#include "system.h" #include "net.h" #include "tools.h" #include #include #include #include #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #include #endif #define STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT GPU_FORMAT_RGBA #define TEXTURE_SIZE (TIC80_FULLWIDTH) #define OFFSET_LEFT ((TIC80_FULLWIDTH-TIC80_WIDTH)/2) #define OFFSET_TOP ((TIC80_FULLHEIGHT-TIC80_HEIGHT)/2) #define KBD_COLS 22 #define KBD_ROWS 17 #if defined(__TIC_WINRT__) || defined(__TIC_WINDOWS__) #include #endif static struct { Studio* studio; SDL_Window* window; struct { GPU_Target* screen; GPU_Image* texture; u32 shader; GPU_ShaderBlock block; } gpu; struct { SDL_Joystick* ports[TIC_GAMEPADS]; GPU_Image* texture; tic80_gamepads touch; tic80_gamepads joystick; struct { s32 size; SDL_Point axis; SDL_Point a; SDL_Point b; SDL_Point x; SDL_Point y; } part; } gamepad; struct { struct { GPU_Image* up; GPU_Image* down; } texture; char text; } keyboard; u32 touchCounter; struct { GPU_Image* texture; const u8* src; } mouse; Net* net; bool missedFrame; struct { SDL_AudioSpec spec; SDL_AudioDeviceID device; SDL_AudioCVT cvt; } audio; } platform; static inline bool crtMonitorEnabled() { return platform.studio->config()->crtMonitor && platform.gpu.shader; } static void initSound() { SDL_AudioSpec want = { .freq = 44100, .format = AUDIO_S16, .channels = 1, .userdata = NULL, }; platform.audio.device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(NULL, 0, &want, &platform.audio.spec, SDL_AUDIO_ALLOW_ANY_CHANGE); SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&platform.audio.cvt, want.format, want.channels, platform.audio.spec.freq, platform.audio.spec.format, platform.audio.spec.channels, platform.audio.spec.freq); if(platform.audio.cvt.needed) { platform.audio.cvt.len = platform.audio.spec.freq * sizeof(s16) / TIC_FRAMERATE; platform.audio.cvt.buf = SDL_malloc(platform.audio.cvt.len * platform.audio.cvt.len_mult); } } static const u8* getSpritePtr(const tic_tile* tiles, s32 x, s32 y) { enum { SheetCols = (TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE / TIC_SPRITESIZE) }; return tiles[x / TIC_SPRITESIZE + y / TIC_SPRITESIZE * SheetCols].data; } static u8 getSpritePixel(const tic_tile* tiles, s32 x, s32 y) { return tic_tool_peek4(getSpritePtr(tiles, x, y), (x % TIC_SPRITESIZE) + (y % TIC_SPRITESIZE) * TIC_SPRITESIZE); } static void setWindowIcon() { enum{ Size = 64, TileSize = 16, ColorKey = 14, Cols = TileSize / TIC_SPRITESIZE, Scale = Size/TileSize}; platform.studio->tic->api.clear(platform.studio->tic, 0); u32* pixels = SDL_malloc(Size * Size * sizeof(u32)); const u32* pal = tic_palette_blit(&platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.palette); for(s32 j = 0, index = 0; j < Size; j++) for(s32 i = 0; i < Size; i++, index++) { u8 color = getSpritePixel(platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles.data, i/Scale, j/Scale); pixels[index] = color == ColorKey ? 0 : pal[color]; } SDL_Surface* surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(pixels, Size, Size, sizeof(s32) * BITS_IN_BYTE, Size * sizeof(s32), 0x000000ff, 0x0000ff00, 0x00ff0000, 0xff000000); SDL_SetWindowIcon(platform.window, surface); SDL_FreeSurface(surface); SDL_free(pixels); } static void updateGamepadParts() { s32 tileSize = TIC_SPRITESIZE; s32 offset = 0; SDL_Rect rect; const s32 JoySize = 3; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &rect.w, &rect.h); if(rect.w < rect.h) { tileSize = rect.w / 2 / JoySize; offset = (rect.h * 2 - JoySize * tileSize) / 3; } else { tileSize = rect.w / 5 / JoySize; offset = (rect.h - JoySize * tileSize) / 2; } platform.gamepad.part.size = tileSize; platform.gamepad.part.axis = (SDL_Point){0, offset}; platform.gamepad.part.a = (SDL_Point){rect.w - 2*tileSize, 2*tileSize + offset}; platform.gamepad.part.b = (SDL_Point){rect.w - 1*tileSize, 1*tileSize + offset}; platform.gamepad.part.x = (SDL_Point){rect.w - 3*tileSize, 1*tileSize + offset}; platform.gamepad.part.y = (SDL_Point){rect.w - 2*tileSize, 0*tileSize + offset}; } static void drawKeyboardLabels(s32 shift) { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; typedef struct {const char* text; s32 x; s32 y; bool alt; const char* shift;} Label; static const Label Labels[] = { #include "kbdlabels.inl" }; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Labels); i++) { const Label* label = Labels + i; if(label->text) tic->api.text(tic, label->text, label->x, label->y + shift, tic_color_dark_gray, label->alt); if(label->shift) tic->api.fixed_text(tic, label->shift, label->x + 6, label->y + shift + 2, tic_color_light_blue, label->alt); } } static void