A negligible change in the structure

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Niels 2017-09-07 15:19:48 +02:00
parent 4ab70ae1fe
commit 474c9324ca
29 changed files with 2082 additions and 1459 deletions

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@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
(* Logical disjunction in HoTT (see ch. 3 of the book) *)
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import lattice notation.
Instance lor : maximum hProp := fun X Y => BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (sum X Y)).
Delimit Scope logic_scope with L.
Notation "A B" := (lor A B) (at level 20, right associativity) : logic_scope.
Arguments lor _%L _%L.
Open Scope logic_scope.
Section lor_props.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable X Y Z : hProp.
Local Ltac lor_intros :=
let x := fresh in intro x
; repeat (strip_truncations ; destruct x as [x | x]).
Lemma lor_assoc : (X Y) Z = X Y Z.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto
; try (left ; apply tr)
; try (right ; apply tr) ; auto.
Lemma lor_comm : X Y = Y X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto.
Lemma lor_nl : False_hp X = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inr _))) ; auto.
Lemma lor_nr : X False_hp = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
Lemma lor_idem : X X = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; try(refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
End lor_props.
Instance land : minimum hProp := fun X Y => BuildhProp (prod X Y).
Instance lfalse : bottom hProp := False_hp.
Notation "A ∧ B" := (land A B) (at level 20, right associativity) : logic_scope.
Arguments land _%L _%L.
Open Scope logic_scope.
Section hPropLattice.
Context `{Univalence}.
Instance lor_commutative : Commutative lor.
unfold Commutative.
apply lor_comm.
Instance land_commutative : Commutative land.
unfold Commutative, land.
apply path_hprop.
apply equiv_prod_symm.
Instance lor_associative : Associative lor.
unfold Associative.
apply lor_assoc.
Instance land_associative : Associative land.
unfold Associative, land.
apply path_hprop.
apply equiv_prod_assoc.
Instance lor_idempotent : Idempotent lor.
unfold Idempotent.
apply lor_idem.
Instance land_idempotent : Idempotent land.
unfold Idempotent, land.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros [a b] ; apply a.
- intros a ; apply (pair a a).
Instance lor_neutrall : NeutralL lor lfalse.
unfold NeutralL.
apply lor_nl.
Instance lor_neutralr : NeutralR lor lfalse.
unfold NeutralR.
apply lor_nr.
Instance absorption_orb_andb : Absorption lor land.
unfold Absorption.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros X ; strip_truncations.
destruct X as [Xx | [Xy1 Xy2]] ; assumption.
- intros X.
apply (tr (inl X)).
Instance absorption_andb_orb : Absorption land lor.
unfold Absorption.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros [X Y] ; strip_truncations.
- intros X.
* assumption.
* apply (tr (inl X)).
Global Instance lattice_hprop : Lattice hProp :=
{ commutative_min := _ ;
commutative_max := _ ;
associative_min := _ ;
associative_max := _ ;
idempotent_min := _ ;
idempotent_max := _ ;
neutralL_max := _ ;
neutralR_max := _ ;
absorption_min_max := _ ;
absorption_max_min := _
End hPropLattice.

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* Implementation of [FSet A] using lists *) (* Implementation of [FSet A] using lists *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import FSets implementations.interface. Require Import FSets set_interface.
Section Operations. Section Operations.
Context `{Univalence}. Context `{Univalence}.

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@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
(** Some examples of lattices. *)
Require Import HoTT lattice_interface.
(** [Bool] is a lattice. *)
Section BoolLattice.
Ltac solve_bool :=
let x := fresh in
repeat (intro x ; destruct x)
; compute
; auto
; try contradiction.
Instance maximum_bool : maximum Bool := orb.
Instance minimum_bool : minimum Bool := andb.
Instance bottom_bool : bottom Bool := false.
Global Instance lattice_bool : Lattice Bool.
split ; solve_bool.
Definition and_true : forall b, andb b true = b.
Definition and_false : forall b, andb b false = false.
Definition dist : forall b b b,
andb b (orb b b) = orb (andb b b) (andb b b).
Definition dist : forall b b b,
orb b (andb b b) = andb (orb b b) (orb b b).
Definition max_min : forall b b,
orb (andb b b) b = b.
End BoolLattice.
Create HintDb bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve absorb : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve
and_true and_false
dist dist max_min
: bool_lattice_hints.
(** If [B] is a lattice, then [A -> B] is a lattice. *)
Section fun_lattice.
Context {A B : Type}.
Context `{Lattice B}.
Context `{Funext}.
Global Instance max_fun : maximum (A -> B) :=
fun (f g : A -> B) (a : A) => max_L0 (f a) (g a).
Global Instance min_fun : minimum (A -> B) :=
fun (f g : A -> B) (a : A) => min_L0 (f a) (g a).
Global Instance bot_fun : bottom (A -> B)
:= fun _ => empty_L.
Ltac solve_fun :=
compute ; intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ;
eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Global Instance lattice_fun : Lattice (A -> B).
split ; solve_fun.
End fun_lattice.
(** If [A] is a lattice and [P] is closed under the lattice operations, then [Σ(x:A), P x] is a lattice. *)
Section sub_lattice.
Context {A : Type} {P : A -> hProp}.
Context `{Lattice A}.
Context {Hmax : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (max_L0 x y)}.
Context {Hmin : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (min_L0 x y)}.
Context {Hbot : P empty_L}.
Definition AP : Type := sig P.
Instance botAP : bottom AP := (empty_L ; Hbot).
Instance maxAP : maximum AP :=
fun x y =>
match x, y with
| (a ; pa), (b ; pb) => (max_L0 a b ; Hmax a b pa pb)
Instance minAP : minimum AP :=
fun x y =>
match x, y with
| (a ; pa), (b ; pb) => (min_L0 a b ; Hmin a b pa pb)
Instance hprop_sub : forall c, IsHProp (P c).
apply _.
Ltac solve_sub :=
let x := fresh in
repeat (intro x ; destruct x)
; simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)
; simpl
; try (apply hprop_sub)
; eauto 3 with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Global Instance lattice_sub : Lattice AP.
split ; solve_sub.
End sub_lattice.
Instance lor : maximum hProp := fun X Y => BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (sum X Y)).
Delimit Scope logic_scope with L.
Notation "A B" := (lor A B) (at level 20, right associativity) : logic_scope.
Arguments lor _%L _%L.
Open Scope logic_scope.
Instance land : minimum hProp := fun X Y => BuildhProp (prod X Y).
Instance lfalse : bottom hProp := False_hp.
Notation "A ∧ B" := (land A B) (at level 20, right associativity) : logic_scope.
Arguments land _%L _%L.
Open Scope logic_scope.
(** [hProp] is a lattice. *)
Section hPropLattice.
Context `{Univalence}.
Local Ltac lor_intros :=
let x := fresh in intro x
; repeat (strip_truncations ; destruct x as [x | x]).
Instance lor_commutative : Commutative lor.
intros X Y.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto.
Instance land_commutative : Commutative land.
intros X Y.
apply path_hprop.
apply equiv_prod_symm.
Instance lor_associative : Associative lor.
intros X Y Z.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto
; try (left ; apply tr)
; try (right ; apply tr) ; auto.
Instance land_associative : Associative land.
intros X Y Z.
apply path_hprop.
apply equiv_prod_assoc.
Instance lor_idempotent : Idempotent lor.
intros X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; try(refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
Instance land_idempotent : Idempotent land.
intros X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros [a b] ; apply a.
- intros a ; apply (pair a a).
Instance lor_neutrall : NeutralL lor lfalse.
intros X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inr _))) ; auto.
Instance lor_neutralr : NeutralR lor lfalse.
intros X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
Instance absorption_orb_andb : Absorption lor land.
intros Z1 Z2.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros X ; strip_truncations.
destruct X as [Xx | [Xy1 Xy2]] ; assumption.
- intros X.
apply (tr (inl X)).
Instance absorption_andb_orb : Absorption land lor.
intros Z1 Z2.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- intros [X Y] ; strip_truncations.
- intros X.
* assumption.
* apply (tr (inl X)).
Global Instance lattice_hprop : Lattice hProp :=
{ commutative_min := _ ;
commutative_max := _ ;
associative_min := _ ;
associative_max := _ ;
idempotent_min := _ ;
idempotent_max := _ ;
neutralL_max := _ ;
neutralR_max := _ ;
absorption_min_max := _ ;
absorption_max_min := _
End hPropLattice.

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@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
(** Interface for lattices and join semilattices. *)
Require Import HoTT.
Section binary_operation.
Definition operation (A : Type) := A -> A -> A.
Variable (A : Type)
(f : operation A).
Class Commutative :=
commutative : forall x y, f x y = f y x.
Class Associative :=
associativity : forall x y z, f (f x y) z = f x (f y z).
Class Idempotent :=
idempotency : forall x, f x x = x.
Variable g : operation A.
Class Absorption :=
absorb : forall x y, f x (g x y) = x.
Variable (n : A).
Class NeutralL :=
neutralityL : forall x, f n x = x.
Class NeutralR :=
neutralityR : forall x, f x n = x.
End binary_operation.
Arguments Commutative {_} _.
Arguments Associative {_} _.
Arguments Idempotent {_} _.
Arguments NeutralL {_} _ _.
Arguments NeutralR {_} _ _.
Arguments Absorption {_} _ _.
Arguments commutative {_} {_} {_} _ _.
Arguments associativity {_} {_} {_} _ _ _.
Arguments idempotency {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments neutralityL {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments neutralityR {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments absorb {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _.
Section lattice_operations.
Variable (A : Type).
Class maximum :=
max_L : operation A.
Class minimum :=
min_L : operation A.
Class bottom :=
empty : A.
End lattice_operations.
Arguments max_L {_} {_} _.
Arguments min_L {_} {_} _.
Arguments empty {_}.
Section JoinSemiLattice.
Variable A : Type.
Context {max_L : maximum A} {empty_L : bottom A}.
Class JoinSemiLattice :=
commutative_max_js :> Commutative max_L ;
associative_max_js :> Associative max_L ;
idempotent_max_js :> Idempotent max_L ;
neutralL_max_js :> NeutralL max_L empty_L ;
neutralR_max_js :> NeutralR max_L empty_L ;
End JoinSemiLattice.
Arguments JoinSemiLattice _ {_} {_}.
Create HintDb joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : joinsemilattice_hints.
Section Lattice.
Variable A : Type.
Context {max_L : maximum A} {min_L : minimum A} {empty_L : bottom A}.
Class Lattice :=
commutative_min :> Commutative min_L ;
commutative_max :> Commutative max_L ;
associative_min :> Associative min_L ;
associative_max :> Associative max_L ;
idempotent_min :> Idempotent min_L ;
idempotent_max :> Idempotent max_L ;
neutralL_max :> NeutralL max_L empty_L ;
neutralR_max :> NeutralR max_L empty_L ;
absorption_min_max :> Absorption min_L max_L ;
absorption_max_min :> Absorption max_L min_L
End Lattice.
Arguments Lattice _ {_} {_} {_}.
Create HintDb lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve absorb : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : lattice_hints.

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
(** The structure of a monad. *)
Require Import HoTT.
Section functor.
Variable (F : Type -> Type).
Context `{Functorish F}.
Class Functor :=
fmap_compose {A B C : Type} (f : A -> B) (g : B -> C) :
fmap F (g o f) = fmap F g o fmap F f
End functor.
Section monad_operations.
Variable (F : Type -> Type).
Class hasPure :=
pure : forall (A : Type), A -> F A
Class hasBind :=
bind : forall (A : Type), F(F A) -> F A
End monad_operations.
Arguments pure {_} {_} _ _.
Arguments bind {_} {_} _ _.
Section monad.
Variable (F : Type -> Type).
Context `{Functor F} `{hasPure F} `{hasBind F}.
Class Monad :=
bind_assoc : forall {A : Type},
bind A o bind (F A) = bind A o fmap F (bind A) ;
bind_neutral_l : forall {A : Type},
bind A o pure (F A) = idmap ;
bind_neutral_r : forall {A : Type},
bind A o fmap F (pure A) = idmap
End monad.

