// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "code.h" #include "history.h" #include #define TEXT_CURSOR_DELAY (TIC_FRAMERATE / 2) #define TEXT_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD TIC_FRAMERATE #define TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH #define TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT ((TIC80_HEIGHT - TOOLBAR_SIZE - STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT) / STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT) struct OutlineItem { char name[STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH]; char* pos; }; #define OUTLINE_SIZE ((TIC80_HEIGHT - TOOLBAR_SIZE*2)/TIC_FONT_HEIGHT) #define OUTLINE_ITEMS_SIZE (OUTLINE_SIZE * sizeof(OutlineItem)) static void history(Code* code) { if(history_add(code->history)) history_add(code->cursorHistory); } static void drawStatus(Code* code) { const s32 Height = TIC_FONT_HEIGHT + 1; code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, 0, TIC80_HEIGHT - Height, TIC80_WIDTH, Height, (tic_color_white)); code->tic->api.fixed_text(code->tic, code->status, 0, TIC80_HEIGHT - TIC_FONT_HEIGHT, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); } static void drawCursor(Code* code, s32 x, s32 y, char symbol) { bool inverse = code->cursor.delay || code->tickCounter % TEXT_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD < TEXT_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD / 2; if(inverse) { code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, x-1, y-1, TIC_FONT_WIDTH+1, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1, getConfig()->theme.code.cursor); if(symbol) code->tic->api.draw_char(code->tic, symbol, x, y, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); } } static void drawCode(Code* code, bool withCursor) { s32 xStart = code->rect.x - code->scroll.x * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; s32 x = xStart; s32 y = code->rect.y - code->scroll.y * STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; char* pointer = code->src; u8* colorPointer = code->colorBuffer; struct { char* start; char* end; } selection = {MIN(code->cursor.selection, code->cursor.position), MAX(code->cursor.selection, code->cursor.position)}; struct { s32 x; s32 y; char symbol; } cursor = {-1, -1, 0}; while(*pointer) { char symbol = *pointer; if(x >= -TIC_FONT_WIDTH && x < TIC80_WIDTH && y >= -TIC_FONT_HEIGHT && y < TIC80_HEIGHT ) { if(code->cursor.selection && pointer >= selection.start && pointer < selection.end) code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, x-1, y-1, TIC_FONT_WIDTH+1, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1, getConfig()->theme.code.select); else if(getConfig()->theme.code.shadow) { code->tic->api.draw_char(code->tic, symbol, x+1, y+1, 0); } code->tic->api.draw_char(code->tic, symbol, x, y, *colorPointer); } if(code->cursor.position == pointer) cursor.x = x, cursor.y = y, cursor.symbol = symbol; if(symbol == '\n') { x = xStart; y += STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; } else x += STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; pointer++; colorPointer++; } if(code->cursor.position == pointer) cursor.x = x, cursor.y = y; if(withCursor && cursor.x >= 0 && cursor.y >= 0) drawCursor(code, cursor.x, cursor.y, cursor.symbol); } static void getCursorPosition(Code* code, s32* x, s32* y) { *x = 0; *y = 0; const char* pointer = code->src; while(*pointer) { if(code->cursor.position == pointer) return; if(*pointer == '\n') { *x = 0; (*y)++; } else (*x)++; pointer++; } } static s32 getLinesCount(Code* code) { char* text = code->src; s32 count = 0; while(*text) if(*text++ == '\n') count++; return count; } static void removeInvalidChars(char* code) { // remove \r symbol char* s; char* d; for(s = d = code; (*d = *s); d += (*s++ != '\r')); } static void updateEditor(Code* code) { s32 column = 0; s32 line = 0; getCursorPosition(code, &column, &line); if(column < code->scroll.x) code->scroll.x = column; else if(column >= code->scroll.x + TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH) code->scroll.x = column - TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH + 1; if(line < code->scroll.y) code->scroll.y = line; else if(line >= code->scroll.y + TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT) code->scroll.y = line - TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT + 1; code->cursor.delay = TEXT_CURSOR_DELAY; // update status { memset(code->status, ' ', sizeof code->status - 1); char status[STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH]; s32 count = getLinesCount(code); sprintf(status, "line %i/%i col %i", line + 1, count + 1, column + 1); memcpy(code->status, status, strlen(status)); size_t codeLen = strlen(code->src); sprintf(status, "%i/%i", (u32)codeLen, TIC_CODE_SIZE); memset(code->src + codeLen, '\0', TIC_CODE_SIZE - codeLen); memcpy(code->status + sizeof code->status - strlen(status) - 1, status, strlen(status)); } } static inline bool isalnum_(char c) {return isalnum(c) || c == '_';} static void parseSyntaxColor(Code* code) { memset(code->colorBuffer, getConfig()->theme.code.syntax.var, sizeof(code->colorBuffer)); tic_mem* tic = code->tic; const tic_script_config* config = tic->api.get_script_config(tic); if(config->parse) config->parse(config, code->src, code->colorBuffer, &getConfig()->theme.code.syntax); } static char* getLineByPos(Code* code, char* pos) { char* text = code->src; char* line = text; while(text < pos) if(*text++ == '\n') line = text; return line; } static char* getLine(Code* code) { return getLineByPos(code, code->cursor.position); } static char* getPrevLine(Code* code) { char* text = code->src; char* pos = code->cursor.position; char* prevLine = text; char* line = text; while(text < pos) if(*text++ == '\n') { prevLine = line; line = text; } return prevLine; } static char* getNextLineByPos(Code* code, char* pos) { while(*pos && *pos++ != '\n'); return pos; } static char* getNextLine(Code* code) { return getNextLineByPos(code, code->cursor.position); } static s32 getLineSize(const char* line) { s32 size = 0; while(*line != '\n' && *line++) size++; return size; } static void updateColumn(Code* code) { code->cursor.column = code->cursor.position - getLine(code); } static void updateCursorPosition(Code* code, char* position) { code->cursor.position = position; updateColumn(code); updateEditor(code); } static void setCursorPosition(Code* code, s32 cx, s32 cy) { s32 x = 0; s32 y = 0; char* pointer = code->src; while(*pointer) { if(y == cy && x == cx) { updateCursorPosition(code, pointer); return; } if(*pointer == '\n') { if(y == cy && cx > x) { updateCursorPosition(code, pointer); return; } x = 0; y++; } else x++; pointer++; } updateCursorPosition(code, pointer); } static void upLine(Code* code) { char* prevLine = getPrevLine(code); size_t prevSize = getLineSize(prevLine); size_t size = code->cursor.column; code->cursor.position = prevLine + (prevSize > size ? size : prevSize); } static void downLine(Code* code) { char* nextLine = getNextLine(code); size_t nextSize = getLineSize(nextLine); size_t size = code->cursor.column; code->cursor.position = nextLine + (nextSize > size ? size : nextSize); } static void leftColumn(Code* code) { char* start = code->src; if(code->cursor.position > start) { code->cursor.position--; updateColumn(code); } } static void rightColumn(Code* code) { if(*code->cursor.position) { code->cursor.position++; updateColumn(code); } } static void leftWord(Code* code) { const char* start = code->src; char* pos = code->cursor.position-1; if(pos > start) { if(isalnum_(*pos)) while(pos > start && isalnum_(*(pos-1))) pos--; else while(pos > start && !isalnum_(*(pos-1))) pos--; code->cursor.position = pos; updateColumn(code); } } static void rightWord(Code* code) { const char* end = code->src + strlen(code->src); char* pos = code->cursor.position; if(pos < end) { if(isalnum_(*pos)) while(pos < end && isalnum_(*pos)) pos++; else while(pos < end && !isalnum_(*pos)) pos++; code->cursor.position = pos; updateColumn(code); } } static void goHome(Code* code) { code->cursor.position = getLine(code); updateColumn(code); } static void goEnd(Code* code) { char* line = getLine(code); code->cursor.position = line + getLineSize(line); updateColumn(code); } static void goCodeHome(Code *code) { code->cursor.position = code->src; updateColumn(code); } static void goCodeEnd(Code *code) { code->cursor.position = code->src + strlen(code->src); updateColumn(code); } static void pageUp(Code* code) { s32 column = 0; s32 line = 0; getCursorPosition(code, &column, &line); setCursorPosition(code, column, line > TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT ? line - TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT : 0); } static void pageDown(Code* code) { s32 column = 0; s32 line = 0; getCursorPosition(code, &column, &line); s32 lines = getLinesCount(code); setCursorPosition(code, column, line < lines - TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT ? line + TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT : lines); } static bool replaceSelection(Code* code) { char* pos = code->cursor.position; char* sel = code->cursor.selection; if(sel && sel != pos) { char* start = MIN(sel, pos); char* end = MAX(sel, pos); memmove(start, end, strlen(end) + 1); code->cursor.position = start; code->cursor.selection = NULL; history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); return true; } return false; } static void deleteChar(Code* code) { if(!replaceSelection(code)) { char* pos = code->cursor.position; memmove(pos, pos + 1, strlen(pos)); history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } } static void backspaceChar(Code* code) { if(!replaceSelection(code) && code->cursor.position > code->src) { char* pos = --code->cursor.position; memmove(pos, pos + 1, strlen(pos)); history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } } static void inputSymbolBase(Code* code, char sym) { if (strlen(code->src) >= sizeof(tic_code)) return; char* pos = code->cursor.position; memmove(pos + 1, pos, strlen(pos)+1); *code->cursor.position++ = sym; history(code); updateColumn(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } static void inputSymbol(Code* code, char sym) { replaceSelection(code); inputSymbolBase(code, sym); } static void newLine(Code* code) { if(!replaceSelection(code)) { char* ptr = getLine(code); size_t size = 0; while(*ptr == '\t' || *ptr == ' ') ptr++, size++; if(ptr > code->cursor.position) size -= ptr - code->cursor.position; inputSymbol(code, '\n'); for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) inputSymbol(code, '\t'); } } static void selectAll(Code* code) { code->cursor.selection = code->src; code->cursor.position = code->cursor.selection + strlen(code->cursor.selection); } static void copyToClipboard(Code* code) { char* pos = code->cursor.position; char* sel = code->cursor.selection; char* start = NULL; size_t size = 0; if(sel && sel != pos) { start = MIN(sel, pos); size = MAX(sel, pos) - start; } else { start = getLine(code); size = getNextLine(code) - start; } char* clipboard = (char*)malloc(size+1); if(clipboard) { memcpy(clipboard, start, size); clipboard[size] = '\0'; getSystem()->setClipboardText(clipboard); free(clipboard); } } static void cutToClipboard(Code* code) { copyToClipboard(code); replaceSelection(code); history(code); } static void copyFromClipboard(Code* code) { if(getSystem()->hasClipboardText()) { char* clipboard = getSystem()->getClipboardText(); if(clipboard) { removeInvalidChars(clipboard); size_t size = strlen(clipboard); if(size) { replaceSelection(code); char* pos = code->cursor.position; // cut clipboard code if overall code > max code size { size_t codeSize = strlen(code->src); if (codeSize + size > sizeof(tic_code)) { size = sizeof(tic_code) - codeSize; clipboard[size] = '\0'; } } memmove(pos + size, pos, strlen(pos) + 1); memcpy(pos, clipboard, size); code->cursor.position += size; history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } free(clipboard); } } } static void update(Code* code) { updateEditor(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } static void undo(Code* code) { history_undo(code->history); history_undo(code->cursorHistory); update(code); } static void redo(Code* code) { history_redo(code->history); history_redo(code->cursorHistory); update(code); } static void doTab(Code* code, bool shift, bool crtl) { char* cursor_position = code->cursor.position; char* cursor_selection = code->cursor.selection; bool has_selection = cursor_selection && cursor_selection != cursor_position; bool modifier_key_pressed = shift || crtl; if(has_selection || modifier_key_pressed) { char* start; char* end; bool changed = false; if(cursor_selection) { start = MIN(cursor_selection, cursor_position); end = MAX(cursor_selection, cursor_position); } else { start = end = cursor_position; } char* line = start = getLineByPos(code, start); while(line) { if(shift) { if(*line == '\t' || *line == ' ') { memmove(line, line + 1, strlen(line)+1); end--; changed = true; } } else { memmove(line + 1, line, strlen(line)+1); *line = '\t'; end++; changed = true; } line = getNextLineByPos(code, line); if(line >= end) break; } if(changed) { if(has_selection) { code->cursor.position = start; code->cursor.selection = end; } else if (start <= end) code->cursor.position = end; history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } } else inputSymbolBase(code, '\t'); } static void setFindMode(Code* code) { if(code->cursor.selection) { const char* end = MAX(code->cursor.position, code->cursor.selection); const char* start = MIN(code->cursor.position, code->cursor.selection); size_t len = end - start; if(len > 0 && len < sizeof code->popup.text - 1) { memset(code->popup.text, 0, sizeof code->popup.text); memcpy(code->popup.text, start, len); } } } static void setGotoMode(Code* code) { code->jump.line = -1; } static int funcCompare(const void* a, const void* b) { const OutlineItem* item1 = (const OutlineItem*)a; const OutlineItem* item2 = (const OutlineItem*)b; if(item1->pos == NULL) return 1; if(item2->pos == NULL) return -1; // return SDL_strcasecmp(item1->name, item2->name); return strcmp(item1->name, item2->name); } static void normalizeScroll(Code* code) { if(code->scroll.x < 0) code->scroll.x = 0; if(code->scroll.y < 0) code->scroll.y = 0; else { s32 lines = getLinesCount(code); if(code->scroll.y > lines) code->scroll.y = lines; } } static void centerScroll(Code* code) { s32 col, line; getCursorPosition(code, &col, &line); code->scroll.x = col - TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH / 2; code->scroll.y = line - TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT / 2; normalizeScroll(code); } static void updateOutlineCode(Code* code) { OutlineItem* item = code->outline.items + code->outline.index; if(item->pos) { code->cursor.position = item->pos; code->cursor.selection = item->pos + strlen(item->name); } else { code->cursor.position = code->src; code->cursor.selection = NULL; } centerScroll(code); updateEditor(code); } static char* ticStrlwr(char *string) { char *bufp = string; while (*bufp) { *bufp = tolower((u8)*bufp); ++bufp; } return string; } static void initOutlineMode(Code* code) { OutlineItem* out = code->outline.items; OutlineItem* end = out + OUTLINE_SIZE; tic_mem* tic = code->tic; char buffer[STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH] = {0}; char filter[STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH] = {0}; strncpy(filter, code->popup.text, sizeof(filter)); ticStrlwr(filter); const tic_script_config* config = tic->api.get_script_config(tic); if(config->getOutline) { s32 size = 0; const tic_outline_item* items = config->getOutline(code->src, &size); for(s32 i = 0; i < size; i++) { const tic_outline_item* item = items + i; if(out < end) { out->pos = code->src + item->pos; memset(out->name, 0, STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH); memcpy(out->name, out->pos, MIN(item->size, STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH-1)); if(*filter) { strncpy(buffer, out->name, sizeof(buffer)); ticStrlwr(buffer); if(strstr(buffer, filter)) out++; else out->pos = NULL; } else out++; } else break; } } } static void setOutlineMode(Code* code) { code->outline.index = 0; memset(code->outline.items, 0, OUTLINE_ITEMS_SIZE); initOutlineMode(code); qsort(code->outline.items, OUTLINE_SIZE, sizeof(OutlineItem), funcCompare); updateOutlineCode(code); } static void setCodeMode(Code* code, s32 mode) { if(code->mode != mode) { strcpy(code->popup.text, ""); code->popup.prevPos = code->cursor.position; code->popup.prevSel = code->cursor.selection; switch(mode) { case TEXT_FIND_MODE: setFindMode(code); break; case TEXT_GOTO_MODE: setGotoMode(code); break; case TEXT_OUTLINE_MODE: setOutlineMode(code); break; default: break; } code->mode = mode; } } static void commentLine(Code* code) { const char* comment = code->tic->api.get_script_config(code->tic)->singleComment; size_t size = strlen(comment); char* line = getLine(code); const char* end = line + getLineSize(line); while((*line == ' ' || *line == '\t') && line < end) line++; if(memcmp(line, comment, size)) { if (strlen(code->src) + size >= sizeof(tic_code)) return; memmove(line + size, line, strlen(line)+1); memcpy(line, comment, size); if(code->cursor.position > line) code->cursor.position += size; } else { memmove(line, line + size, strlen(line + size)+1); if(code->cursor.position > line + size) code->cursor.position -= size; } code->cursor.selection = NULL; history(code); parseSyntaxColor(code); } static void processKeyboard(Code* code) { tic_mem* tic = code->tic; switch(getClipboardEvent(0)) { case TIC_CLIPBOARD_CUT: cutToClipboard(code); break; case TIC_CLIPBOARD_COPY: copyToClipboard(code); break; case TIC_CLIPBOARD_PASTE: copyFromClipboard(code); break; default: break; } bool shift = tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_shift); bool ctrl = tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_ctrl); bool alt = tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_alt); if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_up) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_down) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_left) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_right) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_home) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_end) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_pageup) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_pagedown)) { if(!shift) code->cursor.selection = NULL; else if(code->cursor.selection == NULL) code->cursor.selection = code->cursor.position; } if(ctrl) { if(ctrl) { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_left)) leftWord(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_right)) rightWord(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_tab)) doTab(code, shift, ctrl); } if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_a)) selectAll(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_z)) undo(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_y)) redo(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_f)) setCodeMode(code, TEXT_FIND_MODE); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_g)) setCodeMode(code, TEXT_GOTO_MODE); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_o)) setCodeMode(code, TEXT_OUTLINE_MODE); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_slash)) commentLine(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_home)) goCodeHome(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_end)) goCodeEnd(code); } else if(alt) { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_left)) leftWord(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_right)) rightWord(code); } else { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_up)) upLine(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_down)) downLine(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_left)) leftColumn(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_right)) rightColumn(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_home)) goHome(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_end)) goEnd(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_pageup)) pageUp(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_pagedown)) pageDown(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_delete)) deleteChar(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_backspace)) backspaceChar(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_return)) newLine(code); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_tab)) doTab(code, shift, ctrl); } if(tic->ram.input.keyboard.data) updateEditor(code); } static void processGestures(Code* code) { tic_point point = {0, 