initTouchKeyboard() { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; enum{Cols=KBD_COLS, Rows=KBD_ROWS}; // TODO: add touch keyboard to one texture with gamepad (and mouse cursor???) if(!platform.keyboard.texture.up) { platform.keyboard.texture.up = GPU_CreateImage(TIC80_FULLWIDTH, TIC80_FULLHEIGHT, STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT); GPU_SetAnchor(platform.keyboard.texture.up, 0, 0); GPU_SetImageFilter(platform.keyboard.texture.up, GPU_FILTER_NEAREST); } { memcpy(tic->ram.vram.palette.data, platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); tic->api.clear(tic, 0); tic->api.map(tic, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.map, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles, 8, 0, Cols, Rows, 0, 0, -1, 1); drawKeyboardLabels(0); tic->api.blit(tic, NULL, NULL, NULL); GPU_UpdateImageBytes(platform.keyboard.texture.up, NULL, (const u8*)tic->screen, TIC80_FULLWIDTH * sizeof(u32)); } if(!platform.keyboard.texture.down) { platform.keyboard.texture.down = GPU_CreateImage(TIC80_FULLWIDTH, TIC80_FULLHEIGHT, STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT); GPU_SetAnchor(platform.keyboard.texture.down, 0, 0); GPU_SetImageFilter(platform.keyboard.texture.down, GPU_FILTER_NEAREST); } { memcpy(tic->ram.vram.palette.data, platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); tic->api.map(tic, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.map, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles, TIC_MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH+8, 0, Cols, Rows, 0, 0, -1, 1); drawKeyboardLabels(2); tic->api.blit(tic, NULL, NULL, NULL); GPU_UpdateImageBytes(platform.keyboard.texture.down, NULL, (const u8*)tic->screen, TIC80_FULLWIDTH * sizeof(u32)); } } static void initTouchGamepad() { platform.studio->tic->api.map(platform.studio->tic, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.map, &platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles, 0, 0, TIC_MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH, TIC_MAP_SCREEN_HEIGHT, 0, 0, -1, 1); if(!platform.gamepad.texture) { platform.gamepad.texture = GPU_CreateImage(TEXTURE_SIZE, TEXTURE_SIZE, STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT); GPU_SetAnchor(platform.gamepad.texture, 0, 0); GPU_SetImageFilter(platform.gamepad.texture, GPU_FILTER_NEAREST); GPU_SetRGBA(platform.gamepad.texture, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, platform.studio->config()->theme.gamepad.touch.alpha); } u32* data = SDL_malloc(TEXTURE_SIZE * TEXTURE_SIZE * sizeof(u32)); if(data) { u32* out = data; const u8* in = platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.screen.data; const u8* end = in + sizeof(platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.screen); const u32* pal = tic_palette_blit(&platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.palette); const u32 Delta = ((TIC80_FULLWIDTH*sizeof(u32))/sizeof *out - TIC80_WIDTH); s32 col = 0; while(in != end) { u8 low = *in & 0x0f; u8 hi = (*in & 0xf0) >> TIC_PALETTE_BPP; *out++ = low ? *(pal + low) : 0; *out++ = hi ? *(pal + hi) : 0; in++; col += BITS_IN_BYTE / TIC_PALETTE_BPP; if (col == TIC80_WIDTH) { col = 0; out += Delta; } } GPU_UpdateImageBytes(platform.gamepad.texture, NULL, (const u8*)data, TEXTURE_SIZE * sizeof(u32)); SDL_free(data); updateGamepadParts(); } } static void calcTextureRect(SDL_Rect* rect) { SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &rect->w, &rect->h); if(crtMonitorEnabled()) { enum{Width = TIC80_FULLWIDTH, Height = TIC80_FULLHEIGHT}; if (rect->w * Height < rect->h * Width) { rect->x = 0; rect->y = 0; rect->h = Height * rect->w / Width; } else { s32 width = Width * rect->h / Height; rect->x = (rect->w - width) / 2; rect->y = 0; rect->w = width; } } else { enum{Width = TIC80_WIDTH, Height = TIC80_HEIGHT}; if (rect->w * Height < rect->h * Width) { s32 discreteWidth = rect->w - rect->w % Width; s32 discreteHeight = Height * discreteWidth / Width; rect->x = (rect->w - discreteWidth) / 2; rect->y = rect->w > rect->h ? (rect->h - discreteHeight) / 2 : OFFSET_TOP*discreteWidth/Width; rect->w = discreteWidth; rect->h = discreteHeight; } else { s32 discreteHeight = rect->h - rect->h % Height; s32 discreteWidth = Width * discreteHeight / Height; rect->x = (rect->w - discreteWidth) / 2; rect->y = (rect->h - discreteHeight) / 2; rect->w = discreteWidth; rect->h = discreteHeight; } } } static void processMouse() { s32 mx = 0, my = 0; s32 mb = SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); tic80_input* input = &platform.studio->tic->ram.input; { input->mouse.x = input->mouse.y = 0; SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; calcTextureRect(&rect); s32 x = -1, y = -1; if(crtMonitorEnabled()) { if(rect.w) x = (mx - rect.x) * TIC80_FULLWIDTH / rect.w - OFFSET_LEFT; if(rect.h) y = (my - rect.y) * TIC80_FULLHEIGHT / rect.h - OFFSET_TOP; } else { if(rect.w) x = (mx - rect.x) * TIC80_WIDTH / rect.w; if(rect.h) y = (my - rect.y) * TIC80_HEIGHT / rect.h; } input->mouse.x = x >= 0 && x < 0xff ? x : 0xff; input->mouse.y = y >= 0 && y < 0xff ? y : 0xff; } { input->mouse.left = mb & SDL_BUTTON_LMASK ? 