mirror of https://github.com/nmvdw/HITs-Examples
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136 lines
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(* Bishop-finiteness is that "default" notion of finiteness in the HoTT library *)
Require Import HoTT.
Require Import Sub notation.
Section finite_hott.
Variable A : Type.
Context `{Univalence} `{IsHSet A}.
(* A subobject is B-finite if its extension is B-finite as a type *)
Definition Bfin (X : Sub A) : hProp := BuildhProp (Finite {a : A & a ∈ X}).
Global Instance singleton_contr a : Contr {b : A & b ∈ {|a|}}.
exists (a; tr idpath).
intros [b p].
simple refine (Trunc_ind (fun p => (a; tr 1%path) = (b; p)) _ p).
clear p; intro p. simpl.
apply path_sigma' with (p^).
apply path_ishprop.
Definition singleton_fin_equiv' a : Fin 1 -> {b : A & b ∈ {|a|}}.
intros _. apply (center {b : A & b ∈ {|a|}}).
Global Instance singleton_fin_equiv a : IsEquiv (singleton_fin_equiv' a).
Proof. apply _. Defined.
Definition singleton : closedSingleton Bfin.
intros a.
simple refine (Build_Finite _ 1 _).
apply tr.
refine (BuildEquiv _ _ (singleton_fin_equiv' a) _).
Definition empty_finite : closedEmpty Bfin.
simple refine (Build_Finite _ 0 _).
apply tr.
simple refine (BuildEquiv _ _ _ _).
intros [a p]; apply p.
Definition decidable_empty_finite : hasDecidableEmpty Bfin.
intros X Y.
destruct Y as [n Xn].
destruct Xn as [f [g fg gf adj]].
destruct n.
- refine (tr(inl _)).
apply path_forall. intro z.
apply path_iff_hprop.
* intros p.
contradiction (f (z;p)).
* contradiction.
- refine (tr(inr _)).
apply (tr(g(inr tt))).
Lemma no_union
(f : forall (X Y : Sub A),
Bfin X -> Bfin Y -> Bfin (X ∪ Y))
(a b : A) :
hor (a = b) (a = b -> Empty).
specialize (f {|a|} {|b|} (singleton a) (singleton b)).
unfold Bfin in f.
destruct f as [n pn].
destruct pn as [f [g fg gf _]].
destruct n as [|n].
unfold Sect in *.
- contradiction f.
exists a. apply (tr(inl(tr idpath))).
- destruct n as [|n].
+ (* If the size of the union is 1, then (a = b) *)
refine (tr (inl _)).
pose (s1 := (a;tr(inl(tr idpath)))
: {c : A & Trunc (-1) (Trunc (-1) (c = a) + Trunc (-1) (c = b))}).
pose (s2 := (b;tr(inr(tr idpath)))
: {c : A & Trunc (-1) (Trunc (-1) (c = a) + Trunc (-1) (c = b))}).
refine (ap (fun x => x.1) (gf s1)^ @ _ @ (ap (fun x => x.1) (gf s2))).
assert (fs_eq : f s1 = f s2).
{ by apply path_ishprop. }
refine (ap (fun x => (g x).1) fs_eq).
+ (* Otherwise, ¬(a = b) *)
refine (tr (inr _)).
intros p.
pose (s1 := inl (inr tt) : Fin n + Unit + Unit).
pose (s2 := inr tt : Fin n + Unit + Unit).
pose (gs1 := g s1).
pose (c := g s1).
pose (gs2 := g s2).
pose (d := g s2).
assert (Hgs1 : gs1 = c) by reflexivity.
assert (Hgs2 : gs2 = d) by reflexivity.
destruct c as [x px'].
destruct d as [y py'].
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ px') ; intros px.
simple refine (Trunc_ind _ _ py') ; intros py.
cut (x = y).
enough (s1 = s2) as X.
unfold s1, s2 in X.
refine (not_is_inl_and_inr' (inl(inr tt)) _ _).
+ apply tt.
+ rewrite X ; apply tt.
transitivity (f gs1).
{ apply (fg s1)^. }
symmetry ; transitivity (f gs2).
{ apply (fg s2)^. }
rewrite Hgs1, Hgs2.
simple refine (path_sigma _ _ _ _ _); [ | apply path_ishprop ]; simpl.
destruct px as [p1 | p1] ; destruct py as [p2 | p2] ; strip_truncations.
* apply (p2 @ p1^).
* refine (p2 @ _^ @ p1^). auto.
* refine (p2 @ _ @ p1^). auto.
* apply (p2 @ p1^).
destruct px as [px | px] ; destruct py as [py | py]; strip_truncations.
** apply (px @ py^).
** refine (px @ _ @ py^). auto.
** refine (px @ _ @ py^). symmetry. auto.
** apply (px @ py^).
End finite_hott.