// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "map.h" #include "history.h" #define SHEET_COLS (TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE / TIC_SPRITESIZE) #define MAP_WIDTH (TIC80_WIDTH) #define MAP_HEIGHT (TIC80_HEIGHT - TOOLBAR_SIZE) #define MAP_X (0) #define MAP_Y (TOOLBAR_SIZE) #define MAX_SCROLL_X (TIC_MAP_WIDTH * TIC_SPRITESIZE) #define MAX_SCROLL_Y (TIC_MAP_HEIGHT * TIC_SPRITESIZE) #define ICON_SIZE 7 #define MIN_SCALE 1 #define MAX_SCALE 4 #define FILL_STACK_SIZE (TIC_MAP_WIDTH*TIC_MAP_HEIGHT) static void normalizeMap(s32* x, s32* y) { while(*x < 0) *x += MAX_SCROLL_X; while(*y < 0) *y += MAX_SCROLL_Y; while(*x >= MAX_SCROLL_X) *x -= MAX_SCROLL_X; while(*y >= MAX_SCROLL_Y) *y -= MAX_SCROLL_Y; } static SDL_Point getTileOffset(Map* map) { return (SDL_Point){(map->sheet.rect.w - 1)*TIC_SPRITESIZE / 2, (map->sheet.rect.h - 1)*TIC_SPRITESIZE / 2}; } static void getMouseMap(Map* map, s32* x, s32* y) { SDL_Point offset = getTileOffset(map); s32 mx = getMouseX() + map->scroll.x - offset.x; s32 my = getMouseY() + map->scroll.y - offset.y; normalizeMap(&mx, &my); *x = mx / TIC_SPRITESIZE; *y = my / TIC_SPRITESIZE; } static s32 drawWorldButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 WorldIcon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00011100, 0b00100010, 0b01001001, 0b00100010, 0b00011100, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; enum{Size = 8}; x -= Size; SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, Size, ICON_SIZE}; bool over = false; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); over = true; showTooltip("WORLD MAP [tab]"); if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) setStudioMode(TIC_WORLD_MODE); } drawBitIcon(x, y, WorldIcon, over ? systemColor(tic_color_dark_gray) : systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); return x; } static s32 drawGridButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 GridIcon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00101000, 0b01111100, 0b00101000, 0b01111100, 0b00101000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; x -= ICON_SIZE; SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE}; bool over = false; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); over = true; showTooltip("SHOW/HIDE GRID [`]"); if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) map->canvas.grid = !map->canvas.grid; } drawBitIcon(x, y, GridIcon, map->canvas.grid ? systemColor(tic_color_black) : over ? systemColor(tic_color_dark_gray) : systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); return x; } static s32 drawSheetButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 DownIcon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b01111100, 0b00111000, 0b00010000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; static const u8 UpIcon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00010000, 0b00111000, 0b01111100, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; x -= ICON_SIZE; SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE}; bool over = false; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); over = true; showTooltip("SHOW TILES [shift]"); if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { map->sheet.show = !map->sheet.show; } } drawBitIcon(rect.x, rect.y, map->sheet.show ? UpIcon : DownIcon, over ? systemColor(tic_color_dark_gray) : systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); return x; } static s32 drawToolButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y, const u8* Icon, s32 width, const char* tip, s32 mode) { x -= width; SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, width, ICON_SIZE}; bool over = false; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); over = true; showTooltip(tip); if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { map->mode = mode; } } drawBitIcon(rect.x, rect.y, Icon, map->mode == mode ? systemColor(tic_color_black) : over ? systemColor(tic_color_dark_gray) : systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); return x; } static s32 drawFillButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 Icon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00001000, 0b00000100, 0b00111110, 0b01011100, 0b01001000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; enum{Size = 8}; return drawToolButton(map, x, y, Icon, Size, "FILL [4]", MAP_FILL_MODE); } static s32 drawSelectButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 Icon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b01010100, 0b00000000, 0b01000100, 0b00000000, 0b01010100, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; return drawToolButton(map, x, y, Icon, ICON_SIZE, "SELECT [3]", MAP_SELECT_MODE); } static s32 drawHandButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 Icon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00011000, 0b00011100, 0b01011100, 0b00111100, 0b00011000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; return drawToolButton(map, x, y, Icon, ICON_SIZE, "DRAG MAP [2]", MAP_DRAG_MODE); } static s32 drawPenButton(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { static const u8 Icon[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00001000, 0b00010100, 0b00101000, 0b01010000, 0b01100000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; return drawToolButton(map, x, y, Icon, ICON_SIZE, "DRAW [1]", MAP_DRAW_MODE); } static void drawTileIndex(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { s32 index = -1; if(map->sheet.show) { SDL_Rect rect = {TIC80_WIDTH - TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE - 1, TOOLBAR_SIZE-1, TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE}; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { s32 mx = getMouseX() - rect.x; s32 my = getMouseY() - rect.y; mx /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; my /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; index = mx + my * SHEET_COLS; } } else { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { s32 tx = 0, ty = 0; getMouseMap(map, &tx, &ty); index = map->tic->api.map_get(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, tx, ty); } } if(index >= 0) { char buf[] = "#999"; sprintf(buf, "#%03i", index); map->tic->api.text(map->tic, buf, x, y, systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); } } static void drawMapToolbar(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { map->tic->api.rect(map->tic, 0, 0, TIC80_WIDTH, TOOLBAR_SIZE-1, systemColor(tic_color_white)); drawTileIndex(map, TIC80_WIDTH/2 - TIC_FONT_WIDTH, y); x = drawSheetButton(map, TIC80_WIDTH, 0); x = drawFillButton(map, x, 0); x = drawSelectButton(map, x, 0); x = drawHandButton(map, x, 0); x = drawPenButton(map, x, 0); x = drawGridButton(map, x - 5, 0); x = drawWorldButton(map, x, 0); } static void drawSheet(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { if(!map->sheet.show)return; SDL_Rect rect = {x, y, TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE}; map->tic->api.rect_border(map->tic, rect.x - 1, rect.y - 1, rect.w + 2, rect.h + 2, systemColor(tic_color_white)); if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); if(checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { s32 mx = getMouseX() - rect.x; s32 my = getMouseY() - rect.y; mx /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; my /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; if(map->sheet.drag) { s32 rl = SDL_min(mx, map->sheet.start.x); s32 rt = SDL_min(my, map->sheet.start.y); s32 rr = SDL_max(mx, map->sheet.start.x); s32 rb = SDL_max(my, map->sheet.start.y); map->sheet.rect = (SDL_Rect){rl, rt, rr-rl+1, rb-rt+1}; map->mode = MAP_DRAW_MODE; } else { map->sheet.drag = true; map->sheet.start = (SDL_Point){mx, my}; } } else { if(map->sheet.drag) map->sheet.show = false; map->sheet.drag = false; } } for(s32 j = 0, index = 0; j < rect.h; j += TIC_SPRITESIZE) for(s32 i = 0; i < rect.w; i += TIC_SPRITESIZE, index++) map->tic->api.sprite(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, index, x + i, y + j, NULL, 0); { s32 bx = map->sheet.rect.x * TIC_SPRITESIZE - 1 + x; s32 by = map->sheet.rect.y * TIC_SPRITESIZE - 1 + y; s32 bw = map->sheet.rect.w * TIC_SPRITESIZE + 2; s32 bh = map->sheet.rect.h * TIC_SPRITESIZE + 2; map->tic->api.rect_border(map->tic, bx, by, bw, bh, systemColor(tic_color_white)); } } static void drawCursorPos(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { char pos[] = "999:999"; s32 tx = 0, ty = 0; getMouseMap(map, &tx, &ty); sprintf(pos, "%03i:%03i", tx, ty); s32 width = map->tic->api.text(map->tic, pos, TIC80_WIDTH, 0, systemColor(tic_color_gray)); s32 px = x + (TIC_SPRITESIZE + 3); if(px + width >= TIC80_WIDTH) px = x - (width + 2); s32 py = y - (TIC_FONT_HEIGHT + 2); if(py <= TOOLBAR_SIZE) py = y + (TIC_SPRITESIZE + 3); map->tic->api.rect(map->tic, px - 1, py - 1, width + 1, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT + 1, systemColor(tic_color_white)); map->tic->api.text(map->tic, pos, px, py, systemColor(tic_color_light_blue)); } static void setMapSprite(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y) { s32 mx = map->sheet.rect.x; s32 my = map->sheet.rect.y; for(s32 j = 0; j < map->sheet.rect.h; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < map->sheet.rect.w; i++) map->tic->api.map_set(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, (x+i)%TIC_MAP_WIDTH, (y+j)%TIC_MAP_HEIGHT, (mx+i) + (my+j) * SHEET_COLS); history_add(map->history); } static void drawTileCursor(Map* map) { if(map->scroll.active) return; SDL_Point offset = getTileOffset(map); s32 mx = getMouseX() + map->scroll.x - offset.x; s32 my = getMouseY() + map->scroll.y - offset.y; mx -= mx % TIC_SPRITESIZE; my -= my % TIC_SPRITESIZE; mx += -map->scroll.x; my += -map->scroll.y; s32 width = map->sheet.rect.w * TIC_SPRITESIZE + 2; s32 height = map->sheet.rect.h * TIC_SPRITESIZE + 2; map->tic->api.rect_border(map->tic, mx - 1, my - 1, width, height, systemColor(tic_color_white)); { s32 sx = map->sheet.rect.x; s32 sy = map->sheet.rect.y; for(s32 j = 0, ty=my; j < map->sheet.rect.h; j++, ty+=TIC_SPRITESIZE) for(s32 i = 0, tx=mx; i < map->sheet.rect.w; i++, tx+=TIC_SPRITESIZE) map->tic->api.sprite(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, (sx+i) + (sy+j) * SHEET_COLS, tx, ty, NULL, 0); } drawCursorPos(map, mx, my); } static void processMouseDrawMode(Map* map) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); drawTileCursor(map); if(checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { s32 tx = 0, ty = 0; getMouseMap(map, &tx, &ty); if(map->canvas.draw) { s32 w = tx - map->canvas.start.x; s32 h = ty - map->canvas.start.y; if(w % map->sheet.rect.w == 0 && h % map->sheet.rect.h == 0) setMapSprite(map, tx, ty); } else { map->canvas.draw = true; map->canvas.start = (SDL_Point){tx, ty}; } } else { map->canvas.draw = false; } if(checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE)) { s32 tx = 0, ty = 0; getMouseMap(map, &tx, &ty); s32 index = map->tic->api.map_get(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, tx, ty); map->sheet.rect = (SDL_Rect){index % SHEET_COLS, index / SHEET_COLS, 1, 1}; } } static void processScrolling(Map* map, bool