// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ticapi.h" #include "tools.h" #include "machine.h" #include "ext/gif.h" #define CLOCKRATE (TIC_FRAMERATE*30000) #define MIN_PERIOD_VALUE 10 #define MAX_PERIOD_VALUE 4096 #define BASE_NOTE_FREQ 440.0 #define BASE_NOTE_POS 49.0 #define NOTES_PER_MUNUTE (TIC_FRAMERATE / NOTES_PER_BEET * 60) #define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)) #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) typedef enum { CHUNK_DUMMY, // 0 CHUNK_TILES, // 1 CHUNK_SPRITES, // 2 CHUNK_COVER, // 3 CHUNK_MAP, // 4 CHUNK_CODE, // 5 CHUNK_TEMP, // 6 CHUNK_TEMP2, // 7 CHUNK_TEMP3, // 8 CHUNK_SAMPLES, // 9 CHUNK_WAVEFORM, // 10 CHUNK_TEMP4, // 11 CHUNK_PALETTE, // 12 CHUNK_PATTERNS, // 13 CHUNK_MUSIC, // 14 } ChunkType; typedef struct { ChunkType type:5; u32 bank:TIC_BANK_BITS; u32 size:16; // max chunk size is 64K u32 temp:8; } Chunk; STATIC_ASSERT(tic_bank_bits, TIC_BANK_BITS == 3); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_chunk_size, sizeof(Chunk) == 4); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_map, sizeof(tic_map) < 1024*32); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_sample, sizeof(tic_sample) == 66); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_track_pattern, sizeof(tic_track_pattern) == 3*MUSIC_PATTERN_ROWS); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_track, sizeof(tic_track) == 3*MUSIC_FRAMES+3); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_vram, sizeof(tic_vram) == TIC_VRAM_SIZE); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_ram, sizeof(tic_ram) == TIC_RAM_SIZE); STATIC_ASSERT(tic_sound_register, sizeof(tic_sound_register) == 16+2); STATIC_ASSERT(tic80_input, sizeof(tic80_input) == 12); static void update_amp(blip_buffer_t* blip, tic_sound_register_data* data, s32 new_amp ) { s32 delta = new_amp - data->amp; data->amp += delta; blip_add_delta( blip, data->time, delta ); } static inline double freq2note(double freq) { return (double)NOTES * log2(freq / BASE_NOTE_FREQ) + BASE_NOTE_POS; } static inline s32 note2freq(double note) { return round(pow(2, (note - BASE_NOTE_POS) / (double)NOTES) * BASE_NOTE_FREQ); } static inline s32 freq2period(double freq) { if(freq == 0.0) return MAX_PERIOD_VALUE; enum {Rate = CLOCKRATE / ENVELOPE_VALUES}; s32 period = round((double)Rate / freq - 1.0); if(period < MIN_PERIOD_VALUE) return MIN_PERIOD_VALUE; if(period > MAX_PERIOD_VALUE) return MAX_PERIOD_VALUE; return period; } static inline s32 getAmp(const tic_sound_register* reg, s32 amp) { enum {MaxAmp = (u16)-1 / (MAX_VOLUME * TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS)}; return amp * MaxAmp * reg->volume / MAX_VOLUME; } static void runEnvelope(blip_buffer_t* blip, tic_sound_register* reg, tic_sound_register_data* data, s32 end_time ) { s32 period = freq2period(reg->freq); for ( ; data->time < end_time; data->time += period ) { data->phase = (data->phase + 1) % ENVELOPE_VALUES; update_amp(blip, data, getAmp(reg, tic_tool_peek4(reg->waveform.data, data->phase))); } } static void runNoise(blip_buffer_t* blip, tic_sound_register* reg, tic_sound_register_data* data, s32 end_time ) { // phase is noise LFSR, which must never be zero if ( data->phase == 0 ) data->phase = 1; s32 period = freq2period(reg->freq); for ( ; data->time < end_time; data->time += period ) { data->phase = ((data->phase & 1) * (0b11 << 13)) ^ (data->phase >> 1); update_amp(blip, data, getAmp(reg, (data->phase & 1) ? MAX_VOLUME : 0)); } } static void resetPalette(tic_mem* memory) { static const u8 DefaultMapping[] = {16, 50, 84, 118, 152, 186, 220, 254}; memcpy(memory->ram.vram.palette.data, memory->cart.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); memcpy(memory->ram.vram.mapping, DefaultMapping, sizeof DefaultMapping); } static inline u8 mapColor(tic_mem* tic, u8 color) { return tic_tool_peek4(tic->ram.vram.mapping, color & 0xf); } static void setPixelDma(tic_mem* tic, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { tic_tool_poke4(tic->ram.vram.screen.data, y * TIC80_WIDTH + x, color); } static inline u32* getOvrAddr(tic_mem* tic, s32 x, s32 y) { enum {Top = (TIC80_FULLHEIGHT-TIC80_HEIGHT)/2}; enum {Left = (TIC80_FULLWIDTH-TIC80_WIDTH)/2}; return tic->screen + x + (y << TIC80_FULLWIDTH_BITS) + (Left + Top * TIC80_FULLWIDTH); } static void setPixelOvr(tic_mem* tic, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; *getOvrAddr(tic, x, y) = *(machine->state.ovr.palette + color); } static u8 getPixelOvr(tic_mem* tic, s32 x, s32 y) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; u32 color = *getOvrAddr(tic, x, y); u32* pal = machine->state.ovr.palette; for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_PALETTE_SIZE; i++, pal++) if(*pal == color) return i; return 0; } static u8 getPixelDma(tic_mem* tic, s32 x, s32 y) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; return tic_tool_peek4(machine->memory.ram.vram.screen.data, y * TIC80_WIDTH + x); } static void setPixel(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { if(x < machine->state.clip.l || y < machine->state.clip.t || x >= machine->state.clip.r || y >= machine->state.clip.b) return; machine->state.setpix(&machine->memory, x, y, mapColor(&machine->memory, color)); } static u8 getPixel(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y) { if(x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= TIC80_WIDTH || y >= TIC80_HEIGHT) return 0; return machine->state.getpix(&machine->memory, x, y); } static void drawHLineDma(tic_mem* memory, s32 xl, s32 xr, s32 y, u8 color) { color = color << 4 | color; if (xl >= xr) return; if (xl & 1) { tic_tool_poke4(&memory->ram.vram.screen.data, y * TIC80_WIDTH + xl, color); xl++; } s32 count = (xr - xl) >> 1; u8 *screen = memory->ram.vram.screen.data + ((y * TIC80_WIDTH + xl) >> 1); for(s32 i = 0; i < count; i++) *screen++ = color; if (xr & 1) { tic_tool_poke4(&memory->ram.vram.screen.data, y * TIC80_WIDTH + xr - 1, color); } } static void drawHLineOvr(tic_mem* tic, s32 x1, s32 x2, s32 y, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; u32 final_color = *(machine->state.ovr.palette + color); for(s32 x = x1; x < x2; ++x) { *getOvrAddr(tic, x, y) = final_color; } } static void drawHLine(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, u8 color) { if(y < machine->state.clip.t || machine->state.clip.b <= y) return; u8 final_color = mapColor(&machine->memory, color); s32 xl = max(x, machine->state.clip.l); s32 xr = min(x + width, machine->state.clip.r); machine->state.drawhline(&machine->memory, xl, xr, y, final_color); } static void drawVLine(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y, s32 height, u8 color) { if(x < 0 || x >= TIC80_WIDTH) return; s32 yl = y < 0 ? 