Require Import HoTT HitTactics. Require Import sub lattice_interface monad_interface lattice_examples FSets. Section k_finite. Context (A : Type). Context `{Univalence}. Definition map (X : FSet A) : Sub A := fun a => a ∈ X. Global Instance map_injective : IsEmbedding map. Proof. apply isembedding_isinj_hset. (* We use the fact that both [FSet A] and [Sub A] are hSets *) intros X Y HXY. apply fset_ext. apply apD10. exact HXY. Defined. Definition Kf_sub_intern (B : Sub A) := exists (X : FSet A), B = map X. Global Instance Kf_sub_hprop B : IsHProp (Kf_sub_intern B). Proof. apply hprop_allpath. intros [X PX] [Y PY]. assert (X = Y) as HXY. { apply fset_ext. apply apD10. transitivity B; [ symmetry | ]; assumption. } apply path_sigma with HXY. simpl. apply set_path2. Defined. Definition Kf_sub (B : Sub A) : hProp := BuildhProp (Kf_sub_intern B). Definition Kf : hProp := Kf_sub (fun x => True). Instance: IsHProp {X : FSet A | forall a : A, map X a}. Proof. apply hprop_allpath. intros [X PX] [Y PY]. assert (X = Y) as HXY. { apply fset_ext. intros a. unfold map in *. apply path_hprop. apply equiv_iff_hprop; intros. + apply PY. + apply PX. } apply path_sigma with HXY. simpl. apply path_forall. intro. apply path_ishprop. Defined. Lemma Kf_unfold : Kf <~> (exists (X : FSet A), forall (a : A), map X a). Proof. apply equiv_equiv_iff_hprop. apply _. apply _. split. - intros [X PX]. exists X. intro a. rewrite <- PX. done. - intros [X PX]. exists X. apply path_forall; intro a. apply path_hprop. symmetry. apply if_hprop_then_equiv_Unit; [ apply _ | ]. apply PX. Defined. End k_finite. Arguments map {_} {_} _. Ltac kf_unfold := repeat match goal with | [ H : Kf ?t |- _ ] => apply Kf_unfold in H | [ H : @trunctype_type _ (Kf ?t) |- _ ] => apply Kf_unfold in H | [ |- Kf ?t ] => apply Kf_unfold | [ |- @trunctype_type _ (Kf _) ] => apply Kf_unfold end. Section structure_k_finite. Context (A : Type). Context `{Univalence}. Lemma map_union : forall X Y : FSet A, map (X ∪ Y) = (map X) ⊔ (map Y). Proof. intros. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma k_finite_union : closedUnion (Kf_sub A). Proof. unfold closedUnion, Kf_sub, Kf_sub_intern. intros X Y [SX XP] [SY YP]. exists (SX ∪ SY). rewrite map_union. rewrite XP, YP. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma k_finite_empty : closedEmpty (Kf_sub A). Proof. exists ∅. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma k_finite_singleton : closedSingleton (Kf_sub A). Proof. intro. exists {|a|}. cbn. apply path_forall. intro z. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma k_finite_hasDecidableEmpty : hasDecidableEmpty (Kf_sub A). Proof. unfold hasDecidableEmpty, closedEmpty, Kf_sub, Kf_sub_intern, map. intros. destruct X0 as [SX EX]. rewrite EX. destruct (merely_choice SX) as [SXE | H1]. - rewrite SXE. apply (tr (inl idpath)). - apply (tr (inr H1)). Defined. End structure_k_finite. Section k_properties. Context `{Univalence}. (* Some closure properties *) (* *) Lemma Kf_Empty : Kf Empty. Proof. kf_unfold. exists ∅. done. Defined. Lemma Kf_Unit : Kf Unit. Proof. kf_unfold. exists {|tt|}. intros []. simpl. apply (tr (idpath)). Defined. Lemma Kf_surjection {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) `{IsSurjection f} : Kf X -> Kf Y. Proof. intros HX. apply Kf_unfold. apply Kf_unfold in HX. destruct HX as [Xf HXf]. exists (fmap FSet f Xf). intro y. pose (x' := center (merely (hfiber f y))). simple refine (@Trunc_rec (-1) (hfiber f y) _ _ _ x'). clear x'; intro x. destruct x as [x Hfx]. rewrite <- Hfx. apply fmap_isIn. apply (HXf x). Defined. Lemma Kf_sum {A B : Type} : Kf A -> Kf B -> Kf (A + B). Proof. intros HA HB. kf_unfold. destruct HA as [X HX]. destruct HB as [Y HY]. exists (disjoint_sum X Y). intros [a | b]; simpl; apply tr; [ left | right ]; apply fmap_isIn. + apply (HX a). + apply (HY b). Defined. Lemma Kf_sum_inv {A B : Type} : Kf (A + B) -> Kf A. Proof. intros HAB. kf_unfold. destruct HAB as [X HX]. pose (f := fun z => match (z : A + B) with | inl a => ({|a|} : FSet A) | inr b => ∅ end). exists (mjoin (fset_fmap f X)). intro a. apply mjoin_isIn. specialize (HX (inl a)). exists {|a|}. split; [ | apply tr; reflexivity ]. apply (fmap_isIn f (inl a) X). apply HX. Defined. Lemma Kf_subterm (A : hProp) : Decidable A <~> Kf A. Proof. apply equiv_iff_hprop. { intros Hdec. kf_unfold. destruct Hdec as [HA | HA]. - exists {|HA|}. simpl. intros a. apply tr. apply A. - exists ∅. intros a. apply (HA a). } { intros HA. kf_unfold. destruct HA as [X HX]. destruct (merely_choice X) as [HX2 | HX2]. + rewrite HX2 in HX. right. unfold not. apply HX. + strip_truncations. destruct HX2 as [a ?]. left. apply a. } Defined. Lemma Kf_prod {A B : Type} : Kf A -> Kf B -> Kf (A * B). Proof. intros HA HB. kf_unfold. destruct HA as [X HA]. destruct HB as [Y HB]. exists (product X Y). intros [a b]. unfold map. rewrite product_isIn. split. - apply (HA a). - apply (HB b). Defined. Lemma S1_Kfinite : Kf S1. Proof. apply Kf_unfold. exists {|base|}. intro a. simpl. simple refine (S1_ind (fun z => Trunc (-1) (z = base)) _ _ a); simpl. - apply (tr loop). - apply path_ishprop. Defined. Lemma I_Kfinite : Kf interval. Proof. apply Kf_unfold. exists {||}. intro a. simpl. simple refine (interval_ind (fun z => Trunc (-1) (z = _ _ _ a); simpl. - apply (tr seg). - apply (tr idpath). - apply path_ishprop. Defined. (** A type is Kuratowski-finite iff its set of connected components if Kuratowski-finite. In order to prove this we need to generalize to finite subobjects first. *) (* Extend the set truncation to subobjects *) Definition trsub {A : Type} (B : Sub A) : Sub (Trunc 0 A) := Trunc_rec B. Lemma trsub_equiv {A : Type} (B : Sub A) : forall a, B a = trsub B (tr a). Proof. reflexivity. Qed. Lemma trsub_top `{Univalence} {A : Type} : (fun _ => ⊤) = trsub (fun _ : A => ⊤). Proof. apply path_forall. refine (Trunc_ind _ _). done. Defined. (* We prove the lemma for set truncation of subobjects *) (* TODO: clean up the proof *) Lemma kf_sub_conn (A : Type) (B : Sub A): Kf_sub (Trunc 0 A) (trsub B) -> Kf_sub A B. Proof. simpl. unfold Kf_sub_intern. intros [X HX]. revert HX. revert B. hinduction X; try (intros; apply path_ishprop). - intros B HB. exists ∅. apply path_forall; intro a. simpl. by rewrite trsub_equiv, HB. - refine (Trunc_ind _ _). intros b B Hb. exists {|b|}. apply path_forall; intro a. simpl. rewrite trsub_equiv, Hb. simpl. apply path_iff_hprop. + intros X. strip_truncations. by apply equiv_path_Tr. + intros X. strip_truncations. apply tr. f_ap. - intros X Y HX HY B HB. specialize (HX (fun a => (tr a) ∈ X)). specialize (HY (fun a => (tr a) ∈ Y)). assert ( trsub (fun a : A => (tr a) ∈ X) = map X ) as F1. { apply path_forall. refine (Trunc_ind _ _). intro a. reflexivity. } assert ( trsub (fun a : A => (tr a) ∈ Y) = map Y ) as F2. { apply