Add [eq_subset] equivalence

X = Y <~> X ⊂ Y /\ Y ⊂ X
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Dan Frumin 2017-05-25 16:28:09 +02:00
parent 9202c6489d
commit 294f818b07
1 changed files with 70 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import definition operations.
Require Export definition operations.
Section properties.
@ -439,8 +439,8 @@ Admitted.
(* Properties about subset relation. *)
Lemma subsect_intersection `{Funext} (X Y : FSet A) :
subset X Y = true -> U X Y = Y.
Lemma subset_union `{Funext} (X Y : FSet A) :
subset X Y = true -> U X Y = Y.
hinduction X; try (intros; apply path_forall; intro; apply set_path2).
- intros. apply nl.
@ -473,4 +473,71 @@ hinduction X; try (intros; apply path_forall; intro; apply set_path2).
* contradiction (false_ne_true).
Lemma eq1 (X Y : FSet A) : X = Y <~> (U Y X = X) * (U X Y = Y).
unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
{ intro H. rewrite H. split; apply union_idem. }
unshelve esplit.
{ intros [H1 H2]. etransitivity. apply H1^.
rewrite comm. apply H2. }
intro; apply path_prod; apply set_path2.
all: intro; apply set_path2.
Lemma subset_union_l `{Funext} X :
forall Y, subset X (U X Y) = true.
hinduction X;
try (intros; apply path_forall; intro; apply set_path2).
- reflexivity.
- intros a Y. destruct (dec (a = a)).
* reflexivity.
* by contradiction n.
- intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2 Y.
enough (subset X1 (U (U X1 X2) Y) = true).
enough (subset X2 (U (U X1 X2) Y) = true).
rewrite X. rewrite X0. reflexivity.
{ rewrite (comm X1 X2).
rewrite <- (assoc X2 X1 Y).
apply (HX2 (U X1 Y)). }
{ rewrite <- (assoc X1 X2 Y). apply (HX1 (U X2 Y)). }
Lemma subset_union_equiv `{Funext}
: forall X Y : FSet A, subset X Y = true <~> U X Y = Y.
intros X Y.
unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
apply subset_union.
unshelve esplit.
{ intros HXY. rewrite <- HXY. clear HXY.
apply subset_union_l. }
all: intro; apply set_path2.
Lemma eq_subset `{Funext} (X Y : FSet A) :
X = Y <~> ((subset Y X = true) * (subset X Y = true)).
transitivity ((U Y X = X) * (U X Y = Y)).
apply eq1.
eapply equiv_functor_prod'; apply subset_union_equiv.
Lemma subset_isIn (X Y : FSet A) :
(forall (a : A), isIn a X = true -> isIn a Y = true)
<-> (subset X Y = true).
Theorem fset_ext `{Funext} (X Y : FSet A) :
X = Y <~> (forall (a : A), isIn a X = isIn a Y).
etransitivity. apply eq_subset.
((forall a, isIn a Y = true -> isIn a X = true)
*(forall a, isIn a X = true -> isIn a Y = true)).
- admit.
- admit.
End properties.