0}; if(getGesturePos(&point)) { if(code->scroll.gesture) { code->scroll.x = (code->scroll.start.x - point.x) / STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; code->scroll.y = (code->scroll.start.y - point.y) / STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; normalizeScroll(code); } else { code->scroll.start.x = point.x + code->scroll.x * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; code->scroll.start.y = point.y + code->scroll.y * STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; code->scroll.gesture = true; } } else code->scroll.gesture = false; } static void processMouse(Code* code) { tic_mem* tic = code->tic; if(checkMousePos(&code->rect)) { setCursor(tic_cursor_ibeam); if(code->scroll.active) { if(checkMouseDown(&code->rect, tic_mouse_right)) { code->scroll.x = (code->scroll.start.x - getMouseX()) / STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; code->scroll.y = (code->scroll.start.y - getMouseY()) / STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; normalizeScroll(code); } else code->scroll.active = false; } else { if(checkMouseDown(&code->rect, tic_mouse_left)) { s32 mx = getMouseX(); s32 my = getMouseY(); s32 x = (mx - code->rect.x) / STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; s32 y = (my - code->rect.y) / STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; char* position = code->cursor.position; setCursorPosition(code, x + code->scroll.x, y + code->scroll.y); if(tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_shift)) { code->cursor.selection = code->cursor.position; code->cursor.position = position; } else if(!code->cursor.mouseDownPosition) { code->cursor.selection = code->cursor.position; code->cursor.mouseDownPosition = code->cursor.position; } } else { if(code->cursor.mouseDownPosition == code->cursor.position) code->cursor.selection = NULL; code->cursor.mouseDownPosition = NULL; } if(checkMouseDown(&code->rect, tic_mouse_right)) { code->scroll.active = true; code->scroll.start.x = getMouseX() + code->scroll.x * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; code->scroll.start.y = getMouseY() + code->scroll.y * STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; } } } } static void textEditTick(Code* code) { tic_mem* tic = code->tic; // process scroll { tic80_input* input = &code->tic->ram.input; if(input->mouse.scrolly) { enum{Scroll = 3}; s32 delta = input->mouse.scrolly > 0 ? -Scroll : Scroll; code->scroll.y += delta; normalizeScroll(code); } } processKeyboard(code); if(!tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_ctrl) && !tic->api.key(tic, tic_key_alt)) { char sym = getKeyboardText(); if(sym) { inputSymbol(code, sym); updateEditor(code); } } processGestures(code); processMouse(code); code->tic->api.clear(code->tic, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); drawCode(code, true); drawStatus(code); } static void drawPopupBar(Code* code, const char* title) { enum {TextY = TOOLBAR_SIZE + 1}; code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, 0, TOOLBAR_SIZE, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT + 1, (tic_color_blue)); code->tic->api.fixed_text(code->tic, title, 0, TextY, (tic_color_white)); code->tic->api.fixed_text(code->tic, code->popup.text, (s32)strlen(title)*TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TextY, (tic_color_white)); drawCursor(code, (s32)(strlen(title) + strlen(code->popup.text)) * TIC_FONT_WIDTH, TextY, ' '); } static void updateFindCode(Code* code, char* pos) { if(pos) { code->cursor.position = pos; code->cursor.selection = pos + strlen(code->popup.text); centerScroll(code); updateEditor(code); } } static char* upStrStr(const char* start, const char* from, const char* substr) { const char* ptr = from-1; size_t len = strlen(substr); if(len > 0) { while(ptr >= start) { if(memcmp(ptr, substr, len) == 0) return (char*)ptr; ptr--; } } return NULL; } static char* downStrStr(const char* start, const char* from, const char* substr) { return strstr(from, substr); } static void