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@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import FSets lattice_interface.
Section interface.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable (T : Type -> Type)
(f : forall A, T A -> FSet A).
Context `{forall A, hasMembership (T A) A
, forall A, hasEmpty (T A)
, forall A, hasSingleton (T A) A
, forall A, hasUnion (T A)
, forall A, hasComprehension (T A) A}.
Class sets :=
f_empty : forall A, f A = ;
f_singleton : forall A a, f A (singleton a) = {|a|};
f_union : forall A X Y, f A (union X Y) = (f A X) (f A Y);
f_filter : forall A φ X, f A (filter φ X) = {| f A X & φ |};
f_member : forall A a X, member a X = a (f A X)
Global Instance f_surjective A `{sets} : IsSurjection (f A).
unfold IsSurjection.
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
- simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _).
* refine (tr(;_)).
apply f_empty.
* intros ; apply path_ishprop.
- intro a.
simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _).
* refine (tr({|a|};_)).
apply f_singleton.
* intros ; apply path_ishprop.
- intros Y1 Y2 [X1' ?] [X2' ?].
simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _).
* simple refine (Trunc_rec _ X1') ; intros [X1 fX1].
simple refine (Trunc_rec _ X2') ; intros [X2 fX2].
refine (tr(X1 X2;_)).
rewrite f_union, fX1, fX2.
* intros ; apply path_ishprop.
End interface.
Section quotient_surjection.
Variable (A B : Type)
(f : A -> B)
(H : IsSurjection f).
Context `{IsHSet B} `{Univalence}.
Definition f_eq : relation A := fun a1 a2 => f a1 = f a2.
Definition quotientB : Type := quotient f_eq.
Global Instance quotientB_recursion : HitRecursion quotientB :=
indTy := _;
recTy :=
forall (P : Type) (HP: IsHSet P) (u : A -> P),
(forall x y : A, f_eq x y -> u x = u y) -> quotientB -> P;
H_inductor := quotient_ind f_eq ;
H_recursor := @quotient_rec _ f_eq _
Global Instance R_refl : Reflexive f_eq.
Global Instance R_sym : Symmetric f_eq.
intros a b Hab.
apply (Hab^).
Global Instance R_trans : Transitive f_eq.
intros a b c Hab Hbc.
apply (Hab @ Hbc).
Definition quotientB_to_B : quotientB -> B.
- apply f.
- done.
Instance quotientB_emb : IsEmbedding (quotientB_to_B).
apply isembedding_isinj_hset.
unfold isinj.
hrecursion ; [ | intros; apply path_ishprop ].
hrecursion ; [ | intros; apply path_ishprop ].
by apply related_classes_eq.
Instance quotientB_surj : IsSurjection (quotientB_to_B).
apply BuildIsSurjection.
intros Y.
destruct (H Y).
simple refine (Trunc_rec _ center) ; intros [a fa].
apply (tr(class_of _ a;fa)).
Definition quotient_iso : quotientB <~> B.
refine (BuildEquiv _ _ quotientB_to_B _).
apply isequiv_surj_emb ; apply _.
Definition reflect_eq : forall (X Y : A),
f X = f Y -> f_eq X Y.
Lemma same_class : forall (X Y : A),
class_of f_eq X = class_of f_eq Y -> f_eq X Y.
simple refine (classes_eq_related _ _ _ _) ; assumption.
End quotient_surjection.
Arguments quotient_iso {_} {_} _ {_} {_} {_}.
Ltac reduce T :=
intros ;
repeat (rewrite (f_empty T _)
|| rewrite (f_singleton T _)
|| rewrite (f_union T _)
|| rewrite (f_filter T _)
|| rewrite (f_member T _)).
Section quotient_properties.
Variable (T : Type -> Type).
Variable (f : forall {A : Type}, T A -> FSet A).
Context `{sets T f}.
Definition set_eq A := f_eq (T A) (FSet A) (f A).
Definition View A : Type := quotientB (T A) (FSet A) (f A).
Instance f_is_surjective A : IsSurjection (f A).
apply (f_surjective T f A).
Global Instance view_union (A : Type) : hasUnion (View A).
intros X Y.
apply (quotient_iso _)^-1.
simple refine (union _ _).
- simple refine (quotient_iso (f A) X).
- simple refine (quotient_iso (f A) Y).
Definition well_defined_union (A : Type) (X Y : T A) :
(class_of _ X) (class_of _ Y) = class_of _ (X Y).
rewrite <- (eissect (quotient_iso _)).
rewrite (f_union T _).
Global Instance view_comprehension (A : Type) : hasComprehension (View A) A.
intros ϕ X.
apply (quotient_iso _)^-1.
simple refine ({|_ & ϕ|}).
apply (quotient_iso (f A) X).
Definition well_defined_filter (A : Type) (ϕ : A -> Bool) (X : T A) :
{|class_of _ X & ϕ|} = class_of _ {|X & ϕ|}.
rewrite <- (eissect (quotient_iso _)).
rewrite (f_filter T _).
Global Instance View_empty A : hasEmpty (View A).
apply ((quotient_iso _)^-1 ).
Definition well_defined_empty A : = class_of (set_eq A) .
rewrite <- (eissect (quotient_iso _)).
rewrite (f_empty T _).
Global Instance View_singleton A: hasSingleton (View A) A.
intro a ; apply ((quotient_iso _)^-1 {|a|}).
Definition well_defined_sungleton A (a : A) : {|a|} = class_of _ {|a|}.
rewrite <- (eissect (quotient_iso _)).
rewrite (f_singleton T _).
Global Instance View_member A : hasMembership (View A) A.
intros a ; unfold View.
- apply (member a).
- intros X Y HXY.
reduce T.
apply (ap _ HXY).
Instance View_max A : maximum (View A).
apply view_union.
Hint Unfold Commutative Associative Idempotent NeutralL NeutralR View_max view_union.
Instance bottom_view A : bottom (View A).
apply View_empty.
Ltac sq1 := autounfold ; intros ; try f_ap
; rewrite ?(eisretr (quotient_iso _))
; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Ltac sq2 := autounfold ; intros
; rewrite <- (eissect (quotient_iso _)), ?(eisretr (quotient_iso _))
; f_ap ; simpl
; reduce T ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Global Instance view_lattice A : JoinSemiLattice (View A).
split ; try sq1 ; try sq2.
End quotient_properties.
Arguments set_eq {_} _ {_} _ _.
Section properties.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable (T : Type -> Type) (f : forall A, T A -> FSet A).
Context `{sets T f}.
Definition set_subset : forall A, T A -> T A -> hProp :=
fun A X Y => (f A X) (f A Y).
Definition empty_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A),
a = False_hp.
by (reduce T).
Definition singleton_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a b : A),
a {|b|} = merely (a = b).
by (reduce T).
Definition union_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A) (X Y : T A),
a (X Y) = lor (a X) (a Y).
by (reduce T).
Definition filter_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A) (ϕ : A -> Bool) (X : T A),
member a (filter ϕ X) = if ϕ a then member a X else False_hp.
reduce T.
apply properties.comprehension_isIn.
Definition reflect_f_eq : forall (A : Type) (X Y : T A),
class_of (set_eq f) X = class_of (set_eq f) Y -> set_eq f X Y.
refine (same_class _ _ _ _ _ _) ; assumption.
Ltac via_quotient := intros ; apply reflect_f_eq ; simpl
; rewrite <- ?(well_defined_union T _), <- ?(well_defined_empty T _)
; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Lemma union_comm : forall A (X Y : T A),
set_eq f (X Y) (Y X).
Lemma union_assoc : forall A (X Y Z : T A),
set_eq f ((X Y) Z) (X (Y Z)).
Lemma union_idem : forall A (X : T A),
set_eq f (X X) X.
Lemma union_neutralL : forall A (X : T A),
set_eq f ( X) X.
Lemma union_neutralR : forall A (X : T A),
set_eq f (X ) X.
End properties.

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@ -1,52 +1,6 @@
(** Classes for set operations, so they can be overloaded. *)
Require Import HoTT. Require Import HoTT.
Section binary_operation.
Variable A : Type.
Definition operation := A -> A -> A.
End binary_operation.
Section Defs.
Variable A : Type.
Variable f : A -> A -> A.
Class Commutative :=
commutative : forall x y, f x y = f y x.
Class Associative :=
associativity : forall x y z, f (f x y) z = f x (f y z).
Class Idempotent :=
idempotency : forall x, f x x = x.
Variable g : operation A.
Class Absorption :=
absorb : forall x y, f x (g x y) = x.
Variable n : A.
Class NeutralL :=
neutralityL : forall x, f n x = x.
Class NeutralR :=
neutralityR : forall x, f x n = x.
End Defs.
Arguments Commutative {_} _.
Arguments Associative {_} _.
Arguments Idempotent {_} _.
Arguments NeutralL {_} _ _.
Arguments NeutralR {_} _ _.
Arguments Absorption {_} _ _.
Arguments commutative {_} {_} {_} _ _.
Arguments associativity {_} {_} {_} _ _ _.
Arguments idempotency {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments neutralityL {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments neutralityR {_} {_} {_} {_} _.
Arguments absorb {_} {_} {_} {_} _ _.
Section structure. Section structure.
Variable (T A : Type). Variable (T A : Type).

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(** Extensionality of the FSets *) (** Extensionality of the FSets *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import representations.definition fsets.operations. Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets.
Section ext. Section ext.
Context {A : Type}. Context {A : Type}.

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@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
(** Definitions of the Kuratowski-finite sets via a HIT *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Export set_names lattice_examples.
Module Export FSet.
Section FSet.
Private Inductive FSet (A : Type) : Type :=
| E : FSet A
| L : A -> FSet A
| U : FSet A -> FSet A -> FSet A.
Global Instance fset_empty : forall A, hasEmpty (FSet A) := E.
Global Instance fset_singleton : forall A, hasSingleton (FSet A) A := L.
Global Instance fset_union : forall A, hasUnion (FSet A) := U.
Variable A : Type.
Axiom assoc : forall (x y z : FSet A),
x (y z) = (x y) z.
Axiom comm : forall (x y : FSet A),
x y = y x.
Axiom nl : forall (x : FSet A),
x = x.
Axiom nr : forall (x : FSet A),
x = x.
Axiom idem : forall (x : A),
{|x|} {|x|} = {|x|}.
Axiom trunc : IsHSet (FSet A).
End FSet.
Arguments assoc {_} _ _ _.
Arguments comm {_} _ _.
Arguments nl {_} _.
Arguments nr {_} _.
Arguments idem {_} _.
Section FSet_induction.
Variable (A : Type)
(P : FSet A -> Type)
(H : forall X : FSet A, IsHSet (P X))
(eP : P )
(lP : forall a: A, P {|a|})
(uP : forall (x y: FSet A), P x -> P y -> P (x y))
(assocP : forall (x y z : FSet A)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (x y) z (uP x y px py) pz))
(commP : forall (x y: FSet A) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px)
(nlP : forall (x : FSet A) (px: P x),
nl x # uP x eP px = px)
(nrP : forall (x : FSet A) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x px eP = px)
(idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP {|x|} {|x|} (lP x) (lP x) = lP x).
(* Induction principle *)
Fixpoint FSet_ind
(x : FSet A)
{struct x}
: P x
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> P x with
| E => fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => eP
| L a => fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => lP a
| U y z => fun _ _ _ _ _ _ => uP y z (FSet_ind y) (FSet_ind z)
end) H assocP commP nlP nrP idemP.
End FSet_induction.
Section FSet_recursion.
Variable (A : Type)
(P : Type)
(H: IsHSet P)
(e : P)
(l : A -> P)
(u : P -> P -> P)
(assocP : forall (x y z : P), u x (u y z) = u (u x y) z)
(commP : forall (x y : P), u x y = u y x)
(nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x)
(nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x)
(idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x).
(* Recursion princople *)
Definition FSet_rec : FSet A -> P.
simple refine (FSet_ind A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
; try (intros ; simple refine ((transport_const _ _) @ _)) ; cbn.
- apply e.
- apply l.
- intros x y ; apply u.
- apply assocP.
- apply commP.
- apply nlP.
- apply nrP.
- apply idemP.
End FSet_recursion.
Instance FSet_recursion A : HitRecursion (FSet A) :=
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := FSet_ind A; H_recursor := FSet_rec A
End FSet.
Lemma union_idem {A : Type} : forall x: FSet A, x x = x.
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply set_path2).
- apply nl.
- apply idem.
- intros x y P Q.
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (comm x y).
rewrite <- (assoc y x x).
rewrite P.
rewrite (comm y x).
rewrite <- (assoc x y y).
apply (ap (x ) Q).
Section relations.
Context `{Univalence}.
(** Membership of finite sets. *)
Global Instance fset_member : forall A, hasMembership (FSet A) A.
intros A a.
- apply False_hp.
- apply (fun a' => merely(a = a')).
- apply lor.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
(** Subset relation of finite sets. *)
Global Instance fset_subset : forall A, hasSubset (FSet A).
intros A X Y.
hrecursion X.
- apply Unit_hp.
- apply (fun a => a Y).
- intros X1 X2.
exists (prod X1 X2).
exact _.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply prod_unit_l.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply prod_unit_r.
- eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
End relations.