1 : 0; input->mouse.middle = mb & SDL_BUTTON_MMASK ? 1 : 0; input->mouse.right = mb & SDL_BUTTON_RMASK ? 1 : 0; } } // TODO: ugly hack, but I didn't find a better solution // will try to fix it later static char getKeyboardText() { char text = platform.keyboard.text; platform.keyboard.text = 0; return text; } static void processKeyboard() { static const u8 KeyboardCodes[] = { #include "keycodes.inl" }; tic80_input* input = &platform.studio->tic->ram.input; input->keyboard.data = 0; enum{BufSize = COUNT_OF(input->keyboard.keys)}; s32 c = 0; { SDL_Keymod mod = SDL_GetModState(); if(mod & KMOD_SHIFT) input->keyboard.keys[c++] = tic_key_shift; if(mod & (KMOD_CTRL | KMOD_GUI)) input->keyboard.keys[c++] = tic_key_ctrl; if(mod & KMOD_ALT) input->keyboard.keys[c++] = tic_key_alt; if(mod & KMOD_CAPS) input->keyboard.keys[c++] = tic_key_capslock; } const u8* keyboard = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL); for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(KeyboardCodes) && c < COUNT_OF(input->keyboard.keys); i++) if(keyboard[i] && KeyboardCodes[i] > tic_key_unknown) input->keyboard.keys[c++] = KeyboardCodes[i]; } #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) && !defined(__MACOSX__) static bool checkTouch(const SDL_Rect* rect, s32* x, s32* y) { s32 devices = SDL_GetNumTouchDevices(); s32 width = 0, height = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &width, &height); for (s32 i = 0; i < devices; i++) { SDL_TouchID id = SDL_GetTouchDevice(i); { s32 fingers = SDL_GetNumTouchFingers(id); for (s32 f = 0; f < fingers; f++) { SDL_Finger* finger = SDL_GetTouchFinger(id, f); if (finger && finger->pressure > 0.0f) { SDL_Point point = { (s32)(finger->x * width), (s32)(finger->y * height) }; if (SDL_PointInRect(&point, rect)) { *x = point.x; *y = point.y; return true; } } } } } return false; } static bool isKbdVisible() { s32 w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &w, &h); SDL_Rect rect; calcTextureRect(&rect); float scale = (float)w / (KBD_COLS*TIC_SPRITESIZE); return h - KBD_ROWS*TIC_SPRITESIZE*scale - (rect.h + rect.y*2) >= 0; } static void processTouchKeyboard() { if(platform.touchCounter == 0 || !isKbdVisible()) return; enum{Cols=KBD_COLS, Rows=KBD_ROWS}; s32 w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &w, &h); float scale = (float)w / (KBD_COLS*TIC_SPRITESIZE); SDL_Rect kbd = {0, h - KBD_ROWS*TIC_SPRITESIZE*scale, KBD_COLS*TIC_SPRITESIZE*scale, KBD_ROWS*TIC_SPRITESIZE*scale}; static const tic_key KbdLayout[] = { #include "kbdlayout.inl" }; tic80_input* input = &platform.studio->tic->ram.input; s32 devices = SDL_GetNumTouchDevices(); for (s32 i = 0; i < devices; i++) { SDL_TouchID id = SDL_GetTouchDevice(i); s32 fingers = SDL_GetNumTouchFingers(id); for (s32 f = 0; f < fingers; f++) { SDL_Finger* finger = SDL_GetTouchFinger(id, f); if (finger && finger->pressure > 0.0f) { SDL_Point pt = {finger->x * w, finger->y * h}; if(SDL_PointInRect(&pt, &kbd)) { pt.x -= kbd.x; pt.y -= kbd.y; pt.x /= scale; pt.y /= scale; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(input->keyboard.keys); i++) { tic_key* key = &input->keyboard.keys[i]; if(*key == tic_key_unknown) { *key = KbdLayout[pt.x / TIC_SPRITESIZE + pt.y / TIC_SPRITESIZE * Cols]; break; } } } } } } } static void processTouchGamepad() { platform.gamepad.touch.data = 0; if(platform.touchCounter == 0) return; const s32 size = platform.gamepad.part.size; s32 x = 0, y = 0; { SDL_Rect axis = {platform.gamepad.part.axis.x, platform.gamepad.part.axis.y, size*3, size*3}; if(checkTouch(&axis, &x, &y)) { x -= axis.x; y -= axis.y; s32 xt = x / size; s32 yt = y / size; if(yt == 0) platform.gamepad.touch.first.up = true; else if(yt == 2) platform.gamepad.touch.first.down = true; if(xt == 0) platform.gamepad.touch.first.left = true; else if(xt == 2) platform.gamepad.touch.first.right = true; if(xt == 1 && yt == 1) { xt = (x - size)/(size/3); yt = (y - size)/(size/3); if(yt == 0) platform.gamepad.touch.first.up = true; else if(yt == 2) platform.gamepad.touch.first.down = true; if(xt == 0) platform.gamepad.touch.first.left = true; else if(xt == 2) platform.gamepad.touch.first.right = true; } } } { SDL_Rect