mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
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507 lines
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(* Bishop-finiteness is that "default" notion of finiteness in the HoTT library *)
Require Import HoTT HitTactics.
Require Import FSets interfaces.lattice_interface.
From subobjects Require Import sub k_finite.
Section finite_hott.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{Univalence}.
(* A subobject is B-finite if its extension is B-finite as a type *)
Definition Bfin (X : Sub A) : hProp := BuildhProp (Finite {a : A & a ∈ X}).
Global Instance singleton_contr a `{IsHSet A} : Contr {b : A & b ∈ {|a|}}.
exists (a; tr idpath).
intros [b p].
simple refine (Trunc_ind (fun p => (a; tr 1%path) = (b; p)) _ p).
clear p; intro p. simpl.
apply path_sigma_hprop; simpl.
apply p^.
Definition singleton_fin_equiv' a : Fin 1 -> {b : A & b ∈ {|a|}}.
intros _. apply (a; tr idpath).
Global Instance singleton_fin_equiv a `{IsHSet A} : IsEquiv (singleton_fin_equiv' a).
Proof. apply _. Defined.
Definition singleton `{IsHSet A} : closedSingleton Bfin.
intros a.
simple refine (Build_Finite _ 1 _).
apply tr.
refine (BuildEquiv _ _ (singleton_fin_equiv' a) _).
Definition empty_finite : closedEmpty Bfin.
simple refine (Build_Finite _ 0 _).
apply tr.
simple refine (BuildEquiv _ _ _ _).
intros [a p]; apply p.
Definition decidable_empty_finite : hasDecidableEmpty Bfin.
intros X Y.
destruct Y as [n f].
destruct n.
- refine (tr(inl _)).
apply path_forall. intro z.
apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros p.
contradiction (f (z;p)).
* contradiction.
- refine (tr(inr _)).
apply (tr(f^-1(inr tt))).
Lemma no_union `{IsHSet A}
(f : forall (X Y : Sub A),
Bfin X -> Bfin Y -> Bfin (X ∪ Y))
(a b : A) :
hor (a = b) (a = b -> Empty).
specialize (f {|a|} {|b|} (singleton a) (singleton b)).
unfold Bfin in f.
destruct f as [n pn].
destruct pn as [f [g fg gf _]].
destruct n as [|n].
unfold Sect in *.
- contradiction f.
exists a. apply (tr(inl(tr idpath))).
- destruct n as [|n].
+ (* If the size of the union is 1, then (a = b) *)
refine (tr (inl _)).
pose (s1 := (a;tr(inl(tr idpath)))
: {c : A & Trunc (-1) (Trunc (-1) (c = a) + Trunc (-1) (c = b))}).
pose (s2 := (b;tr(inr(tr idpath)))
: {c : A & Trunc (-1) (Trunc (-1) (c = a) + Trunc (-1) (c = b))}).
refine (ap (fun x => x.1) (gf s1)^ @ _ @ (ap (fun x => x.1) (gf s2))).
assert (fs_eq : f s1 = f s2).
{ by apply path_ishprop. }
refine (ap (fun x => (g x).1) fs_eq).
+ (* Otherwise, ¬(a = b) *)
refine (tr (inr _)).
intros p.
pose (s1 := inl (inr tt) : Fin n + Unit + Unit).
pose (s2 := inr tt : Fin n + Unit + Unit).
pose (gs1 := g s1).
pose (c := g s1).
pose (gs2 := g s2).
pose (d := g s2).
assert (Hgs1 : gs1 = c) by reflexivity.
assert (Hgs2 : gs2 = d) by reflexivity.
destruct c as [x px'].
destruct d as [y py'].
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ px') ; intros px.
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ py') ; intros py.
cut (x = y).
enough (s1 = s2) as X.
unfold s1, s2 in X.
refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl(inr tt)) _ _).
+ apply tt.
+ rewrite X ; apply tt.
transitivity (f gs1).
{ apply (fg s1)^. }
symmetry ; transitivity (f gs2).
{ apply (fg s2)^. }
rewrite Hgs1, Hgs2.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); [ | apply path_ishprop ]; simpl.
destruct px as [p1 | p1] ; destruct py as [p2 | p2] ; strip_truncations.