pressed) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; if(map->scroll.active) { if(pressed) { map->scroll.x = map->scroll.start.x - getMouseX(); map->scroll.y = map->scroll.start.y - getMouseY(); normalizeMap(&map->scroll.x, &map->scroll.y); setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); } else map->scroll.active = false; } else if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { if(pressed) { map->scroll.active = true; map->scroll.start.x = getMouseX() + map->scroll.x; map->scroll.start.y = getMouseY() + map->scroll.y; } } } static void processMouseDragMode(Map* map) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; processScrolling(map, checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) || checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)); } static void resetSelection(Map* map) { map->select.rect = (SDL_Rect){0,0,0,0}; } static void drawSelectionRect(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y, s32 w, s32 h) { enum{Step = 3}; u8 color = systemColor(tic_color_white); s32 index = map->tickCounter / 10; for(s32 i = x; i < (x+w); i++) map->tic->api.pixel(map->tic, i, y, index++ % Step ? color : 0); index++; for(s32 i = y; i < (y+h); i++) map->tic->api.pixel(map->tic, x + w-1, i, index++ % Step ? color : 0); index++; for(s32 i = (x+w-1); i >= x; i--) map->tic->api.pixel(map->tic, i, y + h-1, index++ % Step ? color : 0); index++; for(s32 i = (y+h-1); i >= y; i--) map->tic->api.pixel(map->tic, x, i, index++ % Step ? color : 0); } static void drawPasteData(Map* map) { s32 w = map->paste[0]; s32 h = map->paste[1]; u8* data = map->paste + 2; s32 mx = getMouseX() + map->scroll.x - (w - 1)*TIC_SPRITESIZE / 2; s32 my = getMouseY() + map->scroll.y - (h - 1)*TIC_SPRITESIZE / 2; SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { normalizeMap(&mx, &my); mx /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; my /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; for(s32 j = 0; j < h; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < w; i++) map->tic->api.map_set(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, (mx+i)%TIC_MAP_WIDTH, (my+j)%TIC_MAP_HEIGHT, data[i + j * w]); history_add(map->history); SDL_free(map->paste); map->paste = NULL; } else { mx -= mx % TIC_SPRITESIZE; my -= my % TIC_SPRITESIZE; mx += -map->scroll.x; my += -map->scroll.y; drawSelectionRect(map, mx-1, my-1, w*TIC_SPRITESIZE+2, h*TIC_SPRITESIZE+2); for(s32 j = 0; j < h; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < w; i++) map->tic->api.sprite(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, data[i + j * w], mx + i*TIC_SPRITESIZE, my + j*TIC_SPRITESIZE, NULL, 0); } } static void normalizeMapRect(s32* x, s32* y) { while(*x < 0) *x += TIC_MAP_WIDTH; while(*y < 0) *y += TIC_MAP_HEIGHT; while(*x >= TIC_MAP_WIDTH) *x -= TIC_MAP_WIDTH; while(*y >= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT) *y -= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT; } static void processMouseSelectMode(Map* map) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { if(map->paste) drawPasteData(map); else { if(checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { s32 mx = getMouseX() + map->scroll.x; s32 my = getMouseY() + map->scroll.y; mx /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; my /= TIC_SPRITESIZE; normalizeMapRect(&mx, &my); if(map->select.drag) { s32 rl = SDL_min(mx, map->select.start.x); s32 rt = SDL_min(my, map->select.start.y); s32 rr = SDL_max(mx, map->select.start.x); s32 rb = SDL_max(my, map->select.start.y); map->select.rect = (SDL_Rect){rl, rt, rr - rl + 1, rb - rt + 1}; } else { map->select.drag = true; map->select.start = (SDL_Point){mx, my}; map->select.rect = (SDL_Rect){map->select.start.x, map->select.start.y, 1, 1}; } } else