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@ -1,27 +1,45 @@
(* Operations on the [FSet A] for an arbitrary [A] *) (** Operations on the [FSet A] for an arbitrary [A] *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import representations.definition disjunction lattice. Require Import kuratowski_sets monad_interface.
Section operations. Section operations.
Context `{Univalence}. (** Monad operations. *)
Definition fset_fmap {A B : Type} : (A -> B) -> FSet A -> FSet B.
Global Instance fset_member : forall A, hasMembership (FSet A) A.
Proof. Proof.
intros A a. intro f.
hrecursion. hrecursion.
- exists Empty. - exact .
exact _. - apply (fun a => {|f a|}).
- intro a'. - apply ().
exists (Trunc (-1) (a = a')). - apply assoc.
exact _. - apply comm.
- apply lor. - apply nl.
- intros ; symmetry ; apply lor_assoc. - apply nr.
- apply lor_commutative. - apply (idem o f).
- apply lor_nl.
- apply lor_nr.
- intros ; apply lor_idem.
Defined. Defined.
Global Instance fset_pure : hasPure FSet.
apply (fun _ a => {|a|}).
Global Instance fset_bind : hasBind FSet.
intros A.
- exact .
- exact idmap.
- apply ().
- apply assoc.
- apply comm.
- apply nl.
- apply nr.
- apply union_idem.
(** Set-theoretical operations. *)
Global Instance fset_comprehension : forall A, hasComprehension (FSet A) A. Global Instance fset_comprehension : forall A, hasComprehension (FSet A) A.
Proof. Proof.
intros A P. intros A P.
@ -54,11 +72,12 @@ Section operations.
- intro b. - intro b.
apply {|(a, b)|}. apply {|(a, b)|}.
- apply (). - apply ().
- intros X Y Z ; apply assoc. - apply assoc.
- intros X Y ; apply comm. - apply comm.
- intros ; apply nl. - apply nl.
- intros ; apply nr. - apply nr.
- intros ; apply idem. - intros.
apply idem.
Defined. Defined.
Definition product {A B : Type} : FSet A -> FSet B -> FSet (A * B). Definition product {A B : Type} : FSet A -> FSet B -> FSet (A * B).
@ -69,39 +88,13 @@ Section operations.
- intro a. - intro a.
apply (single_product a Y). apply (single_product a Y).
- apply (). - apply ().
- intros ; apply assoc. - apply assoc.
- intros ; apply comm. - apply comm.
- intros ; apply nl. - apply nl.
- intros ; apply nr. - apply nr.
- intros ; apply union_idem. - intros ; apply union_idem.
Defined. Defined.
Global Instance fset_subset : forall A, hasSubset (FSet A).
intros A X Y.
hrecursion X.
- exists Unit.
exact _.
- intros a.
apply (a Y).
- intros X1 X2.
exists (prod X1 X2).
exact _.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply equiv_prod_assoc.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply equiv_prod_symm.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply prod_unit_l.
- intros.
apply path_trunctype ; apply prod_unit_r.
- intros a'.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
* intros [p1 p2]. apply p1.
* intros p.
split ; apply p.
Local Ltac remove_transport Local Ltac remove_transport
:= intros ; apply path_forall ; intro Z ; rewrite transport_arrow := intros ; apply path_forall ; intro Z ; rewrite transport_arrow
; rewrite transport_const ; simpl. ; rewrite transport_const ; simpl.
@ -111,7 +104,10 @@ Section operations.
; f_ap ; hott_simpl ; simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _) ; f_ap ; hott_simpl ; simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)
; try (apply transport_const) ; try (apply path_ishprop). ; try (apply transport_const) ; try (apply path_ishprop).
Lemma separation (A B : Type) : forall (X : FSet A) (f : {a | a X} -> B), FSet B. Context `{Univalence}.
(** Separation axiom for finite sets. *)
Definition separation (A B : Type) : forall (X : FSet A) (f : {a | a X} -> B), FSet B.
Proof. Proof.
hinduction. hinduction.
- intros f. - intros f.
@ -140,5 +136,48 @@ Section operations.
rewrite <- (idem (Z (x; tr 1%path))). rewrite <- (idem (Z (x; tr 1%path))).
pointwise. pointwise.
Defined. Defined.
End operations. End operations.
Section operations_decidable.
Context {A : Type}.
Context {A_deceq : DecidablePaths A}.
Context `{Univalence}.
Global Instance isIn_decidable (a : A) : forall (X : FSet A),
Decidable (a X).
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
- apply _.
- intros b.
destruct (dec (a = b)) as [p | np].
* apply (inl (tr p)).
* refine (inr(fun p => _)).
- apply _.
Global Instance fset_member_bool : hasMembership_decidable (FSet A) A.
intros a X.
refine (if (dec a X) then true else false).
Global Instance subset_decidable : forall (X Y : FSet A), Decidable (X Y).
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
- apply _.
- apply _.
- unfold subset in *.
apply _.
Global Instance fset_subset_bool : hasSubset_decidable (FSet A).
intros X Y.
apply (if (dec (X Y)) then true else false).
Global Instance fset_intersection : hasIntersection (FSet A)
:= fun X Y => {|X & (fun a => a _d Y)|}.
End operations_decidable.

