// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "machine.h" #include "tools.h" #include "ext/duktape/duktape.h" static const char TicMachine[] = "_TIC80"; void closeJavascript(tic_machine* machine) { if(machine->js) { duk_destroy_heap(machine->js); machine->js = NULL; } } static tic_machine* getDukMachine(duk_context* duk) { duk_push_global_stash(duk); duk_get_prop_string(duk, -1, TicMachine); tic_machine* machine = duk_to_pointer(duk, -1); duk_pop_2(duk); return machine; } static duk_ret_t duk_print(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); const char* text = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? "" : duk_to_string(duk, 0); s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 color = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3) ? (TIC_PALETTE_SIZE-1) : duk_to_int(duk, 3); bool fixed = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? false : duk_to_boolean(duk, 4); s32 scale = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 5); s32 size = memory->api.text_ex(memory, text ? text : "nil", x, y, color, fixed, scale); duk_push_uint(duk, size); return 1; } static duk_ret_t duk_cls(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.clear(memory, duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0)); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_pix(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); if(duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2)) { duk_push_uint(duk, memory->api.get_pixel(memory, x, y)); return 1; } else { s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 2); memory->api.pixel(memory, x, y, color); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_line(duk_context* duk) { s32 x0 = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y0 = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 x1 = duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 y1 = duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 4); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.line(memory, x0, y0, x1, y1, color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_rect(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 w = duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 h = duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 4); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.rect(memory, x, y, w, h, color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_rectb(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 w = duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 h = duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 4); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.rect_border(memory, x, y, w, h, color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_spr(duk_context* duk) { static u8 colors[TIC_PALETTE_SIZE]; s32 count = 0; s32 index = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); { if(!duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3)) { if(duk_is_array(duk, 3)) { for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_PALETTE_SIZE; i++) { duk_get_prop_index(duk, 3, i); if(duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, -1)) { duk_pop(duk); break; } else { colors[i] = duk_to_int(duk, -1); count++; duk_pop(duk); } } } else { colors[0] = duk_to_int(duk, 3); count = 1; } } } s32 scale = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 4); tic_flip flip = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5) ? tic_no_flip : duk_to_int(duk, 5); tic_rotate rotate = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 6) ? tic_no_rotate : duk_to_int(duk, 6); s32 w = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 7) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 7); s32 h = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 8) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 8); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.sprite_ex(memory, &memory->ram.gfx, index, x, y, w, h, colors, count, scale, flip, rotate); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_btn(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); if(machine->memory.input == tic_gamepad_input) { if (duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0)) { duk_push_uint(duk, machine->memory.ram.vram.input.gamepad.data); } else { s32 index = duk_to_int(duk, 0) & 0xf; duk_push_boolean(duk, machine->memory.ram.vram.input.gamepad.data & (1 << index)); } return 1; } else duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "gamepad input not declared in metadata\n"); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_btnp(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)machine; if(machine->memory.input == tic_gamepad_input) { if (duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0)) { duk_push_uint(duk, memory->api.btnp(memory, -1, -1, -1)); } else if(duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) && duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2)) { s32 index = duk_to_int(duk, 0) & 0xf; duk_push_boolean(duk, memory->api.btnp(memory, index, -1, -1)); } else { s32 index = duk_to_int(duk, 0) & 0xf; u32 hold = duk_to_int(duk, 1); u32 period = duk_to_int(duk, 2); duk_push_boolean(duk, memory->api.btnp(memory, index, hold, period)); } return 1; } else duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "gamepad input not declared in metadata\n"); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_sfx(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); s32 index = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 note = -1; s32 octave = -1; s32 speed = SFX_DEF_SPEED; if (index < SFX_COUNT) { if(index >= 0) { tic_sound_effect* effect = memory->ram.sound.sfx.data + index; note = effect->note; octave = effect->octave; speed = effect->speed; if(!duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1)) { if(duk_is_string(duk, 1)) { const char* noteStr = duk_to_string(duk, 1); if(!tic_tool_parse_note(noteStr, ¬e, &octave)) { duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "invalid note, should be like C#4\n"); return 0; } } else { s32 id = duk_to_int(duk, 1); note = id % NOTES; octave = id / NOTES; } } } } else { duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "unknown sfx index\n"); return 0; } s32 duration = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 channel = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 volume = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? MAX_VOLUME : duk_to_int(duk, 4); if(!duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5)) speed = duk_to_int(duk, 5); if (channel >= 0 && channel < TIC_SOUND_CHANNELS) { memory->api.sfx_stop(memory, channel); memory->api.sfx_ex(memory, index, note, octave, duration, channel, volume & 0xf, speed); } else duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "unknown channel\n"); return 0; } typedef struct { duk_context* duk; void* remap; } RemapData; static void remapCallback(void* data, s32 x, s32 y, RemapResult* result) { RemapData* remap = (RemapData*)data; duk_context* duk = remap->duk; duk_push_heapptr(duk, remap->remap); duk_push_int(duk, result->index); duk_push_int(duk, x); duk_push_int(duk, y); duk_pcall(duk, 3); if(duk_is_array(duk, -1)) { duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 0); result->index = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 1); result->flip = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); duk_get_prop_index(duk, -1, 2); result->rotate = duk_to_int(duk, -1); duk_pop(duk); } else { result->index = duk_to_int(duk, -1); } duk_pop(duk); } static duk_ret_t duk_map(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 w = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? TIC_MAP_SCREEN_WIDTH : duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 h = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3) ? TIC_MAP_SCREEN_HEIGHT : duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 sx = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 4); s32 sy = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 5); u8 chromakey = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 6) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 6); s32 scale = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 7) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 7); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); if (duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 8)) memory->api.map(memory, &memory->ram.gfx, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, chromakey, scale); else { void* remap = duk_get_heapptr(duk, 8); RemapData data = {duk, remap}; memory->api.remap((tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk), &memory->ram.gfx, x, y, w, h, sx, sy, chromakey, scale, remapCallback, &data); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_mget(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); u8 value = memory->api.map_get(memory, &memory->ram.gfx, x, y); duk_push_uint(duk, value); return 1; } static duk_ret_t duk_mset(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); u8 value = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? 0 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.map_set(memory, &memory->ram.gfx, x, y, value); return 1; } static duk_ret_t duk_peek(duk_context* duk) { s32 address = duk_to_int(duk, 0); if(address >= 0 && address < sizeof(tic_ram)) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); duk_push_uint(duk, *((u8*)&machine->memory.ram + address)); return 1; } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_poke(duk_context* duk) { s32 address = duk_to_int(duk, 0); u8 value = duk_to_int(duk, 1) & 0xff; if(address >= 0 && address < sizeof(tic_ram)) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); *((u8*)&machine->memory.ram + address) = value; } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_peek4(duk_context* duk) { s32 address = duk_to_int(duk, 0); if(address >= 0 && address < sizeof(tic_ram)*2) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); duk_push_uint(duk, tic_tool_peek4((u8*)&memory->ram, address)); return 1; } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_poke4(duk_context* duk) { s32 address = duk_to_int(duk, 0); u8 value = duk_to_int(duk, 1) & 0xff; if(address >= 0 && address < sizeof(tic_ram)*2) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); tic_tool_poke4((u8*)&memory->ram, address, value); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_memcpy(duk_context* duk) { s32 dest = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 src = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 size = duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 bound = sizeof(tic_ram) - size; if(size >= 0 && size <= sizeof(tic_ram) && dest >= 0 && src >= 0 && dest <= bound && src <= bound) { u8* base = (u8*)&getDukMachine(duk)->memory; memcpy(base + dest, base + src, size); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_memset(duk_context* duk) { s32 dest = duk_to_int(duk, 0); u8 value = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 size = duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 bound = sizeof(tic_ram) - size; if(size >= 0 && size <= sizeof(tic_ram) && dest >= 0 && dest <= bound) { u8* base = (u8*)&getDukMachine(duk)->memory; memset(base + dest, value, size); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_trace(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); const char* text = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? "" : duk_to_string(duk, 0); u8 color = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? tic_color_white : duk_to_int(duk, 1); machine->data->trace(machine->data->data, text ? text : "nil", color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_pmem(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); tic_mem* memory = &machine->memory; u32 index = duk_to_int(duk, 0); if(index < TIC_PERSISTENT_SIZE) { s32 val = memory->ram.persistent.data[index]; if(!duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1)) memory->ram.persistent.data[index] = duk_to_int(duk, 1); duk_push_int(duk, val); return 1; } else duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "invalid persistent memory index\n"); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_time(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); duk_push_number(duk, memory->api.time(memory)); return 1; } static duk_ret_t duk_exit(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); machine->data->exit(machine->data->data); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_font(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); const char* text = duk_to_string(duk, 0); s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 2); u8 chromakey = duk_to_int(duk, 3); s32 width = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 4) ? TIC_SPRITESIZE : duk_to_int(duk, 4); s32 height = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 5) ? TIC_SPRITESIZE : duk_to_int(duk, 5); bool fixed = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 6) ? false : duk_to_boolean(duk, 6); s32 scale = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 7) ? 