path_forall. refine (Trunc_ind _ _). intro a. reflexivity. } specialize (HX F1). specialize (HY F2). clear F1 F2. destruct HX as [X' HX']. destruct HY as [Y' HY']. exists (X' ∪ Y'). apply path_forall; intro a. rewrite trsub_equiv, HB. simpl. by rewrite <- HX', <- HY'. Defined. (* TODO: show the implication in the other direction *) Lemma kf_conn (A : Type) : Kf (Trunc 0 A) -> Kf A. Proof. intros HA. apply kf_sub_conn. by rewrite <- trsub_top. Defined. (* TODO: for a proper proof first show that set truncation of S1 is a point *) Lemma S1_Kfinite_alt : Kf S1. Proof. apply kf_conn. apply Kf_unfold. exists {|tr base|}. simpl. refine (Trunc_ind _ _). simple refine (S1_ind _ _ _); simpl. - by apply tr. - apply path_ishprop. Defined. End k_properties. Section alternative_definition. Context `{Univalence} {A : Type}. Definition kf_sub (P : A -> hProp) := BuildhProp(forall (K' : (A -> hProp) -> hProp), K' ∅ -> (forall a, K' {|a|}) -> (forall U V, K' U -> K' V -> K'(U ∪ V)) -> K' P). Local Ltac help_solve := repeat (let x := fresh in intro x ; destruct x) ; intros ; try (simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _)) ; try (apply path_ishprop) ; simpl ; unfold union, sub_union, join, join_fun ; apply path_forall ; intro z ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances. Definition fset_to_k : FSet A -> {P : A -> hProp | kf_sub P}. Proof. assert (IsHSet {P : A -> hProp | kf_sub P}) as Hs. { apply trunc_sigma. } simple refine (FSet_rec A {P : A -> hProp | kf_sub P} Hs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _). - exists ∅. simpl. auto. - intros a. exists {|a|}. simpl. auto. - intros [P1 HP1] [P2 HP2]. exists (P1 ∪ P2). intros ? ? ? HP. apply HP. * apply HP1 ; assumption. * apply HP2 ; assumption. - help_solve. (* TODO: eauto *) apply associativity. - help_solve. apply commutativity. - help_solve. apply left_identity. - help_solve. apply right_identity. - help_solve. apply binary_idempotent. Defined. Definition k_to_fset : {P : A -> hProp | kf_sub P} -> FSet A. Proof. intros [P HP]. destruct (HP (Kf_sub _) (k_finite_empty _) (k_finite_singleton _) (k_finite_union _)). assumption. Defined. Lemma fset_to_k_to_fset X : k_to_fset(fset_to_k X) = X. Proof. hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop) ; try (intros ; reflexivity). intros X1 X2 HX1 HX2. refine ((ap (fun z => _ ∪ z) HX2^)^ @ (ap (fun z => z ∪ X2) HX1^)^). Defined. Lemma k_to_fset_to_k (X : {P : A -> hProp | kf_sub P}) : fset_to_k(k_to_fset X) = X. Proof. simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _) ; try (apply path_ishprop). apply path_forall. intro z. destruct X as [P HP]. unfold kf_sub in HP. unfold k_to_fset. pose (HP (Kf_sub A) (k_finite_empty A) (k_finite_singleton A) (k_finite_union A)) as t. assert (HP (Kf_sub A) (k_finite_empty A) (k_finite_singleton A) (k_finite_union A) = t) as X0. { reflexivity. } rewrite X0 ; clear X0. destruct t as [X HX]. assert (P z = map X z) as X1. { rewrite HX. reflexivity. } simpl. rewrite X1 ; clear HX X1. hinduction X ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop). - apply idpath. - apply (fun a => idpath). - intros X1 X2 H1 H2. rewrite <- H1, <- H2. reflexivity. Defined. Theorem equiv_definition : IsEquiv fset_to_k. Proof. apply isequiv_biinv. split. - exists k_to_fset. intro x ; apply fset_to_k_to_fset. - exists k_to_fset. intro x ; apply k_to_fset_to_k. Defined. End alternative_definition.