a = {platform.gamepad.part.a.x, platform.gamepad.part.a.y, size, size}; if(checkTouch(&a, &x, &y)) platform.gamepad.touch.first.a = true; } { SDL_Rect b = {platform.gamepad.part.b.x, platform.gamepad.part.b.y, size, size}; if(checkTouch(&b, &x, &y)) platform.gamepad.touch.first.b = true; } { SDL_Rect xb = {platform.gamepad.part.x.x, platform.gamepad.part.x.y, size, size}; if(checkTouch(&xb, &x, &y)) platform.gamepad.touch.first.x = true; } { SDL_Rect yb = {platform.gamepad.part.y.x, platform.gamepad.part.y.y, size, size}; if(checkTouch(&yb, &x, &y)) platform.gamepad.touch.first.y = true; } } #endif static s32 getAxisMask(SDL_Joystick* joystick) { s32 mask = 0; s32 axesCount = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(joystick); for (s32 a = 0; a < axesCount; a++) { s32 axe = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(joystick, a); if (axe) { if (a == 0) { if (axe > 16384) mask |= SDL_HAT_RIGHT; else if(axe < -16384) mask |= SDL_HAT_LEFT; } else if (a == 1) { if (axe > 16384) mask |= SDL_HAT_DOWN; else if (axe < -16384) mask |= SDL_HAT_UP; } } } return mask; } static s32 getJoystickHatMask(s32 hat) { tic80_gamepads gamepad; gamepad.data = 0; gamepad.first.up = hat & SDL_HAT_UP; gamepad.first.down = hat & SDL_HAT_DOWN; gamepad.first.left = hat & SDL_HAT_LEFT; gamepad.first.right = hat & SDL_HAT_RIGHT; return gamepad.data; } static void processJoysticks() { platform.gamepad.joystick.data = 0; s32 index = 0; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(platform.gamepad.ports); i++) { SDL_Joystick* joystick = platform.gamepad.ports[i]; if(joystick && SDL_JoystickGetAttached(joystick)) { tic80_gamepad* gamepad = NULL; switch(index) { case 0: gamepad = &platform.gamepad.joystick.first; break; case 1: gamepad = &platform.gamepad.joystick.second; break; case 2: gamepad = &platform.gamepad.joystick.third; break; case 3: gamepad = &platform.gamepad.joystick.fourth; break; } if(gamepad) { gamepad->data |= getJoystickHatMask(getAxisMask(joystick)); for (s32 h = 0; h < SDL_JoystickNumHats(joystick); h++) gamepad->data |= getJoystickHatMask(SDL_JoystickGetHat(joystick, h)); s32 numButtons = SDL_JoystickNumButtons(joystick); if(numButtons >= 2) { gamepad->a = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, 0); gamepad->b = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, 1); if(numButtons >= 4) { gamepad->x = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, 2); gamepad->y = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, 3); for(s32 i = 5; i < numButtons; i++) { s32 back = SDL_JoystickGetButton(joystick, i); if(back) { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; tic->ram.input.keyboard.keys[0] = tic_key_escape; } } } } index++; } } } } static void processGamepad() { processJoysticks(); { platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.data = 0; platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.data |= platform.gamepad.touch.data; platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.data |= platform.gamepad.joystick.data; } } static void processTouchInput() { #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) && !defined(__MACOSX__) { s32 devices = SDL_GetNumTouchDevices(); for (s32 i = 0; i < devices; i++) if(SDL_GetNumTouchFingers(SDL_GetTouchDevice(i)) > 0) platform.touchCounter = 10 * TIC_FRAMERATE; if(platform.touchCounter) platform.touchCounter--; } platform.studio->isGamepadMode() ? processTouchGamepad() : processTouchKeyboard(); #endif } static void pollEvent() { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; tic80_input* input = &tic->ram.input; { input->mouse.btns = 0; } SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: { input->mouse.scrollx = event.wheel.x; input->mouse.scrolly = event.wheel.y; } break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: { s32 id = event.jdevice.which; if (id < TIC_GAMEPADS) { if(platform.gamepad.ports[id]) SDL_JoystickClose(platform.gamepad.ports[id]); platform.gamepad.ports[id] = SDL_JoystickOpen(id); } } break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: { s32 id = event.jdevice.which; if (id < TIC_GAMEPADS && platform.gamepad.ports[id]) { SDL_JoystickClose(platform.gamepad.ports[id]); platform.gamepad.ports[id] = NULL; } } break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch(event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED: { s32 w = 0, h = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &w, &h); GPU_SetWindowResolution(w, h); updateGamepadParts(); } break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: platform.studio->updateProject(); break; } break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: { const char* text = event.text.text; if(strlen(text) == 1) platform.keyboard.text = *text; } break; case SDL_QUIT: platform.studio->exit(); break; default: break; } } processMouse(); processKeyboard(); processTouchInput(); processGamepad(); } static void blitGpuTexture(GPU_Target* screen, GPU_Image* texture) { SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; calcTextureRect(&rect); enum {Header = OFFSET_TOP, Top = OFFSET_TOP, Left = OFFSET_LEFT}; s32 width = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &width, NULL); { GPU_Rect srcRect = {0, 0, TIC80_FULLWIDTH, Header}; GPU_Rect dstRect = {0, 0, width, rect.y}; GPU_BlitScale(texture, &srcRect, screen, dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.w / srcRect.w, dstRect.h / srcRect.h); } { GPU_Rect srcRect = {0, TIC80_FULLHEIGHT - Header, TIC80_FULLWIDTH, Header}; GPU_Rect dstRect = {0, rect.y + rect.h, width, rect.y}; GPU_BlitScale(texture, &srcRect, screen, dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.w / srcRect.w, dstRect.h / srcRect.h); } { GPU_Rect srcRect = {0, Header, Left, TIC80_HEIGHT}; GPU_Rect dstRect = {0, rect.y, width, rect.h}; GPU_BlitScale(texture, &srcRect, screen, dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.w / srcRect.w, dstRect.h / srcRect.h); } { GPU_Rect srcRect = {Left, Top, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC80_HEIGHT}; GPU_Rect dstRect = {rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h}; GPU_BlitScale(texture, &srcRect, screen, dstRect.x, dstRect.y, dstRect.w / srcRect.w, dstRect.h / srcRect.h); } } static void blitSound() { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; SDL_PauseAudioDevice(platform.audio.device, 0); if(platform.audio.cvt.needed) { SDL_memcpy(platform.audio.cvt.buf, tic->samples.buffer, tic->samples.size); SDL_ConvertAudio(&platform.audio.cvt); SDL_QueueAudio(platform.audio.device, platform.audio.cvt.buf, platform.audio.cvt.len_cvt); } else SDL_QueueAudio(platform.audio.device, tic->samples.buffer, tic->samples.size); } #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) && !defined(__MACOSX__) static void renderKeyboard() { if(platform.touchCounter == 0 || !isKbdVisible()) return; SDL_Rect rect; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &rect.w, &rect.h); GPU_Rect src = {OFFSET_LEFT, OFFSET_TOP, KBD_COLS*TIC_SPRITESIZE, KBD_ROWS*TIC_SPRITESIZE}; float scale = rect.w/src.w; GPU_Rect dst = (GPU_Rect){0, rect.h - KBD_ROWS*TIC_SPRITESIZE*scale, scale, scale}; GPU_BlitScale(platform.keyboard.texture.up, &src, platform.gpu.screen, dst.x, dst.y, dst.w, dst.h); static const tic_key KbdLayout[] = { #include "kbdlayout.inl" }; tic80_input* input = &platform.studio->tic->ram.input; enum{Cols=KBD_COLS, Rows=KBD_ROWS}; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(input->keyboard.keys); i++) { tic_key key = input->keyboard.keys[i]; if(key > tic_key_unknown) { for(s32 k = 0; k < COUNT_OF(KbdLayout); k++) { if(key == KbdLayout[k]) { GPU_Rect src = {(k % Cols)*TIC_SPRITESIZE + OFFSET_LEFT, (k / Cols)*TIC_SPRITESIZE + OFFSET_TOP, TIC_SPRITESIZE, TIC_SPRITESIZE}; GPU_BlitScale(platform.keyboard.texture.down, &src, platform.gpu.screen, (src.x - OFFSET_LEFT) * dst.w, (src.y - OFFSET_TOP) * dst.h + dst.y, dst.w, dst.h); } } } } } static void renderGamepad() { if(platform.touchCounter == 0) return; const s32 tileSize = platform.gamepad.part.size; const SDL_Point axis = platform.gamepad.part.axis; typedef struct { bool press; s32 x; s32 y;} Tile; const Tile Tiles[] = { {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.up, axis.x + 1*tileSize, axis.y + 0*tileSize}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.down, axis.x + 1*tileSize, axis.y + 2*tileSize}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.left, axis.x + 0*tileSize, axis.y + 1*tileSize}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.right, axis.x + 2*tileSize, axis.y + 1*tileSize}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.a, platform.gamepad.part.a.x, platform.gamepad.part.a.y}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.b, platform.gamepad.part.b.x, platform.gamepad.part.b.y}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.x, platform.gamepad.part.x.x, platform.gamepad.part.x.y}, {platform.studio->tic->ram.input.gamepads.first.y, platform.gamepad.part.y.x, platform.gamepad.part.y.y}, }; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Tiles); i++) { const Tile* tile = Tiles + i; GPU_Rect src = {i * TIC_SPRITESIZE, tile->press ? TIC_SPRITESIZE : 0, TIC_SPRITESIZE, TIC_SPRITESIZE}; GPU_Rect dest = {tile->x, tile->y, tileSize, tileSize}; GPU_BlitScale(platform.gamepad.texture, &src, platform.gpu.screen, dest.x, dest.y, (float)dest.w / TIC_SPRITESIZE, (float)dest.h / TIC_SPRITESIZE); } } #endif static void blitCursor(const u8* in) { if(!platform.mouse.texture) { platform.mouse.texture = GPU_CreateImage(TIC_SPRITESIZE, TIC_SPRITESIZE, STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT); GPU_SetAnchor(platform.mouse.texture, 0, 0); GPU_SetImageFilter(platform.mouse.texture, GPU_FILTER_NEAREST); } if(platform.mouse.src != in) { platform.mouse.src = in; const u8* end = in + sizeof(tic_tile); const u32* pal = tic_palette_blit(&platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.palette); static u32 data[TIC_SPRITESIZE*TIC_SPRITESIZE]; u32* out = data; while(in != end) { u8 low = *in & 0x0f; u8 hi = (*in & 0xf0) >> TIC_PALETTE_BPP; *out++ = low ? *(pal + low) : 0; *out++ = hi ? *(pal + hi) : 0; in++; } GPU_UpdateImageBytes(platform.mouse.texture, NULL, (const u8*)data, TIC_SPRITESIZE * sizeof(u32)); } SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; calcTextureRect(&rect); s32 scale = rect.w / TIC80_WIDTH; s32 mx, my; SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my); if(platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.pixelPerfect) { mx -= (mx - rect.x) % scale; my -= (my - rect.y) % scale; } if(SDL_GetWindowFlags(platform.window) & SDL_WINDOW_MOUSE_FOCUS) GPU_BlitScale(platform.mouse.texture, NULL, platform.gpu.screen, mx, my, (float)scale, (float)scale); } static void renderCursor() { if(platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.vars.cursor.system) { switch(platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.vars.cursor.sprite) { case tic_cursor_hand: { if(platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.hand >= 0) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); blitCursor(platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles.data[platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.hand].data); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_SetCursor(SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_HAND)); } } break; case tic_cursor_ibeam: { if(platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.ibeam >= 0) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); blitCursor(platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles.data[platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.ibeam].data); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_SetCursor(SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_IBEAM)); } } break; default: { if(platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.arrow >= 0) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); blitCursor(platform.studio->config()->cart->bank0.tiles.data[platform.studio->config()->theme.cursor.arrow].data); } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_SetCursor(SDL_CreateSystemCursor(SDL_SYSTEM_CURSOR_ARROW)); } } } } else { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); blitCursor(platform.studio->tic->ram.sprites.data[platform.studio->tic->ram.vram.vars.cursor.sprite].data); } // if(platform.mode == TIC_RUN_MODE && !platform.studio.tic->input.mouse) // { // SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); // return; // } } static const char* getAppFolder() { static char appFolder[FILENAME_MAX]; #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) strcpy(appFolder, "/" TIC_PACKAGE "/" TIC_NAME "/"); #elif defined(__ANDROID__) strcpy(appFolder, SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath()); const char AppFolder[] = "/" TIC_NAME "/"; strcat(appFolder, AppFolder); mkdir(appFolder, 0700); #else char* path = SDL_GetPrefPath(TIC_PACKAGE, TIC_NAME); strcpy(appFolder, path); SDL_free(path); #endif return appFolder; } static void setClipboardText(const char* text) { SDL_SetClipboardText(text); } static bool hasClipboardText() { return SDL_HasClipboardText(); } static char* getClipboardText() { return SDL_GetClipboardText(); } static void freeClipboardText(const char* text) { SDL_free((void*)text); } static u64 getPerformanceCounter() { return SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); } static u64 getPerformanceFrequency() { return SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency(); } static void goFullscreen() { GPU_SetFullscreen(GPU_GetFullscreen() ? false : true, true); } static void showMessageBox(const char* title, const char* message) { SDL_ShowSimpleMessageBox(SDL_MESSAGEBOX_WARNING, title, message, NULL); } static void setWindowTitle(const char* title) { SDL_SetWindowTitle(platform.window, title); } #if defined(__WINDOWS__) || defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__MACOSX__) static