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@ -1,14 +1,11 @@
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
From fsets Require Import operations extensionality. Require Import kuratowski.extensionality kuratowski.operations kuratowski_sets.
Require Export representations.definition disjunction. Require Import lattice_interface lattice_examples monad_interface.
Require Import lattice.
(* Lemmas relating operations to the membership predicate *) (** Lemmas relating operations to the membership predicate *)
Section characterize_isIn. Section properties_membership.
Context {A : Type}. Context {A : Type} `{Univalence}.
Context `{Univalence}.
(** isIn properties *)
Definition empty_isIn (a: A) : a -> Empty := idmap. Definition empty_isIn (a: A) : a -> Empty := idmap.
Definition singleton_isIn (a b: A) : a {|b|} -> Trunc (-1) (a = b) := idmap. Definition singleton_isIn (a b: A) : a {|b|} -> Trunc (-1) (a = b) := idmap.
@ -52,11 +49,8 @@ Section characterize_isIn.
destruct Z ; assumption. destruct Z ; assumption.
** intros ; apply tr ; right ; assumption. ** intros ; apply tr ; right ; assumption.
Defined. Defined.
End characterize_isIn.
Section product_isIn. Context {B : Type}.
Context {A B : Type}.
Context `{Univalence}.
Lemma isIn_singleproduct (a : A) (b : B) (c : A) : forall (Y : FSet B), Lemma isIn_singleproduct (a : A) (b : B) (c : A) : forall (Y : FSet B),
(a, b) (single_product c Y) = land (BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (a = c))) (b Y). (a, b) (single_product c Y) = land (BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (a = c))) (b Y).
@ -75,8 +69,10 @@ Section product_isIn.
- intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2. - intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2.
apply path_iff_hprop ; rewrite ?union_isIn. apply path_iff_hprop ; rewrite ?union_isIn.
* intros X. * intros X.
cbn in *.
strip_truncations. strip_truncations.
destruct X as [H1 | H1] ; rewrite ?HX1, ?HX2 in H1 ; destruct H1 as [H1 H2]. destruct X as [H1 | H1] ; rewrite ?HX1, ?HX2 in H1
; destruct H1 as [H1 H2].
** split. ** split.
*** apply H1. *** apply H1.
*** apply (tr(inl H2)). *** apply (tr(inl H2)).
@ -84,6 +80,7 @@ Section product_isIn.
*** apply H1. *** apply H1.
*** apply (tr(inr H2)). *** apply (tr(inr H2)).
* intros [H1 H2]. * intros [H1 H2].
cbn in *.
strip_truncations. strip_truncations.
apply tr. apply tr.
rewrite HX1, HX2. rewrite HX1, HX2.
@ -102,7 +99,7 @@ Section product_isIn.
- intros. - intros.
apply isIn_singleproduct. apply isIn_singleproduct.
- intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2. - intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2.
rewrite (union_isIn (product X1 Y)). cbn.
rewrite HX1, HX2. rewrite HX1, HX2.
apply path_iff_hprop ; rewrite ?union_isIn. apply path_iff_hprop ; rewrite ?union_isIn.
* intros X. * intros X.
@ -116,7 +113,100 @@ Section product_isIn.
** left ; split ; assumption. ** left ; split ; assumption.
** right ; split ; assumption. ** right ; split ; assumption.
Defined. Defined.
End product_isIn.
Lemma separation_isIn : forall (X : FSet A) (f : {a | a X} -> B) (b : B),
b (separation A B X f) = hexists (fun a : A => hexists (fun (p : a X) => f (a;p) = b)).
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply path_ishprop).
- intros ; simpl.
apply path_iff_hprop ; try contradiction.
intros X.
destruct X as [a X].
destruct X as [p X].
- intros.
apply path_iff_hprop ; simpl.
* intros ; strip_truncations.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists (tr idpath).
apply X^.
* intros X ; strip_truncations.
destruct X as [a0 X].
destruct X as [X q].
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ X).
intros p.
apply tr.
rewrite <- q.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _).
** apply p.
** apply path_ishprop.
- intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2 f b.
pose (fX1 := fun Z : {a : A & a X1} => f (pr1 Z;tr (inl (pr2 Z)))).
pose (fX2 := fun Z : {a : A & a X2} => f (pr1 Z;tr (inr (pr2 Z)))).
specialize (HX1 fX1 b).
specialize (HX2 fX2 b).
apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros X.
cbn in *.
destruct X as [X | X].
** rewrite HX1 in X.
destruct X as [a Ha].
apply tr.
exists a.
destruct Ha as [p pa].
apply tr.
exists (tr(inl p)).
rewrite <- pa.
** rewrite HX2 in X.
destruct X as [a Ha].
apply tr.
exists a.
destruct Ha as [p pa].
apply tr.
exists (tr(inr p)).
rewrite <- pa.
* intros.
destruct X as [a X].
destruct X as [Ha p].
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ Ha) ; intros [Ha1 | Ha2].
** refine (tr(inl _)).
rewrite HX1.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists Ha1.
rewrite <- p.
unfold fX1.
repeat f_ap.
apply path_ishprop.
** refine (tr(inr _)).
rewrite HX2.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists Ha2.
rewrite <- p.
unfold fX2.
repeat f_ap.
apply path_ishprop.
End properties_membership.
Ltac simplify_isIn := Ltac simplify_isIn :=
repeat (rewrite union_isIn repeat (rewrite union_isIn
@ -127,10 +217,9 @@ Ltac toHProp :=
apply fset_ext ; intros ; apply fset_ext ; intros ;
simplify_isIn ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances. simplify_isIn ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
(* Other properties *) (** [FSet A] is a join semilattice. *)
Section properties. Section fset_join_semilattice.
Context {A : Type}. Context {A : Type}.
Context `{Univalence}.
Instance: bottom(FSet A). Instance: bottom(FSet A).
Proof. Proof.
@ -146,10 +235,223 @@ Section properties.
Global Instance joinsemilattice_fset : JoinSemiLattice (FSet A). Global Instance joinsemilattice_fset : JoinSemiLattice (FSet A).
Proof. Proof.
split ; toHProp. split.
- intros ? ?.
apply comm.
- intros ? ? ?.
apply (assoc _ _ _)^.
- intros ?.
apply union_idem.
- intros x.
apply nl.
- intros ?.
apply nr.
End fset_join_semilattice.
(* Lemmas relating operations to the membership predicate *)
Section properties_membership_decidable.
Context {A : Type} `{DecidablePaths A} `{Univalence}.
Lemma ext : forall (S T : FSet A), (forall a, a _d S = a _d T) -> S = T.
intros X Y H2.
apply fset_ext.
intro a.
specialize (H2 a).
unfold member_dec, fset_member_bool, dec in H2.
destruct (isIn_decidable a X) ; destruct (isIn_decidable a Y).
- apply path_iff_hprop ; intro ; assumption.
- contradiction (true_ne_false).
- contradiction (true_ne_false) ; apply H2^.
- apply path_iff_hprop ; intro ; contradiction.
Defined. Defined.
Lemma empty_isIn_d (a : A) :
a _d = false.
Lemma singleton_isIn_d (a b : A) :
a {|b|} -> a = b.
intros. strip_truncations. assumption.
Lemma singleton_isIn_d_true (a b : A) (p : a = b) :
a _d {|b|} = true.
unfold member_dec, fset_member_bool, dec.
destruct (isIn_decidable a {|b|}) as [n | n] .
- reflexivity.
- simpl in n.
contradiction (n (tr p)).
Lemma singleton_isIn_d_aa (a : A) :
a _d {|a|} = true.
apply singleton_isIn_d_true ; reflexivity.
Lemma singleton_isIn_d_false (a b : A) (p : a <> b) :
a _d {|b|} = false.
unfold member_dec, fset_member_bool, dec in *.
destruct (isIn_decidable a {|b|}).
- simpl in t.
- reflexivity.
Lemma union_isIn_d (X Y : FSet A) (a : A) :
a _d (X Y) = orb (a _d X) (a _d Y).
unfold member_dec, fset_member_bool, dec.
destruct (isIn_decidable a X) ; destruct (isIn_decidable a Y) ; reflexivity.
Lemma comprehension_isIn_d (Y : FSet A) (ϕ : A -> Bool) (a : A) :
a _d {|Y & ϕ|} = andb (a _d Y) (ϕ a).
unfold member_dec, fset_member_bool, dec ; simpl.
destruct (isIn_decidable a {|Y & ϕ|}) as [t | t]
; destruct (isIn_decidable a Y) as [n | n] ; rewrite comprehension_isIn in t
; destruct (ϕ a) ; try reflexivity ; try contradiction
; try (contradiction (n t)) ; contradiction (t n).
Lemma intersection_isIn_d (X Y: FSet A) (a : A) :
a _d (intersection X Y) = andb (a _d X) (a _d Y).
apply comprehension_isIn_d.
End properties_membership_decidable.
(* Some suporting tactics *)
Ltac simplify_isIn_d :=
repeat (rewrite union_isIn_d
|| rewrite singleton_isIn_d_aa
|| rewrite intersection_isIn_d
|| rewrite comprehension_isIn_d).
Ltac toBool :=
repeat intro;
apply ext ; intros ;
simplify_isIn_d ; eauto with bool_lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
(** If `A` has decidable equality, then `FSet A` is a lattice *)
Section set_lattice.
Context {A : Type}.
Context {A_deceq : DecidablePaths A}.
Context `{Univalence}.
Instance fset_max : maximum (FSet A).
intros x y.
apply (x y).
Instance fset_min : minimum (FSet A).
intros x y.
apply (x y).
Instance fset_bot : bottom (FSet A).
unfold bottom.
apply .
Instance lattice_fset : Lattice (FSet A).
split ; toBool.
End set_lattice.
(** If `A` has decidable equality, then so has `FSet A`. *)
Section dec_eq.
Context {A : Type} `{DecidablePaths A} `{Univalence}.
Instance fsets_dec_eq : DecidablePaths (FSet A).
intros X Y.
apply (decidable_equiv' ((Y X) * (X Y)) (eq_subset X Y)^-1).
apply decidable_prod.
End dec_eq.
(** [FSet] is a (strong and stable) finite powerset monad *)
Section monad_fset.
Context `{Funext}.
Global Instance fset_functorish : Functorish FSet.
simple refine (Build_Functorish _ _ _).
- intros ? ? f.
apply (fset_fmap f).
- intros A.
apply path_forall.
intro x.
hinduction x
; try (intros ; f_ap)
; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
Global Instance fset_functor : Functor FSet.
apply path_forall.
intro x.
hrecursion x
; try (intros ; f_ap)
; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
Global Instance fset_monad : Monad FSet.
- intros.
apply path_forall.
intro X.
hrecursion X ; try (intros; f_ap) ;
try (intros; apply path_ishprop).
- intros.
apply path_forall.
intro X.
hrecursion X ; try (intros; f_ap) ;
try (intros; apply path_ishprop).
- intros.
apply path_forall.
intro X.
hrecursion X ; try (intros; f_ap) ;
try (intros; apply path_ishprop).
Lemma fmap_isIn `{Univalence} {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) (a : A) (X : FSet A) :
a X -> (f a) (fmap FSet f X).
hinduction X; try (intros; apply path_ishprop).
- apply idmap.
- intros b Hab; strip_truncations.
apply (tr (ap f Hab)).
- intros X0 X1 HX0 HX1 Ha.
strip_truncations. apply tr.
destruct Ha as [Ha | Ha].
+ left. by apply HX0.
+ right. by apply HX1.
End monad_fset.
(** comprehension properties *) (** comprehension properties *)
Section comprehension_properties.
Context {A : Type} `{Univalence}.
Lemma comprehension_false : forall (X : FSet A), {|X & fun _ => false|} = . Lemma comprehension_false : forall (X : FSet A), {|X & fun _ => false|} = .
Proof. Proof.
toHProp. toHProp.
@ -176,6 +478,11 @@ Section properties.
Proof. Proof.
toHProp. toHProp.
Defined. Defined.
End comprehension_properties.
(** For [FSet A] we have mere choice. *)
Section mere_choice.
Context {A : Type} `{Univalence}.
Local Ltac solve_mc := Local Ltac solve_mc :=
repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; try(destruct x)) repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; try(destruct x))
@ -219,98 +526,4 @@ Section properties.
- solve_mc. - solve_mc.
- solve_mc. - solve_mc.
Defined. Defined.
End mere_choice.
Lemma separation_isIn (B : Type) : forall (X : FSet A) (f : {a | a X} -> B) (b : B),
b (separation A B X f) = hexists (fun a : A => hexists (fun (p : a X) => f (a;p) = b)).
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply path_ishprop).
- intros ; simpl.
apply path_iff_hprop ; try contradiction.
intros X.
destruct X as [a X].
destruct X as [p X].
- intros.
apply path_iff_hprop ; simpl.
* intros ; strip_truncations.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists (tr idpath).
apply X^.
* intros X ; strip_truncations.
destruct X as [a0 X].
destruct X as [X q].
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ X).
intros p.
apply tr.
rewrite <- q.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _).
** apply p.
** apply path_ishprop.
- intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2 f b.
pose (fX1 := fun Z : {a : A & a X1} => f (pr1 Z;tr (inl (pr2 Z)))).
pose (fX2 := fun Z : {a : A & a X2} => f (pr1 Z;tr (inr (pr2 Z)))).
specialize (HX1 fX1 b).
specialize (HX2 fX2 b).
apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros X.
rewrite union_isIn in X.
destruct X as [X | X].
** rewrite HX1 in X.
destruct X as [a Ha].
apply tr.
exists a.
destruct Ha as [p pa].
apply tr.
exists (tr(inl p)).
rewrite <- pa.
** rewrite HX2 in X.
destruct X as [a Ha].
apply tr.
exists a.
destruct Ha as [p pa].
apply tr.
exists (tr(inr p)).
rewrite <- pa.
* intros.
destruct X as [a X].
destruct X as [Ha p].
rewrite union_isIn.
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ Ha) ; intros [Ha1 | Ha2].
** refine (tr(inl _)).
rewrite HX1.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists Ha1.
rewrite <- p.
unfold fX1.
repeat f_ap.
apply path_ishprop.
** refine (tr(inr _)).
rewrite HX2.
apply tr.
exists a.
apply tr.
exists Ha2.
rewrite <- p.
unfold fX2.
repeat f_ap.
apply path_ishprop.
End properties.

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@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
(* Typeclass for lattices *)
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import notation.
Section binary_operation.
Variable A : Type.
Class maximum :=
max_L : operation A.
Class minimum :=
min_L : operation A.
Class bottom :=
empty : A.
End binary_operation.
Arguments max_L {_} {_} _.
Arguments min_L {_} {_} _.
Arguments empty {_}.
Section JoinSemiLattice.
Variable A : Type.
Context {max_L : maximum A} {empty_L : bottom A}.
Class JoinSemiLattice :=
commutative_max_js :> Commutative max_L ;
associative_max_js :> Associative max_L ;
idempotent_max_js :> Idempotent max_L ;
neutralL_max_js :> NeutralL max_L empty_L ;
neutralR_max_js :> NeutralR max_L empty_L ;
End JoinSemiLattice.
Arguments JoinSemiLattice _ {_} {_}.
Create HintDb joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : joinsemilattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : joinsemilattice_hints.
Section Lattice.
Variable A : Type.
Context {max_L : maximum A} {min_L : minimum A} {empty_L : bottom A}.
Class Lattice :=
commutative_min :> Commutative min_L ;
commutative_max :> Commutative max_L ;
associative_min :> Associative min_L ;
associative_max :> Associative max_L ;
idempotent_min :> Idempotent min_L ;
idempotent_max :> Idempotent max_L ;
neutralL_max :> NeutralL max_L empty_L ;
neutralR_max :> NeutralR max_L empty_L ;
absorption_min_max :> Absorption min_L max_L ;
absorption_max_min :> Absorption max_L min_L
End Lattice.
Arguments Lattice _ {_} {_} {_}.
Create HintDb lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve absorb : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : lattice_hints.
Section BoolLattice.
Ltac solve_bool :=
let x := fresh in
repeat (intro x ; destruct x)
; compute
; auto
; try contradiction.
Instance maximum_bool : maximum Bool := orb.
Instance minimum_bool : minimum Bool := andb.
Instance bottom_bool : bottom Bool := false.
Global Instance lattice_bool : Lattice Bool.
split ; solve_bool.
Definition and_true : forall b, andb b true = b.
Definition and_false : forall b, andb b false = false.
Definition dist : forall b b b,
andb b (orb b b) = orb (andb b b) (andb b b).
Definition dist : forall b b b,
orb b (andb b b) = andb (orb b b) (orb b b).
Definition max_min : forall b b,
orb (andb b b) b = b.
End BoolLattice.
Section fun_lattice.
Context {A B : Type}.
Context `{Lattice B}.
Context `{Funext}.
Global Instance max_fun : maximum (A -> B) :=
fun (f g : A -> B) (a : A) => max_L0 (f a) (g a).
Global Instance min_fun : minimum (A -> B) :=
fun (f g : A -> B) (a : A) => min_L0 (f a) (g a).
Global Instance bot_fun : bottom (A -> B)
:= fun _ => empty_L.
Ltac solve_fun :=
compute ; intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ;
eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Global Instance lattice_fun : Lattice (A -> B).
split ; solve_fun.
End fun_lattice.
Section sub_lattice.
Context {A : Type} {P : A -> hProp}.
Context `{Lattice A}.
Context {Hmax : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (max_L0 x y)}.
Context {Hmin : forall x y, P x -> P y -> P (min_L0 x y)}.
Context {Hbot : P empty_L}.
Definition AP : Type := sig P.
Instance botAP : bottom AP := (empty_L ; Hbot).
Instance maxAP : maximum AP :=
fun x y =>
match x, y with
| (a ; pa), (b ; pb) => (max_L0 a b ; Hmax a b pa pb)
Instance minAP : minimum AP :=
fun x y =>
match x, y with
| (a ; pa), (b ; pb) => (min_L0 a b ; Hmin a b pa pb)
Instance hprop_sub : forall c, IsHProp (P c).
apply _.
Ltac solve_sub :=
let x := fresh in
repeat (intro x ; destruct x)
; simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)
; simpl
; try (apply hprop_sub)
; eauto 3 with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.
Global Instance lattice_sub : Lattice AP.
split ; solve_sub.
End sub_lattice.
Create HintDb bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve associativity : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve (associativity _ _ _)^ : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve commutative : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve absorb : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve idempotency : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityL : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve neutralityR : bool_lattice_hints.
Hint Resolve
and_true and_false
dist dist max_min
: bool_lattice_hints.