* apply (p2 @ p1^).
* refine (p2 @ _^ @ p1^). auto.
* refine (p2 @ _ @ p1^). auto.
* apply (p2 @ p1^).
destruct px as [px | px] ; destruct py as [py | py]; strip_truncations.
** apply (px @ py^).
** refine (px @ _ @ py^). auto.
** refine (px @ _ @ py^). symmetry. auto.
** apply (px @ py^).
End finite_hott.
Section empty.
Variable (A : Type).
Variable (X : A -> hProp)
(Xequiv : {a : A & a ∈ X} <~> Fin 0).
Context `{Univalence}.
Lemma X_empty : X = ∅.
apply path_forall.
intro z.
apply path_iff_hprop ; try contradiction.
intro x.
destruct Xequiv as [f fequiv].
contradiction (f(z;x)).
End empty.
Section split.
Context `{Univalence}.
Variable (A : Type).
Variable (P : A -> hProp)
(n : nat)
(f : {a : A & P a } <~> Fin n + Unit).
Definition split : exists P' : Sub A, exists b : A,
({a : A & P' a} <~> Fin n) * (forall x, P x = (P' x ∨ merely (x = b))).
pose (fun x : A => sig (fun y : Fin n => x = (f^-1 (inl y)).1)) as P'.
assert (forall x, IsHProp (P' x)).
intros a. unfold P'.
apply hprop_allpath.
intros [x px] [y py].
pose (p := px^ @ py).
assert (p2 : p # (f^-1 (inl x)).2 = (f^-1 (inl y)).2).
{ apply path_ishprop. }
simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _).
- apply path_sum_inl with Unit.
refine (transport (fun z => z = inl y) (eisretr f (inl x)) _).
refine (transport (fun z => _ = z) (eisretr f (inl y)) _).
apply (ap f).
apply path_sigma_hprop. apply p.
- rewrite transport_paths_FlFr.
hott_simpl; cbn.
rewrite ap_compose.
rewrite (ap_compose inl f^-1).
rewrite ap_inl_path_sum_inl.
repeat (rewrite transport_paths_FlFr; hott_simpl).
rewrite !ap_pp.
rewrite ap_V.
rewrite <- !other_adj.
rewrite <- (ap_compose f (f^-1)).
rewrite ap_equiv.
rewrite !ap_pp.
rewrite ap_pr1_path_sigma_hprop.
rewrite !concat_pp_p.
rewrite !ap_V.
rewrite concat_Vp.
rewrite (concat_p_pp (ap pr1 (eissect f (f^-1 (inl x))))^).
rewrite concat_Vp.
hott_simpl. }
exists (fun a => BuildhProp (P' a)).
exists (f^-1 (inr tt)).1.
{ unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
{ refine (fun x => x.2.1). }
apply isequiv_biinv.
unshelve esplit;
exists (fun x => (((f^-1 (inl x)).1; (x; idpath)))).
- intros [a [y p]]; cbn.
eapply path_sigma with p^.
apply path_ishprop.
- intros x; cbn.
reflexivity. }
{ intros a.
unfold P'.
apply path_iff_hprop.
- intros Ha.
pose (y := f (a;Ha)).
assert (Hy : y = f (a; Ha)) by reflexivity.
destruct y as [y | []].
+ refine (tr (inl _)).
exists y.
rewrite Hy.
by rewrite eissect.
+ refine (tr (inr (tr _))).
rewrite Hy.
by rewrite eissect.
- intros Hstuff.
destruct Hstuff as [[y Hy] | Ha].
+ rewrite Hy.
apply (f^-1 (inl y)).2.
+ strip_truncations.
rewrite Ha.
apply (f^-1 (inr tt)).2. }
End split.
Arguments Bfin {_} _.
Arguments split {_} {_} _ _ _.
Section Bfin_no_singletons.
Definition S1toSig (x : S1) : {x : S1 & merely(x = base)}.
exists x.
simple refine (S1_ind (fun z => merely(z = base)) _ _ x) ; simpl.
- apply (tr idpath).
- apply path_ishprop.
