(** If [A] has a total order, then we can pick the minimum of finite sets. *) Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import HoTT.Classes.interfaces.orders. Require Import kuratowski.kuratowski_sets kuratowski.operations kuratowski.properties. Section minimum. Context {A : Type}. Context (Ale : Le A). Context `{@TotalOrder A Ale}. Class IsTop `{Top A} := is_top : forall (x : A), x ≤ ⊤. Definition min (x y : A) : A. Proof. destruct (total _ x y). - apply x. - apply y. Defined. Lemma min_spec1 x y : (min x y) ≤ x. Proof. unfold min. destruct (total _ x y) ; simpl. - reflexivity. - assumption. Defined. Lemma min_spec2 x y z : z ≤ x -> z ≤ y -> z ≤ (min x y). Proof. intros. unfold min. destruct (total _ x y); simpl; assumption. Defined. Lemma min_comm x y : min x y = min y x. Proof. unfold min. destruct (total _ x y) ; destruct (total _ y x) ; simpl; try reflexivity. + apply antisymmetry with (≤); [apply _|assumption..]. + apply antisymmetry with (≤); [apply _|assumption..]. Defined. Lemma min_idem x : min x x = x. Proof. unfold min. destruct (total _ x x) ; simpl; reflexivity. Defined. Lemma min_assoc x y z : min (min x y) z = min x (min y z). Proof. apply antisymmetry with (≤). apply _. - apply min_spec2. * etransitivity ; apply min_spec1. * apply min_spec2. ** etransitivity ; try (apply min_spec1). simpl. rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. ** rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. - apply min_spec2. * apply min_spec2. ** apply min_spec1. ** etransitivity. { rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. } apply min_spec1. * transitivity (min y z); simpl ; rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. Defined. Lemma min_nr `{IsTop} x : min x ⊤ = x. Proof. intros. unfold min. destruct (total _ x ⊤). - reflexivity. - apply antisymmetry with (≤). apply _. + assumption. + apply is_top. Defined. Lemma min_nl `{IsTop} x : min ⊤ x = x. Proof. rewrite min_comm. apply min_nr. Defined. Lemma min_top_l `{IsTop} x y : min x y = ⊤ -> x = ⊤. Proof. unfold min. destruct (total _ x y) as [?|s]. - apply idmap. - intros X. rewrite X in s. apply antisymmetry with (≤). apply _. * apply is_top. * assumption. Defined. Lemma min_top_r `{IsTop} x y : min x y = ⊤ -> y = ⊤. Proof. rewrite min_comm. apply min_top_l. Defined. End minimum. Section add_top. Variable (A : Type). Context `{TotalOrder A}. Definition Topped := (A + Unit)%type. Global Instance top_topped : Top Topped := inr tt. Global Instance RTop : Le Topped. Proof. intros [a1 | ?] [a2 | ?]. - apply (a1 ≤ a2). - apply Unit_hp. - apply False_hp. - apply Unit_hp. Defined. Instance rtop_hprop : is_mere_relation A R -> is_mere_relation Topped RTop. Proof. intros ? P a b. destruct a ; destruct b ; simpl; apply _. Defined. Global Instance RTopOrder : TotalOrder RTop. Proof. repeat split; try apply _. - intros [?|?] ; cbv. * reflexivity. * apply tt. - intros [a1 | []] [a2 | []] [a3 | []]; cbv ; try contradiction; try (by intros; apply tt). apply transitivity. - intros [a1 |[]] [a2 |[]]; cbv; try contradiction. + intros. f_ap. apply antisymmetry with Ale; [apply _|assumption..]. + intros; reflexivity. - intros [a1|[]] [a2|[]]; cbv. * apply total. apply _. * apply (inl tt). * apply (inr tt). * apply (inr tt). Defined. Global Instance is_top_topped : IsTop RTop. Proof. intros [?|?]; cbv; apply tt. Defined. End add_top. (** If [A] has a total order, then a nonempty finite set has a minimum element. *) Section min_set. Variable (A : Type). Context `{TotalOrder A}. Context `{Univalence} `{IsHSet A}. Definition min_set : FSet A -> Topped A. Proof. hrecursion. - apply ⊤. - apply inl. - apply min with (RTop A). apply _. - intros ; symmetry ; apply min_assoc. - apply min_comm. - apply min_nl. apply _. - apply min_nr. apply _. - intros ; apply min_idem. Defined. Definition empty_min : forall (X : FSet A), min_set X = ⊤ -> X = ∅. Proof. simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ; try (intros ; apply path_forall ; intro q ; apply set_path2) ; simpl. - intros ; reflexivity. - intros. unfold top in X. enough Empty. { contradiction. } refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl a) _ _). * apply tt. * rewrite X ; apply tt. - intros x y ? ? ?. assert (min_set x = ⊤). { simple refine (min_top_l _ _ (min_set y) _) ; assumption. } rewrite (X X2). rewrite nl. assert (min_set y = ⊤). { simple refine (min_top_r _ (min_set x) _ _) ; assumption. } rewrite (X0 X3). reflexivity. Defined. Definition min_set_spec (a : A) : forall (X : FSet A), a ∈ X -> min_set X ≤ inl a. Proof. simple refine (FSet_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop) ; simpl. - contradiction. - intros. strip_truncations. rewrite X. reflexivity. - intros. strip_truncations. unfold member in X, X0. destruct X1. * specialize (X t). assert (RTop A (min _ (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set x)) as X1. { apply min_spec1. } etransitivity. { apply X1. } assumption. * specialize (X0 t). assert (RTop A (min _ (min_set x) (min_set y)) (min_set y)) as X1. { rewrite min_comm ; apply min_spec1. } etransitivity. { apply X1. } assumption. Defined. End min_set.