textFindTick(Code* code) { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_return)) setCodeMode(code, TEXT_EDIT_MODE); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_up) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_down) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_left) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_right)) { if(*code->popup.text) { bool reverse = keyWasPressed(tic_key_up) || keyWasPressed(tic_key_left); char* (*func)(const char*, const char*, const char*) = reverse ? upStrStr : downStrStr; char* from = reverse ? MIN(code->cursor.position, code->cursor.selection) : MAX(code->cursor.position, code->cursor.selection); char* pos = func(code->src, from, code->popup.text); updateFindCode(code, pos); } } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_backspace)) { if(*code->popup.text) { code->popup.text[strlen(code->popup.text)-1] = '\0'; updateFindCode(code, strstr(code->src, code->popup.text)); } } char sym = getKeyboardText(); if(sym) { if(strlen(code->popup.text) + 1 < sizeof code->popup.text) { char str[] = {sym , 0}; strcat(code->popup.text, str); updateFindCode(code, strstr(code->src, code->popup.text)); } } code->tic->api.clear(code->tic, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); drawCode(code, false); drawPopupBar(code, " FIND:"); drawStatus(code); } static void updateGotoCode(Code* code) { s32 line = atoi(code->popup.text); if(line) line--; s32 count = getLinesCount(code); if(line > count) line = count; code->cursor.selection = NULL; setCursorPosition(code, 0, line); code->jump.line = line; centerScroll(code); updateEditor(code); } static void textGoToTick(Code* code) { tic_mem* tic = code->tic; if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_return)) { if(*code->popup.text) updateGotoCode(code); setCodeMode(code, TEXT_EDIT_MODE); } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_backspace)) { if(*code->popup.text) { code->popup.text[strlen(code->popup.text)-1] = '\0'; updateGotoCode(code); } } char sym = getKeyboardText(); if(sym) { if(strlen(code->popup.text)+1 < sizeof code->popup.text && sym >= '0' && sym <= '9') { char str[] = {sym, 0}; strcat(code->popup.text, str); updateGotoCode(code); } } tic->api.clear(tic, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); if(code->jump.line >= 0) tic->api.rect(tic, 0, (code->jump.line - code->scroll.y) * (TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1) + TOOLBAR_SIZE, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+2, getConfig()->theme.code.select); drawCode(code, false); drawPopupBar(code, " GOTO:"); drawStatus(code); } static void drawOutlineBar(Code* code, s32 x, s32 y) { tic_rect rect = {x, y, TIC80_WIDTH - x, TIC80_HEIGHT - y}; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { s32 mx = getMouseY() - rect.y; mx /= STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; if(mx < OUTLINE_SIZE && code->outline.items[mx].pos) { setCursor(tic_cursor_hand); if(checkMouseDown(&rect, tic_mouse_left)) { code->outline.index = mx; updateOutlineCode(code); } if(checkMouseClick(&rect, tic_mouse_left)) setCodeMode(code, TEXT_EDIT_MODE); } } code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, rect.x-1, rect.y, rect.w+1, rect.h, (tic_color_blue)); OutlineItem* ptr = code->outline.items; y++; if(ptr->pos) { code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, rect.x - 1, rect.y + code->outline.index*STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT, rect.w + 1, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT + 1, (tic_color_red)); while(ptr->pos) { code->tic->api.fixed_text(code->tic, ptr->name, x, y, (tic_color_white)); ptr++; y += STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; } } else code->tic->api.fixed_text(code->tic, "(empty)", x, y, (tic_color_white)); } static void textOutlineTick(Code* code) { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_up)) { if(code->outline.index > 0) { code->outline.index--; updateOutlineCode(code); } } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_down)) { if(code->outline.index < OUTLINE_SIZE - 1 && code->outline.items[code->outline.index + 