void openSystemPath(const char* path) { char command[FILENAME_MAX]; #if defined(__WINDOWS__) sprintf(command, "explorer \"%s\"", path); wchar_t wcommand[FILENAME_MAX]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, command, FILENAME_MAX, wcommand, FILENAME_MAX); _wsystem(wcommand); #elif defined(__LINUX__) sprintf(command, "xdg-open \"%s\"", path); if(system(command)){} #elif defined(__MACOSX__) sprintf(command, "open \"%s\"", path); system(command); #endif } #else static void openSystemPath(const char* path) {} #endif static void* getUrlRequest(const char* url, s32* size) { return netGetRequest(platform.net, url, size); } static void preseed() { #if defined(__MACOSX__) srandom(time(NULL)); random(); #else srand(time(NULL)); rand(); #endif } static char* prepareShader(const char* code) { GPU_Renderer* renderer = GPU_GetCurrentRenderer(); const char* header = ""; if(renderer->shader_language == GPU_LANGUAGE_GLSL) { if(renderer->max_shader_version >= 120) header = "#version 120\n"; else header = "#version 110\n"; } else if(renderer->shader_language == GPU_LANGUAGE_GLSLES) header = "#version 100\nprecision mediump int;\nprecision mediump float;\n"; char* shader = SDL_malloc(strlen(header) + strlen(code) + 2); if(shader) { strcpy(shader, header); strcat(shader, code); } return shader; } static void loadCrtShader() { char* vertextShader = prepareShader("\ attribute vec3 gpu_Vertex;\n\ attribute vec2 gpu_TexCoord;\n\ attribute vec4 gpu_Color;\n\ uniform mat4 gpu_ModelViewProjectionMatrix;\n\ varying vec4 color;\n\ varying vec2 texCoord;\n\ void main(void)\n\ {\n\ color = gpu_Color;\n\ texCoord = vec2(gpu_TexCoord);\n\ gl_Position = gpu_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(gpu_Vertex, 1.0);\n\ }"); u32 vertex = 0; if(vertextShader) { vertex = GPU_CompileShader(GPU_VERTEX_SHADER, vertextShader); SDL_free(vertextShader); } if(!vertex) { char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "Failed to load vertex shader: %s\n", GPU_GetShaderMessage()); showMessageBox("Error", msg); return; } char* fragmentShader = prepareShader(platform.studio->config()->crtShader); u32 fragment = 0; if(fragmentShader) { fragment = GPU_CompileShader(GPU_PIXEL_SHADER, fragmentShader); SDL_free(fragmentShader); } if(!fragment) { char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "Failed to load fragment shader: %s\n", GPU_GetShaderMessage()); showMessageBox("Error", msg); return; } if(platform.gpu.shader) GPU_FreeShaderProgram(platform.gpu.shader); platform.gpu.shader = GPU_LinkShaders(vertex, fragment); if(platform.gpu.shader) { platform.gpu.block = GPU_LoadShaderBlock(platform.gpu.shader, "gpu_Vertex", "gpu_TexCoord", "gpu_Color", "gpu_ModelViewProjectionMatrix"); GPU_ActivateShaderProgram(platform.gpu.shader, &platform.gpu.block); } else { char msg[1024]; sprintf(msg, "Failed to link shader program: %s\n", GPU_GetShaderMessage()); showMessageBox("Error", msg); } } static void updateConfig() { if(platform.gpu.screen) initTouchGamepad(); } static System systemInterface = { .setClipboardText = setClipboardText, .hasClipboardText = hasClipboardText, .getClipboardText = getClipboardText, .freeClipboardText = freeClipboardText, .getPerformanceCounter = getPerformanceCounter, .getPerformanceFrequency = getPerformanceFrequency, .getUrlRequest = getUrlRequest, .fileDialogLoad = file_dialog_load, .fileDialogSave = file_dialog_save, .goFullscreen = goFullscreen, .showMessageBox = showMessageBox, .setWindowTitle = setWindowTitle, .openSystemPath = openSystemPath, .preseed = preseed, .poll = pollEvent, .updateConfig = updateConfig, .getKeyboardText = getKeyboardText, }; static void gpuTick() { tic_mem* tic = platform.studio->tic; pollEvent(); if(platform.studio->quit) { #if defined __EMSCRIPTEN__ emscripten_cancel_main_loop(); #endif return; } GPU_Clear(platform.gpu.screen); { platform.studio->tick(); GPU_UpdateImageBytes(platform.gpu.texture, NULL, (const u8*)tic->screen, TIC80_FULLWIDTH * sizeof(u32)); { if(platform.studio->config()->crtMonitor) { if(platform.gpu.shader == 0) loadCrtShader(); SDL_Rect rect = {0, 0, 0, 0}; calcTextureRect(&rect); GPU_ActivateShaderProgram(platform.gpu.shader, &platform.gpu.block); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "trg_x"), rect.x); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "trg_y"), rect.y); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "trg_w"), rect.w); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "trg_h"), rect.h); { s32 