mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
A simpler `split` fn for B-finite subobjects.
Allows for shortening of some proofs
This commit is contained in:
@ -151,95 +151,65 @@ Section finite_hott.
End empty.
Section split.
Variable (X : A -> hProp)
Variable (P : A -> hProp)
(n : nat)
(Xequiv : {a : A & a ∈ X} <~> Fin n + Unit).
(Xequiv : {a : A & P a } <~> Fin n + Unit).
Definition split : {X' : A -> hProp & {a : A & a ∈ X'} <~> Fin n}.
Definition split : exists P' : Sub A, exists b : A,
({a : A & P' a} <~> Fin n) * (forall x, P x = P' x ∨ merely (x = b)).
destruct Xequiv as [f [g fg gf adj]].
unfold Sect in *.
pose (fun x : A => sig (fun y : Fin n => x = (g(inl y)).1 )) as X'.
assert (forall a : A, IsHProp (X' a)).
pose (fun x : A => sig (fun y : Fin n => x = (g (inl y)).1)) as P'.
assert (forall x, IsHProp (P' x)).
unfold X'.
intros a. unfold P'.
apply hprop_allpath.
intros [x px] [y py].
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _).
* cbn.
pose (f(g(inl x))) as fgx.
cut (g(inl x) = g(inl y)).
intros q.
pose (ap f q).
rewrite !fg in p.
refine (path_sum_inl _ p).
apply path_sigma with (px^ @ py).
apply path_ishprop.
* apply path_ishprop.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); [ simpl | apply path_ishprop ].
apply path_sum_inl with Unit.
cut (g (inl x) = g (inl y)).
{ intros p.
pose (ap f p) as Hp.
by rewrite !fg in Hp. }
apply path_sigma with (px^ @ py).
apply path_ishprop.
pose (fun a => BuildhProp(X' a)) as Y.
exists Y.
unfold Y, X'.
unshelve esplit.
- intros [a [y p]]. apply y.
- apply isequiv_biinv.
unshelve esplit.
* exists (fun x => (( (g(inl x)).1 ;(x;idpath)))).
unfold Sect.
intros [a [y p]].
apply path_sigma with p^.
rewrite transport_sigma.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _) ; simpl.
** rewrite transport_const ; reflexivity.
** apply path_ishprop.
* exists (fun x => (( (g(inl x)).1 ;(x;idpath)))).
unfold Sect.
intros x.
Definition new_el : {a' : A & forall z, X z =
lor (split.1 z) (merely (z = a'))}.
exists ((Xequiv^-1 (inr tt)).1).
apply path_iff_hprop.
- intros Xz.
pose (Xequiv (z;Xz)) as fz.
pose (c := fz).
assert (c = fz). reflexivity.
destruct c as [fz1 | fz2].
* refine (tr(inl _)).
unfold split ; simpl.
exists fz1.
rewrite X0.
unfold fz.
destruct Xequiv as [? [? ? sect ?]].
rewrite sect.
* refine (tr(inr(tr _))).
destruct fz2.
rewrite X0.
unfold fz.
rewrite eissect.
- intros X0.
destruct X0 as [Xl | Xr].
* unfold split in Xl ; simpl in Xl.
destruct Xequiv as [f [g fg gf adj]].
destruct Xl as [m p].
rewrite p.
apply (g (inl m)).2.
* strip_truncations.
rewrite Xr.
apply ((Xequiv^-1(inr tt)).2).
exists (fun a => BuildhProp (P' a)).
exists (g (inr tt)).1.
{ unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
{ refine (fun x => x.2.1). }
apply isequiv_biinv.
unshelve esplit;
exists (fun x => (((g (inl x)).1; (x; idpath)))).
- intros [a [y p]]; cbn.
eapply path_sigma with p^.
apply path_ishprop.
- intros x; cbn.
reflexivity. }
{ intros a.
unfold P'.
apply path_iff_hprop.