1].pos) { code->outline.index++; updateOutlineCode(code); } } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_return)) { updateOutlineCode(code); setCodeMode(code, TEXT_EDIT_MODE); } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_backspace)) { if(*code->popup.text) { code->popup.text[strlen(code->popup.text)-1] = '\0'; setOutlineMode(code); } } char sym = getKeyboardText(); if(sym) { if(strlen(code->popup.text) + 1 < sizeof code->popup.text) { char str[] = {sym, 0}; strcat(code->popup.text, str); setOutlineMode(code); } } code->tic->api.clear(code->tic, getConfig()->theme.code.bg); drawCode(code, false); drawPopupBar(code, " FUNC:"); drawStatus(code); drawOutlineBar(code, TIC80_WIDTH - 12 * TIC_FONT_WIDTH, 2*(TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1)); } static void drawCodeToolbar(Code* code) { code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, 0, 0, TIC80_WIDTH, TOOLBAR_SIZE, (tic_color_white)); static const u8 Icons[] = { 0b00000000, 0b00100000, 0b00110000, 0b00111000, 0b00110000, 0b00100000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00111000, 0b01000100, 0b00111000, 0b00010000, 0b00010000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00010000, 0b00011000, 0b01111100, 0b00011000, 0b00010000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b01111100, 0b00000000, 0b01111100, 0b00000000, 0b01111100, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, }; enum {Count = sizeof Icons / BITS_IN_BYTE}; enum {Size = 7}; static const char* Tips[] = {"RUN [ctrl+r]","FIND [ctrl+f]", "GOTO [ctrl+g]", "OUTLINE [ctrl+o]"}; for(s32 i = 0; i < Count; i++) { tic_rect rect = {TIC80_WIDTH + (i - Count) * Size, 0, Size, Size}; bool over = false; if(checkMousePos(&rect)) { setCursor(tic_cursor_hand); showTooltip(Tips[i]); over = true; if(checkMouseClick(&rect, tic_mouse_left)) { if (i == TEXT_RUN_CODE) { runProject(); } else { s32 mode = TEXT_EDIT_MODE + i; if(code->mode == mode) code->escape(code); else setCodeMode(code, mode); } } } bool active = i == code->mode - TEXT_EDIT_MODE && i != 0; if(active) code->tic->api.rect(code->tic, rect.x, rect.y, Size, Size, (tic_color_blue)); drawBitIcon(rect.x, rect.y, Icons + i*BITS_IN_BYTE, active ? (tic_color_white) : (over ? (tic_color_dark_gray) : (tic_color_light_blue))); } drawToolbar(code->tic, getConfig()->theme.code.bg, false); } static void tick(Code* code) { if(code->cursor.delay) code->cursor.delay--; switch(code->mode) { case TEXT_RUN_CODE: runProject(); break; case TEXT_EDIT_MODE: textEditTick(code); break; case TEXT_FIND_MODE: textFindTick(code); break; case TEXT_GOTO_MODE: textGoToTick(code); break; case TEXT_OUTLINE_MODE: textOutlineTick(code); break; } drawCodeToolbar(code); code->tickCounter++; } static void escape(Code* code) { if(code->mode != TEXT_EDIT_MODE) { code->cursor.position = code->popup.prevPos; code->cursor.selection = code->popup.prevSel; code->popup.prevSel = code->popup.prevPos = NULL; code->mode = TEXT_EDIT_MODE; updateEditor(code); } } static void onStudioEvent(Code* code, StudioEvent event) { switch(event) { case TIC_TOOLBAR_CUT: cutToClipboard(code); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_COPY: copyToClipboard(code); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_PASTE: copyFromClipboard(code); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_UNDO: undo(code); break; case TIC_TOOLBAR_REDO: redo(code); break; } } void initCode(Code* code, tic_mem* tic, tic_code* src) { if(code->outline.items == NULL) code->outline.items = (OutlineItem*)malloc(OUTLINE_ITEMS_SIZE); if(code->history) history_delete(code->history); if(code->cursorHistory) history_delete(code->cursorHistory); *code = (Code) { .tic = tic, .src = src->data, .tick = tick, .escape = escape, .cursor = {{src->data, NULL, 0}, NULL, 0}, .rect = {0, TOOLBAR_SIZE + 1, TIC80_WIDTH, TIC80_HEIGHT - TOOLBAR_SIZE - TIC_FONT_HEIGHT - 1}, .scroll = {0, 0, {0, 0}, false}, .tickCounter = 0, .history = NULL, .cursorHistory = NULL, .mode = TEXT_EDIT_MODE, .jump = {.line = -1}, .popup = { .prevPos = NULL, .prevSel = NULL, }, .outline = { .items = code->outline.items, .index = 0, }, .event = onStudioEvent, .update = update, }; code->history = history_create(code->src, sizeof(tic_code)); code->cursorHistory = history_create(&code->cursor, sizeof code->cursor); update(code); }