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@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
(* The representations [FSet A] and [FSetC A] are isomorphic for every A *) (* The representations [FSet A] and [FSetC A] are isomorphic for every A *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
From representations Require Import cons_repr definition. Require Import list_representation list_representation.operations
From fsets Require Import operations_cons_repr properties_cons_repr. list_representation.properties.
Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets.
Section Iso. Section Iso.
Context {A : Type}. Context {A : Type}.
Context `{Univalence}. Context `{Univalence}.
Definition dupl' (a : A) (X : FSet A) : Definition dupl' (a : A) (X : FSet A) :
{|a|} {|a|} X = {|a|} X := assoc _ _ _ @ ap ( X) (idem _). {|a|} {|a|} X = {|a|} X := assoc _ _ _ @ ap ( X) (idem _).
Definition comm' (a b : A) (X : FSet A) : Definition comm' (a b : A) (X : FSet A) :
{|a|} {|b|} X = {|b|} {|a|} X := {|a|} {|b|} X = {|b|} {|a|} X :=
assoc _ _ _ @ ap ( X) (comm _ _) @ (assoc _ _ _)^. assoc _ _ _ @ ap ( X) (comm _ _) @ (assoc _ _ _)^.
@ -110,18 +111,18 @@ Section Iso.
simple refine (FSetC_ind A (fun Z => P (FSetC_to_FSet Z)) _ _ _ _ _ (FSet_to_FSetC X)); simpl. simple refine (FSetC_ind A (fun Z => P (FSetC_to_FSet Z)) _ _ _ _ _ (FSet_to_FSetC X)); simpl.
- apply Pempt. - apply Pempt.
- intros a Y HY. by apply Pcons. - intros a Y HY. by apply Pcons.
- intros a Y PY. cbn. - intros a Y PY.
refine (_ @ (Pdupl _ _ _)). refine (_ @ (Pdupl _ _ _)).
etransitivity. etransitivity.
{ apply (transport_compose _ FSetC_to_FSet (dupl a Y)). } { apply (transport_compose _ FSetC_to_FSet (dupl a Y)). }
refine (ap (fun z => transport P z _) _). refine (ap (fun z => transport P z _) _).
apply FSetC_rec_beta_dupl. apply path_ishprop.
- intros a b Y PY. cbn. - intros a b Y PY. cbn.
refine (_ @ (Pcomm _ _ _ _)). refine (_ @ (Pcomm _ _ _ _)).
etransitivity. etransitivity.
{ apply (transport_compose _ FSetC_to_FSet (FSetC.comm a b Y)). } { apply (transport_compose _ FSetC_to_FSet (FSetC.comm a b Y)). }
refine (ap (fun z => transport P z _) _). refine (ap (fun z => transport P z _) _).
apply FSetC_rec_beta_comm. apply path_ishprop.
Defined. Defined.
Theorem FSet_cons_ind_beta_empty (P : FSet A -> Type) Theorem FSet_cons_ind_beta_empty (P : FSet A -> Type)
@ -133,7 +134,9 @@ Section Iso.
(Pcomm : forall (a b : A) (X : FSet A) (px : P X), (Pcomm : forall (a b : A) (X : FSet A) (px : P X),
transport P (comm' a b X) (Pcons a _ (Pcons b X px)) = Pcons b _ (Pcons a X px)) : transport P (comm' a b X) (Pcons a _ (Pcons b X px)) = Pcons b _ (Pcons a X px)) :
FSet_cons_ind P Pset Pempt Pcons Pdupl Pcomm = Pempt. FSet_cons_ind P Pset Pempt Pcons Pdupl Pcomm = Pempt.
Proof. by compute. Defined. Proof.
by compute.
(* TODO *) (* TODO *)
(* Theorem FSet_cons_ind_beta_cons (P : FSet A -> Type) *) (* Theorem FSet_cons_ind_beta_cons (P : FSet A -> Type) *)

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@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
(** Definition of Finite Sets as via lists. *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Export set_names.
Module Export FSetC.
Section FSetC.
Private Inductive FSetC (A : Type) : Type :=
| Nil : FSetC A
| Cns : A -> FSetC A -> FSetC A.
Global Instance fset_empty : forall A,hasEmpty (FSetC A) := Nil.
Variable A : Type.
Arguments Cns {_} _ _.
Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).
Axiom dupl : forall (a : A) (x : FSetC A),
a ;; a ;; x = a ;; x.
Axiom comm : forall (a b : A) (x : FSetC A),
a ;; b ;; x = b ;; a ;; x.
Axiom trunc : IsHSet (FSetC A).
End FSetC.
Arguments Cns {_} _ _.
Arguments dupl {_} _ _.
Arguments comm {_} _ _ _.
Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).
Section FSetC_induction.
Variable (A : Type)
(P : FSetC A -> Type)
(H : forall x : FSetC A, IsHSet (P x))
(eP : P )
(cnsP : forall (a:A) (x: FSetC A), P x -> P (a ;; x))
(duplP : forall (a: A) (x: FSetC A) (px : P x),
dupl a x # cnsP a (a;;x) (cnsP a x px) = cnsP a x px)
(commP : forall (a b: A) (x: FSetC A) (px: P x),
comm a b x # cnsP a (b;;x) (cnsP b x px) =
cnsP b (a;;x) (cnsP a x px)).
(* Induction principle *)
Fixpoint FSetC_ind
(x : FSetC A)
{struct x}
: P x
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> P x with
| Nil => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => eP
| a ;; y => fun _ => fun _ => fun _ => cnsP a y (FSetC_ind y)
end) H duplP commP.
End FSetC_induction.
Section FSetC_recursion.
Variable (A : Type)
(P : Type)
(H : IsHSet P)
(nil : P)
(cns : A -> P -> P)
(duplP : forall (a: A) (x: P), cns a (cns a x) = (cns a x))
(commP : forall (a b: A) (x: P), cns a (cns b x) = cns b (cns a x)).
(* Recursion principle *)
Definition FSetC_rec : FSetC A -> P.
simple refine (FSetC_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ );
try (intros; simple refine ((transport_const _ _) @ _ )); cbn.
- apply nil.
- apply (fun a => fun _ => cns a).
- apply duplP.
- apply commP.
End FSetC_recursion.
Instance FSetC_recursion A : HitRecursion (FSetC A) :=
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := FSetC_ind A; H_recursor := FSetC_rec A
End FSetC.
Infix ";;" := Cns (at level 8, right associativity).

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* Operations on [FSetC A] *) (** Operations on [FSetC A] *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import representations.cons_repr. Require Import list_representation.
Section operations. Section operations.
Global Instance fsetc_union : forall A, hasUnion (FSetC A). Global Instance fsetc_union : forall A, hasUnion (FSetC A).

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(* Properties of the operations on [FSetC A] *) (** Properties of the operations on [FSetC A] *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import representations.cons_repr. Require Import list_representation list_representation.operations.
From fsets Require Import operations_cons_repr.
Section properties. Section properties.
Context {A : Type}. Context {A : Type}.
@ -42,21 +41,18 @@ Section properties.
forall (x1 x2: FSetC A), x1 x2 = x2 x1. forall (x1 x2: FSetC A), x1 x2 = x2 x1.
Proof. Proof.
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply set_path2). hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply set_path2).
- intros. symmetry. apply append_nr. - intros.
apply (append_nr _)^.
- intros a x1 HR x2. - intros a x1 HR x2.
etransitivity. refine (ap (fun y => a;;y) (HR x2) @ _).
apply (ap (fun y => a;;y) (HR x2)). refine (append_singleton _ _ @ _).
transitivity ((x2 x1) (a;;)). refine ((append_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _).
+ apply append_singleton. refine (ap (x2 ) (append_singleton _ _)^).
+ etransitivity.
* symmetry. apply append_assoc.
* simple refine (ap (x2 ) (append_singleton _ _)^).
Defined. Defined.
Lemma singleton_idem: forall (a: A), Lemma singleton_idem: forall (a: A),
{|a|} {|a|} = {|a|}. {|a|} {|a|} = {|a|}.
Proof. Proof.
unfold singleton.
intro. intro.
apply dupl. apply dupl.
Defined. Defined.

FiniteSets/misc/T.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
(** Merely decidable equality implies LEM *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics prelude.
Section TR.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable A : hProp.
Definition T := Unit + Unit.
Definition R (x y : T) : hProp :=
match x, y with
| inl tt, inl tt => Unit_hp
| inl tt, inr tt => A
| inr tt, inl tt => A
| inr tt, inr tt => Unit_hp
Global Instance R_refl : Reflexive R.
intro x ; destruct x as [[ ] | [ ]] ; apply tt.
Global Instance R_sym : Symmetric R.
repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; destruct x as [[ ] | [ ]])
; auto ; apply tt.
Global Instance R_trans : Transitive R.
repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; destruct x as [[ ] | [ ]]) ; intros
; auto ; apply tt.
Definition TR : Type := quotient R.
Definition TR_zero : TR := class_of R (inl tt).
Definition TR_one : TR := class_of R (inr tt).
Definition equiv_pathspace_T : (TR_zero = TR_one) = (R (inl tt) (inr tt))
:= path_universe (sets_exact R (inl tt) (inr tt)).
Global Instance quotientB_recursion : HitRecursion TR :=
indTy := _;
recTy :=
forall (P : Type) (HP: IsHSet P) (u : T -> P),
(forall x y : T, R x y -> u x = u y) -> TR -> P;
H_inductor := quotient_ind R ;
H_recursor := @quotient_rec _ R _
End TR.
Theorem merely_dec `{Univalence} : (forall (A : Type) (a b : A), hor (a = b) (~a = b))
forall (A : hProp), A + (~A).
intros X A.
specialize (X (TR A) (TR_zero A) (TR_one A)).
rewrite equiv_pathspace_T in X.
apply X.