if(map->select.drag) { map->select.drag = false; if(map->select.rect.w <= 1 && map->select.rect.h <= 1) resetSelection(map); } } } } typedef struct { SDL_Point* data; SDL_Point* head; } FillStack; static bool push(FillStack* stack, s32 x, s32 y) { if(stack->head == NULL) { stack->head = stack->data; stack->head->x = x; stack->head->y = y; return true; } if(stack->head < (stack->data + FILL_STACK_SIZE-1)) { stack->head++; stack->head->x = x; stack->head->y = y; return true; } return false; } static bool pop(FillStack* stack, s32* x, s32* y) { if(stack->head > stack->data) { *x = stack->head->x; *y = stack->head->y; stack->head--; return true; } if(stack->head == stack->data) { *x = stack->head->x; *y = stack->head->y; stack->head = NULL; return true; } return false; } static void fillMap(Map* map, s32 x, s32 y, u8 tile) { if(tile == (map->sheet.rect.x + map->sheet.rect.y * SHEET_COLS)) return; static FillStack stack = {NULL, NULL}; if(!stack.data) stack.data = (SDL_Point*)SDL_malloc(FILL_STACK_SIZE * sizeof(SDL_Point)); stack.head = NULL; static const s32 dx[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1}; static const s32 dy[4] = {-1, 0, 1, 0}; if(!push(&stack, x, y)) return; s32 mx = map->sheet.rect.x; s32 my = map->sheet.rect.y; struct { s32 l; s32 t; s32 r; s32 b; }clip = { 0, 0, TIC_MAP_WIDTH, TIC_MAP_HEIGHT }; if (map->select.rect.w > 0 && map->select.rect.h > 0) { clip.l = map->select.rect.x; clip.t = map->select.rect.y; clip.r = map->select.rect.x + map->select.rect.w; clip.b = map->select.rect.y + map->select.rect.h; } while(pop(&stack, &x, &y)) { for(s32 j = 0; j < map->sheet.rect.h; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < map->sheet.rect.w; i++) map->tic->api.map_set(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, x+i, y+j, (mx+i) + (my+j) * SHEET_COLS); for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(dx); i++) { s32 nx = x + dx[i]*map->sheet.rect.w; s32 ny = y + dy[i]*map->sheet.rect.h; if(nx >= clip.l && nx < clip.r && ny >= clip.t && ny < clip.b) { bool match = true; for(s32 j = 0; j < map->sheet.rect.h; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < map->sheet.rect.w; i++) if(map->tic->api.map_get(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, nx+i, ny+j) != tile) match = false; if(match) { if(!push(&stack, nx, ny)) return; } } } } } static void processMouseFillMode(Map* map) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; setCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND); drawTileCursor(map); if(checkMouseClick(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)) { s32 tx = 0, ty = 0; getMouseMap(map, &tx, &ty); fillMap(map, tx, ty, map->tic->api.map_get(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, tx, ty)); history_add(map->history); } } static void drawSelection(Map* map) { SDL_Rect* sel = &map->select.rect; if(sel->w > 0 && sel->h > 0) { s32 x = sel->x * TIC_SPRITESIZE - map->scroll.x; s32 y = sel->y * TIC_SPRITESIZE - map->scroll.y; s32 w = sel->w * TIC_SPRITESIZE; s32 h = sel->h * TIC_SPRITESIZE; while(x+w<0)x+=MAX_SCROLL_X; while(y+h<0)y+=MAX_SCROLL_Y; while(x+w>=MAX_SCROLL_X)x-=MAX_SCROLL_X; while(y+h>=MAX_SCROLL_Y)y-=MAX_SCROLL_Y; drawSelectionRect(map, x-1, y-1, w+2, h+2); } } static void drawGrid(Map* map) { s32 scrollX = map->scroll.x % TIC_SPRITESIZE; s32 scrollY = map->scroll.y % TIC_SPRITESIZE; for(s32 j = -scrollY; j <= TIC80_HEIGHT-scrollY; j += TIC_SPRITESIZE) { if(j >= 0 && j < TIC80_HEIGHT) for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC80_WIDTH; i++) { s32 index = i + j*TIC80_WIDTH; u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(map->tic->ram.vram.screen.data, index); tic_tool_poke4(map->tic->ram.vram.screen.data, index, (color+1)%TIC_PALETTE_SIZE); } } for(s32 