Require Import HoTT HitTactics. From HoTTClasses Require Import interfaces.abstract_algebra tactics.ring_tac theory.rings. Module Export Ints. Private Inductive Z : Type := | zero_Z : Z | succ : Z -> Z | pred : Z -> Z. Axiom inv1 : forall n : Z, n = pred(succ n). Axiom inv2 : forall n : Z, n = succ(pred n). Axiom ZisSet : IsHSet Z. Section Z_induction. Variable (P : Z -> Type) (H : forall n, IsHSet (P n)) (a : P zero_Z) (s : forall (n : Z), P n -> P (succ n)) (p : forall (n : Z), P n -> P (pred n)) (i1 : forall (n : Z) (m : P n), (inv1 n) # m = p (succ n) (s (n) m)) (i2 : forall (n : Z) (m : P n), (inv2 n) # m = s (pred n) (p (n) m)). Fixpoint Z_ind (x : Z) {struct x} : P x := (match x return _ -> _ -> _ -> P x with | zero_Z => fun _ _ _ => a | succ n => fun _ _ _ => s n (Z_ind n) | pred n => fun _ _ _ => p n (Z_ind n) end) i1 i2 H. Axiom Z_ind_beta_inv1 : forall (n : Z), apD Z_ind (inv1 n) = i1 n (Z_ind n). Axiom Z_ind_beta_inv2 : forall (n : Z), apD Z_ind (inv2 n) = i2 n (Z_ind n). End Z_induction. Section Z_recursion. Variable (P : Type) (H : IsHSet P) (a : P) (s : P -> P) (p : P -> P) (i1 : forall (m : P), m = p(s m)) (i2 : forall (m : P), m = s(p m)). Definition Z_rec : Z -> P. Proof. simple refine (Z_ind _ _ _ _ _ _ _) ; simpl. - apply a. - intro ; apply s. - intro ; apply p. - intros. refine (transport_const _ _ @ (i1 _)). - intros. refine (transport_const _ _ @ (i2 _)). Defined. Definition Z_rec_beta_inv1 (n : Z) : ap Z_rec (inv1 n) = i1 (Z_rec n). Proof. unfold Z_rec. eapply (cancelL (transport_const (inv1 n) _)). simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _). apply Z_ind_beta_inv1. Defined. Definition Z_rec_beta_inv2 (n : Z) : ap Z_rec (inv2 n) = i2 (Z_rec n). Proof. unfold Z_rec. eapply (cancelL (transport_const (inv2 n) _)). simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _). apply Z_ind_beta_inv2. Defined. End Z_recursion. Instance Z_recursion : HitRecursion Z := { indTy := _; recTy := _; H_inductor := Z_ind; H_recursor := Z_rec }. End Ints. Section ring_Z. Fixpoint nat_to_Z (n : nat) : Z := match n with | 0 => zero_Z | S m => succ (nat_to_Z m) end. Definition plus : Z -> Z -> Z := fun x => Z_rec Z _ x succ pred inv1 inv2. Lemma plus_0n : forall x, plus zero_Z x = x. Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros y Hy. apply (ap succ Hy). - intros y Hy. apply (ap pred Hy). Defined. Definition plus_n0 x : plus x zero_Z = x := idpath x. Lemma plus_Sn x : forall y, plus (succ x) y = succ(plus x y). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros y Hy. apply (ap succ Hy). - intros y Hy. apply (ap pred Hy @ (inv1 (plus x y))^ @ inv2 (plus x y)). Defined. Definition plus_nS x y : plus x (succ y) = succ(plus x y) := idpath. Lemma plus_Pn x : forall y, plus (pred x) y = pred (plus x y). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros y Hy. apply (ap succ Hy @ (inv2 (plus x y))^ @ inv1 (plus x y)). - intros y Hy. apply (ap pred Hy). Defined. Definition plus_nP x y : plus x (pred y) = pred(plus x y) := idpath. Lemma plus_comm x : forall y : Z, plus x y = plus y x. Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - apply (plus_0n x)^. - intros n H1. apply (ap succ H1 @ (plus_Sn _ _)^). - intros n H1. apply (ap pred H1 @ (plus_Pn _ _)^). Defined. Lemma plus_assoc x y : forall z : Z, plus (plus x y) z = plus x (plus y z). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sz HSz. refine (ap succ HSz). - intros Pz HPz. apply (ap pred HPz). Defined. Definition negate : Z -> Z := Z_rec Z _ zero_Z pred succ inv2 inv1. Lemma negate_negate : forall x, negate(negate x) = x. Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sy HSy. apply (ap succ HSy). - intros Py HPy. apply (ap pred HPy). Defined. Definition minus x y : Z := plus x (negate y). Lemma plus_negatex : forall x, plus x (negate x) = zero_Z. Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sx HSx. refine (ap pred (plus_Sn _ _) @ _). refine ((inv1 _)^ @ HSx). - intros Px HPx. refine (ap succ (plus_Pn _ _) @ _). refine ((inv2 _)^ @ HPx). Defined. Definition plus_xnegate x : plus (negate x) x = zero_Z := plus_comm (negate x) x @ plus_negatex x. Lemma plus_negate x : forall y, plus (negate x) (negate y) = negate (plus x y). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sy HSy. apply (ap pred HSy). - intros Py HPy. apply (ap succ HPy). Defined. Definition times (x : Z) : Z -> Z. Proof. hrecursion. - apply zero_Z. - apply (plus x). - apply (fun z => minus z x). - intros ; unfold minus. symmetry. refine (ap (fun z => plus z (negate x)) (plus_comm x m) @ _). refine (plus_assoc _ _ _ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => plus m z) (plus_negatex _) @ _). apply plus_n0. - intros ; unfold minus. symmetry. refine (ap (fun z => plus x z) (plus_comm _ _) @ _). refine ((plus_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => plus z m) (plus_negatex _) @ _). apply plus_0n. Defined. Lemma times_0n : forall x, times zero_Z x = zero_Z. Proof. hinduction ; try (intros ; apply set_path2) ; simpl. - reflexivity. - intros Sx HSx. apply (plus_0n _ @ HSx). - intros Px HPx. unfold minus ; simpl ; apply HPx. Defined. Definition times_n0 n : times n zero_Z = zero_Z := idpath. Lemma times_Sn x : forall y, times (succ x) y = plus y (times x y). Proof. hinduction ; try (intros ; apply set_path2) ; simpl. - reflexivity. - intros Sy HSy. refine (ap (fun z => plus (succ x) z) HSy @ _). refine (plus_Sn _ _ @ _). refine (_ @ (plus_Sn _ _)^). refine (ap succ _). refine ((plus_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _). refine (_ @ plus_assoc _ _ _). refine (ap (fun z => plus z (times x Sy)) (plus_comm _ _)). - intros Py HPy ; unfold minus. refine (ap (fun z => plus z (negate (succ x))) HPy @ _) ; simpl. refine (_ @ (plus_Pn _ _)^). refine (ap pred _). apply plus_assoc. Defined. Definition times_nS x y : times x (succ y) = plus x (times x y) := idpath. Lemma times_1n x : times (succ zero_Z) x = x. Proof. refine (times_Sn _ _ @ _). refine (ap (plus x) (times_0n _) @ (plus_n0 x)). Defined. Lemma times_Pn x : forall y, times (pred x) y = minus (times x y) y. Proof. hinduction ; try (intros ; apply set_path2) ; simpl. - reflexivity. - intros Sy HSy. refine (ap (fun z => plus (pred x) z) HSy @ _) ; unfold minus. refine (plus_Pn _ _ @ _) ; simpl. refine (ap pred _). apply (plus_assoc _ _ _)^. - intros Py HPy. refine (ap (fun z => minus z (pred x)) HPy @ _) ; unfold minus ; simpl. refine (ap succ _). refine (plus_assoc _ _ _ @ _). refine (_ @ (plus_assoc _ _ _)^). refine (ap (fun z => plus (times x Py) z) (plus_comm _ _)). Defined. Definition times_nP x y : times x (pred y) = minus (times x y) x := idpath. Lemma times_comm x : forall y, times x y = times y x. Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - apply (times_0n x)^. - intros Sx HSx. apply (ap (fun z => plus x z) HSx @ (times_Sn _ _)^). - intros Py HPy. apply (ap (fun z => minus z x) HPy @ (times_Pn _ _)^). Defined. Lemma times_negatex x : forall y, times x (negate y) = negate (times x y). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sy HSy. unfold minus. refine (ap (fun z => plus z (negate x)) HSy @ _). refine (plus_negate _ _ @ _). apply (ap negate (plus_comm _ _)). - intros Py HPy. refine (ap (plus x) HPy @ _). unfold minus. refine (ap (fun z => plus z (negate (times x Py))) (negate_negate _)^ @ _). refine (plus_negate _ _ @ _). refine (ap negate (plus_comm _ _)). Defined. Definition times_xnegate x y : times (negate x) y = negate (times x y) := times_comm (negate x) y @ times_negatex y x @ ap negate (times_comm y x). Lemma dist_times_plus x y : forall z, times x (plus y z) = plus (times x y) (times x z). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sz HSz. refine (ap (plus x) HSz @ _). refine ((plus_assoc _ _ _)^ @ _). refine (_ @ plus_assoc _ _ _). refine (ap (fun z => plus z (times x Sz)) (plus_comm _ _)). - intros Pz HPz. refine (ap (fun z => minus z x) HPz @ _). unfold minus ; simpl. apply plus_assoc. Defined. Lemma dist_plus_times x y z : times (plus x y) z = plus (times x z) (times y z). Proof. refine (times_comm _ _ @ _). refine (dist_times_plus _ _ _ @ _). refine (ap (plus (times z x)) (times_comm _ _) @ _). apply (ap (fun a => plus a (times y z)) (times_comm _ _)). Defined. Lemma times_assoc x y : forall z, times (times x y) z = times x (times y z). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros Sz HSz. refine (ap (plus (times x y)) HSz @ _). symmetry ; apply dist_times_plus. - intros Pz HPz. refine (ap (fun z => minus z (times x y)) HPz @ _). unfold minus. refine (_ @ (dist_times_plus _ _ _)^). refine (ap (plus (times x (times y Pz))) _). apply (times_negatex _ _)^. Defined. Global Instance: Plus Z := plus. Global Instance: Mult Z := times. Global Instance: Zero Z := zero_Z. Global Instance: One Z := succ zero. Global Instance: Negate Z := negate. Global Instance ring_Z : Ring Z. Proof. repeat split ; try (apply _). - intros x y z. symmetry. apply plus_assoc. - intro x. apply plus_0n. - intro x. apply plus_xnegate. - intro x. apply plus_negatex. - intros x y. apply plus_comm. - intros x y z. symmetry. apply times_assoc. - intros x. apply times_1n. - intros x y. apply times_comm. - intros x y z. apply dist_times_plus. Defined. End ring_Z. Section initial_Z. Variable A : Type. Context `{Ring A}. Definition ZtoA : Z -> A. Proof. hinduction ; simpl. - apply zero. - apply (Aplus one). - apply (Aplus (Anegate one)). - intros. symmetry. refine (associativity _ _ _ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => z & m) (left_inverse _) @ _). ring_with_nat. - intros. symmetry. refine (associativity _ _ _ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => z & m) (right_inverse _) @ _). ring_with_nat. Defined. Lemma ZtoAplus x : forall y, ZtoA (plus x y) = Aplus (ZtoA x) (ZtoA y). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - ring_with_nat. - intros n X. refine (ap (Aplus Aone) X @ _). ring_with_nat. - intros. refine (ap (Aplus (Anegate Aone)) X @ _). ring_with_nat. Defined. Lemma ZtoAnegate : forall x, ZtoA (negate x) = Anegate (ZtoA x). Proof. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - symmetry. apply negate_0. - intros n X. refine (ap (Aplus (Anegate Aone)) X @ _). symmetry. apply negate_plus_distr. - intros n X. refine (ap (Aplus Aone) X @ _). refine (ap (fun z => Aplus z (Anegate (ZtoA n))) (negate_involutive Aone)^ @ _). symmetry. apply negate_plus_distr. Defined. Instance: SemiRingPreserving ZtoA. Proof. repeat split. - intro x. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). * ring_with_nat. * intros y X. refine (ap (Aplus Aone) X @ _). ring_with_nat. * intros y X. refine (ap (Aplus (Anegate Aone)) X @ _). ring_with_nat. - intro x. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). * ring_with_nat. * intros y X ; cbn. refine (ZtoAplus x _ @ _). refine (ap (Aplus (ZtoA x)) X @ _). ring_with_nat. * intros y X. cbn. refine (ZtoAplus _ _ @ _). refine (ap (Aplus _) (ZtoAnegate _) @ _). refine (ap (fun z => Aplus z _) X @ _). refine (_ @ ap (fun z => ZtoA x & z) (commutativity (ZtoA y) (Anegate Aone))). refine (_ @ (distribute_l (ZtoA x) _ _)^). refine (ap (Aplus (ZtoA x & ZtoA y)) _). refine (_ @ commutativity _ (ZtoA x)). apply negate_mult. - unfold UnitPreserving ; compute. apply H. Defined. Theorem uniqueness (f : Z -> A) {H0 : SemiRingPreserving f} : forall x, ZtoA x = f x. Proof. assert (f (succ zero_Z) = Aone) as fone. { apply H0. } assert (forall x y, f(plus x y) = Aplus (f x) (f y)) as fplus. { apply H0. } compute-[times plus ZtoA] in *. hinduction ; simpl ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - symmetry. apply H0. - intros x Hx. refine (ap (Aplus _) Hx @ _). refine (ap (fun z => Aplus z (f x)) fone^ @ _). refine ((fplus _ _)^ @ _). refine (ap f _). refine (plus_Sn _ _ @ _). refine (ap succ (plus_0n _)). - intros x Hx. refine (ap (Aplus _) Hx @ _). refine (ap (fun z => Aplus (Anegate z) (f x)) fone^ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => Aplus z (f x)) _ @ _). * symmetry. apply preserves_negate. * refine ((fplus _ _)^ @ _). refine (ap f _) ; cbn. refine (plus_Pn _ _ @ _). apply (ap pred (plus_0n x)). Defined. End initial_Z. Module Export AltInts. Private Inductive Z' : Type0 := | positive : nat -> Z' | negative : nat -> Z'. Axiom path : positive 0 = negative 0. Section AltIntsInd. Variable (P : Z' -> Type) (po : forall (x : nat), P (positive x)) (ne : forall (x : nat), P (negative x)) (i : path # (po 0) = ne 0). Fixpoint Z'_ind (x : Z') {struct x} : P x := (match x return _ -> P x with | positive n => fun _ => po n | negative n => fun _ => ne n end) i. Axiom Z'_ind_beta_path : apD Z'_ind path = i. End AltIntsInd. Section AltIntsRec. Variable (P : Type) (po : nat -> P) (pn : nat -> P) (i : po 0 = pn 0). Definition Z'_rec : Z' -> P. Proof. simple refine (Z'_ind _ _ _ _) ; simpl. - apply po. - apply pn. - refine (transport_const _ _ @ i). Defined. Definition Z'_rec_beta_path : ap Z'_rec path = i. Proof. unfold Z_rec. eapply (cancelL (transport_const path _)). simple refine ((apD_const _ _)^ @ _). apply Z'_ind_beta_path. Defined. End AltIntsRec. Instance Z'_recursion : HitRecursion Z' := { indTy := _; recTy := _; H_inductor := Z'_ind; H_recursor := Z'_rec }. End AltInts. Section Isomorphic. Definition succ_Z' : Z' -> Z'. Proof. simple refine (Z'_rec _ _ _ _). - apply (fun n => positive (S n)). - induction 1 as [ | n]. * apply (positive 1). * apply (negative n). - reflexivity. Defined. Definition pred_Z' : Z' -> Z'. Proof. simple refine (Z'_rec _ _ _ _). - induction 1 as [ | n]. * apply (negative 1). * apply (positive n). - intro n. apply (negative (S n)). - reflexivity. Defined. Fixpoint Nat_to_Pos (n : nat) : Int.Pos := match n with | 0 => | S k => succ_pos (Nat_to_Pos k) end. Definition Z'_to_Int : Z' -> Int. Proof. simple refine (Z'_rec _ _ _ _). - induction 1 as [ | n IHn]. apply ( apply (succ_int IHn). - induction 1 as [ | n IHn]. apply ( apply (pred_int IHn). - reflexivity. Defined. Definition Pos_to_Nat : Int.Pos -> nat. Proof. induction 1 as [ | n IHn]. - apply 1. - apply (S IHn). Defined. Definition Int_to_Z' (x : Int) : Z'. Proof. induction x as [p | | p]. apply (negative (Pos_to_Nat p)). apply (positive 0). apply (positive (Pos_to_Nat p)). Defined. Definition Z'_to_int_pos_homomorphism n : Z'_to_Int (positive (S n)) = succ_int (Z'_to_Int (positive n)) := idpath. Definition Z'_to_int_neg_homomorphism n : Z'_to_Int (negative (S n)) = pred_int (Z'_to_Int (negative n)) := idpath. Theorem Int_to_Z'_to_Int : forall x : Int, Z'_to_Int(Int_to_Z' x) = x. Proof. induction x as [p | | p]. - induction p as [ | p IHp ]. * reflexivity. * refine (Z'_to_int_neg_homomorphism _ @ ap pred_int IHp). - reflexivity. - induction p as [ | p IHp ]. * reflexivity. * refine (Z'_to_int_pos_homomorphism _ @ ap succ_int IHp). Defined. Lemma Int_to_Z'_succ_homomorphism : forall x, Int_to_Z' (succ_int x) = succ_Z' (Int_to_Z' x). Proof. induction x as [p | | p]. - induction p as [ | p IHp] ; cbn. * apply path. * reflexivity. - reflexivity. - induction p ; reflexivity. Defined. Lemma Int_to_Z'_pred_homomorphism : forall x : Int, Int_to_Z' (pred_int x) = pred_Z' (Int_to_Z' x). Proof. induction x as [p | | p] ; try (induction p) ; reflexivity. Defined. Theorem Z'_to_Int_to_Z' : forall x : Z', Int_to_Z'(Z'_to_Int x) = x. Proof. simple refine (Z'_ind _ _ _ _) ; simpl. - induction x as [ | x] ; simpl. * reflexivity. * refine (ap Int_to_Z' (Z'_to_int_pos_homomorphism _)^ @ _) ; simpl. refine (Int_to_Z'_succ_homomorphism _ @ _). apply (ap succ_Z' IHx). - induction x as [ | x IHx] ; simpl. * apply path. * refine (ap Int_to_Z' (Z'_to_int_neg_homomorphism _)^ @ _) ; simpl. refine (Int_to_Z'_pred_homomorphism _ @ _). apply (ap pred_Z' IHx). - simpl. refine (transport_paths_FlFr path _ @ _). refine (ap (fun z => _ @ z) (ap_idmap _) @ _). refine (ap (fun z => z @ _) (concat_p1 _) @ _). assert (ap (fun x : Z' => Z'_to_Int x) path = idpath) as X. { apply axiomK_hset ; apply hset_int. } refine (ap (fun z => z^ @ path) (ap_compose Z'_to_Int Int_to_Z' path) @ _). refine (ap (fun z => (ap Int_to_Z' z)^ @ _) X @ _). apply concat_1p. Defined. Definition biinv_Int_to_Z' : BiInv Int_to_Z' := ((Z'_to_Int ; Int_to_Z'_to_Int), (Z'_to_Int ; Z'_to_Int_to_Z')). Instance equiv_Int_to_Z' : IsEquiv Int_to_Z' := isequiv_biinv _ biinv_Int_to_Z'. Instance Z'_set : IsHSet Z'. Proof. apply (trunc_equiv Int Int_to_Z'). Defined Definition Z_to_Z' : Z -> Z'. Proof. hrecursion. - apply (positive 0). - apply succ_Z'. - apply pred_Z'. - hinduction. * apply (fun _ => idpath). * induction x as [ | x IHx] ; simpl. ** apply path^. ** reflexivity. * apply set_path2. - hinduction. * induction x as [ | x IHx] ; simpl. ** apply path. ** reflexivity. * apply (fun _ => idpath). * apply set_path2. Defined. Definition Z'_to_Z : Z' -> Z. Proof. hrecursion. - induction 1 as [ | x IHx]. * apply zero_Z. * apply (succ IHx). - induction 1 as [ | x IHx]. * apply zero_Z. * apply (pred IHx). - reflexivity. Defined. Theorem Z'_to_Z_to_Z' : forall n : Z', Z_to_Z'(Z'_to_Z n) = n. Proof. hinduction. - induction x as [ | x IHx] ; cbn. * reflexivity. * apply (ap succ_Z' IHx). - induction x as [ | x IHx] ; cbn. * apply path. * apply (ap pred_Z' IHx). - apply set_path2. Defined. Lemma Z'_to_Z_succ : forall n, Z'_to_Z(succ_Z' n) = succ(Z'_to_Z n). Proof. hinduction. - apply (fun _ => idpath). - induction x. * reflexivity. * apply inv2. - apply set_path2. Defined. Lemma Z'_to_Z_pred : forall n, Z'_to_Z(pred_Z' n) = pred(Z'_to_Z n). Proof. hinduction. - induction x. * reflexivity. * apply inv1. - apply (fun _ => idpath). - apply set_path2. Defined. Theorem Z_to_Z'_to_Z : forall n : Z, Z'_to_Z(Z_to_Z' n) = n. Proof. hinduction ; try (intros ; apply set_path2). - reflexivity. - intros x Hx. refine (_ @ ap succ Hx). apply Z'_to_Z_succ. - intros x Hx. refine (_ @ ap pred Hx). apply Z'_to_Z_pred. Defined. Definition biinv_Z'_to_Z : BiInv Z'_to_Z := ((Z_to_Z' ; Z'_to_Z_to_Z'), (Z_to_Z' ; Z_to_Z'_to_Z)). Definition equiv_Z'_to_Z : IsEquiv Z'_to_Z := isequiv_biinv _ biinv_Z'_to_Z. End Isomorphic.