1 : duk_to_int(duk, 7); if(scale == 0) { duk_push_int(duk, 0); return 1; } s32 size = drawText(memory, text, x, y, width, height, chromakey, scale, fixed ? drawSpriteFont : drawFixedSpriteFont); duk_push_int(duk, size); return 1; } static duk_ret_t duk_mouse(duk_context* duk) { tic_machine* machine = getDukMachine(duk); if(machine->memory.input == tic_mouse_input) { u16 data = machine->memory.ram.vram.input.gamepad.data; duk_idx_t idx = duk_push_array(duk); duk_push_int(duk, (data & 0x7fff) % TIC80_WIDTH); duk_put_prop_index(duk, idx, 0); duk_push_int(duk, (data & 0x7fff) / TIC80_WIDTH); duk_put_prop_index(duk, idx, 1); duk_push_int(duk, data >> 15); duk_put_prop_index(duk, idx, 2); return 1; } else duk_error(duk, DUK_ERR_ERROR, "mouse input not declared in metadata\n"); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_circ(duk_context* duk) { s32 radius = duk_to_int(duk, 2); if(radius < 0) return 0; s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 3); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.circle(memory, x, y, radius, color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_circb(duk_context* duk) { s32 radius = duk_to_int(duk, 2); if(radius < 0) return 0; s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 3); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.circle_border(memory, x, y, radius, color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_tri(duk_context* duk) { s32 pt[6]; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(pt); i++) pt[i] = duk_to_int(duk, i); s32 color = duk_to_int(duk, 6); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.tri(memory, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], pt[5], color); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_textri(duk_context* duk) { s32 pt[12]; for (s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(pt); i++) pt[i] = duk_to_int(duk, i); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); bool use_map = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 12) ? false : duk_to_boolean(duk, 12); u8 chroma = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 13) ? 0xff : duk_to_int(duk, 13); memory->api.textri(memory, pt[0], pt[1], // xy 1 pt[2], pt[3], // xy 2 pt[4], pt[5], // xy 3 pt[6], pt[7], // uv 1 pt[8], pt[9], // uv 2 pt[10], pt[11],// uv 3 use_map, // usemap chroma); // chroma return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_clip(duk_context* duk) { s32 x = duk_to_int(duk, 0); s32 y = duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 w = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? TIC80_WIDTH : duk_to_int(duk, 2); s32 h = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3) ? TIC80_HEIGHT : duk_to_int(duk, 3); tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.clip(memory, x, y, w, h); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_music(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); s32 track = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 0) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 0); memory->api.music(memory, -1, 0, 0, false); if(track >= 0) { s32 frame = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 1) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 1); s32 row = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 2) ? -1 : duk_to_int(duk, 2); bool loop = duk_is_null_or_undefined(duk, 3) ? true : duk_to_boolean(duk, 3); memory->api.music(memory, track, frame, row, loop); } return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_sync(duk_context* duk) { tic_mem* memory = (tic_mem*)getDukMachine(duk); memory->api.sync(memory, true); return 0; } static duk_ret_t duk_dofile(duk_context* duk) { return 0; } static const char* const ApiKeywords[] = API_KEYWORDS; static const struct{duk_c_function func; s32 params;} ApiFunc[] = { {NULL, 0}, {NULL, 1}, {duk_print, 6}, {duk_cls, 1}, {duk_pix, 3}, {duk_line, 5}, {duk_rect, 5}, {duk_rectb, 5}, {duk_spr, 9}, {duk_btn, 1}, {duk_btnp, 3}, {duk_sfx, 6}, {duk_map, 9}, {duk_mget, 2}, {duk_mset, 3}, {duk_peek, 1}, {duk_poke, 2}, {duk_peek4, 1}, {duk_poke4, 2}, {duk_memcpy, 3}, {duk_memset, 3}, {duk_trace, 2}, {duk_pmem, 2}, {duk_time, 0}, {duk_exit, 0}, {duk_font, 8}, {duk_mouse, 0}, {duk_circ, 4}, {duk_circb, 4}, {duk_tri, 7}, {duk_textri,14}, {duk_clip, 4}, {duk_music, 4}, {duk_sync, 0}, }; static void initDuktape(tic_machine* machine) { closeJavascript(machine); duk_context* duk = machine->js = duk_create_heap_default(); { duk_push_global_stash(duk); duk_push_pointer(duk, machine); duk_put_prop_string(duk, -2, TicMachine); duk_pop(duk); } for (s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(ApiFunc); i++) if (ApiFunc[i].func) { duk_push_c_function(machine->js, ApiFunc[i].func, ApiFunc[i].params); duk_put_global_string(machine->js, ApiKeywords[i]); } { duk_push_c_function(machine->js, duk_dofile, 1); duk_put_global_string(machine->js, "dofile"); } } bool initJavascript(tic_machine* machine, const char* code) { initDuktape(machine); duk_context* duktape = machine->js; if (duk_pcompile_string(duktape, 0, code) != 0 || duk_peval_string(duktape, code) != 0) { machine->data->error(machine->data->data, duk_safe_to_string(duktape, -1)); duk_pop(duktape); return false; } return true; } void callJavascriptTick(tic_machine* machine) { const char* TicFunc = ApiKeywords[0]; duk_context* duk = machine->js; if(duk) { if(duk_get_global_string(duk, TicFunc)) { if(duk_pcall(duk, 0) != 0) { machine->data->error(machine->data->data, duk_safe_to_string(duk, -1)); duk_pop(duk); } } else { machine->data->error(machine->data->data, "'function TIC()...' isn't found :("); } } } void callJavascriptScanline(tic_mem* memory, s32 row) { tic_machine* machine = (tic_machine*)memory; duk_context* duk = machine->js; const char* ScanlineFunc = ApiKeywords[1]; if(duk_get_global_string(duk, ScanlineFunc)) { duk_push_int(duk, row); if(duk_pcall(duk, 1) != 0) { machine->data->error(machine->data->data, duk_safe_to_string(duk, -1)); duk_pop(duk); } else duk_pop(duk); } else duk_pop(duk); }