (a=a)).
contradiction n.
destruct (dec (a = a0)).
contradiction n. apply p^. reflexivity.
+ cbn -[isIn]. intros Y1 Y2 IH1 IH2.
rewrite IH1.
rewrite IH2.
apply (comprehension_union (L a)).
- intros X1 X2 IH1 IH2.
unfold intersection in *.
rewrite <- IH1.
rewrite <- IH2. symmetry.
apply comprehension_union.
(** Subset ordering *)
Definition subset (x : FSet A) (y : FSet A) : Bool.
hrecursion x.
- apply true.
- intro a. apply (isIn a y).
- intros a b. apply (andb a b).
- intros a b c. compute. destruct a; reflexivity.
- intros a b. compute. destruct a, b; reflexivity.
- intros x. compute. reflexivity.
- intros x. compute. destruct x;reflexivity.
- intros a. simpl.
destruct (isIn a y); reflexivity.
Infix "⊆" := subset (at level 8, right associativity).
End functions.
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
Class HitRecursion (H : Type) := {
indTy : Type;
recTy : Type;
H_inductor : indTy;
H_recursor : recTy
Definition hrecursion (H : Type) {HR : HitRecursion H} : @recTy H HR :=
@H_recursor H HR.
Definition hinduction (H : Type) {HR : HitRecursion H} : @indTy H HR :=
@H_inductor H HR.
Ltac hrecursion_ :=
lazymatch goal with
| [ |- ?T -> ?P ] =>
let hrec1 := eval cbv[hrecursion H_recursor] in (hrecursion T) in
let hrec := eval simpl in hrec1 in
match type of hrec with
| ?Q =>
match (eval simpl in Q) with
| forall Y, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P)
| forall Y _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _)
| forall Y _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, T -> Y =>
simple refine (hrec P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| _ => fail "Cannot handle the recursion principle (too many parameters?) :("
| [ |- forall (target:?T), ?P] =>
let hind1 := eval cbv[hinduction H_inductor] in (hinduction T) in
let hind := eval simpl in hind1 in
match type of hind with
| ?Q =>
match (eval simpl in Q) with
| forall Y , (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _)
| forall Y _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _)
| forall Y _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| forall Y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, (forall x, Y x) =>
simple refine (hind (fun target => P) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
| _ => fail "Cannot handle the induction principle (too many parameters?) :("
(*| _ => fail "I am sorry, but something went wrong!"*)
Tactic Notation "hrecursion" := hrecursion_; simpl.
Tactic Notation "hrecursion" ident(x) := revert x; hrecursion.
Tactic Notation "hinduction" := hrecursion_; simpl.
Tactic Notation "hinduction" ident(x) := revert x; hrecursion.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import HoTT.
Require Export HoTT.
Require Import HitTactics.
Module Export modulo.
@ -51,166 +51,98 @@ Axiom Mod2_rec_beta_mod : forall
(mod' : a = s (s a))
, ap (Mod2_rec P a s mod') mod = mod'.
Instance: HitRecursion Mod2 := {
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := Mod2_ind;
H_recursor := Mod2_rec }.
End modulo.
Definition negate : Mod2 -> Mod2.
refine (Mod2_ind _ _ _ _).
Focus 2.
apply (succ Z).
Focus 2.
apply (succ H).
rewrite transport_const.
rewrite <- mod.
Theorem modulo2 : forall n : Mod2, n = succ(succ n).
refine (Mod2_ind _ _ _ _).
Focus 2.
apply mod.
Focus 2.
intro n.
intro p.
intro n.
hinduction n.
- apply mod.
- intros n p.
apply (ap succ p).
- simpl.
eapply (@transport_paths_FlFr _ _ idmap (fun n => succ (succ n))).
apply ap_compose.
rewrite @HoTT.Types.Paths.transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite ap_idmap.
rewrite concat_Vp.
rewrite concat_1p.
rewrite ap_compose.
Definition negate : Mod2 -> Mod2.
- apply Z.
- intros. apply (succ H).
- simpl. apply mod.
Definition plus : Mod2 -> Mod2 -> Mod2.
intro n.
refine (Mod2_ind _ _ _ _).
Focus 2.
apply n.
Focus 2.
intro m.
intro k.
apply (succ k).
rewrite transport_const.
apply modulo2.
intros n m.
hrecursion m.
- exact n.
- apply succ.
- apply modulo2.
Definition Bool_to_Mod2 : Bool -> Mod2.
intro b.
destruct b.
apply (succ Z).
apply Z.
+ apply (succ Z).
+ apply Z.
Definition Mod2_to_Bool : Mod2 -> Bool.
refine (Mod2_ind _ _ _ _).
Focus 2.
apply false.
Focus 2.
intro n.
apply negb.
Focus 1.
apply transport_const.
intro x.
hrecursion x.
- exact false.
- exact negb.
- simpl. reflexivity.
Theorem eq1 : forall n : Bool, Mod2_to_Bool (Bool_to_Mod2 n) = n.
intro b.
destruct b.
Focus 1.
destruct b; compute; reflexivity.
Theorem Bool_to_Mod2_negb : forall x : Bool,
succ (Bool_to_Mod2 x) = Bool_to_Mod2 (negb x).
destruct x.
apply mod^.
apply reflexivity.
destruct x; compute.
+ apply mod^.
+ apply reflexivity.
Theorem eq2 : forall n : Mod2, Bool_to_Mod2 (Mod2_to_Bool n) = n.
refine (Mod2_ind _ _ _ _).
Focus 2.
Focus 2.
intro n.
intro IHn.
transitivity (succ (Bool_to_Mod2 (Mod2_to_Bool n))).
Focus 1.
apply (ap succ IHn).
transitivity (Bool_to_Mod2 (negb (Mod2_to_Bool n))).
apply Bool_to_Mod2_negb.
enough (negb (Mod2_to_Bool n) = Mod2_to_Bool (succ n)).
apply (ap Bool_to_Mod2 X).
rewrite concat_p1.
rewrite concat_1p.
rewrite @HoTT.Types.Paths.transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite concat_p1.
rewrite ap_idmap.
intro n.
hinduction n.
- reflexivity.
- intros n IHn.
symmetry. etransitivity. apply (ap succ IHn^).
etransitivity. apply Bool_to_Mod2_negb.
- rewrite @HoTT.Types.Paths.transport_paths_FlFr.
rewrite ap_compose.
enough (ap Mod2_to_Bool mod = reflexivity false).
rewrite X.
rewrite concat_1p.
rewrite inv_V.
enough (IsHSet Bool).
apply axiomK_hset.
apply X.
apply hset_bool.
enough (ap Mod2_to_Bool mod = idpath).
+ rewrite X. hott_simpl.
+ apply (Mod2_rec_beta_mod Bool false negb 1).
Theorem adj :
forall x : Mod2, eq1 (Mod2_to_Bool x) = ap Mod2_to_Bool (eq2 x).
intro x.
enough (IsHSet Bool).
apply set_path2.
apply hset_bool.
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-R . "" COQC = hoqc COQDEP = hoqdep
Reference in New Issue