FiniteSets/misc/bad.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
(* This is a /bad/ definition of FSets, without the 0-truncation.
Here we show that the resulting type is not an h-set. *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import set_names.
Module Export FSet.
Section FSet.
Private Inductive FSet (A : Type): Type :=
| E : FSet A
| L : A -> FSet A
| U : FSet A -> FSet A -> FSet A.
Global Instance fset_empty : forall A, hasEmpty (FSet A) := E.
Global Instance fset_singleton : forall A, hasSingleton (FSet A) A := L.
Global Instance fset_union : forall A, hasUnion (FSet A) := U.
Variable A : Type.
Axiom assoc : forall (x y z : FSet A),
x (y z) = (x y) z.
Axiom comm : forall (x y : FSet A),
x y = y x.
Axiom nl : forall (x : FSet A),
x = x.
Axiom nr : forall (x : FSet A),
x = x.
Axiom idem : forall (x : A),
{|x|} {|x|} = {|x|}.
End FSet.
Arguments assoc {_} _ _ _.
Arguments comm {_} _ _.
Arguments nl {_} _.
Arguments nr {_} _.
Arguments idem {_} _.
Section FSet_induction.
Variable A: Type.
Variable (P : FSet A -> Type).
Variable (eP : P ).
Variable (lP : forall a: A, P {|a |}).
Variable (uP : forall (x y: FSet A), P x -> P y -> P (x y)).
Variable (assocP : forall (x y z : FSet A)
(px: P x) (py: P y) (pz: P z),
assoc x y z #
(uP x (y z) px (uP y z py pz))
(uP (x y) z (uP x y px py) pz)).
Variable (commP : forall (x y: FSet A) (px: P x) (py: P y),
comm x y #
uP x y px py = uP y x py px).
Variable (nlP : forall (x : FSet A) (px: P x),
nl x # uP x eP px = px).
Variable (nrP : forall (x : FSet A) (px: P x),
nr x # uP x px eP = px).
Variable (idemP : forall (x : A),
idem x # uP {|x|} {|x|} (lP x) (lP x) = lP x).
(* Induction principle *)
Fixpoint FSet_ind
(x : FSet A)
{struct x}
: P x
:= (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> _ -> P x with
| E => fun _ _ _ _ _ => eP
| L a => fun _ _ _ _ _ => lP a
| U y z => fun _ _ _ _ _ => uP y z (FSet_ind y) (FSet_ind z)
end) assocP commP nlP nrP idemP.
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_assoc : forall (x y z : FSet A),
apD FSet_ind (assoc x y z) =
(assocP x y z (FSet_ind x) (FSet_ind y) (FSet_ind z)).
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_comm : forall (x y : FSet A),
apD FSet_ind (comm x y) = commP x y (FSet_ind x) (FSet_ind y).
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_nl : forall (x : FSet A),
apD FSet_ind (nl x) = nlP x (FSet_ind x).
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_nr : forall (x : FSet A),
apD FSet_ind (nr x) = nrP x (FSet_ind x).
Axiom FSet_ind_beta_idem : forall (x : A), apD FSet_ind (idem x) = idemP x.
End FSet_induction.
Section FSet_recursion.
Variable A : Type.
Variable P : Type.
Variable e : P.
Variable l : A -> P.
Variable u : P -> P -> P.
Variable assocP : forall (x y z : P), u x (u y z) = u (u x y) z.
Variable commP : forall (x y : P), u x y = u y x.
Variable nlP : forall (x : P), u e x = x.
Variable nrP : forall (x : P), u x e = x.
Variable idemP : forall (x : A), u (l x) (l x) = l x.
Definition FSet_rec : FSet A -> P.
simple refine (FSet_ind A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ; try (intros ; simple refine ((transport_const _ _) @ _)) ; cbn.
- apply e.
- apply l.
- intros x y ; apply u.
- apply assocP.
- apply commP.
- apply nlP.
- apply nrP.
- apply idemP.
Definition FSet_rec_beta_assoc : forall (x y z : FSet A),
ap FSet_rec (assoc x y z)
assocP (FSet_rec x) (FSet_rec y) (FSet_rec z).
unfold FSet_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (assoc x y z) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply FSet_ind_beta_assoc.
Definition FSet_rec_beta_comm : forall (x y : FSet A),
ap FSet_rec (comm x y)
commP (FSet_rec x) (FSet_rec y).
unfold FSet_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (comm x y) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply FSet_ind_beta_comm.
Definition FSet_rec_beta_nl : forall (x : FSet A),
ap FSet_rec (nl x)
nlP (FSet_rec x).
unfold FSet_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (nl x) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply FSet_ind_beta_nl.
Definition FSet_rec_beta_nr : forall (x : FSet A),
ap FSet_rec (nr x)
nrP (FSet_rec x).
unfold FSet_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (nr x) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply FSet_ind_beta_nr.
Definition FSet_rec_beta_idem : forall (a : A),
ap FSet_rec (idem a)
idemP a.
unfold FSet_rec.
eapply (cancelL (transport_const (idem a) _)).
simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _).
apply FSet_ind_beta_idem.
End FSet_recursion.
Instance FSet_recursion A : HitRecursion (FSet A) :=
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := FSet_ind A; H_recursor := FSet_rec A
End FSet.
Section set_sphere.
From HoTT.HIT Require Import Circle.
Context `{Univalence}.
Instance S1_recursion : HitRecursion S1 :=
indTy := _; recTy := _;
H_inductor := S1_ind; H_recursor := S1_rec
Variable A : Type.
Definition f (x : S1) : x = x.
hrecursion x.
- exact loop.
- refine (transport_paths_FlFr _ _ @ _).
Definition S1op (x y : S1) : S1.
hrecursion y.
- exact x. (* x + base = x *)
- apply f.
Lemma S1op_nr (x : S1) : S1op x base = x.
Proof. reflexivity. Defined.
Lemma S1op_nl (x : S1) : S1op base x = x.
hrecursion x.
- exact loop.
- refine (transport_paths_FlFr loop _ @ _).
apply moveR_pM. apply moveR_pM. hott_simpl.
refine (ap_V _ _ @ _).
f_ap. apply S1_rec_beta_loop.
Lemma S1op_assoc (x y z : S1) : S1op x (S1op y z) = S1op (S1op x y) z.
hrecursion z.
- reflexivity.
- refine (transport_paths_FlFr loop _ @ _).
apply moveR_Mp. hott_simpl.
rewrite S1_rec_beta_loop.
rewrite ap_compose.
rewrite S1_rec_beta_loop.
hrecursion y.
+ symmetry. apply S1_rec_beta_loop.
+ apply is1type_S1.
Lemma S1op_comm (x y : S1) : S1op x y = S1op y x.
hrecursion x.
- apply S1op_nl.
- hrecursion y.
+ rewrite transport_paths_FlFr. hott_simpl.
rewrite S1_rec_beta_loop. reflexivity.
+ apply is1type_S1.
Definition FSet_to_S : FSet A -> S1.
- exact base.
- intro a. exact base.
- exact S1op.
- apply S1op_assoc.
- apply S1op_comm.
- apply S1op_nl.
- apply S1op_nr.
- simpl. reflexivity.
Lemma FSet_S_ap : (nl (E A)) = (nr ) -> idpath = loop.
intros H1.
enough (ap FSet_to_S (nl ) = ap FSet_to_S (nr )) as H'.
- rewrite FSet_rec_beta_nl in H'.
rewrite FSet_rec_beta_nr in H'.
simpl in H'. unfold S1op_nr in H'.
exact H'^.
- f_ap.
Lemma FSet_not_hset : IsHSet (FSet A) -> False.
intros H1.
enough (idpath = loop).
- assert (S1_encode _ idpath = S1_encode _ (loopexp loop (pos Int.one))) as H' by f_ap.
rewrite S1_encode_loopexp in H'. simpl in H'. symmetry in H'.
apply (pos_neq_zero H').
- apply FSet_S_ap.
apply set_path2.
End set_sphere.

FiniteSets/misc/ordered.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
(** If [A] has a total order, then we can pick the minimum of finite sets. *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets kuratowski.operations kuratowski.properties.
Definition relation A := A -> A -> Type.
Section TotalOrder.
Class IsTop (A : Type) (R : relation A) (a : A) :=
top_max : forall x, R x a.
Class LessThan (A : Type) :=
leq : relation A.
Class Antisymmetric {A} (R : relation A) :=
antisymmetry : forall x y, R x y -> R y x -> x = y.
Class Total {A} (R : relation A) :=
total : forall x y, x = y \/ R x y \/ R y x.
Class TotalOrder (A : Type) {R : LessThan A} :=
{ TotalOrder_Reflexive :> Reflexive R | 2 ;
TotalOrder_Antisymmetric :> Antisymmetric R | 2;
TotalOrder_Transitive :> Transitive R | 2;
TotalOrder_Total :> Total R | 2; }.
End TotalOrder.
Section minimum.
Context {A : Type}.
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Definition min (x y : A) : A.
destruct (@total _ R _ x y).
- apply x.
- destruct s as [s | s].
* apply x.
* apply y.
Lemma min_spec1 x y : R (min x y) x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct s as [ | t].
* reflexivity.
* apply t.
Lemma min_spec2 x y z : R z x -> R z y -> R z (min x y).
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) as [ | s].
* assumption.
* try (destruct s) ; assumption.
Lemma min_comm x y : min x y = min y x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) ; destruct (total y x) ; simpl.
- assumption.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; auto.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; symmetry ; auto.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; destruct s0 as [s0 | s0] ; try reflexivity.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
Lemma min_idem x : min x x = x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x x) ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct s ; reflexivity.
Lemma min_assoc x y z : min (min x y) z = min x (min y z).
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
- apply min_spec2.
* etransitivity ; apply min_spec1.
* apply min_spec2.
** etransitivity ; try (apply min_spec1).
rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
** rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
- apply min_spec2.
* apply min_spec2.
** apply min_spec1.
** etransitivity.
{ rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
apply min_spec1.
* transitivity (min y z); simpl
; rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
Variable (top : A).
Context `{IsTop A R top}.
Lemma min_nr x : min x top = x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x top).
- reflexivity.
- destruct s.
* reflexivity.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
** assumption.
** refine (top_max _). apply _.
Lemma min_nl x : min top x = x.
rewrite min_comm.
apply min_nr.
Lemma min_top_l x y : min x y = top -> x = top.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y).
- apply idmap.
- destruct s as [s | s].
* apply idmap.
* intros X.
rewrite X in s.
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
** apply top_max.
** assumption.
Lemma min_top_r x y : min x y = top -> y = top.
rewrite min_comm.
apply min_top_l.
End minimum.
Section add_top.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Definition Top := A + Unit.
Definition top : Top := inr tt.
Global Instance RTop : LessThan Top.
unfold relation.
induction 1 as [a1 | ] ; induction 1 as [a2 | ].
- apply (R a1 a2).
- apply Unit_hp.
- apply False_hp.
- apply Unit_hp.
Global Instance rtop_hprop :
is_mere_relation A R -> is_mere_relation Top RTop.
intros P a b.
destruct a ; destruct b ; apply _.
Global Instance RTopOrder : TotalOrder Top.
- intros x ; induction x ; unfold RTop ; simpl.
* reflexivity.
* apply tt.
- intros x y ; induction x as [a1 | ] ; induction y as [a2 | ] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
; try contradiction.
* intros ; f_ap.
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
* intros ; induction b ; induction b0.
- intros x y z ; induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2]
; induction z as [a3 | b3] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
; try contradiction ; intros ; try (apply tt).
transitivity a2 ; assumption.
- intros x y.
unfold RTop ; simpl.
induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2] ; try (apply (inl idpath)).
* destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
** left ; f_ap ; assumption.
** right ; assumption.
* apply (inr(inl tt)).
* apply (inr(inr tt)).
* left ; induction b1 ; induction b2 ; reflexivity.
Global Instance top_a_top : IsTop Top RTop top.
intro x ; destruct x ; apply tt.
End add_top.
(** If [A] has a total order, then a nonempty finite set has a minimum element. *)
Section min_set.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Context `{is_mere_relation A R}.
Context `{Univalence} `{IsHSet A}.
Definition min_set : FSet A -> Top A.
- apply (top A).
- apply inl.
- apply min.
- intros ; symmetry ; apply min_assoc.
- apply min_comm.
- apply min_nl. apply _.
- apply min_nr. apply _.
- intros ; apply min_idem.
Definition empty_min : forall (X : FSet A), min_set X = top A -> X = .
simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro q ; apply set_path2)
; simpl.
- intros ; reflexivity.
- intros.
unfold top in X.
enough Empty.
{ contradiction. }
refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl a) _ _).
* apply tt.
* rewrite X ; apply tt.
- intros.
assert (min_set x = top A).
simple refine (min_top_l _ _ (min_set y) _) ; assumption.
rewrite (X X2).
rewrite nl.
assert (min_set y = top A).
{ simple refine (min_top_r _ (min_set x) _ _) ; assumption. }
rewrite (X0 X3).
Definition min_set_spec (a : A) : forall (X : FSet A),
a X -> RTop A (min_set X) (inl a).
simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop)
; simpl.
- contradiction.
- intros.
rewrite X.
- intros.
unfold member in X, X0.
destruct X1.
* specialize (X t).
assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set x)) as X1.
{ apply min_spec1. }
{ apply X1. }
* specialize (X0 t).
assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set y)) as X1.
{ rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
{ apply X1. }
End min_set.