- intros Ha.
pose (y := f (a;Ha)).
assert (Hy : y = f (a; Ha)) by reflexivity.
destruct y as [y | []].
+ refine (tr (inl _)).
exists y.
rewrite Hy.
by rewrite gf.
+ refine (tr (inr (tr _))).
rewrite Hy.
by rewrite gf.
- intros Hstuff.
destruct Hstuff as [[y Hy] | Ha].
+ rewrite Hy.
apply (g (inl y)).2.
+ strip_truncations.
rewrite Ha.
apply (g (inr tt)).2. }
End split.
@ -263,13 +233,11 @@ Section dec_membership.
rewrite p.
apply _.
- intros.
pose (new_el _ P n Hequiv) as b.
destruct b as [b HX'].
destruct (split _ P n Hequiv) as [X' X'equiv]. simpl in HX'.
destruct (split _ P n Hequiv) as
(P' & b & HP' & HP).
unfold member, sub_membership.
rewrite (HX' a).
pose (IHn X' X'equiv) as IH.
destruct IH as [IH | IH].
rewrite (HP a).
destruct (IHn P' HP') as [IH | IH].
+ left. apply (tr (inl IH)).
+ destruct (dec (a = b)) as [Hab | Hab].
left. apply (tr (inr (tr Hab))).
@ -364,50 +332,38 @@ Section cowd.
assert ((X; Build_Finite _ 0 (tr FX)) = empty_cow) as HX.
{ apply path_sigma' with HX_emp. apply path_ishprop. }
rewrite HX. assumption.
- pose (a' := new_el _ X n FX).
destruct a' as [a' Ha'].
destruct (split _ X n FX) as [X' FX'].
- destruct (split _ X n FX) as
(X' & b & FX' & HX).
pose (X'cow := (X'; Build_Finite _ n (tr FX')) : cow).
assert ((X; Build_Finite _ (n.+1) (tr FX)) = add_cow a' X'cow) as ℵ.
assert ((X; Build_Finite _ (n.+1) (tr FX)) = add_cow b X'cow) as ℵ.
{ simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _); [ | apply path_ishprop ].
apply path_forall. intros a.
unfold X'cow.
specialize (Ha' a). rewrite Ha'. simpl. reflexivity. }
rewrite (HX a). simpl. reflexivity. }
rewrite ℵ.
apply koeientaart.
apply IHn.
Definition bfin_to_kfin : forall (X : Sub A), Bfin X -> Kf_sub _ X.
Definition bfin_to_kfin : forall (P : Sub A), Bfin P -> Kf_sub _ P.
intros X BFinX.
unfold Bfin in BFinX.
destruct BFinX as [n iso].
intros P [n f].
revert iso ; revert X.
induction n ; unfold Kf_sub, Kf_sub_intern.
- intros.
exists ∅.
apply path_forall.
intro z.
simpl in *.
apply path_iff_hprop ; try contradiction.
destruct iso as [f f_equiv].
apply (fun Xz => f(z;Xz)).
- intros.
simpl in *.
destruct (new_el _ X n iso) as [a HXX'].
destruct (split _ X n iso) as [X' X'equiv].
destruct (IHn X' X'equiv) as [Y HY].
exists (Y ∪ {|a|}).
unfold map in *.
apply path_forall.
intro z.
rewrite union_isIn.
rewrite <- (ap (fun h => h z) HY).
rewrite HXX'.
unfold Kf_sub, Kf_sub_intern.
revert f. revert P.
induction n; intros P f.
- exists ∅.
apply path_forall; intro a; simpl.
apply path_iff_hprop; [ | contradiction ].
intros p.
apply (f (a;p)).
- destruct (split _ P n f) as
(P' & b & HP' & HP).
destruct (IHn P' HP') as [Y HY].
exists (Y ∪ {|b|}).
apply path_forall; intro a. simpl.
rewrite <- HY.
apply HP.
Lemma kfin_is_bfin : @closedUnion A Bfin.
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