j = -scrollX; j <= TIC80_WIDTH-scrollX; j += TIC_SPRITESIZE) { if(j >= 0 && j < TIC80_WIDTH) for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC80_HEIGHT; i++) { if((i+scrollY) % TIC_SPRITESIZE) { s32 index = j + i*TIC80_WIDTH; u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(map->tic->ram.vram.screen.data, index); tic_tool_poke4(map->tic->ram.vram.screen.data, index, (color+1)%TIC_PALETTE_SIZE); } } } } static void drawMap(Map* map) { SDL_Rect rect = {MAP_X, MAP_Y, MAP_WIDTH, MAP_HEIGHT}; s32 scrollX = map->scroll.x % TIC_SPRITESIZE; s32 scrollY = map->scroll.y % TIC_SPRITESIZE; map->tic->api.map(map->tic, &map->tic->cart.gfx, map->scroll.x / TIC_SPRITESIZE, map->scroll.y / TIC_SPRITESIZE, TIC_MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH + 1, TIC_MAP_SCREEN_HEIGHT + 1, -scrollX, -scrollY, 0, 1); if(map->canvas.grid || map->scroll.active) drawGrid(map); { s32 screenScrollX = map->scroll.x % TIC80_WIDTH; s32 screenScrollY = map->scroll.y % TIC80_HEIGHT; map->tic->api.line(map->tic, 0, TIC80_HEIGHT - screenScrollY, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC80_HEIGHT - screenScrollY, systemColor(tic_color_gray)); map->tic->api.line(map->tic, TIC80_WIDTH - screenScrollX, 0, TIC80_WIDTH - screenScrollX, TIC80_HEIGHT, systemColor(tic_color_gray)); } if(!map->sheet.show && checkMousePos(&rect)) { if(getKeyboard()[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE]) { processScrolling(map, checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) || checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)); } else { static void(*const Handlers[])(Map*) = {processMouseDrawMode, processMouseDragMode, processMouseSelectMode, processMouseFillMode}; Handlers[map->mode](map); if(map->mode != MAP_DRAG_MODE) processScrolling(map, checkMouseDown(&rect, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT)); } } drawSelection(map); } static void processKeyboard(Map* map) { enum{Step = 1}; if(getKeyboard()[SDL_SCANCODE_UP]) map->scroll.y -= Step; if(getKeyboard()[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN]) map->scroll.y += Step; if(getKeyboard()[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT]) map->scroll.x -= Step; if(getKeyboard()[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT]) map->scroll.x += Step; static const u8 Scancodes[] = {SDL_SCANCODE_UP, SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN, SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT}; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Scancodes); i++) if(getKeyboard()[Scancodes[i]]) { normalizeMap(&map->scroll.x, &map->scroll.y); break; } } static void undo(Map* map) { history_undo(map->history); } static void redo(Map* map) { history_redo(map->history); } static void copySelectionToClipboard(Map* map) { SDL_Rect* sel = &map->select.rect; if(sel->w > 0 && sel->h > 0) { s32 size = sel->w * sel->h + 2; u8* buffer = SDL_malloc(size); if(buffer) { buffer[0] = sel->w; buffer[1] = sel->h; u8* ptr = buffer + 2; for(s32 j = sel->y; j < sel->y+sel->h; j++) for(s32 i = sel->x; i < sel->x+sel->w; i++) { s32 x = i, y = j; normalizeMapRect(&x, &y); s32 index = x + y * TIC_MAP_WIDTH; *ptr++ = map->tic->cart.gfx.map.data[index]; } toClipboard(buffer, size, true); SDL_free(buffer); } } } static void copyToClipboard(Map* map) { copySelectionToClipboard(map); resetSelection(map); } static void deleteSelection(Map* map) { SDL_Rect* sel = &map->select.rect; if(sel->w > 0 && sel->h > 0) { for(s32 j = sel->y; j < sel->y+sel->h; j++) for(s32 i = sel->x; i < sel->x+sel->w; i++) { s32 x = i, y = j; normalizeMapRect(&x, &y); s32 index = x + y * TIC_MAP_WIDTH; map->tic->cart.gfx.map.data[index] = 0; } history_add(map->history); } } static