Added proof that Bfin => set if all singletons are Bfin

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Niels van der Weide 2017-10-03 12:34:12 +02:00
parent 9a2a81047b
commit c9e6b35949
1 changed files with 44 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -134,6 +134,49 @@ Section finite_hott.
End finite_hott.
Section singleton_set.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{Univalence}.
Definition el x : {b : A & b {|x|}} := (x;tr idpath).
Theorem single_bfin_set (HA : forall a, {b : A & b {|a|}} <~> Fin 1)
: forall (x : A) (p : x = x), p = idpath.
intros x p.
specialize (HA x).
pose (el x) as X.
pose (ap HA^-1 (ap HA (path_sigma _ X X p (path_ishprop _ _)))) as q.
assert (p = ap (fun z => z.1) ((eissect HA X)^ @ q @ eissect HA X)) as H1.
unfold q.
rewrite <- ap_compose.
enough(forall r,
(eissect HA X)^
@ ap (fun x0 : {b : A & b {|x|}} => HA^-1 (HA x0)) r
@ eissect HA X = r
) as H2.
rewrite H2.
refine (@pr1_path_sigma _ _ X X p _)^.
induction r.
assert (idpath = ap (fun z => z.1) ((eissect HA X)^ @ idpath @ eissect HA X)) as H2.
{ hott_simpl. }
rewrite H1, H2.
repeat f_ap.
unfold q.
enough (ap HA (path_sigma (fun b : A => b {|x|}) X X p (path_ishprop _ _)) = idpath) as H3.
rewrite H3.
apply path_ishprop.
End singleton_set.
Section empty.
Variable (A : Type).
Variable (X : A -> hProp)