0 : y; s32 yr = y + height >= TIC80_HEIGHT ? TIC80_HEIGHT : y + height; for(s32 i = yl; i < yr; ++i) setPixel(machine, x, i, color); } static void drawRect(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color) { for(s32 i = y; i < y + height; ++i) drawHLine(machine, x, i, width, color); } static void drawRectBorder(tic_machine* machine, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color) { drawHLine(machine, x, y, width, color); drawHLine(machine, x, y + height - 1, width, color); drawVLine(machine, x, y, height, color); drawVLine(machine, x + width - 1, y, height, color); } #define DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_EXPR) do {\ for(s32 py=sy; py < ey; py++, y++) \ { \ s32 xx = x; \ for(s32 px=sx; px < ex; px++, xx++) \ { \ u8 color = mapping[tic_tool_peek4(buffer, INDEX_EXPR)]; \ if(color != 255) machine->state.setpix(&machine->memory, xx, y, color); \ } \ } \ } while(0) #define REVERT(X) (TIC_SPRITESIZE - 1 - (X)) #define INDEX_XY(X, Y) ((Y) * TIC_SPRITESIZE + (X)) static void drawTile(tic_machine* machine, const tic_tile* buffer, s32 x, s32 y, u8* colors, s32 count, s32 scale, tic_flip flip, tic_rotate rotate) { static u8 mapping[TIC_PALETTE_SIZE]; for (s32 i = 0; i < TIC_PALETTE_SIZE; i++) mapping[i] = tic_tool_peek4(machine->memory.ram.vram.mapping, i); for (s32 i = 0; i < count; i++) mapping[colors[i]] = 255; rotate &= 0b11; u32 orientation = flip & 0b11; if(rotate == tic_90_rotate) orientation ^= 0b001; else if(rotate == tic_180_rotate) orientation ^= 0b011; else if(rotate == tic_270_rotate) orientation ^= 0b010; if (rotate == tic_90_rotate || rotate == tic_270_rotate) orientation |= 0b100; if (scale == 1) { // the most common path s32 sx, sy, ex, ey; sx = machine->state.clip.l - x; if (sx < 0) sx = 0; sy = machine->state.clip.t - y; if (sy < 0) sy = 0; ex = machine->state.clip.r - x; if (ex > TIC_SPRITESIZE) ex = TIC_SPRITESIZE; ey = machine->state.clip.b - y; if (ey > TIC_SPRITESIZE) ey = TIC_SPRITESIZE; y += sy; x += sx; switch (orientation) { case 0b100: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(py, px)); break; case 0b110: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(REVERT(py), px)); break; case 0b101: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(py, REVERT(px))); break; case 0b111: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(REVERT(py), REVERT(px))); break; case 0b000: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(px, py)); break; case 0b010: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(px, REVERT(py))); break; case 0b001: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(REVERT(px), py)); break; case 0b011: DRAW_TILE_BODY(INDEX_XY(REVERT(px), REVERT(py))); break; default: assert(!"Unknown value of orientation in drawTile"); } return; } for(s32 py=0; py < TIC_SPRITESIZE; py++, y+=scale) { s32 xx = x; for(s32 px=0; px < TIC_SPRITESIZE; px++, xx+=scale) { s32 i; s32 ix = orientation & 0b001 ? TIC_SPRITESIZE - px - 1: px; s32 iy = orientation & 0b010 ? TIC_SPRITESIZE - py - 1: py; if(orientation & 0b100) { i = ix * TIC_SPRITESIZE + iy; } else { i = iy * TIC_SPRITESIZE + ix; } u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(buffer, i); if(mapping[color] != 255) drawRect(machine, xx, y, scale, scale, color); } } } static void drawMap(tic_machine* machine, const tic_map* src, const tic_tiles* tiles, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, s32 sx, s32 sy, u8 chromakey, s32 scale, RemapFunc remap, void* data) { const s32 size = TIC_SPRITESIZE * scale; for(s32 j = y, jj = sy; j < y + height; j++, jj += size) for(s32 i = x, ii = sx; i < x + width; i++, ii += size) { s32 mi = i; s32 mj = j; while(mi < 0) mi += TIC_MAP_WIDTH; while(mj < 0) mj += TIC_MAP_HEIGHT; while(mi >= TIC_MAP_WIDTH) mi -= TIC_MAP_WIDTH; while(mj >= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT) mj -= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT; s32 index = mi + mj * TIC_MAP_WIDTH; RemapResult tile = { *(src->data + index), tic_no_flip, tic_no_rotate }; if (remap) remap(data, mi, mj, &tile); drawTile(machine, tiles->data + tile.index, ii, jj, &chromakey, 1, scale, tile.flip, tile.rotate); } } static void resetSfx(Channel* channel) { memset(channel->pos.data, -1, sizeof(tic_sfx_pos)); channel->tick = -1; } static void channelSfx(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 note, s32 octave, s32 duration, Channel* c, s32 volume, s32 speed) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; c->volume = volume; if(index >= 0) { struct {s8 speed:SFX_SPEED_BITS;} temp = {speed}; c->speed = speed == temp.speed ? speed : machine->sound.sfx->samples.data[index].speed; } // start index of idealized piano enum {PianoStart = -8}; s32 freq = note2freq(note + octave * NOTES + PianoStart); c->duration = duration; c->freq = freq; c->index = index; resetSfx(c); } static void musicSfx(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 note, s32 octave, s32 volume, s32 channel) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; channelSfx(memory, index, note, octave, -1, &machine->state.music.channels[channel], MAX_VOLUME - volume, SFX_DEF_SPEED); } static void resetMusic(tic_mem* memory) { for (s32 c = 0; c < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; c++) musicSfx(memory, -1, 0, 0, 0, c); } static void setMusic(tic_machine* machine, s32 index, s32 frame, s32 row, bool loop) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)machine; memory->ram.music_pos.track = index; if(index < 0) { machine->state.music.play = MusicStop; resetMusic(memory); } else { memory->ram.music_pos.row = row; memory->ram.music_pos.frame = frame < 0 ? 0 : frame; memory->ram.music_pos.flag.loop = loop; machine->state.music.play = MusicPlay; const tic_track* track = &machine->sound.music->tracks.data[index]; machine->state.music.ticks = row >= 0 ? row * (track->speed + DEFAULT_SPEED) * NOTES_PER_MUNUTE / (track->tempo + DEFAULT_TEMPO) / DEFAULT_SPEED : 0; } } static void api_music(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 frame, s32 row, bool loop) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; setMusic(machine, index, frame, row, loop); if(index >= 0) machine->state.music.play = MusicPlay; } static void soundClear(tic_mem* memory) { { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; Channel channel = { .tick = -1, .pos = { .volume = -1, .wave = -1, .arpeggio = -1, .pitch = -1, }, .index = -1, .freq = 0, .volume = MAX_VOLUME, .speed = 0, .duration = -1, }; for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; i++) { memcpy(machine->state.channels+i, &channel, sizeof channel); memcpy(machine->state.music.channels+i, &channel, sizeof channel); { tic_sound_register* reg = &memory->ram.registers[i]; memset(reg, 0, sizeof(tic_sound_register)); } { tic_sound_register_data* data = &machine->state.registers[i]; memset(data, 0, sizeof(tic_sound_register_data)); } } api_music(memory, -1, 0, 0, false); } memset(memory->samples.buffer, 0, memory->samples.size); } static void updateSaveid(tic_mem* memory); static void api_clip(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; machine->state.clip.l = x; machine->state.clip.t = y; machine->state.clip.r = x + width; machine->state.clip.b = y + height; if(machine->state.clip.l < 0) machine->state.clip.l = 0; if(machine->state.clip.t < 0) machine->state.clip.t = 0; if(machine->state.clip.r > TIC80_WIDTH) machine->state.clip.r = TIC80_WIDTH; if(machine->state.clip.b > TIC80_HEIGHT) machine->state.clip.b = TIC80_HEIGHT; } static void api_reset(tic_mem* memory) { resetPalette(memory); memset(&memory->ram.vram.vars, 0, sizeof memory->ram.vram.vars); api_clip(memory, 0, 0, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC80_HEIGHT); soundClear(memory); tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; machine->state.initialized = false; machine->state.scanline = NULL; machine->state.ovr.callback = NULL; machine->state.setpix = setPixelDma; machine->state.getpix = getPixelDma; machine->state.drawhline = drawHLineDma; updateSaveid(memory); } static void api_pause(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; memcpy(&machine->pause.state, &machine->state, sizeof(MachineState)); memcpy(&machine->pause.ram, &memory->ram, sizeof(tic_ram)); machine->pause.time.start = machine->data->start; machine->pause.time.paused = machine->data->counter(); } static void api_resume(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if (machine->data) { memcpy(&machine->state, &machine->pause.state, sizeof(MachineState)); memcpy(&memory->ram, &machine->pause.ram, sizeof(tic_ram)); machine->data->start = machine->pause.time.start + machine->data->counter() - machine->pause.time.paused; } } void tic_close(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; machine->state.initialized = false; getLuaScriptConfig()->close(memory); getMoonScriptConfig()->close(memory); getJsScriptConfig()->close(memory); blip_delete(machine->blip); free(memory->samples.buffer); free(machine); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // API //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void api_rect(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; drawRect(machine, x, y, width, height, color); } static void api_clear(tic_mem* memory, u8 color) { static const Clip EmptyClip = {0, 0, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC80_HEIGHT}; tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if(memcmp(&machine->state.clip, &EmptyClip, sizeof(Clip)) == 0) { color &= 0b00001111; memset(memory->ram.vram.screen.data, color | (color << TIC_PALETTE_BPP), sizeof(memory->ram.vram.screen.data)); } else { api_rect(memory, machine->state.clip.l, machine->state.clip.t, machine->state.clip.r - machine->state.clip.l, machine->state.clip.b - machine->state.clip.t, color); } } static s32 drawChar(tic_mem* memory, u8 symbol, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color, s32 scale) { const u8* ptr = memory->font.data + symbol*BITS_IN_BYTE; x += (BITS_IN_BYTE - 1)*scale; for(s32 i = 0, ys = y; i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT; i++, ptr++, ys += scale) for(s32 col = BITS_IN_BYTE - TIC_FONT_WIDTH, xs = x - col; col < BITS_IN_BYTE; col++, xs -= scale) if(*ptr & 1 << col) api_rect(memory, xs, ys, scale, scale, color); return TIC_FONT_WIDTH*scale; } static s32 api_draw_char(tic_mem* memory, u8 symbol, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { return drawChar(memory, symbol, x, y, TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT, color, 1); } s32 drawText(tic_mem* memory, const char* text, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color, s32 scale, DrawCharFunc* func) { s32 pos = x; s32 max = x; char sym = 0; while((sym = *text++)) { if(sym == '\n') { if(pos > max) max = pos; pos = x; y += height * scale; } else pos += func(memory, sym, pos, y, width, height, color, scale); } return pos > max ? pos - x : max - x; } static s32 api_fixed_text(tic_mem* memory, const char* text, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { return drawText(memory, text, x, y, TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT, color, 1, drawChar); } static s32 drawNonFixedChar(tic_mem* memory, u8 symbol, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color, s32 scale) { const u8* ptr = memory->font.data + (symbol)*BITS_IN_BYTE; s32 start = 0; s32 end = TIC_FONT_WIDTH; s32 i = 0; for(s32 col = 0; col < TIC_FONT_WIDTH; col++) { for(i = 0; i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT; i++) if(*(ptr + i) & 0b10000000 >> col) break; if(i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT) break; else start++; } x -= start * scale; for(s32 col = TIC_FONT_WIDTH - 1; col >= start; col--) { for(i = 0; i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT; i++) if(*(ptr + i) & 0b10000000 >> col) break; if(i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT) break; else end--; } for(s32 ys = y, i = 0; i < TIC_FONT_HEIGHT; i++, ptr++, ys += scale) for(s32 col = start, xs = x + start*scale; col < end; col++, xs += scale) if(*ptr & 0b10000000 >> col) api_rect(memory, xs, ys, scale, scale, color); s32 size = end - start; return (size ? size + 1 : TIC_FONT_WIDTH - 2) * scale; } static s32 api_text(tic_mem* memory, const char* text, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { return drawText(memory, text, x, y, TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT, color, 1, drawNonFixedChar); } static s32 api_text_ex(tic_mem* memory, const char* text, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color, bool fixed, s32 scale) { return drawText(memory, text, x, y, TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT, color, scale, fixed ? drawChar : drawNonFixedChar); } static void drawSprite(tic_mem* memory, const tic_tiles* src, s32 index, s32 x, s32 y, u8* colors, s32 count, s32 scale, tic_flip flip, tic_rotate rotate) { if(index < TIC_SPRITES) drawTile((tic_machine*)memory, src->data + index, x, y, colors, count, scale, flip, rotate); } static void api_sprite_ex(tic_mem* memory, const tic_tiles* src, s32 index, s32 x, s32 y, s32 w, s32 h, u8* colors, s32 count, s32 scale, tic_flip flip, tic_rotate rotate) { s32 step = TIC_SPRITESIZE * scale; const tic_flip vert_horz_flip = tic_horz_flip | tic_vert_flip; for(s32 i = 0; i < w; i++) { for(s32 j = 0; j < h; j++) { s32 mx = i; s32 my = j; if(flip == tic_horz_flip || flip == vert_horz_flip) mx = w-1-i; if(flip == tic_vert_flip || flip == vert_horz_flip) my = h-1-j; if (rotate == tic_180_rotate) { mx = w-1-mx; my = h-1-my; } else if(rotate == tic_90_rotate) { if(flip == tic_no_flip || flip == vert_horz_flip) my = h-1-my; else mx = w-1-mx; } else if(rotate == tic_270_rotate) { if(flip == tic_no_flip || flip == vert_horz_flip) mx = w-1-mx; else my = h-1-my; } enum {Cols = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE / TIC_SPRITESIZE}; if(rotate==0 || rotate==2) drawSprite(memory, src, index + mx+my*Cols, x+i*step, y+j*step, colors, count, scale, flip, rotate); else drawSprite(memory, src, index + mx+my*Cols, x+j*step, y+i*step, colors, count, scale, flip, rotate); } } } s32 drawSpriteFont(tic_mem* memory, u8 