Added notation in Sub.v

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Niels 2017-08-08 19:56:39 +02:00
parent dad6686c4c
commit c358ef1659
1 changed files with 26 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import disjunction lattice.
Require Import disjunction lattice notation.
Section subobjects.
Variable A : Type.
Definition Sub := A -> hProp.
Definition empty_sub : Sub := fun _ => False_hp.
Global Instance sub_empty : hasEmpty Sub := fun _ => False_hp.
Global Instance sub_union : hasUnion Sub := max_fun.
Global Instance sub_intersection : hasIntersection Sub := min_fun.
Global Instance sub_singleton : hasSingleton Sub A
:= fun a b => BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (b = a)).
Global Instance sub_membership : hasMembership Sub A := fun a X => X a.
Global Instance sub_comprehension : hasComprehension Sub A
:= fun ϕ X a => BuildhProp (X a * (ϕ a = true)).
Global Instance sub_subset `{Univalence} : hasSubset Sub
:= fun X Y => BuildhProp (forall a, X a -> Y a).
Definition singleton (a : A) : Sub := fun b => BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (b = a)).
End subobjects.
Arguments empty_sub {_}.
Arguments singleton {_} _.
Section sub_classes.
Context {A : Type}.
Variable C : (A -> hProp) -> hProp.
@ -25,11 +30,11 @@ Section sub_classes.
apply _.
Definition closedUnion := forall X Y, C X -> C Y -> C (max_fun X Y).
Definition closedIntersection := forall X Y, C X -> C Y -> C (min_fun X Y).
Definition closedEmpty := C empty_sub.
Definition closedSingleton := forall a, C (singleton a).
Definition hasDecidableEmpty := forall X, C X -> hor (X = empty_sub) (hexists (fun a => X a)).
Definition closedUnion := forall X Y, C X -> C Y -> C (X Y).
Definition closedIntersection := forall X Y, C X -> C Y -> C (X Y).
Definition closedEmpty := C .
Definition closedSingleton := forall a, C {|a|}.
Definition hasDecidableEmpty := forall X, C X -> hor (X = ) (hexists (fun a => a X)).
End sub_classes.
Section isIn.
@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ Section isIn.
unfold Decidable, closedSingleton in *.
pose (HIn (singleton a) (HS a) b).
pose (HIn {|a|} (HS a) b).
destruct s.
- unfold singleton in t.
@ -78,33 +83,18 @@ Section intersect.
unfold Decidable, closedEmpty, closedIntersection, closedSingleton, hasDecidableEmpty in *.
pose (HI (singleton a) (singleton b) (HS a) (HS b)) as IntAB.
pose (HDE (min_fun (singleton a) (singleton b)) IntAB) as IntE.
pose (HI {|a|} {|b|} (HS a) (HS b)) as IntAB.
pose (HDE ({|a|} {|b|}) IntAB) as IntE.
refine (@Trunc_rec _ _ _ _ _ IntE) ; intros [p | p] ; unfold min_fun, singleton in p.
- right.
pose (apD10 p b) as pb ; unfold empty_sub in pb ; cbn in pb.
assert (BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (b = b)) = Unit_hp).
apply path_iff_hprop.
- apply (fun _ => tt).
- apply (fun _ => tr idpath).
rewrite X in pb.
unfold Unit_hp in pb.
assert (forall P : hProp, land P Unit_hp = P).
intro P.
apply path_iff_hprop.
- intros [x _] ; assumption.
- apply (fun x => (x, tt)).
rewrite (X0 (BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (b = a)))) in pb.
intro q.
assert (BuildhProp (Trunc (-1) (b = a))).
apply q.
apply (pb # X1).
rewrite q in p.
enough (a ) as X.
{ apply X. }
rewrite <- p.
split ; apply (tr idpath).
- strip_truncations.
destruct p as [a0 [t1 t2]].