// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #pragma once #include #include #include #include // #include #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #include #endif #include "tic.h" #include "ticapi.h" #include "defines.h" #include "tools.h" #include "ext/file_dialog.h" #define TIC_LOCAL ".local/" #define TIC_CACHE TIC_LOCAL "cache/" // #define TIC_MOD_CTRL (KMOD_GUI|KMOD_CTRL) #define TOOLBAR_SIZE 7 #define STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH (TIC_FONT_WIDTH) #define STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT (TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1) #define STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH (TIC80_WIDTH / STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH) #define STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT (TIC80_HEIGHT / STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT) #define TIC_COLOR_BG (tic_color_black) #define DEFAULT_CHMOD 0755 #define CONFIG_TIC "config " TIC_VERSION_LABEL ".tic" #define CONFIG_TIC_PATH TIC_LOCAL CONFIG_TIC #define KEYMAP_COUNT (sizeof(tic80_gamepads) * BITS_IN_BYTE) #define KEYMAP_SIZE (KEYMAP_COUNT) #define KEYMAP_DAT "keymap.dat" #define KEYMAP_DAT_PATH TIC_LOCAL KEYMAP_DAT #define CART_EXT ".tic" #define PROJECT_LUA_EXT ".lua" #define PROJECT_MOON_EXT ".moon" #define PROJECT_JS_EXT ".js" #define PROJECT_WREN_EXT ".wren" typedef struct { struct { struct { s32 arrow; s32 hand; s32 ibeam; bool pixelPerfect; } cursor; struct { tic_code_theme syntax; u8 bg; u8 select; u8 cursor; bool shadow; } code; struct { struct { u8 alpha; } touch; } gamepad; } theme; s32 gifScale; s32 gifLength; bool checkNewVersion; bool noSound; bool useVsync; bool showSync; } StudioConfig; typedef enum { TIC_START_MODE, TIC_CONSOLE_MODE, TIC_RUN_MODE, TIC_CODE_MODE, TIC_SPRITE_MODE, TIC_MAP_MODE, TIC_WORLD_MODE, TIC_SFX_MODE, TIC_MUSIC_MODE, TIC_DIALOG_MODE, TIC_MENU_MODE, TIC_SURF_MODE, } EditorMode; typedef struct { s32 x, y; } tic_point; typedef struct { s32 x, y, w, h; } tic_rect; void setCursor(tic_cursor id); s32 getMouseX(); s32 getMouseY(); bool checkMousePos(const tic_rect* rect); bool checkMouseClick(const tic_rect* rect, s32 button); bool checkMouseDown(const tic_rect* rect, s32 button); bool getGesturePos(tic_point* pos); void drawToolbar(tic_mem* tic, u8 color, bool bg); void drawBitIcon(s32 x, s32 y, const u8* ptr, u8 color); void studioRomLoaded(); void studioRomSaved(); void studioConfigChanged(); void setStudioMode(EditorMode mode); void resumeRunMode(); EditorMode getStudioMode(); TIC80_API void exitStudio(); u32 unzip(u8** dest, const u8* source, size_t size); void str2buf(const char* str, s32 size, void* buf, bool flip); void toClipboard(const void* data, s32 size, bool flip); bool fromClipboard(void* data, s32 size, bool flip, bool remove_white_spaces); typedef enum { TIC_CLIPBOARD_NONE, TIC_CLIPBOARD_CUT, TIC_CLIPBOARD_COPY, TIC_CLIPBOARD_PASTE, } ClipboardEvent; ClipboardEvent getClipboardEvent(); typedef enum { TIC_TOOLBAR_CUT, TIC_TOOLBAR_COPY, TIC_TOOLBAR_PASTE, TIC_TOOLBAR_UNDO, TIC_TOOLBAR_REDO, } StudioEvent; void setStudioEvent(StudioEvent event); void showTooltip(const char* text); tic_key* getKeymap(); TIC80_API const StudioConfig* getConfig(); void setSpritePixel(tic_tile* tiles, s32 x, s32 y, u8 color); u8 getSpritePixel(tic_tile* tiles, s32 x, s32 y); typedef void(*DialogCallback)(bool yes, void* data); void showDialog(const char** text, s32 rows, DialogCallback callback, void* data); void hideDialog(); void hideGameMenu(); bool studioCartChanged(); void playSystemSfx(s32 id); void runGameFromSurf(); void gotoCode(); void gotoSurf(); void exitFromGameMenu(); void runProject(); tic_tiles* getBankTiles(); tic_map* getBankMap(); typedef struct { tic_mem* tic; bool quit; } Studio; typedef struct { void (*setClipboardText)(const char* text); bool (*hasClipboardText)(); char* (*getClipboardText)(); u64 (*getPerformanceCounter)(); u64 (*getPerformanceFrequency)(); void* (*getUrlRequest)(const char* url, s32* size); void (*file_dialog_load)(file_dialog_load_callback callback, void* data); void (*file_dialog_save)(file_dialog_save_callback callback, const char* name, const u8* buffer, size_t size, void* data, u32 mode); void (*goFullscreen)(); void (*showMessageBox)(const char* title, const char* message); void (*setWindowTitle)(const char* title); void (*openSystemPath)(const char* path); } System; TIC80_API Studio* studioInit(s32 argc, char **argv, s32 samplerate, const char* appFolder, System* system); TIC80_API void studioTick(void* pixels); TIC80_API void studioClose(); char getKeyboardText(); bool keyWasPressed(tic_key key); bool anyKeyWasPressed(); void setClipboardText(const char* text); bool hasClipboardText(); char* getClipboardText(); u64 getPerformanceCounter(); u64 getPerformanceFrequency(); void _file_dialog_load(file_dialog_load_callback callback, void* data); void _file_dialog_save(file_dialog_save_callback callback, const char* name, const u8* buffer, size_t size, void* data, u32 mode); void showMessageBox(const char* title, const char* message); TIC80_API void updateStudioProject(); void openSystemPath(const char* path); void* getUrlRequest(const char* url, s32* size);