symbol, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 chromakey, s32 scale) { api_sprite_ex(memory, &memory->ram.sprites, symbol, x, y, 1, 1, &chromakey, 1, scale, tic_no_flip, tic_no_rotate); return width * scale; } s32 drawFixedSpriteFont(tic_mem* memory, u8 index, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 chromakey, s32 scale) { const u8* ptr = memory->ram.sprites.data[index].data; enum {Size = TIC_SPRITESIZE}; s32 start = 0; s32 end = Size; s32 i = 0; for(s32 col = 0; col < Size; col++) { for(i = 0; i < Size*Size; i += Size) if(tic_tool_peek4(ptr, col + i) != chromakey) break; if(i < Size*Size) break; else start++; } x -= start * scale; for(s32 col = Size - 1; col >= start; col--) { for(i = 0; i < Size*Size; i += Size) if(tic_tool_peek4(ptr, col + i) != chromakey) break; if(i < Size*Size) break; else end--; } for(s32 row = 0, ys = y; row < Size; row++, ys += scale) { for(s32 col = start, xs = x + start*scale; col < end; col++, xs += scale) { u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(ptr, col + row * Size); if(color != chromakey) api_rect(memory, xs, ys, scale, scale, color); } } s32 size = end - start; return (size ? size + 1 : width) * scale; } static void api_pixel(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; setPixel(machine, x, y, color); } static u8 api_get_pixel(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; return getPixel(machine, x, y); } static void api_rect_border(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; drawRectBorder(machine, x, y, width, height, color); } static struct { s16 Left[TIC80_HEIGHT]; s16 Right[TIC80_HEIGHT]; float ULeft[TIC80_HEIGHT]; float VLeft[TIC80_HEIGHT]; float URight[TIC80_HEIGHT]; float VRight[TIC80_HEIGHT]; } SidesBuffer; static void initSidesBuffer() { for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(SidesBuffer.Left); i++) SidesBuffer.Left[i] = TIC80_WIDTH, SidesBuffer.Right[i] = -1; } static void setSidePixel(s32 x, s32 y) { if(y >= 0 && y < TIC80_HEIGHT) { if(x < SidesBuffer.Left[y]) SidesBuffer.Left[y] = x; if(x > SidesBuffer.Right[y]) SidesBuffer.Right[y] = x; } } static void setSideTexPixel(s32 x, s32 y, float u, float v) { s32 yy = (s32)y; if (yy >= 0 && yy < TIC80_HEIGHT) { if (x < SidesBuffer.Left[yy]) { SidesBuffer.Left[yy] = x; SidesBuffer.ULeft[yy] = u; SidesBuffer.VLeft[yy] = v; } if (x > SidesBuffer.Right[yy]) { SidesBuffer.Right[yy] = x; SidesBuffer.URight[yy] = u; SidesBuffer.VRight[yy] = v; } } } static void api_circle(tic_mem* memory, s32 xm, s32 ym, s32 radius, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; initSidesBuffer(); s32 r = radius; s32 x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r; do { setSidePixel(xm-x, ym+y); setSidePixel(xm-y, ym-x); setSidePixel(xm+x, ym-y); setSidePixel(xm+y, ym+x); r = err; if (r <= y) err += ++y*2+1; if (r > x || err > y) err += ++x*2+1; } while (x < 0); s32 yt = max(machine->state.clip.t, ym-radius); s32 yb = min(machine->state.clip.b, ym+radius+1); u8 final_color = mapColor(&machine->memory, color); for(s32 y = yt; y < yb; y++) { s32 xl = max(SidesBuffer.Left[y], machine->state.clip.l); s32 xr = min(SidesBuffer.Right[y]+1, machine->state.clip.r); machine->state.drawhline(&machine->memory, xl, xr, y, final_color); } } static void api_circle_border(tic_mem* memory, s32 xm, s32 ym, s32 radius, u8 color) { s32 r = radius; s32 x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r; do { api_pixel(memory, xm-x, ym+y, color); api_pixel(memory, xm-y, ym-x, color); api_pixel(memory, xm+x, ym-y, color); api_pixel(memory, xm+y, ym+x, color); r = err; if (r <= y) err += ++y*2+1; if (r > x || err > y) err += ++x*2+1; } while (x < 0); } typedef void(*linePixelFunc)(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color); static void ticLine(tic_mem* memory, s32 x0, s32 y0, s32 x1, s32 y1, u8 color, linePixelFunc func) { s32 dx = abs(x1 - x0), sx = x0 < x1 ? 1 : -1; s32 dy = abs(y1 - y0), sy = y0 < y1 ? 1 : -1; s32 err = (dx > dy ? dx : -dy) / 2, e2; for(;;) { func(memory, x0, y0, color); if (x0 == x1 && y0 == y1) break; e2 = err; if (e2 >-dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } static void triPixelFunc(tic_mem* memory, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color) { setSidePixel(x, y); } static void api_tri(tic_mem* memory, s32 x1, s32 y1, s32 x2, s32 y2, s32 x3, s32 y3, u8 color) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; initSidesBuffer(); ticLine(memory, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, triPixelFunc); ticLine(memory, x2, y2, x3, y3, color, triPixelFunc); ticLine(memory, x3, y3, x1, y1, color, triPixelFunc); u8 final_color = mapColor(&machine->memory, color); s32 yt = max(0, min(y1, min(y2, y3))); s32 yb = min(TIC80_HEIGHT, max(y1, max(y2, y3)) + 1); for(s32 y = yt; y < yb; y++) { s32 xl = max(SidesBuffer.Left[y], machine->state.clip.l); s32 xr = min(SidesBuffer.Right[y]+1, machine->state.clip.r); machine->state.drawhline(&machine->memory, xl, xr, y, final_color); } } typedef struct { float x, y, u, v; } TexVert; static void ticTexLine(tic_mem* memory, TexVert *v0, TexVert *v1) { TexVert *top = v0; TexVert *bot = v1; if (bot->y < top->y) { top = v1; bot = v0; } float dy = bot->y - top->y; if ((s32)dy == 0) return; float step_x = (bot->x - top->x) / dy; float step_u = (bot->u - top->u) / dy; float step_v = (bot->v - top->v) / dy; float x = top->x; float y = top->y; float u = top->u; float v = top->v; for (; y < (s32)bot->y; y++) { setSideTexPixel(x, y, u, v); x += step_x; u += step_u; v += step_v; } } static void api_textri(tic_mem* memory, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float u1, float v1, float u2, float v2, float u3, float v3, bool use_map, u8 chroma) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; TexVert V0, V1, V2; const u8* ptr = memory->ram.tiles.data[0].data; const u8* map = memory->ram.map.data; V0.x = (float)x1; V0.y = (float)y1; V0.u = (float)u1; V0.v = (float)v1; V1.x = (float)x2; V1.y = (float)y2; V1.u = (float)u2; V1.v = (float)v2; V2.x = (float)x3; V2.y = (float)y3; V2.u = (float)u3; V2.v = (float)v3; initSidesBuffer(); ticTexLine(memory, &V0, &V1); ticTexLine(memory, &V1, &V2); ticTexLine(memory, &V2, &V0); { for (s32 y = 0; y < TIC80_HEIGHT; y++) { float width = SidesBuffer.Right[y] - SidesBuffer.Left[y]; if (width > 0) { float du = (SidesBuffer.URight[y] - SidesBuffer.ULeft[y]) / width; float dv = (SidesBuffer.VRight[y] - SidesBuffer.VLeft[y]) / width; float u = SidesBuffer.ULeft[y]; float v = SidesBuffer.VLeft[y]; for (s32 x = (s32)SidesBuffer.Left[y]; x <= (s32)SidesBuffer.Right[y]; ++x) { if ((x >= 0) && (x < TIC80_WIDTH)) { if (use_map == true) { enum {MapWidth = TIC_MAP_WIDTH * TIC_SPRITESIZE, MapHeight = TIC_MAP_HEIGHT * TIC_SPRITESIZE}; s32 iu = (s32)u % MapWidth; s32 iv = (s32)v % MapHeight; while (iu < 0) iu += MapWidth; while (iv < 0) iv += MapHeight; u8 tile = map[(iv>>3) * TIC_MAP_WIDTH + (iu>>3)]; const u8 *buffer = &ptr[tile << 5]; u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(buffer, (iu & 7) + ((iv & 7) << 3)); if (color != chroma) setPixel(machine, x, y, color); } else { enum{SheetWidth = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, SheetHeight = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE * TIC_SPRITE_BANKS}; s32 iu = (s32)(u) & (SheetWidth - 1); s32 iv = (s32)(v) & (SheetHeight - 1); const u8 *buffer = &ptr[((iu >> 3) + ((iv >> 3) << 4)) << 5]; u8 color = tic_tool_peek4(buffer, (iu & 7) + ((iv & 7) << 3)); if (color != chroma) setPixel(machine, x, y, color); } } u += du; v += dv; } } } } } static void api_sprite(tic_mem* memory, const tic_tiles* src, s32 index, s32 x, s32 y, u8* colors, s32 count) { drawSprite(memory, src, index, x, y, colors, count, 1, tic_no_flip, tic_no_rotate); } static void api_map(tic_mem* memory, const tic_map* src, const tic_tiles* tiles, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, s32 sx, s32 sy, u8 chromakey, s32 scale) { drawMap((tic_machine*)memory, src, tiles, x, y, width, height, sx, sy, chromakey, scale, NULL, NULL); } static void api_remap(tic_mem* memory, const tic_map* src, const tic_tiles* tiles, s32 x, s32 y, s32 width, s32 height, s32 sx, s32 sy, u8 chromakey, s32 scale, RemapFunc remap, void* data) { drawMap((tic_machine*)memory, src, tiles, x, y, width, height, sx, sy, chromakey, scale, remap, data); } static void api_map_set(tic_mem* memory, tic_map* src, s32 x, s32 y, u8 value) { if(x < 0 || x >= TIC_MAP_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT) return; *(src->data + y * TIC_MAP_WIDTH + x) = value; } static u8 api_map_get(tic_mem* memory, const tic_map* src, s32 x, s32 y) { if(x < 0 || x >= TIC_MAP_WIDTH || y < 0 || y >= TIC_MAP_HEIGHT) return 0; return *(src->data + y * TIC_MAP_WIDTH + x); } static void api_line(tic_mem* memory, s32 x0, s32 y0, s32 x1, s32 y1, u8 color) { ticLine(memory, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, api_pixel); } static s32 calcLoopPos(const tic_sound_loop* loop, s32 pos) { s32 offset = 0; if(loop->size > 0) { for(s32 i = 0; i < pos; i++) { if(offset < (loop->start + loop->size-1)) offset++; else offset = loop->start; } } else offset = pos >= SFX_TICKS ? SFX_TICKS - 1 : pos; return offset; } static void sfx(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 freq, Channel* channel, tic_sound_register* reg) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if(channel->duration > 0) channel->duration--; if(index < 0 || channel->duration == 0) { resetSfx(channel); return; } const tic_sample* effect = &machine->sound.sfx->samples.data[index]; s32 pos = ++channel->tick; s8 speed = channel->speed; if(speed) { if(speed > 0) pos *= 1 + speed; else pos /= 1 - speed; } for(s32 i = 0; i < sizeof(tic_sfx_pos); i++) *(channel->pos.data+i) = calcLoopPos(effect->loops + i, pos); u8 volume = (MAX_VOLUME - effect->data[channel->pos.volume].volume) * channel->volume / MAX_VOLUME; if(volume > 0) { s8 arp = effect->data[channel->pos.arpeggio].arpeggio * (effect->reverse ? -1 : 1); if(arp) freq = note2freq(freq2note(freq)+arp); freq += effect->data[channel->pos.pitch].pitch * (effect->pitch16x ? 16 : 1); reg->freq = freq; reg->volume = volume; u8 wave = effect->data[channel->pos.wave].wave; const tic_waveform* waveform = &machine->sound.sfx->waveform.envelopes[wave]; memcpy(reg->waveform.data, waveform->data, sizeof(tic_waveform)); } } static void processMusic(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if(machine->state.music.play == MusicStop) return; const tic_track* track = &machine->sound.music->tracks.data[memory->ram.music_pos.track]; s32 row = machine->state.music.ticks * (track->tempo + DEFAULT_TEMPO) * DEFAULT_SPEED / (track->speed + DEFAULT_SPEED) / NOTES_PER_MUNUTE; s32 rows = MUSIC_PATTERN_ROWS - track->rows; if (row >= rows) { row = 0; machine->state.music.ticks = 0; resetMusic(memory); if(machine->state.music.play == MusicPlay) { memory->ram.music_pos.frame++; if(memory->ram.music_pos.frame >= MUSIC_FRAMES) { if(memory->ram.music_pos.flag.loop) memory->ram.music_pos.frame = 0; else { api_music(memory, -1, 0, 0, false); return; } } else { s32 val = 0; for (s32 c = 0; c < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; c++) val += tic_tool_get_pattern_id(track, memory->ram.music_pos.frame, c); if(!val) { if(memory->ram.music_pos.flag.loop) memory->ram.music_pos.frame = 0; else { api_music(memory, -1, 0, 0, false); return; } } } } else if(machine->state.music.play == MusicPlayFrame) { if(!memory->ram.music_pos.flag.loop) { api_music(memory, -1, 0, 0, false); return; } } } if (row != memory->ram.music_pos.row) { memory->ram.music_pos.row = row; for (s32 channel = 0; channel < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; channel++) { s32 patternId = tic_tool_get_pattern_id(track, memory->ram.music_pos.frame, channel); if (!patternId) continue; const tic_track_pattern* pattern = &machine->sound.music->patterns.data[patternId - PATTERN_START]; s32 note = pattern->rows[memory->ram.music_pos.row].note; if (note > NoteNone) { musicSfx(memory, -1, 0, 0, 0, channel); if (note >= NoteStart) { s32 octave = pattern->rows[memory->ram.music_pos.row].octave; s32 sfx = (pattern->rows[row].sfxhi << MUSIC_SFXID_LOW_BITS) | pattern->rows[row].sfxlow; s32 volume = pattern->rows[memory->ram.music_pos.row].volume; musicSfx(memory, sfx, note - NoteStart, octave, volume, channel); } } } } for (s32 i = 0; i < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; ++i ) { Channel* c = &machine->state.music.channels[i]; if(c->index >= 0) sfx(memory, c->index, c->freq, c, &memory->ram.registers[i]); } machine->state.music.ticks++; } static bool isNoiseWaveform(const tic_waveform* wave) { static const tic_waveform NoiseWave = {.data = {0}}; return memcmp(&NoiseWave.data, &wave->data, sizeof(tic_waveform)) == 0; } static bool isKeyPressed(const tic80_keyboard* input, tic_key key) { for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_KEY_BUFFER; i++) if(input->keys[i] == key) return true; return false; } static void api_tick_start(tic_mem* memory, const tic_sfx* sfxsrc, const tic_music* music) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; machine->sound.sfx = sfxsrc; machine->sound.music = music; for (s32 i = 0; i < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; ++i ) memset(&memory->ram.registers[i], 0, sizeof(tic_sound_register)); processMusic(memory); for (s32 i = 0; i < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; ++i ) { Channel* c = &machine->state.channels[i]; if(c->index >= 0) sfx(memory, c->index, c->freq, c, &memory->ram.registers[i]); } // process gamepad for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(machine->state.gamepads.holds); i++) { u32 mask = 1 << i; u32 prevDown = machine->state.gamepads.previous.data & mask; u32 down = memory->ram.input.gamepads.data & mask; u32* hold = &machine->state.gamepads.holds[i]; if(prevDown && prevDown == down) (*hold)++; else *hold = 0; } // process keyboard for(s32 i = TIC_KEY_START_INDEX; i < TIC_KEYS_COUNT; i++) { bool prevDown = isKeyPressed(&machine->state.keyboard.previous, i); bool down = isKeyPressed(&memory->ram.input.keyboard, i); u32* hold = &machine->state.keyboard.holds[i]; if(prevDown && down) (*hold)++; else *hold = 0; } machine->state.setpix = setPixelDma; machine->state.getpix = getPixelDma; machine->state.synced = 0; machine->state.drawhline = drawHLineDma; } static void api_tick_end(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; machine->state.gamepads.previous.data = machine->memory.ram.input.gamepads.data; machine->state.keyboard.previous.data = machine->memory.ram.input.keyboard.data; enum {EndTime = CLOCKRATE / TIC_FRAMERATE}; for (s32 i = 0; i < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS; ++i ) { tic_sound_register* reg = &memory->ram.registers[i]; tic_sound_register_data* data = &machine->state.registers[i]; isNoiseWaveform(®->waveform) ? runNoise(machine->blip, reg, data, EndTime) : runEnvelope(machine->blip, reg, data, EndTime); data->time -= EndTime; } blip_end_frame(machine->blip, EndTime); blip_read_samples(machine->blip, machine->memory.samples.buffer, machine->samplerate / TIC_FRAMERATE); machine->state.setpix = setPixelOvr; machine->state.getpix = getPixelOvr; machine->state.drawhline = drawHLineOvr; memcpy(machine->state.ovr.palette, tic_palette_blit(&memory->cart.palette), sizeof machine->state.ovr.palette); } static tic_sfx_pos api_sfx_pos(tic_mem* memory, s32 channel) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; Channel* c = &machine->state.channels[channel]; return c->pos; } static void api_sfx_ex(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 note, s32 octave, s32 duration, s32 channel, s32 volume, s32 speed) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; channelSfx(memory, index, note, octave, duration, &machine->state.channels[channel], volume, speed); } static void api_sfx(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 note, s32 octave, s32 duration, s32 channel) { api_sfx_ex(memory, index, note, octave, duration, channel, MAX_VOLUME, SFX_DEF_SPEED); } static void api_sfx_stop(tic_mem* memory, s32 channel) { api_sfx(memory, -1, 0, 0, -1, channel); } static void api_music_frame(tic_mem* memory, s32 index, s32 frame, s32 row, bool loop) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; setMusic(machine, index, frame, row, loop); if(index >= 0) machine->state.music.play = MusicPlayFrame; } static void initCover(tic_mem* tic) { const tic_cover_image* cover = &tic->cart.cover; if(cover->size) { gif_image* image = gif_read_data(cover->data, cover->size); if (image) { if (image->width == TIC80_WIDTH && image->height == TIC80_HEIGHT) { enum { Size = TIC80_WIDTH * TIC80_HEIGHT }; for (s32 i = 0; i < Size; i++) { const gif_color* c = &image->palette[image->buffer[i]]; tic_rgb rgb = { c->r, c->g, c->b }; u8 color = tic_tool_find_closest_color(tic->cart.palette.colors, &rgb); tic_tool_poke4(tic->ram.vram.screen.data, i, color); } } gif_close(image); } } } static void api_sync(tic_mem* tic, u32 mask, s32 bank, bool toCart) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; static const struct {s32 bank; s32 ram; s32 size;} Sections[] = { {offsetof(tic_bank, tiles), offsetof(tic_ram, tiles), sizeof(tic_tiles) }, {offsetof(tic_bank, sprites), offsetof(tic_ram, sprites), sizeof(tic_tiles) }, {offsetof(tic_bank, map), offsetof(tic_ram, map), sizeof(tic_map) }, {offsetof(tic_bank, sfx), offsetof(tic_ram, sfx), sizeof(tic_sfx) }, {offsetof(tic_bank, music), offsetof(tic_ram, music), sizeof(tic_music) }, }; enum{Count = COUNT_OF(Sections), Mask = (1 << (Count+1)) - 1, PaletteMask = 1 << Count}; if(mask == 0) mask = Mask; mask &= ~machine->state.synced & Mask; assert(bank >= 0 && bank < TIC_BANKS); for(s32 i = 0; i < Count; i++) { if(mask & (1 << i)) toCart ? memcpy((u8*)&tic->cart.banks[bank] + Sections[i].bank, (u8*)&tic->ram + Sections[i].ram, Sections[i].size) : memcpy((u8*)&tic->ram + Sections[i].ram, (u8*)&tic->cart.banks[bank] + Sections[i].bank, Sections[i].size); } if(mask & PaletteMask) toCart ? memcpy(&tic->cart.palette, &tic->ram.vram.palette, sizeof(tic_palette)) : memcpy(&tic->ram.vram.palette, &tic->cart.palette, sizeof(tic_palette)); machine->state.synced |= mask; } static void cart2ram(tic_mem* memory) { api_sync(memory, 0, 0, false); initCover(memory); } static const char* readMetatag(const char* code, const char* tag, const char* comment) { const char* start = NULL; { static char format[] = "%s %s:"; char* tagBuffer = malloc(strlen(format) + strlen(tag)); if(tagBuffer) { sprintf(tagBuffer, format, comment, tag); if((start = strstr(code, tagBuffer))) start += strlen(tagBuffer); free(tagBuffer); } } if(start) { const char* end = strstr(start, "\n"); if(end) { while(*start <= ' ' && start < end) start++; while(*(end-1) <= ' ' && end > start) end--; const s32 size = (s32)(end-start); char* value = (char*)malloc(size+1); if(value) { memset(value, 0, size+1); memcpy(value, start, size); return value; } } } return NULL; } static bool compareMetatag(const char* code, const char* tag, const char* value, const char* comment) { bool result = false; const char* str = readMetatag(code, tag, comment); if(str) { result = strcmp(str, value) == 0; free((void*)str); } return result; } static bool isMoonscript(const char* code) { return compareMetatag(code, "script", "moon", getMoonScriptConfig()->singleComment) || compareMetatag(code, "script", "moonscript", getMoonScriptConfig()->singleComment); } static bool isJavascript(const char* code) { return compareMetatag(code, "script", "js", getJsScriptConfig()->singleComment) || compareMetatag(code, "script", "javascript", getJsScriptConfig()->singleComment); } static const tic_script_config* getScriptConfig(const char* code) { if(isMoonscript(code)) return getMoonScriptConfig(); if(isJavascript(code)) return getJsScriptConfig(); return getLuaScriptConfig(); } static const tic_script_config* api_get_script_config(tic_mem* memory) { return getScriptConfig(memory->cart.bank0.code.data); } static void updateSaveid(tic_mem* memory) { memset(memory->saveid, 0, sizeof memory->saveid); const char* saveid = readMetatag(memory->cart.bank0.code.data, "saveid", api_get_script_config(memory)->singleComment); if(saveid) { strncpy(memory->saveid, saveid, TIC_SAVEID_SIZE-1); free((void*)saveid); } } static void api_tick(tic_mem* tic, tic_tick_data* data) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; machine->data = data; if(!machine->state.initialized) { enum{CodeSize = sizeof(tic_code) * TIC_BANKS}; char* code = malloc(CodeSize); if(code) { memset(code, 0, CodeSize); for(s32 i = TIC_BANKS - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const char* bankCode = tic->cart.banks[i].code.data; if(strlen(bankCode)) strcat(code, bankCode); } if(data->preprocessor) data->preprocessor(data->data, code); bool done = false; const tic_script_config* config = NULL; if(strlen(code)) { config = getScriptConfig(code); cart2ram(tic); tic->input.data = 0; if(compareMetatag(code, "input", "mouse", config->singleComment)) tic->input.mouse = 1; else if(compareMetatag(code, "input", "gamepad", config->singleComment)) tic->input.gamepad = 1; else if(compareMetatag(code, "input", "keyboard", config->singleComment)) tic->input.keyboard = 1; else tic->input.data = -1; data->start = data->counter(); done = config->init(tic, code); } else { machine->data->error(machine->data->data, "the code is empty"); } free(code); if(done) { machine->state.tick = config->tick; machine->state.scanline = config->scanline; machine->state.ovr.callback = config->overlap; machine->state.initialized = true; } else return; } } machine->state.tick(tic); } static void api_scanline(tic_mem* memory, s32 row, void* data) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if(machine->state.initialized) machine->state.scanline(memory, row, data); } static void api_overlap(tic_mem* memory, void* data) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; if(machine->state.initialized) machine->state.ovr.callback(memory, data); } static double api_time(tic_mem* memory) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; return (double)((machine->data->counter() - machine->data->start)*1000)/machine->data->freq(); } static u32 api_btnp(tic_mem* tic, s32 index, s32 hold, s32 period) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; if(index < 0) { return (~machine->state.gamepads.previous.data) & machine->memory.ram.input.gamepads.data; } else if(hold < 0 || period < 0) { return ((~machine->state.gamepads.previous.data) & machine->memory.ram.input.gamepads.data) & (1 << index); } tic80_gamepads previous; previous.data = machine->state.gamepads.holds[index] >= hold ? period && machine->state.gamepads.holds[index] % period ? machine->state.gamepads.previous.data : 0 : machine->state.gamepads.previous.data; return ((~previous.data) & machine->memory.ram.input.gamepads.data) & (1 << index); } static u32 api_key(tic_mem* tic, tic_key key) { return key >= TIC_KEY_START_INDEX ? isKeyPressed(&tic->ram.input.keyboard, key) : tic->ram.input.keyboard.data; } static u32 api_keyp(tic_mem* tic, tic_key key, s32 hold, s32 period) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)tic; if(key >= TIC_KEY_START_INDEX) { bool prevDown = hold >= 0 && period >= 0 && machine->state.keyboard.holds[key] >= hold ? period && machine->state.keyboard.holds[key] % period ? isKeyPressed(&machine->state.keyboard.previous, key) : false : isKeyPressed(&machine->state.keyboard.previous, key); bool down = isKeyPressed(&tic->ram.input.keyboard, key); return !prevDown && down; } tic80_keyboard prev = {.data = 0}; for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_KEY_BUFFER; i++) { tic_key key = tic->ram.input.keyboard.keys[i]; if(key) { bool wasPressed = false; for(s32 p = 0; p < TIC_KEY_BUFFER; p++) { if(machine->state.keyboard.previous.keys[p] == key) { wasPressed = true; break; } } if(!wasPressed) prev.keys[i] = key; } } return prev.data; } static void api_load(tic_cartridge* cart, const u8* buffer, s32 size, bool palette) { const u8* end = buffer + size; memset(cart, 0, sizeof(tic_cartridge)); if(palette) { static const u8 DB16[] = {0x14, 0x0c, 0x1c, 0x44, 0x24, 0x34, 0x30, 0x34, 0x6d, 0x4e, 0x4a, 0x4e, 0x85, 0x4c, 0x30, 0x34, 0x65, 0x24, 0xd0, 0x46, 0x48, 0x75, 0x71, 0x61, 0x59, 0x7d, 0xce, 0xd2, 0x7d, 0x2c, 0x85, 0x95, 0xa1, 0x6d, 0xaa, 0x2c, 0xd2, 0xaa, 0x99, 0x6d, 0xc2, 0xca, 0xda, 0xd4, 0x5e, 0xde, 0xee, 0xd6}; memcpy(cart->palette.data, DB16, sizeof(tic_palette)); } #define LOAD_CHUNK(to) memcpy(&to, buffer, min(sizeof(to), chunk.size)) while(buffer < end) { Chunk chunk; memcpy(&chunk, buffer, sizeof(Chunk)); buffer += sizeof(Chunk); switch(chunk.type) { case CHUNK_TILES: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].tiles); break; case CHUNK_SPRITES: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].sprites); break; case CHUNK_MAP: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].map); break; case CHUNK_CODE: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].code); break; case CHUNK_SAMPLES: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].sfx.samples); break; case CHUNK_WAVEFORM: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].sfx.waveform); break; case CHUNK_MUSIC: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].music.tracks); break; case CHUNK_PATTERNS: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->banks[chunk.bank].music.patterns); break; case CHUNK_PALETTE: if(palette) LOAD_CHUNK(cart->palette); break; case CHUNK_COVER: LOAD_CHUNK(cart->cover.data); cart->cover.size = chunk.size; break; default: break; } buffer += chunk.size; } #undef LOAD_CHUNK } static s32 calcBufferSize(const void* buffer, s32 size) { const u8* ptr = (u8*)buffer + size - 1; const u8* end = (u8*)buffer; while(ptr >= end) { if(*ptr) break; ptr--; size--; } return size; } static u8* saveFixedChunk(u8* buffer, ChunkType type, const void* from, s32 size, s32 bank) { if(size) { Chunk chunk = {.type = type, .bank = bank, .size = size, .temp = 0}; memcpy(buffer, &chunk, sizeof(Chunk)); buffer += sizeof(Chunk); memcpy(buffer, from, size); buffer += size; } return buffer; } static u8* saveChunk(u8* buffer, ChunkType type, const void* from, s32 size, s32 bank) { s32 chunkSize = calcBufferSize(from, size); return saveFixedChunk(buffer, type, from, chunkSize, bank); } static s32 api_save(const tic_cartridge* cart, u8* buffer) { u8* start = buffer; #define SAVE_CHUNK(ID, FROM, BANK) saveChunk(buffer, ID, &FROM, sizeof(FROM), BANK) for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_BANKS; i++) { buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_TILES, cart->banks[i].tiles, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_SPRITES, cart->banks[i].sprites, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_MAP, cart->banks[i].map, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_CODE, cart->banks[i].code, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_SAMPLES, cart->banks[i].sfx.samples, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_WAVEFORM, cart->banks[i].sfx.waveform, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_PATTERNS, cart->banks[i].music.patterns, i); buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_MUSIC, cart->banks[i].music.tracks, i); } buffer = SAVE_CHUNK(CHUNK_PALETTE, cart->palette, 0); buffer = saveFixedChunk(buffer, CHUNK_COVER, cart->cover.data, cart->cover.size, 0); #undef SAVE_CHUNK return (s32)(buffer - start); } // copied from SDL2 static inline void memset4(void *dst, u32 val, u32 dwords) { #if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386) s32 u0, u1, u2; __asm__ __volatile__ ( "cld \n\t" "rep ; stosl \n\t" : "=&D" (u0), "=&a" (u1), "=&c" (u2) : "0" (dst), "1" (val), "2" (dwords) : "memory" ); #else u32 _n = (dwords + 3) / 4; u32 *_p = (u32*)dst; u32 _val = (val); if (dwords == 0) return; switch (dwords % 4) { case 0: do { *_p++ = _val; case 3: *_p++ = _val; case 2: *_p++ = _val; case 1: *_p++ = _val; } while ( --_n ); } #endif } static void api_blit(tic_mem* tic, tic_scanline scanline, tic_overlap overlap, void* data) { const u32* pal = tic_palette_blit(&tic->ram.vram.palette); if(scanline) { scanline(tic, 0, data); pal = tic_palette_blit(&tic->ram.vram.palette); } enum {Top = (TIC80_FULLHEIGHT-TIC80_HEIGHT)/2, Bottom = Top}; enum {Left = (TIC80_FULLWIDTH-TIC80_WIDTH)/2, Right = Left}; u32* out = tic->screen; memset4(&out[0 * TIC80_FULLWIDTH], pal[tic->ram.vram.vars.border], TIC80_FULLWIDTH*Top); u32* rowPtr = out + (Top*TIC80_FULLWIDTH); for(s32 r = 0; r < TIC80_HEIGHT; r++, rowPtr += TIC80_FULLWIDTH) { u32 *colPtr = rowPtr + Left; memset4(rowPtr, pal[tic->ram.vram.vars.border], Left); s32 pos = (r + tic->ram.vram.vars.offset.y + TIC80_HEIGHT) % TIC80_HEIGHT * TIC80_WIDTH >> 1; u32 x = (-tic->ram.vram.vars.offset.x + TIC80_WIDTH) % TIC80_WIDTH; for(s32 c = 0; c < TIC80_WIDTH / 2; c++) { u8 val = ((u8*)tic->ram.vram.screen.data)[pos + c]; *(colPtr + (x++ % TIC80_WIDTH)) = pal[val & 0xf]; *(colPtr + (x++ % TIC80_WIDTH)) = pal[val >> 4]; } memset4(rowPtr + (TIC80_FULLWIDTH-Right), pal[tic->ram.vram.vars.border], Right); if(scanline && (r < TIC80_HEIGHT-1)) { scanline(tic, r+1, data); pal = tic_palette_blit(&tic->ram.vram.palette); } } memset4(&out[(TIC80_FULLHEIGHT-Bottom) * TIC80_FULLWIDTH], pal[tic->ram.vram.vars.border], TIC80_FULLWIDTH*Bottom); if(overlap) overlap(tic, data); } static void initApi(tic_api* api) { #define INIT_API(func) api->func = api_##func INIT_API(draw_char); INIT_API(text); INIT_API(fixed_text); INIT_API(text_ex); INIT_API(clear); INIT_API(pixel); INIT_API(get_pixel); INIT_API(line); INIT_API(rect); INIT_API(rect_border); INIT_API(sprite); INIT_API(sprite_ex); INIT_API(map); INIT_API(remap); INIT_API(map_set); INIT_API(map_get); INIT_API(circle); INIT_API(circle_border); INIT_API(tri); INIT_API(textri); INIT_API(clip); INIT_API(sfx); INIT_API(sfx_stop); INIT_API(sfx_ex); INIT_API(sfx_pos); INIT_API(music); INIT_API(music_frame); INIT_API(time); INIT_API(tick); INIT_API(scanline); INIT_API(overlap); INIT_API(reset); INIT_API(pause); INIT_API(resume); INIT_API(sync); INIT_API(btnp); INIT_API(key); INIT_API(keyp); INIT_API(load); INIT_API(save); INIT_API(tick_start); INIT_API(tick_end); INIT_API(blit); INIT_API(get_script_config); #undef INIT_API } tic_mem* tic_create(s32 samplerate) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)malloc(sizeof(tic_machine)); memset(machine, 0, sizeof(tic_machine)); if(machine != (tic_machine*)&machine->memory) return NULL; machine->sound.sfx = &machine->memory.ram.sfx; machine->sound.music = &machine->memory.ram.music; initApi(&machine->memory.api); machine->samplerate = samplerate; machine->memory.samples.size = samplerate / TIC_FRAMERATE * sizeof(s16); machine->memory.samples.buffer = malloc(machine->memory.samples.size); machine->blip = blip_new(samplerate / 10); blip_set_rates(machine->blip, CLOCKRATE, samplerate); machine->memory.api.reset(&machine->memory); return &machine->memory; } static inline bool islineend(char c) {return c == '\n' || c == '\0';} static inline bool isalpha_(char c) {return isalpha(c) || c == '_';} static inline bool isalnum_(char c) {return isalnum(c) || c == '_';} void parseCode(const tic_script_config* config, const char* start, u8* color, const tic_code_theme* theme) { const char* ptr = start; const char* blockCommentStart = NULL; const char* blockStringStart = NULL; const char* blockStdStringStart = NULL; const char* singleCommentStart = NULL; const char* wordStart = NULL; const char* numberStart = NULL; while(true) { char c = *ptr; if(blockCommentStart) { const char* end = strstr(ptr, config->blockCommentEnd); ptr = end ? end + strlen(config->blockCommentEnd) : blockCommentStart + strlen(blockCommentStart); memset(color + (blockCommentStart - start), theme->comment, ptr - blockCommentStart); blockCommentStart = NULL; continue; } else if(blockStringStart) { const char* end = strstr(ptr, config->blockStringEnd); ptr = end ? end + strlen(config->blockStringEnd) : blockStringStart + strlen(blockStringStart); memset(color + (blockStringStart - start), theme->string, ptr - blockStringStart); blockStringStart = NULL; continue; } else if(blockStdStringStart) { const char* blockStart = blockStdStringStart+1; while(true) { const char* pos = strchr(blockStart, *blockStdStringStart); if(pos) { if(*(pos-1) == '\\' && *(pos-2) != '\\') blockStart = pos + 1; else { ptr = pos + 1; break; } } else { ptr = blockStdStringStart + strlen(blockStdStringStart); break; } } memset(color + (blockStdStringStart - start), theme->string, ptr - blockStdStringStart); blockStdStringStart = NULL; continue; } else if(singleCommentStart) { while(!islineend(*ptr))ptr++; memset(color + (singleCommentStart - start), theme->comment, ptr - singleCommentStart); singleCommentStart = NULL; continue; } else if(wordStart) { while(!islineend(*ptr) && isalnum_(*ptr)) ptr++; s32 len = ptr - wordStart; bool keyword = false; { for(s32 i = 0; i < config->keywordsCount; i++) if(len == strlen(config->keywords[i]) && memcmp(wordStart, config->keywords[i], len) == 0) { memset(color + (wordStart - start), theme->keyword, len); keyword = true; break; } } if(!keyword) { for(s32 i = 0; i < config->apiCount; i++) if(len == strlen(config->api[i]) && memcmp(wordStart, config->api[i], len) == 0) { memset(color + (wordStart - start), theme->api, len); break; } } wordStart = NULL; continue; } else if(numberStart) { while(!islineend(*ptr)) { char c = *ptr; if(isdigit(c)) ptr++; else if(numberStart[0] == '0' && (numberStart[1] == 'x' || numberStart[1] == 'X') && isxdigit(numberStart[2])) { if((ptr - numberStart < 2) || (ptr - numberStart >= 2 && isxdigit(c))) ptr++; else break; } else if(c == '.' || c == 'e' || c == 'E') { if(isdigit(ptr[1])) ptr++; else break; } else break; } memset(color + (numberStart - start), theme->number, ptr - numberStart); numberStart = NULL; continue; } else { if(config->blockCommentStart && memcmp(ptr, config->blockCommentStart, strlen(config->blockCommentStart)) == 0) { blockCommentStart = ptr; ptr += strlen(config->blockCommentStart); continue; } if(config->blockStringStart && memcmp(ptr, config->blockStringStart, strlen(config->blockStringStart)) == 0) { blockStringStart = ptr; ptr += strlen(config->blockStringStart); continue; } else if(c == '"' || c == '\'') { blockStdStringStart = ptr; ptr++; continue; } else if(config->singleComment && memcmp(ptr, config->singleComment, strlen(config->singleComment)) == 0) { singleCommentStart = ptr; ptr += strlen(config->singleComment); continue; } else if(isalpha_(c)) { wordStart = ptr; ptr++; continue; } else if(isdigit(c) || (c == '.' && isdigit(ptr[1]))) { numberStart = ptr; ptr++; continue; } else if(ispunct(c)) color[ptr - start] = theme->sign; else if(iscntrl(c)) color[ptr - start] = theme->other; } if(!c) break; ptr++; } }