Simplified proof of extensionality

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Niels 2017-08-14 16:39:20 +02:00
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@ -13,64 +13,41 @@ Section lor_props.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable X Y Z : hProp.
Local Ltac lor_intros :=
let x := fresh in intro x
; repeat (strip_truncations ; destruct x as [x | x]).
Lemma lor_assoc : (X Y) Z = X Y Z.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [xy | z] ; cbn.
+ simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ xy).
intros [x | y].
++ apply (tr (inl x)).
++ apply (tr (inr (tr (inl y)))).
+ apply (tr (inr (tr (inr z)))).
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [x | yz] ; cbn.
+ apply (tr (inl (tr (inl x)))).
+ simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ yz).
intros [y | z].
++ apply (tr (inl (tr (inr y)))).
++ apply (tr (inr z)).
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto
; try (left ; apply tr)
; try (right ; apply tr) ; auto.
Lemma lor_comm : X Y = Y X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [x | y].
+ apply (tr (inr x)).
+ apply (tr (inl y)).
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [y | x].
+ apply (tr (inr y)).
+ apply (tr (inl x)).
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; apply tr ; auto.
Lemma lor_nl : False_hp X = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [ | x].
+ apply Empty_rec.
+ apply x.
* apply (fun x => tr (inr x)).
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inr _))) ; auto.
Lemma lor_nr : X False_hp = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
* simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [x | ].
+ apply x.
+ apply Empty_rec.
* apply (fun x => tr (inl x)).
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros ; try contradiction
; try (refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
Lemma lor_idem : X X = X.
apply path_iff_hprop ; cbn.
- simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _).
intros [x | x] ; apply x.
- apply (fun x => tr (inl x)).
apply path_iff_hprop ; lor_intros
; try(refine (tr(inl _))) ; auto.
End lor_props.

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@ -6,23 +6,20 @@ Section ext.
Context {A : Type}.
Context `{Univalence}.
Lemma equiv_subset_l : forall (X Y : FSet A), Y X = X -> forall a, a Y -> a X.
Lemma equiv_subset1_l (X Y : FSet A) (H1 : Y X = X) (a : A) (Ya : a Y) : a X.
intros X Y H1 a Ya.
rewrite <- H1.
apply (tr(inl Ya)).
apply (transport (fun Z => a Z) H1 (tr(inl Ya))).
Lemma equiv_subset_r : forall (X Y : FSet A), (forall a, a Y -> a X) -> Y X = X.
Lemma equiv_subset1_r X : forall (Y : FSet A), (forall a, a Y -> a X) -> Y X = X.
intros X.
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply path_ishprop).
hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
- intros.
apply nl.
- intros b sub.
specialize (sub b (tr idpath)).
revert sub.
hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro ; apply path_ishprop).
hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop).
* contradiction.
* intros.
@ -30,45 +27,42 @@ Section ext.
apply union_idem.
* intros X Y subX subY mem.
destruct mem.
** rewrite assoc.
rewrite (subX t).
destruct mem as [t | t].
** rewrite assoc, (subX t).
** rewrite (comm X).
rewrite assoc.
rewrite (subY t).
** rewrite (comm X), assoc, (subY t).
- intros Y1 Y2 H1 H2 H3.
rewrite <- assoc.
rewrite (H2 (fun a HY => H3 a (tr(inr HY)))).
rewrite (H1 (fun a HY => H3 a (tr(inl HY)))).
apply (H1 (fun a HY => H3 a (tr(inl HY)))).
Lemma eq_subset' (X Y : FSet A) : X = Y <~> (Y X = X) * (X Y = Y).
Lemma eq_subset1 X Y : (Y X = X) * (X Y = Y) <~> forall (a : A), a X = a Y.
unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
{ intro H'. rewrite H'. split; apply union_idem. }
unshelve esplit.
{ intros [H1 H2]. etransitivity. apply H1^.
rewrite comm. apply H2. }
intro; apply path_prod; apply set_path2.
all: intro; apply set_path2.
eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
- intros [H1 H2] a.
apply path_iff_hprop ; apply equiv_subset1_l ; assumption.
- intros H1.
split ; apply equiv_subset1_r ; intros.
* rewrite H1 ; assumption.
* rewrite <- H1 ; assumption.
Lemma eq_subset2 (X Y : FSet A) : X = Y <~> (Y X = X) * (X Y = Y).
eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
- intro Heq.
* apply (ap (fun Z => Z X) Heq^ @ union_idem X).
* apply (ap (fun Z => Z Y) Heq @ union_idem Y).
- intros [H1 H2].
apply (H1^ @ comm Y X @ H2).
Theorem fset_ext (X Y : FSet A) :
X = Y <~> (forall (a : A), a X = a Y).
X = Y <~> forall (a : A), a X = a Y.
refine (@equiv_compose' _ _ _ _ _) ; [ | apply eq_subset' ].
eapply equiv_iff_hprop_uncurried ; split.
- intros [H1 H2 a].
apply path_iff_hprop ; apply equiv_subset_l ; assumption.
- intros H1.
split ; apply equiv_subset_r.
* intros a Ya.
rewrite (H1 a) ; assumption.
* intros a Xa.
rewrite <- (H1 a) ; assumption.
apply (equiv_compose' (eq_subset1 X Y) (eq_subset2 X Y)).
End ext.