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import variations.k_finite variations.b_finite. Require Import subobjects.k_finite subobjects.b_finite FSets.
Require Import FSets. Require Import misc.T.
Require Import representations.T.
Class IsProjective (X : Type) := Class IsProjective (X : Type) :=
projective : forall {P Q : Type} (p : P -> Q) (f : X -> Q), projective : forall {P Q : Type} (p : P -> Q) (f : X -> Q),

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@ -1,826 +0,0 @@
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import HitTactics.
Require Import definition.
Require Import operations.
Require Import properties.
Definition relation A := A -> A -> Type.
Section TotalOrder.
Class IsTop (A : Type) (R : relation A) (a : A) :=
top_max : forall x, R x a.
Class LessThan (A : Type) :=
leq : relation A.
Class Antisymmetric {A} (R : relation A) :=
antisymmetry : forall x y, R x y -> R y x -> x = y.
Class Total {A} (R : relation A) :=
total : forall x y, x = y \/ R x y \/ R y x.
Class TotalOrder (A : Type) {R : LessThan A} :=
{ TotalOrder_Reflexive :> Reflexive R | 2 ;
TotalOrder_Antisymmetric :> Antisymmetric R | 2;
TotalOrder_Transitive :> Transitive R | 2;
TotalOrder_Total :> Total R | 2; }.
End TotalOrder.
Section minimum.
Context {A : Type}.
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Definition min (x y : A) : A.
destruct (@total _ R _ x y).
- apply x.
- destruct s as [s | s].
* apply x.
* apply y.
Lemma min_spec1 x y : R (min x y) x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct s as [ | t].
* reflexivity.
* apply t.
Lemma min_spec2 x y z : R z x -> R z y -> R z (min x y).
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) as [ | s].
* assumption.
* try (destruct s) ; assumption.
Lemma min_comm x y : min x y = min y x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y) ; destruct (total y x) ; simpl.
- assumption.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; auto.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; symmetry ; auto.
- destruct s as [s | s] ; destruct s0 as [s0 | s0] ; try reflexivity.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
Lemma min_idem x : min x x = x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x x) ; simpl.
- reflexivity.
- destruct s ; reflexivity.
Lemma min_assoc x y z : min (min x y) z = min x (min y z).
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
- apply min_spec2.
* etransitivity ; apply min_spec1.
* apply min_spec2.
** etransitivity ; try (apply min_spec1).
rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
** rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
- apply min_spec2.
* apply min_spec2.
** apply min_spec1.
** etransitivity.
{ rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
apply min_spec1.
* transitivity (min y z); simpl
; rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1.
Variable (top : A).
Context `{IsTop A R top}.
Lemma min_nr x : min x top = x.
unfold min.
destruct (total x top).
- reflexivity.
- destruct s.
* reflexivity.
* apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
** assumption.
** refine (top_max _). apply _.
Lemma min_nl x : min top x = x.
rewrite min_comm.
apply min_nr.
Lemma min_top_l x y : min x y = top -> x = top.
unfold min.
destruct (total x y).
- apply idmap.
- destruct s as [s | s].
* apply idmap.
* intros X.
rewrite X in s.
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _).
** apply top_max.
** assumption.
Lemma min_top_r x y : min x y = top -> y = top.
rewrite min_comm.
apply min_top_l.
End minimum.
Section add_top.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Definition Top := A + Unit.
Definition top : Top := inr tt.
Global Instance RTop : LessThan Top.
unfold relation.
induction 1 as [a1 | ] ; induction 1 as [a2 | ].
- apply (R a1 a2).
- apply Unit_hp.
- apply False_hp.
- apply Unit_hp.
Global Instance rtop_hprop :
is_mere_relation A R -> is_mere_relation Top RTop.
intros P a b.
destruct a ; destruct b ; apply _.
Global Instance RTopOrder : TotalOrder Top.
- intros x ; induction x ; unfold RTop ; simpl.
* reflexivity.
* apply tt.
- intros x y ; induction x as [a1 | ] ; induction y as [a2 | ] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
; try contradiction.
* intros ; f_ap.
apply (@antisymmetry _ R _ _) ; assumption.
* intros ; induction b ; induction b0.
- intros x y z ; induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2]
; induction z as [a3 | b3] ; unfold RTop ; simpl
; try contradiction ; intros ; try (apply tt).
transitivity a2 ; assumption.
- intros x y.
unfold RTop ; simpl.
induction x as [a1 | b1] ; induction y as [a2 | b2] ; try (apply (inl idpath)).
* destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
** left ; f_ap ; assumption.
** right ; assumption.
* apply (inr(inl tt)).
* apply (inr(inr tt)).
* left ; induction b1 ; induction b2 ; reflexivity.
Global Instance top_a_top : IsTop Top RTop top.
intro x ; destruct x ; apply tt.
End add_top.
Section min_set.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{TotalOrder A}.
Context `{is_mere_relation A R}.
Context `{Univalence} `{IsHSet A}.
Definition min_set : FSet A -> Top A.
- apply (top A).
- apply inl.
- apply min.
- intros ; symmetry ; apply min_assoc.
- apply min_comm.
- apply min_nl. apply _.
- apply min_nr. apply _.
- intros ; apply min_idem.
Definition empty_min : forall (X : FSet A), min_set X = top A -> X = .
simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro q ; apply set_path2)
; simpl.
- intros ; reflexivity.
- intros.
unfold top in X.
enough Empty.
{ contradiction. }
refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl a) _ _).
* apply tt.
* rewrite X ; apply tt.
- intros.
assert (min_set x = top A).
simple refine (min_top_l _ _ (min_set y) _) ; assumption.
rewrite (X X2).
rewrite nl.
assert (min_set y = top A).
{ simple refine (min_top_r _ (min_set x) _ _) ; assumption. }
rewrite (X0 X3).
Definition min_set_spec (a : A) : forall (X : FSet A),
a X -> RTop A (min_set X) (inl a).
simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)
; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop)
; simpl.
- contradiction.
- intros.
rewrite X.
- intros.
unfold member in X, X0.
destruct X1.
* specialize (X t).
assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set x)) as X1.
{ apply min_spec1. }
{ apply X1. }
* specialize (X0 t).
assert (RTop A (min (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set y)) as X1.
{ rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. }
{ apply X1. }
End min_set.
Ltac eq_neq_tac :=
match goal with
| [ H: ?x <> E, H': ?x = E |- _ ] => destruct H; assumption
Ltac destruct_match_1 :=
repeat match goal with
| [|- match ?X with | _ => _ end ] => destruct X
| [|- ?X = ?Y ] => apply path_ishprop
| [ H: ?x <> E |- Empty ] => destruct H
| [ H1: ?x = E, H2: ?y = E, H3: ?w ?q = E |- ?r = E]
=> rewrite H1, H2 in H3; rewrite nl in H3; rewrite nl in H3
Lemma transport_dom_eq (D1 D2 C: Type) (P: D1 = D2) (f: D1 -> C) :
transport (fun T: Type => T -> C) P f = fun y => f (transport (fun X => X) P^ y).
induction P.
Lemma transport_dom_eq_gen (Ty: Type) (D1 D2: Ty) (C: Type) (P: D1 = D2)
(Q : Ty -> Type) (f: Q D1 -> C) :
transport (fun X: Ty => Q X -> C) P f = fun y => f (transport Q P^ y).
induction P.
(* Lemma min {HFun: Funext} (x: FSet A): x <> ∅ -> A. *)
(* Proof. *)
(* hrecursion x. *)
(* - intro H. destruct H. reflexivity. *)
(* - intros. exact a. *)
(* - intros x y rx ry H. *)
(* apply union_non_empty' in H. *)
(* destruct H. *)
(* + destruct p. specialize (rx fst). exact rx. *)
(* + destruct s. *)
(* * destruct p. specialize (ry snd). exact ry. *)
(* * destruct p. specialize (rx fst). specialize (ry snd). *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total rx ry) as [Heq | [ Hx | Hy ]]. *)
(* ** exact rx. *)
(* ** exact rx. *)
(* ** exact ry. *)
(* - intros. rewrite transport_dom_eq_gen. *)
(* apply path_forall. intro y0. *)
(* destruct ( union_non_empty' x y z *)
(* (transport (fun X : FSet A => X <> ∅) (assoc x y z)^ y0)) *)
(* as [[ G1 G2] | [[ G3 G4] | [G5 G6]]]. *)
(* + pose (G2' := G2). apply eset_union_lr in G2'; destruct G2'. cbn. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0) as *)
(* [[H'x H'y] | [ [H'a H'b] | [H'c H'd]]]; try eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y H'x). *)
(* ** destruct p. assert (G1 = fst0). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* ** destruct s; destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* + destruct (union_non_empty' y z G4) as *)
(* [[H'x H'y] | [ [H'a H'b] | [H'c H'd]]]; try eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* ** destruct p. cbn. destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst). *)
(* *** destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* *** destruct s. destruct p. *)
(* **** assert (H'x = snd0). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* **** destruct p. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ** destruct s; destruct p; try eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ** destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* *** destruct p. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* *** destruct s. destruct p. *)
(* **** assert (H'b = snd). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* **** destruct p. assert (x y = E). *)
(* rewrite H'a, G3. apply union_idem. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ** cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py H'c) (pz H'd)). *)
(* *** destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* **** destruct p0. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* **** destruct s. *)
(* ***** destruct p0. rewrite G3, nl in fst. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ***** destruct p0. destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst). *)
(* ****** destruct p0. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ****** destruct s. *)
(* ******* destruct p0. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py snd0) (pz snd)). *)
(* f_ap. apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* destruct s. f_ap. apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite p. f_ap. apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* ******* destruct p0. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* *** destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* **** destruct p. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* **** destruct s0. destruct p. rewrite comm in fst. *)
(* apply eset_union_l in fst. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst). *)
(* ***** destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ***** destruct s0. destruct p. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py snd0) (pz snd)); *)
(* destruct s; try (f_ap; apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop). *)
(* rewrite p. f_ap; apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* destruct s0. f_ap; apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (snd0 = H'c). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (snd = H'd). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite <- X0 in r. rewrite X in r0. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* destruct s0. *)
(* assert (snd0 = H'c). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (snd = H'd). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite <- X in r. rewrite X0 in r0. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* f_ap; apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* + cbn. destruct (union_non_empty' y z G6). *)
(* ** destruct p. destruct ( union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* *** destruct p. destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst0). *)
(* **** destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* **** destruct s; destruct p. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* assert (fst1 = G5). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (fst = snd1). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite X, X0. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (py snd1)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s; reflexivity. *)
(* *** destruct s; destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ** destruct (union_non_empty' x y z y0). *)
(* *** destruct p. destruct s; destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* *** destruct s. destruct p. destruct s0. destruct p. *)
(* apply eset_union_l in fst0. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* **** destruct p. *)
(* assert (snd = snd0). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst0). *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* assert (fst1 = G5). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (fst = snd1). apply set_path2. *)
(* ***** rewrite X0. rewrite <- X. reflexivity. *)
(* ***** destruct s; destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* **** destruct s0. destruct p0. destruct p. *)
(* ***** apply eset_union_l in fst. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* ***** destruct p, p0. *)
(* assert (snd0 = snd). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite X. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x y fst0). *)
(* destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct s. destruct p; eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* assert (fst = snd1). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* assert (fst1 = G5). apply path_forall; intro; *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite <- X0. rewrite X1. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py fst) (pz snd)). *)
(* ****** rewrite <- p. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (py fst)). *)
(* rewrite <- p0. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (px G5)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s; reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (py fst)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py fst) (py fst)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s; *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* ****** destruct s. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (py fst)). *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (pz snd)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* reflexivity. rewrite <- p in r. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* destruct ( TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (pz snd)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. reflexivity. *)
(* apply (TotalOrder_Transitive (px G5)) in r. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* assumption. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py fst) (pz snd)). reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. reflexivity. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* ******* *)
(* destruct ( TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (py fst)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. destruct (TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (pz snd)). *)
(* reflexivity. destruct s; reflexivity. *)
(* destruct ( TotalOrder_Total (px G5) (pz snd)). *)
(* rewrite <- p. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py fst) (px G5)). *)
(* apply symmetry; assumption. *)
(* destruct s. rewrite <- p in r. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. *)
(* reflexivity. destruct s. *)
(* assert ((py fst) = (pz snd)). apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric. *)
(* apply (TotalOrder_Transitive (py fst) (px G5)); assumption. *)
(* assumption. rewrite X2. assert (px G5 = pz snd). *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric. assumption. *)
(* apply (TotalOrder_Transitive (pz snd) (py fst)); assumption. *)
(* rewrite X3. *)
(* destruct ( TotalOrder_Total (pz snd) (pz snd)). *)
(* reflexivity. destruct s; reflexivity. *)
(* destruct (TotalOrder_Total (py fst) (pz snd)). *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric. assumption. rewrite p. *)
(* apply (TotalOrder_Reflexive). destruct s. *)
(* apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption. reflexivity. *)
(* - intros. rewrite transport_dom_eq_gen. *)
(* apply path_forall. intro y0. cbn. *)
(* destruct *)
(* (union_non_empty' x y *)
(* (transport (fun X : FSet A => X <> ∅) (comm x y)^ y0)) as *)
(* [[Hx Hy] | [ [Ha Hb] | [Hc Hd]]]; *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' y x y0) as *)
(* [[H'x H'y] | [ [H'a H'b] | [H'c H'd]]]; *)
(* try (eq_neq_tac). *)
(* assert (Hx = H'b). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* assert (Hb = H'x). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* assert (Hd = H'c). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. *)
(* assert (H'd = Hc). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. *)
(* rewrite X0. rewrite <- X. *)
(* destruct *)
(* (TotalOrder_Total (px Hc) (py Hd)) as [G1 | [G2 | G3]]; *)
(* destruct *)
(* (TotalOrder_Total (py Hd) (px Hc)) as [T1 | [T2 | T3]]; *)
(* try (assumption); *)
(* try (reflexivity); *)
(* try (apply symmetry; assumption); *)
(* try (apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption). *)
(* - intros. rewrite transport_dom_eq_gen. *)
(* apply path_forall. intro y. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' ∅ x (transport (fun X : FSet A => X <> ∅) (nl x)^ y)). *)
(* destruct p. eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* assert (y = snd). *)
(* apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* destruct p. destruct fst. *)
(* - intros. rewrite transport_dom_eq_gen. *)
(* apply path_forall. intro y. *)
(* destruct (union_non_empty' x ∅ (transport (fun X : FSet A => X <> ∅) (nr x)^ y)). *)
(* destruct p. assert (y = fst). apply path_forall. intro. *)
(* apply path_ishprop. rewrite X. reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* eq_neq_tac. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* destruct snd. *)
(* - intros. rewrite transport_dom_eq_gen. *)
(* apply path_forall. intro y. *)
(* destruct ( union_non_empty' {|x|} {|x|} (transport (fun X : FSet A => X <> ∅) (idem x)^ y)). *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s. *)
(* reflexivity. *)
(* destruct p. *)
(* cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total x x). reflexivity. *)
(* destruct s; reflexivity. *)
(* Defined. *)
Definition minfset {HFun: Funext} :
FSet A -> { Y: (FSet A) & (Y = E) + { a: A & Y = L a } }.
intro X.
hinduction X.
- exists E. left. reflexivity.
- intro a. exists (L a). right. exists a. reflexivity.
- intros IH1 IH2.
destruct IH1 as [R1 HR1].
destruct IH2 as [R2 HR2].
destruct HR1.
destruct HR2.
exists E; left. reflexivity.
destruct s as [a Ha]. exists (L a). right.
exists a. reflexivity.
destruct HR2.
destruct s as [a Ha].
exists (L a). right. exists a. reflexivity.
destruct s as [a1 Ha1].
destruct s0 as [a2 Ha2].
assert (a1 = a2 \/ R a1 a2 \/ R a2 a1).
apply TotalOrder_Total.
destruct X.
exists (L a1). right. exists a1. reflexivity.
destruct s.
exists (L a1). right. exists a1. reflexivity.
exists (L a2). right. exists a2. reflexivity.
- cbn. intros R1 R2 R3.
destruct R1 as [Res1 HR1].
destruct HR1 as [HR1E | HR1S].
destruct R2 as [Res2 HR2].
destruct HR2 as [HR2E | HR2S].
destruct R3 as [Res3 HR3].
destruct HR3 as [HR3E | HR3S].
+ cbn. reflexivity.
+ cbn. reflexivity.
+ cbn. destruct R3 as [Res3 HR3].
destruct HR3 as [HR3E | HR3S].
* cbn. reflexivity.
* destruct HR2S as [a2 Ha2].
destruct HR3S as [a3 Ha3].
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
** cbn. reflexivity.
** destruct s. cbn. reflexivity.
cbn. reflexivity.
+ destruct HR1S as [a1 Ha1].
destruct R2 as [Res2 HR2].
destruct HR2 as [HR2E | HR2S].
destruct R3 as [Res3 HR3].
destruct HR3 as [HR3E | HR3S].
* cbn. reflexivity.
* destruct HR3S as [a3 Ha3].
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
destruct s; reflexivity.
* destruct HR2S as [a2 Ha2].
destruct R3 as [Res3 HR3].
destruct HR3 as [HR3E | HR3S].
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
cbn. reflexivity.
destruct s.
cbn. reflexivity.
cbn. reflexivity.
destruct HR3S as [a3 Ha3].
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
** rewrite p.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
rewrite p0.
destruct ( TotalOrder_Total a3 a3).
destruct s; reflexivity.
destruct s. cbn.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
destruct s. reflexivity.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a3 a3).
destruct s; reflexivity.
** destruct s.
*** cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
destruct s. reflexivity.
rewrite <- p in r.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
destruct s. cbn.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
destruct s. reflexivity.
assert (R a1 a3).
apply (TotalOrder_Transitive a1 a2); assumption.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X0. reflexivity.
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
destruct s.
assert (a2 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
*** cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
rewrite p. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a3 a2).
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a3 a3).
reflexivity. destruct s; reflexivity.
destruct s. cbn.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a3 a3).
reflexivity. destruct s; reflexivity.
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
rewrite p0.
destruct s.
assert (a2 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity. reflexivity.
destruct s.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric. assumption.
rewrite <- p in r. assumption.
destruct s. reflexivity. rewrite X. reflexivity.
destruct s. cbn.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3). reflexivity.
destruct s. reflexivity.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
rewrite p in r1.
assert (a2 = a1).
transitivity a3.
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
destruct s.
assert (a1 = a2).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric.
apply (TotalOrder_Transitive a1 a3); assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric.
apply (TotalOrder_Transitive a3 a2); assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
destruct ( TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3).
rewrite p0.
destruct s.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity. reflexivity.
destruct s.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3 ).
rewrite p.
destruct s.
assert (a1 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity. reflexivity.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a3 ).
assert (a2 = a3).
rewrite p in r1.
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a3 a3). reflexivity.
destruct s; reflexivity.
destruct s.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
rewrite p.
destruct s.
assert (a2 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity.
cbn. destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a3).
rewrite p.
destruct s.
assert (a2 = a3).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X. reflexivity. reflexivity.
- cbn. intros R1 R2.
destruct R1 as [La1 HR1].
destruct HR1 as [HR1E | HR1S].
destruct R2 as [La2 HR2].
destruct HR2 as [HR2E | HR2S].
destruct R2 as [La2 HR2].
destruct HR2 as [HR2E | HR2S].
destruct HR1S as [a1 Ha1].
destruct HR2S as [a2 Ha2].
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a1 a2).
rewrite p.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a2).
destruct s; reflexivity.
destruct s.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a1).
rewrite p.
destruct s.
assert (a1 = a2).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total a2 a1).
rewrite p.
destruct s.
assert (a1 = a2).
apply TotalOrder_Antisymmetric; assumption.
rewrite X.
- cbn. intro R. destruct R as [La HR].
destruct HR. rewrite <- p. reflexivity.
destruct s as [a1 H].
apply (path_sigma' _ H^).
rewrite transport_sum.
rewrite transport_sigma.
simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _ ).
apply transport_const.
apply set_path2.
- intros R. cbn.
destruct R as [ R HR].
destruct HR as [HE | Ha ].
rewrite <- HE. reflexivity.
destruct Ha as [a Ha].
apply (path_sigma' _ Ha^).
rewrite transport_sum.
rewrite transport_sigma.
simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _ ).
apply transport_const.
apply set_path2.
- cbn. intro.
destruct (TotalOrder_Total x x).
destruct s.

