Require Import HoTT. Require Import FSets. Section interface. Context `{Univalence}. Variable (T : Type -> Type) (f : forall A, T A -> FSet A). Context `{forall A, hasMembership (T A) A , forall A, hasEmpty (T A) , forall A, hasSingleton (T A) A , forall A, hasUnion (T A) , forall A, hasComprehension (T A) A}. Class sets := { f_empty : forall A, f A ∅ = ∅ ; f_singleton : forall A a, f A (singleton a) = {|a|}; f_union : forall A X Y, f A (union X Y) = (f A X) ∪ (f A Y); f_filter : forall A φ X, f A (filter φ X) = {| f A X & φ |}; f_member : forall A a X, member a X = a ∈ (f A X) }. Global Instance f_surjective A `{sets} : IsSurjection (f A). Proof. unfold IsSurjection. hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop). - simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _). * refine (tr(∅;_)). apply f_empty. * intros ; apply path_ishprop. - intro a. simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _). * refine (tr({|a|};_)). apply f_singleton. * intros ; apply path_ishprop. - intros Y1 Y2 [X1' ?] [X2' ?]. simple refine (BuildContr _ _ _). * simple refine (Trunc_rec _ X1') ; intros [X1 fX1]. simple refine (Trunc_rec _ X2') ; intros [X2 fX2]. refine (tr(X1 ∪ X2;_)). rewrite f_union, fX1, fX2. reflexivity. * intros ; apply path_ishprop. Defined. End interface. Section quotient_surjection. Variable (A B : Type) (f : A -> B) (H : IsSurjection f). Context `{IsHSet B} `{Univalence}. Definition f_eq : relation A := fun a1 a2 => f a1 = f a2. Definition quotientB : Type := quotient f_eq. Global Instance quotientB_recursion : HitRecursion quotientB := { indTy := _; recTy := forall (P : Type) (HP: IsHSet P) (u : A -> P), (forall x y : A, f_eq x y -> u x = u y) -> quotientB -> P; H_inductor := quotient_ind f_eq ; H_recursor := @quotient_rec _ f_eq _ }. Global Instance R_refl : Reflexive f_eq. Proof. intro. reflexivity. Defined. Global Instance R_sym : Symmetric f_eq. Proof. intros a b Hab. apply (Hab^). Defined. Global Instance R_trans : Transitive f_eq. Proof. intros a b c Hab Hbc. apply (Hab @ Hbc). Defined. Definition quotientB_to_B : quotientB -> B. Proof. hrecursion. - apply f. - done. Defined. Instance quotientB_emb : IsEmbedding (quotientB_to_B). Proof. apply isembedding_isinj_hset. unfold isinj. hrecursion ; [ | intros; apply path_ishprop ]. intro. hrecursion ; [ | intros; apply path_ishprop ]. intros. by apply related_classes_eq. Defined. Instance quotientB_surj : IsSurjection (quotientB_to_B). Proof. apply BuildIsSurjection. intros Y. destruct (H Y). simple refine (Trunc_rec _ center) ; intros [a fa]. apply (tr(class_of _ a;fa)). Defined. Definition quotient_iso : quotientB <~> B. Proof. refine (BuildEquiv _ _ quotientB_to_B _). apply isequiv_surj_emb ; apply _. Defined. Definition reflect_eq : forall (X Y : A), f X = f Y -> f_eq X Y. Proof. done. Defined. Lemma same_class : forall (X Y : A), class_of f_eq X = class_of f_eq Y -> f_eq X Y. Proof. intros. simple refine (classes_eq_related _ _ _ _) ; assumption. Defined. End quotient_surjection. Ltac reduce T := intros ; repeat (rewrite (f_empty T _) || rewrite (f_singleton T _) || rewrite (f_union T _) || rewrite (f_filter T _) || rewrite (f_member T _)). Ltac simplify T := intros ; autounfold in * ; apply reflect_eq ; reduce T. Ltac reflect_equality T := simplify T ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances. Ltac reflect_eq T := autounfold ; repeat (hinduction ; try (intros ; apply path_ishprop) ; intro) ; apply related_classes_eq ; reflect_equality T. Section quotient_properties. Variable (T : Type -> Type). Variable (f : forall {A : Type}, T A -> FSet A). Context `{sets T f}. Definition set_eq A := f_eq (T A) (FSet A) (f A). Definition View A : Type := quotientB (T A) (FSet A) (f A). Definition View_rec2 {A} (P : Type) (HP : IsHSet P) (u : T A -> T A -> P) : (forall (x x' : T A), set_eq A x x' -> forall (y y' : T A), set_eq A y y' -> u x y = u x' y') -> forall (x y : View A), P. Proof. intros Hresp. assert (resp1 : forall x y y', set_eq A y y' -> u x y = u x y'). { intros x y y'. apply (Hresp _ _ idpath). } assert (resp2 : forall x x' y, set_eq A x x' -> u x y = u x' y). { intros x x' y Hxx'. apply Hresp. apply Hxx'. reflexivity. } unfold View. hrecursion. - intros a. hrecursion. + intros b. apply (u a b). + intros b b' Hbb'. simpl. by apply resp1. - intros a a' Haa'. simpl. apply path_forall. red. hinduction. + intros b. apply resp2. apply Haa'. + intros; apply HP. Defined. Definition well_defined_union (A : Type) (X1 X2 Y1 Y2 : T A) : set_eq A X1 Y1 -> set_eq A X2 Y2 -> set_eq A (union X1 X2) (union Y1 Y2). Proof. intros HXY1 HXY2. simplify T. by rewrite HXY1, HXY2. Defined. Definition well_defined_filter (A : Type) (ϕ : A -> Bool) (X Y : T A) : set_eq A X Y -> set_eq A (filter ϕ X) (filter ϕ Y). Proof. intros HXY. simplify T. by rewrite HXY. Defined. Global Instance View_member A: hasMembership (View A) A. Proof. intros a ; unfold View. hrecursion. - apply (member a). - intros X Y HXY. reduce T. apply (ap _ HXY). Defined. Global Instance View_empty A: hasEmpty (View A). Proof. apply (class_of _ ∅). Defined. Global Instance View_singleton A: hasSingleton (View A) A. Proof. intros a. apply (class_of _ {|a|}). Defined. Instance View_max A : maximum (View A). Proof. simple refine (View_rec2 _ _ _ _). - intros a b. apply (class_of _ (union a b)). - intros x x' Hxx' y y' Hyy' ; simpl. apply related_classes_eq. eapply well_defined_union ; eauto. Defined. Global Instance View_union A: hasUnion (View A). Proof. apply max_L. Defined. Global Instance View_comprehension A: hasComprehension (View A) A. Proof. intros ϕ ; unfold View. hrecursion. - intros X. apply (class_of _ (filter ϕ X)). - intros X X' HXX' ; simpl. apply related_classes_eq. eapply well_defined_filter ; eauto. Defined. Hint Unfold Commutative Associative Idempotent NeutralL NeutralR. Instance bottom_view A : bottom (View A). Proof. unfold bottom. apply ∅. Defined. Global Instance view_lattice A : JoinSemiLattice (View A). Proof. split ; reflect_eq T. Defined. End quotient_properties. Arguments set_eq {_} _ {_} _ _. Section properties. Context `{Univalence}. Variable (T : Type -> Type) (f : forall A, T A -> FSet A). Context `{sets T f}. Definition set_subset : forall A, T A -> T A -> hProp := fun A X Y => (f A X) ⊆ (f A Y). Definition empty_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A), a ∈ ∅ = False_hp. Proof. by (reduce T). Defined. Definition singleton_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a b : A), a ∈ {|b|} = merely (a = b). Proof. by (reduce T). Defined. Definition union_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A) (X Y : T A), a ∈ (X ∪ Y) = lor (a ∈ X) (a ∈ Y). Proof. by (reduce T). Defined. Definition filter_isIn : forall (A : Type) (a : A) (ϕ : A -> Bool) (X : T A), member a (filter ϕ X) = if ϕ a then member a X else False_hp. Proof. reduce T. apply properties.comprehension_isIn. Defined. Definition reflect_f_eq : forall (A : Type) (X Y : T A), class_of (set_eq f) X = class_of (set_eq f) Y -> set_eq f X Y. Proof. intros. refine (same_class _ _ _ _ _ _) ; assumption. Defined. Lemma class_union (A : Type) (X Y : T A) : class_of (set_eq f) (X ∪ Y) = (class_of (set_eq f) X) ∪ (class_of (set_eq f) Y). Proof. reflexivity. Defined. Lemma class_filter (A : Type) (X : T A) (ϕ : A -> Bool) : class_of (set_eq f) ({|X & ϕ|}) = {|(class_of (set_eq f) X) & ϕ|}. Proof. reflexivity. Defined. Ltac via_quotient := intros ; apply reflect_f_eq ; rewrite ?class_union, ?class_filter ; eauto with lattice_hints typeclass_instances. Lemma union_comm : forall A (X Y : T A), set_eq f (X ∪ Y) (Y ∪ X). Proof. via_quotient. Defined. Lemma union_assoc : forall A (X Y Z : T A), set_eq f ((X ∪ Y) ∪ Z) (X ∪ (Y ∪ Z)). Proof. via_quotient. Defined. Lemma union_idem : forall A (X : T A), set_eq f (X ∪ X) X. Proof. via_quotient. Defined. Lemma union_neutral : forall A (X : T A), set_eq f (∅ ∪ X) X. Proof. via_quotient. Defined. End properties.