Instance S1toSig_equiv : IsEquiv S1toSig.
apply isequiv_biinv.
- exists (fun x => x.1).
simple refine (S1_ind _ _ _) ; simpl.
* reflexivity.
* rewrite transport_paths_FlFr.
- exists (fun x => x.1).
intros [z x].
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _) ; simpl.
* reflexivity.
* apply path_ishprop.
Theorem no_singleton `{Univalence} (Hsing : Bfin {|base|}) : Empty.
destruct Hsing as [n equiv].
assert (S1 <~> Fin n) as X.
{ apply (equiv_compose equiv S1toSig). }
assert (IsHSet S1) as X1.
rewrite (path_universe X).
apply _.
enough (idpath = loop).
- assert (S1_encode _ idpath = S1_encode _ (loopexp loop (pos Int.one))) as H' by f_ap.
rewrite S1_encode_loopexp in H'. simpl in H'. symmetry in H'.
apply (pos_neq_zero H').
- apply set_path2.
End Bfin_no_singletons.
(* If A has decidable equality, then every Bfin subobject has decidable membership *)
Section dec_membership.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{DecidablePaths A} `{Univalence}.
Global Instance DecidableMembership (P : Sub A) (Hfin : Bfin P) (a : A) :
Decidable (a ∈ P).
destruct Hfin as [n Hequiv].
revert Hequiv.
revert P.
induction n.
- intros.
pose (X_empty _ P Hequiv) as p.
rewrite p.
apply _.
- intros.
destruct (split P n Hequiv) as
(P' & b & HP' & HP).
unfold member, sub_membership.
rewrite (HP a).
destruct (IHn P' HP') as [IH | IH].
+ left. apply (tr (inl IH)).
+ destruct (dec (a = b)) as [Hab | Hab].
left. apply (tr (inr (tr Hab))).
right. intros α. strip_truncations.
destruct α as [? | ?]; [ | strip_truncations]; contradiction.
End dec_membership.
Section bfin_kfin.
Context `{Univalence}.
Lemma bfin_to_kfin : forall (B : Type), Finite B -> Kf B.
apply finite_ind_hprop.
- intros. apply _.
- apply Kf_unfold.
exists ∅. intros [].
- intros B [n f] IH.
apply Kf_unfold in IH.
destruct IH as [X HX].
apply Kf_unfold.
exists ((fmap FSet inl X) ∪ {|inr tt|}); simpl.
intros [a | []]; apply tr.
+ left.
apply fmap_isIn.
apply (HX a).
+ right. apply (tr idpath).
Definition bfin_to_kfin_sub A : forall (P : Sub A), Bfin P -> Kf_sub _ P.
intros P [n f].
revert f. revert P.
induction n; intros P f.
- exists ∅.
apply path_forall; intro a; simpl.
apply path_iff_hprop; [ | contradiction ].
intros p.
apply (f (a;p)).
- destruct (split P n f) as
(P' & b & HP' & HP).
destruct (IHn P' HP') as [Y HY].
exists (Y ∪ {|b|}).
apply path_forall; intro a. simpl.
rewrite <- HY.
apply HP.
End bfin_kfin.
Section kfin_bfin.
Variable (A : Type).
Context `{DecidablePaths A} `{Univalence}.
Lemma notIn_ext_union_singleton (b : A) (Y : Sub A) :
~ (b ∈ Y) ->
{a : A & a ∈ ({|b|} ∪ Y)} <~> {a : A & a ∈ Y} + Unit.
intros HYb.
unshelve eapply BuildEquiv.
{ intros [a Ha]. cbn in Ha.
destruct (dec (BuildhProp (a = b))) as [Hab | Hab].
- right. apply tt.
- left. exists a.
destruct Ha as [HXa | HYa].
+ refine (Empty_rec _).
by apply Hab.
+ apply HYa. }
{ apply isequiv_biinv.
unshelve esplit; cbn.
- unshelve eexists.
+ intros [[a Ha] | []].
* exists a.
apply tr.
right. apply Ha.
* exists b.
apply (tr (inl (tr idpath))).
+ intros [a Ha]; cbn.
simple refine (path_sigma' _ _ _); [ | apply path_ishprop ].
destruct (H a b); cbn.