w, h; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &w, &h); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "scr_w"), w); GPU_SetUniformf(GPU_GetUniformLocation(platform.gpu.shader, "scr_h"), h); } GPU_BlitScale(platform.gpu.texture, NULL, platform.gpu.screen, rect.x, rect.y, (float)rect.w / TIC80_FULLWIDTH, (float)rect.h / TIC80_FULLHEIGHT); GPU_DeactivateShaderProgram(); } else { GPU_DeactivateShaderProgram(); blitGpuTexture(platform.gpu.screen, platform.gpu.texture); } } renderCursor(); #if !defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) && !defined(__MACOSX__) platform.studio->isGamepadMode() ? renderGamepad() : renderKeyboard(); #endif } GPU_Flip(platform.gpu.screen); blitSound(); } #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) static void emsGpuTick() { static double nextTick = -1.0; platform.missedFrame = false; if(nextTick < 0.0) nextTick = emscripten_get_now(); nextTick += 1000.0/TIC_FRAMERATE; gpuTick(); double delay = nextTick - emscripten_get_now(); if(delay < 0.0) { nextTick -= delay; platform.missedFrame = true; } else emscripten_set_main_loop_timing(EM_TIMING_SETTIMEOUT, delay); } #endif static s32 start(s32 argc, char **argv, const char* folder) { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_WINRT_HANDLE_BACK_BUTTON, "1"); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ACCELEROMETER_AS_JOYSTICK, "0"); SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK); initSound(); platform.net = createNet(); platform.studio = studioInit(argc, argv, platform.audio.spec.freq, folder, &systemInterface); const s32 Width = TIC80_FULLWIDTH * platform.studio->config()->uiScale; const s32 Height = TIC80_FULLHEIGHT * platform.studio->config()->uiScale; platform.window = SDL_CreateWindow( TIC_TITLE, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, Width, Height, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN | SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE| SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL); setWindowIcon(); GPU_SetInitWindow(SDL_GetWindowID(platform.window)); platform.gpu.screen = GPU_Init(Width, Height, GPU_INIT_DISABLE_VSYNC); { s32 w = 0, h = 0; SDL_GetWindowSize(platform.window, &w, &h); GPU_SetWindowResolution(w, h); } initTouchGamepad(); initTouchKeyboard(); platform.gpu.texture = GPU_CreateImage(TIC80_FULLWIDTH, TIC80_FULLHEIGHT, STUDIO_PIXEL_FORMAT); GPU_SetAnchor(platform.gpu.texture, 0, 0); GPU_SetImageFilter(platform.gpu.texture, GPU_FILTER_NEAREST); #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) emscripten_set_main_loop(emsGpuTick, 0, 1); #else { u64 nextTick = SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); const u64 Delta = SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency() / TIC_FRAMERATE; while (!platform.studio->quit) { platform.missedFrame = false; nextTick += Delta; gpuTick(); { s64 delay = nextTick - SDL_GetPerformanceCounter(); if(delay < 0) { nextTick -= delay; platform.missedFrame = true; } else SDL_Delay((u32)(delay * 1000 / SDL_GetPerformanceFrequency())); } } } #endif platform.studio->close(); closeNet(platform.net); if(platform.audio.cvt.buf) SDL_free(platform.audio.cvt.buf); if(platform.gpu.shader) GPU_FreeShaderProgram(platform.gpu.shader); GPU_FreeImage(platform.gpu.texture); if(platform.gamepad.texture) GPU_FreeImage(platform.gamepad.texture); if(platform.keyboard.texture.up) GPU_FreeImage(platform.keyboard.texture.up); if(platform.keyboard.texture.down) GPU_FreeImage(platform.keyboard.texture.down); if(platform.mouse.texture) GPU_FreeImage(platform.mouse.texture); SDL_DestroyWindow(platform.window); SDL_CloseAudioDevice(platform.audio.device); GPU_Quit(); return 0; } #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #define DEFAULT_CART "cart.tic" static struct { s32 argc; char **argv; const char* folder; } startVars; static void onEmscriptenWget(const char* file) { startVars.argv[1] = DEFAULT_CART; start(startVars.argc, startVars.argv, startVars.folder); } static void onEmscriptenWgetError(const char* error) {} static void emsStart(s32 argc, char **argv, const char* folder) { if(argc == 2) { startVars.argc = argc; startVars.argv = argv; startVars.folder = folder; emscripten_async_wget(argv[1], DEFAULT_CART, onEmscriptenWget, onEmscriptenWgetError); } else start(argc, argv, folder); } #endif s32 main(s32 argc, char **argv) { const char* folder = getAppFolder(); #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) EM_ASM_ ( { var dir = ""; Module.Pointer_stringify($0).split("/").forEach(function(val) { if(val.length) { dir += "/" + val; FS.mkdir(dir); } }); FS.mount(IDBFS, {}, dir); FS.syncfs(true, function() { Runtime.dynCall('viii', $1, [$2, $3, $0]); }); }, folder, emsStart, argc, argv ); #else return start(argc, argv, folder); #endif }