void cutToClipboard(Map* map) { copySelectionToClipboard(map); deleteSelection(map); resetSelection(map); } static void copyFromClipboard(Map* map) { if(SDL_HasClipboardText()) { char* clipboard = SDL_GetClipboardText(); if(clipboard) { s32 size = strlen(clipboard)/2; if(size > 2) { u8* data = SDL_malloc(size); str2buf(clipboard, data, true); if(data[0] * data[1] == size - 2) { map->paste = data; map->mode = MAP_SELECT_MODE; } else SDL_free(data); } SDL_free(clipboard); } } } static void processKeydown(Map* map, SDL_Keycode keycode) { SDL_Keymod keymod = SDL_GetModState(); switch(getClipboardEvent(keycode)) { case TIC_CLIPBOARD_CUT: cutToClipboard(map); break; case TIC_CLIPBOARD_COPY: copyToClipboard(map); break; case TIC_CLIPBOARD_PASTE: copyFromClipboard(map); break; default: break; } if(keymod & TIC_MOD_CTRL) { switch(keycode) { case SDLK_z: undo(map); break; case SDLK_y: redo(map); break; } } else { switch(keycode) { case SDLK_TAB: setStudioMode(TIC_WORLD_MODE); break; case SDLK_1: case SDLK_2: case SDLK_3: case SDLK_4: map->mode = keycode - SDLK_1; break; case SDLK_DELETE: deleteSelection(map); break; case SDLK_BACKQUOTE: map->canvas.grid = !map->canvas.grid; break; } } if(keymod & KMOD_SHIFT) map->sheet.show = true; } static void processKeyup(Map* map, SDL_Keycode keycode) { SDL_Keymod keymod = SDL_GetModState(); if(!(keymod & KMOD_SHIFT)) map->sheet.show = false; } static void processGesture(Map* map) { SDL_Point point = {0, 0}; if(getGesturePos(&point)) { if(map->scroll.gesture) { map->scroll.x = map->scroll.start.x - point.x; map->scroll.y = map->scroll.start.y - point.y; normalizeMap(&map->scroll.x, &map->scroll.y); } else { map->scroll.start.x = point.x + map->scroll.x; map->scroll.start.y = point.y + map->scroll.y; map->scroll.gesture = true; } } else map->scroll.gesture = false; } static void tick(Map* map) { map->tickCounter++; SDL_Event* event = NULL; while ((event = pollEvent())) { switch(event->type) { case SDL_KEYDOWN: processKeydown(map, event->key.keysym.sym); break; case SDL_KEYUP: processKeyup(map, event->key.keysym.sym); break; } } processKeyboard(map); processGesture(map); map->tic->api.clear(map->tic, TIC_COLOR_BG); drawMap(map); drawSheet(map, TIC80_WIDTH - TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE - 1, TOOLBAR_SIZE-1); drawMapToolbar(map, TIC80_WIDTH - 9*TIC_FONT_WIDTH, 1); drawToolbar(map->tic, TIC_COLOR_BG, false); } static void onStudioEvent(Map* map, StudioEvent event) { switch(event) { case TIC_TOOLBAR_CUT: cutToClipboard(map); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_COPY: copyToClipboard(map); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_PASTE: copyFromClipboard(map); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_UNDO: undo(map); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_REDO: redo(map); break; default: break; } } static void scanline(tic_mem* tic, s32 row) { memcpy(tic->ram.vram.palette.data, row < (TOOLBAR_SIZE-1) ? tic->config.palette.data : tic->cart.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); } void initMap(Map* map, tic_mem* tic) { if(map->history) history_delete(map->history); *map = (Map) { .tic = tic, .tick = tick, .mode = MAP_DRAW_MODE, .canvas = { .grid = true, .draw = false, .start = {0, 0}, }, .sheet = { .show = false, .rect = {0, 0, 1, 1}, .start = {0, 0}, .drag = false, }, .select = { .rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}, .start = {0, 0}, .drag = false, }, .paste = NULL, .tickCounter = 0, .scroll = { .x = 0, .y = 0, .active = false, .gesture = false, .start = {0, 0}, }, .history = history_create(&tic->cart.gfx.map, sizeof tic->cart.gfx.map), .event = onStudioEvent, .scanline = scanline, }; normalizeMap(&map->scroll.x, &map->scroll.y); }