* apply p^.
* reflexivity.
- unshelve eexists. (* TODO ACHTUNG CODE DUPLICATION *)
+ intros [[a Ha] | []].
* exists a.
apply tr.
right. apply Ha.
* exists b.
apply (tr (inl (tr idpath))).
+ intros [[a Ha] | []]; cbn.
destruct (dec (_ = b)) as [Hb | Hb]; cbn.
{ refine (Empty_rec _).
rewrite Hb in Ha.
contradiction. }
{ reflexivity. }
destruct (dec (b = b)); [ reflexivity | contradiction ]. }
Theorem bfin_union : @closedUnion A Bfin.
intros X Y HX HY.
destruct HX as [n fX].
revert fX. revert X.
induction n; intros X fX.
- destruct HY as [m fY]. strip_truncations.
exists m. apply tr.
transitivity {a : A & a ∈ Y}; [ | assumption ].
apply equiv_functor_sigma_id.
intros a.
apply equiv_iff_hprop.
* intros Ha. strip_truncations.
destruct Ha as [Ha | Ha]; [ | apply Ha ].
contradiction (fX (a;Ha)).
* intros Ha. apply tr. by right.
- destruct (split X n fX) as
(X' & b & HX' & HX).
assert (Bfin (X'∪ Y)) by (by apply IHn).
destruct (dec (b ∈ (X' ∪ Y))) as [HX'Yb | HX'Yb].
+ cut (X ∪ Y = X' ∪ Y).
{ intros HXY. rewrite HXY. assumption. }
apply path_forall. intro a.
unfold union, sub_union, max_fun.
rewrite HX.
rewrite (commutativity (X' a)).
rewrite (associativity _ (X' a)).
apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros Ha.
destruct Ha as [HXa | HYa]; [ | assumption ].
rewrite HXa.
by apply tr.
* intros Ha.
apply (tr (inr Ha)).
+ destruct (IHn X' HX') as [n' fw].
exists (n'.+1).
apply tr.
transitivity ({a : A & a ∈ (fun a => merely (a = b)) ∪ (X' ∪ Y)}).
{ apply equiv_functor_sigma_id.
intro a.
rewrite <- (associative_max (Sub A)).
assert (X = X' ∪ (fun a => merely (a = b))) as HX_.
{ apply path_forall. intros ?.
unfold union, sub_union, max_fun.
apply HX. }
rewrite HX_.
rewrite <- (commutative_max (Sub A) X').
reflexivity. }
etransitivity. apply (notIn_ext_union_singleton b _ HX'Yb).
(* TODO: rewrite fw does not work *)
apply equiv_path.
apply (equiv_path _ _)^-1.
apply fw.
Definition FSet_to_Bfin : forall (X : FSet A), Bfin (map X).
hinduction; try (intros; apply path_ishprop).
- exists 0. apply tr. simpl.
simple refine (BuildEquiv _ _ _ _).
destruct 1 as [? []].
- intros a.
exists 1. apply tr. simpl.
transitivity Unit; [ | symmetry; apply sum_empty_l ].
unshelve esplit.
+ exact (fun _ => tt).
+ apply isequiv_biinv. split.
* exists (fun _ => (a; tr(idpath))).
intros [b Hb]. strip_truncations.
apply path_sigma' with Hb^.
apply path_ishprop.
* exists (fun _ => (a; tr(idpath))).
intros []. reflexivity.
- intros Y1 Y2 HY1 HY2.
apply bfin_union; auto.
End kfin_bfin.
Instance Kf_to_Bf (X : Type) `{Univalence} `{DecidablePaths X} (Hfin : Kf X) : Finite X.
apply Kf_unfold in Hfin.
destruct Hfin as [Y HY].
pose (X' := FSet_to_Bfin _ Y).
unfold Bfin in X'.
simple refine (finite_equiv' _ _ X').
unshelve esplit.
- intros [a ?]. apply a.
- apply isequiv_biinv. split.
* exists (fun a => (a;HY a)).
intros [b Hb].
apply path_sigma' with idpath.
apply path_ishprop.
* exists (fun a => (a;HY a)).
intros b. reflexivity.