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
(** Some general prerequisities in homotopy type theory. *)
Require Import HoTT. Require Import HoTT.
(* Lemmas from this file do not belong in this project. *)
(* Some of them should probably be in the HoTT library? *)
Lemma ap_inl_path_sum_inl {A B} (x y : A) (p : inl x = inl y) : Lemma ap_inl_path_sum_inl {A B} (x y : A) (p : inl x = inl y) :
ap inl (path_sum_inl B p) = p. ap inl (path_sum_inl B p) = p.
Proof. Proof.
@ -11,9 +9,13 @@ Proof.
destruct (path_sum_inl B p). destruct (path_sum_inl B p).
reflexivity. reflexivity.
Defined. Defined.
Lemma ap_equiv {A B} (f : A <~> B) {x y : A} (p : x = y) : Lemma ap_equiv {A B} (f : A <~> B) {x y : A} (p : x = y) :
ap (f^-1 o f) p = eissect f x @ p @ (eissect f y)^. ap (f^-1 o f) p = eissect f x @ p @ (eissect f y)^.
Proof. destruct p. hott_simpl. Defined. Proof.
destruct p.
Global Instance hprop_lem `{Univalence} (T : Type) (Ttrunc : IsHProp T) : IsHProp (T + ~T). Global Instance hprop_lem `{Univalence} (T : Type) (Ttrunc : IsHProp T) : IsHProp (T + ~T).
Proof. Proof.

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
(* Bishop-finiteness is that "default" notion of finiteness in the HoTT library *) (* Bishop-finiteness is that "default" notion of finiteness in the HoTT library *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics plumbing. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import Sub notation variations.k_finite. Require Import sub subobjects.k_finite FSets prelude.
Require Import fsets.properties fsets.monad.
Section finite_hott. Section finite_hott.
Variable (A : Type). Variable (A : Type).
@ -322,7 +321,7 @@ Section bfin_kfin.
apply Kf_unfold in IH. apply Kf_unfold in IH.
destruct IH as [X HX]. destruct IH as [X HX].
apply Kf_unfold. apply Kf_unfold.
exists ((ffmap inl X) {|inr tt|}); simpl. exists ((fmap FSet inl X) {|inr tt|}); simpl.
intros [a | []]; apply tr. intros [a | []]; apply tr.
+ left. + left.
apply fmap_isIn. apply fmap_isIn.
@ -380,7 +379,6 @@ Section kfin_bfin.
{ intros HXY. rewrite HXY. { intros HXY. rewrite HXY.
by apply IHn. } by apply IHn. }
apply path_forall. intro a. apply path_forall. intro a.
unfold union, sub_union, lattice.max_fun.
apply path_iff_hprop. apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros Ha. * intros Ha.
strip_truncations. strip_truncations.

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
(* Enumerated finite sets *) (* Enumerated finite sets *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import disjunction Sub. Require Import sub prelude FSets list_representation subobjects.k_finite
Require Import representations.cons_repr representations.definition. list_representation.isomorphism
Require Import variations.k_finite. lattice_interface lattice_examples.
From fsets Require Import operations isomorphism properties_decidable operations_decidable.
Fixpoint listExt {A} (ls : list A) : Sub A := fun x => Fixpoint listExt {A} (ls : list A) : Sub A := fun x =>
match ls with match ls with

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import lattice representations.definition fsets.operations extensionality Sub fsets.properties fsets.monad. Require Import sub lattice_interface lattice_examples FSets.
Section k_finite. Section k_finite.
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ Section k_properties.
Proof. Proof.
intros HX. apply Kf_unfold. apply Kf_unfold in HX. intros HX. apply Kf_unfold. apply Kf_unfold in HX.
destruct HX as [Xf HXf]. destruct HX as [Xf HXf].
exists (ffmap f Xf). exists (fmap FSet f Xf).
intro y. intro y.
pose (x' := center (merely (hfiber f y))). pose (x' := center (merely (hfiber f y))).
simple refine (@Trunc_rec (-1) (hfiber f y) _ _ _ x'). clear x'; intro x. simple refine (@Trunc_rec (-1) (hfiber f y) _ _ _ x'). clear x'; intro x.
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ Section alternative_definition.
Local Ltac help_solve := Local Ltac help_solve :=
repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; destruct x) ; intros repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; destruct x) ; intros
; try (simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)) ; try (apply path_ishprop) ; simpl ; try (simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)) ; try (apply path_ishprop) ; simpl
; unfold union, Sub.sub_union, max_fun ; unfold union, sub_union, max_fun
; apply path_forall ; apply path_forall
; intro z ; intro z
; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances. ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances.