// MIT License // Copyright (c) 2017 Vadim Grigoruk @nesbox // grigoruk@gmail.com // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all // copies or substantial portions of the Software. // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE // SOFTWARE. #include "console.h" #include "fs.h" #include "config.h" #include "ext/gif.h" #include "ext/file_dialog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) #include #endif #define CONSOLE_CURSOR_COLOR ((tic_color_red)) #define CONSOLE_BACK_TEXT_COLOR ((tic_color_dark_gray)) #define CONSOLE_FRONT_TEXT_COLOR ((tic_color_white)) #define CONSOLE_ERROR_TEXT_COLOR ((tic_color_red)) #define CONSOLE_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD (TIC_FRAMERATE) #define CONSOLE_CURSOR_DELAY (TIC_FRAMERATE / 2) #define CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH (STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH) #define CONSOLE_BUFFER_HEIGHT (STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_HEIGHT) #define CONSOLE_BUFFER_SCREENS 64 #define CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE (CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH * CONSOLE_BUFFER_HEIGHT * CONSOLE_BUFFER_SCREENS) typedef enum { #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) LuaScript, # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) MoonScript, # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) Fennel, # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) JavaScript, #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) WrenScript, #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) SquirrelScript, #endif } ScriptLang; #if defined(__TIC_WINDOWS__) || defined(__TIC_LINUX__) || defined(__TIC_MACOSX__) #define CAN_EXPORT 1 #define CAN_OPEN_URL 1 #endif #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) static const char TicCartSig[] = "TIC.CART"; #define SIG_SIZE (sizeof TicCartSig-1) typedef struct { u8 sig[SIG_SIZE]; s32 appSize; s32 cartSize; } EmbedHeader; #endif #if defined(__TIC_WINDOWS__) static const char* ExeExt = ".exe"; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) static const char DefaultLuaTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default.tic"; # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) static const char DefaultMoonTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default_moon.tic"; # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) static const char DefaultFennelTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default_fennel.tic"; # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) static const char DefaultJSTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default_js.tic"; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) static const char DefaultWrenTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default_wren.tic"; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) static const char DefaultSquirrelTicPath[] = TIC_LOCAL "default_squirrel.tic"; #endif static const char* getName(const char* name, const char* ext) { static char path[FILENAME_MAX]; strcpy(path, name); size_t ps = strlen(path); size_t es = strlen(ext); if(!(ps > es && strstr(path, ext) + es == path + ps)) strcat(path, ext); return path; } static const char* getCartName(const char* name) { return getName(name, CART_EXT); } static void scrollBuffer(char* buffer) { memmove(buffer, buffer + CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE - CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH); memset(buffer + CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE - CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH, 0, CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH); } static void scrollConsole(Console* console) { while(console->cursor.y >= CONSOLE_BUFFER_HEIGHT * CONSOLE_BUFFER_SCREENS) { scrollBuffer(console->buffer); scrollBuffer((char*)console->colorBuffer); console->cursor.y--; } s32 minScroll = console->cursor.y - CONSOLE_BUFFER_HEIGHT + 1; if(console->scroll.pos < minScroll) console->scroll.pos = minScroll; } static void consolePrint(Console* console, const char* text, u8 color) { printf("%s", text); const char* textPointer = text; const char* endText = textPointer + strlen(text); while(textPointer != endText) { char symbol = *textPointer++; scrollConsole(console); if(symbol == '\n') { console->cursor.x = 0; console->cursor.y++; } else { s32 offset = console->cursor.x + console->cursor.y * CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH; *(console->buffer + offset) = symbol; *(console->colorBuffer + offset) = color; console->cursor.x++; if(console->cursor.x >= CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH) { console->cursor.x = 0; console->cursor.y++; } } } } static void printBack(Console* console, const char* text) { consolePrint(console, text, CONSOLE_BACK_TEXT_COLOR); } static void printFront(Console* console, const char* text) { consolePrint(console, text, CONSOLE_FRONT_TEXT_COLOR); } static void printError(Console* console, const char* text) { consolePrint(console, text, CONSOLE_ERROR_TEXT_COLOR); } static void printLine(Console* console) { consolePrint(console, "\n", 0); } static void commandDoneLine(Console* console, bool newLine) { if(newLine) printLine(console); char dir[FILENAME_MAX]; fsGetDir(console->fs, dir); if(strlen(dir)) printBack(console, dir); printFront(console, ">"); } static void commandDone(Console* console) { commandDoneLine(console, true); } static void drawCursor(Console* console, s32 x, s32 y, u8 symbol) { bool inverse = console->cursor.delay || console->tickCounter % CONSOLE_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD < CONSOLE_CURSOR_BLINK_PERIOD / 2; if(inverse) console->tic->api.rect(console->tic, x-1, y-1, TIC_FONT_WIDTH+1, TIC_FONT_HEIGHT+1, CONSOLE_CURSOR_COLOR); console->tic->api.draw_char(console->tic, symbol, x, y, inverse ? TIC_COLOR_BG : CONSOLE_FRONT_TEXT_COLOR, false); } static void drawConsoleText(Console* console) { char* pointer = console->buffer + console->scroll.pos * CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH; u8* colorPointer = console->colorBuffer + console->scroll.pos * CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH; const char* end = console->buffer + CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE; s32 x = 0; s32 y = 0; while(pointer < end) { char symbol = *pointer++; u8 color = *colorPointer++; if(symbol) console->tic->api.draw_char(console->tic, symbol, x * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH, y * STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT, color, false); if(++x == CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH) { y++; x = 0; } } } static void drawConsoleInputText(Console* console) { s32 x = console->cursor.x * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; s32 y = (console->cursor.y - console->scroll.pos) * STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; const char* pointer = console->inputBuffer; const char* end = pointer + strlen(console->inputBuffer); s32 index = 0; while(pointer != end) { char symbol = *pointer++; if(console->inputPosition == index) drawCursor(console, x, y, symbol); else console->tic->api.draw_char(console->tic, symbol, x, y, CONSOLE_FRONT_TEXT_COLOR, false); index++; x += STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH; if(x == (CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH * STUDIO_TEXT_WIDTH)) { y += STUDIO_TEXT_HEIGHT; x = 0; } } if(console->inputPosition == index) drawCursor(console, x, y, ' '); } static void processConsoleHome(Console* console) { console->inputPosition = 0; } static void processConsoleEnd(Console* console) { console->inputPosition = strlen(console->inputBuffer); } static void processConsoleDel(Console* console) { char* pos = console->inputBuffer + console->inputPosition; size_t size = strlen(pos); memmove(pos, pos + 1, size); } static void processConsoleBackspace(Console* console) { if(console->inputPosition > 0) { console->inputPosition--; processConsoleDel(console); } } static void onConsoleHelpCommand(Console* console, const char* param); #if defined(CAN_OPEN_URL) static void onConsoleWikiCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { getSystem()->openSystemPath("https://github.com/nesbox/TIC-80/wiki"); commandDone(console); } #endif static void onConsoleExitCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { exitStudio(); commandDone(console); } static s32 writeGifData(const tic_mem* tic, u8* dst, const u8* src, s32 width, s32 height) { s32 size = 0; gif_color* palette = (gif_color*)malloc(sizeof(gif_color) * TIC_PALETTE_SIZE); if(palette) { const tic_rgb* pal = getBankPalette()->colors; for(s32 i = 0; i < TIC_PALETTE_SIZE; i++, pal++) palette[i].r = pal->r, palette[i].g = pal->g, palette[i].b = pal->b; gif_write_data(dst, &size, width, height, src, palette, TIC_PALETTE_BPP); free(palette); } return size; } static void loadCart(tic_mem* tic, tic_cartridge* cart, const u8* buffer, s32 size, bool palette) { tic->api.load(cart, buffer, size, palette); if(!palette) memcpy(cart->bank0.palette.data, getConfig()->cart->bank0.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); } static bool loadRom(tic_mem* tic, const void* data, s32 size, bool palette) { loadCart(tic, &tic->cart, data, size, palette); tic->api.reset(tic); return true; } static bool onConsoleLoadSectionCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { bool result = false; if(param) { static const char* Sections[] = { "cover", "sprites", "map", "code", "sfx", "music", "palette", }; char buf[64] = {0}; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Sections); i++) { sprintf(buf, "%s %s", CART_EXT, Sections[i]); char* pos = strstr(param, buf); if(pos) { pos[sizeof(CART_EXT) - 1] = 0; const char* name = getCartName(param); s32 size = 0; void* data = fsLoadFile(console->fs, name, &size); if(data) { tic_cartridge* cart = (tic_cartridge*)malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge)); if(cart) { loadCart(console->tic, cart, data, size, true); tic_mem* tic = console->tic; switch(i) { case 0: memcpy(&tic->cart.cover, &cart->cover, sizeof cart->cover); break; case 1: memcpy(&tic->cart.bank0.tiles, &cart->bank0.tiles, sizeof(tic_tiles)*2); break; case 2: memcpy(&tic->cart.bank0.map, &cart->bank0.map, sizeof(tic_map)); break; case 3: memcpy(&tic->cart.code, &cart->code, sizeof(tic_code)); break; case 4: memcpy(&tic->cart.bank0.sfx, &cart->bank0.sfx, sizeof(tic_sfx)); break; case 5: memcpy(&tic->cart.bank0.music, &cart->bank0.music, sizeof(tic_music)); break; case 6: memcpy(&tic->cart.bank0.palette, &cart->bank0.palette, sizeof(tic_palette)); break; } studioRomLoaded(); printLine(console); printFront(console, Sections[i]); printBack(console, " loaded from "); printFront(console, name); printLine(console); free(cart); result = true; } free(data); } else printBack(console, "\ncart loading error"); commandDone(console); } } } return result; } static void* getDemoCart(Console* console, ScriptLang script, s32* size) { char path[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; { switch(script) { #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) case LuaScript: strcpy(path, DefaultLuaTicPath); break; # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) case MoonScript: strcpy(path, DefaultMoonTicPath); break; # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) case Fennel: strcpy(path, DefaultFennelTicPath); break; # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) case JavaScript: strcpy(path, DefaultJSTicPath); break; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) case WrenScript: strcpy(path, DefaultWrenTicPath); break; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) case SquirrelScript: strcpy(path, DefaultSquirrelTicPath); break; #endif } void* data = fsLoadRootFile(console->fs, path, size); if(data && *size) return data; } const u8* demo = NULL; s32 romSize = 0; switch(script) { #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) case LuaScript: { static const u8 LuaDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/luademo.tic.dat" }; demo = LuaDemoRom; romSize = sizeof LuaDemoRom; } break; # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) case MoonScript: { static const u8 MoonDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/moondemo.tic.dat" }; demo = MoonDemoRom; romSize = sizeof MoonDemoRom; } break; # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) case Fennel: { static const u8 FennelDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/fenneldemo.tic.dat" }; demo = FennelDemoRom; romSize = sizeof FennelDemoRom; } break; # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) case JavaScript: { static const u8 JsDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/jsdemo.tic.dat" }; demo = JsDemoRom; romSize = sizeof JsDemoRom; } break; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) case WrenScript: { static const u8 WrenDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/wrendemo.tic.dat" }; demo = WrenDemoRom; romSize = sizeof WrenDemoRom; } break; #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) case SquirrelScript: { static const u8 SquirrelDemoRom[] = { #include "../bin/assets/squirreldemo.tic.dat" }; demo = SquirrelDemoRom; romSize = sizeof SquirrelDemoRom; } break; #endif } u8* data = NULL; *size = unzip(&data, demo, romSize); if(data) { fsSaveRootFile(console->fs, path, data, *size, false); } return data; } static void setCartName(Console* console, const char* name) { if(name != console->romName) strcpy(console->romName, name); } static void onConsoleLoadDemoCommandConfirmed(Console* console, const char* param) { void* data = NULL; s32 size = 0; console->showGameMenu = false; #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) if(strcmp(param, DefaultLuaTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, LuaScript, &size); # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) if(strcmp(param, DefaultMoonTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, MoonScript, &size); # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) if(strcmp(param, DefaultFennelTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, Fennel, &size); # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) if(strcmp(param, DefaultJSTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, JavaScript, &size); #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) if(strcmp(param, DefaultWrenTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, WrenScript, &size); #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) if(strcmp(param, DefaultSquirrelTicPath) == 0) data = getDemoCart(console, SquirrelScript, &size); #endif const char* name = getCartName(param); setCartName(console, name); loadRom(console->tic, data, size, true); studioRomLoaded(); printBack(console, "\ncart "); printFront(console, console->romName); printBack(console, " loaded!\n"); free(data); } static void onCartLoaded(Console* console, const char* name) { setCartName(console, name); studioRomLoaded(); printBack(console, "\ncart "); printFront(console, console->romName); printBack(console, " loaded!\nuse "); printFront(console, "RUN"); printBack(console, " command to run it\n"); } static bool hasExt(const char* name, const char* ext) { return strcmp(name + strlen(name) - strlen(ext), ext) == 0; } #if defined(TIC80_PRO) static bool hasProjectExt(const char* name) { return hasExt(name, PROJECT_LUA_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_MOON_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_JS_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_WREN_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_SQUIRREL_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_FENNEL_EXT); } static const char* projectComment(const char* name) { char* comment; if(hasExt(name, PROJECT_JS_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_WREN_EXT) || hasExt(name, PROJECT_SQUIRREL_EXT)) comment = "//"; else if(hasExt(name, PROJECT_FENNEL_EXT)) comment = ";;"; else comment = "--"; return comment; } static void buf2str(const void* data, s32 size, char* ptr, bool flip) { enum {Len = 2}; for(s32 i = 0; i < size; i++, ptr+=Len) { sprintf(ptr, "%02x", ((u8*)data)[i]); if(flip) { char tmp = ptr[0]; ptr[0] = ptr[1]; ptr[1] = tmp; } } } static bool bufferEmpty(const u8* data, s32 size) { for(s32 i = 0; i < size; i++) if(*data++) return false; return true; } static char* saveTextSection(char* ptr, const char* data) { if(strlen(data) == 0) return ptr; sprintf(ptr, "%s\n", data); ptr += strlen(ptr); return ptr; } static char* saveTextSectionBank(char* ptr, const char* comment, const char* tag, const char* data) { if(strlen(data) == 0) return ptr; sprintf(ptr, "%s <%s>\n", comment, tag); ptr += strlen(ptr); ptr = saveTextSection(ptr, data); sprintf(ptr, "%s \n\n", comment, tag); ptr += strlen(ptr); return ptr; } static char* saveBinaryBuffer(char* ptr, const char* comment, const void* data, s32 size, s32 row, bool flip) { if(bufferEmpty(data, size)) return ptr; sprintf(ptr, "%s %03i:", comment, row); ptr += strlen(ptr); buf2str(data, size, ptr, flip); ptr += strlen(ptr); sprintf(ptr, "\n"); ptr += strlen(ptr); return ptr; } static char* saveBinarySection(char* ptr, const char* comment, const char* tag, s32 count, const void* data, s32 size, bool flip) { if(bufferEmpty(data, size * count)) return ptr; sprintf(ptr, "%s <%s>\n", comment, tag); ptr += strlen(ptr); for(s32 i = 0; i < count; i++, data = (u8*)data + size) ptr = saveBinaryBuffer(ptr, comment, data, size, i, flip); sprintf(ptr, "%s \n\n", comment, tag); ptr += strlen(ptr); return ptr; } typedef struct {char* tag; s32 count; s32 offset; s32 size; bool flip;} BinarySection; static const BinarySection BinarySections[] = { {"TILES", TIC_BANK_SPRITES, offsetof(tic_bank, tiles), sizeof(tic_tile), true}, {"SPRITES", TIC_BANK_SPRITES, offsetof(tic_bank, sprites), sizeof(tic_tile), true}, {"MAP", TIC_MAP_HEIGHT, offsetof(tic_bank, map), TIC_MAP_WIDTH, true}, {"WAVES", ENVELOPES_COUNT, offsetof(tic_bank, sfx.waveform), sizeof(tic_waveform), true}, {"SFX", SFX_COUNT, offsetof(tic_bank, sfx.samples), sizeof(tic_sample), true}, {"PATTERNS", MUSIC_PATTERNS, offsetof(tic_bank, music.patterns), sizeof(tic_track_pattern), true}, {"TRACKS", MUSIC_TRACKS, offsetof(tic_bank, music.tracks), sizeof(tic_track), true}, {"FLAGS", TIC_SPRITE_BANKS, offsetof(tic_bank, flags), TIC_BANK_SPRITES, true}, {"PALETTE", 1, offsetof(tic_bank, palette), sizeof(tic_palette), false}, }; static void makeTag(const char* tag, char* out, s32 bank) { if(bank) sprintf(out, "%s%i", tag, bank); else strcpy(out, tag); } static s32 saveProject(Console* console, void* buffer, const char* comment) { tic_mem* tic = console->tic; char* stream = buffer; char* ptr = saveTextSection(stream, tic->cart.code.data); char tag[16]; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(BinarySections); i++) { const BinarySection* section = &BinarySections[i]; for(s32 b = 0; b < TIC_BANKS; b++) { makeTag(section->tag, tag, b); ptr = saveBinarySection(ptr, comment, tag, section->count, (u8*)&tic->cart.banks[b] + section->offset, section->size, section->flip); } } ptr = saveBinarySection(ptr, comment, "COVER", 1, &tic->cart.cover, tic->cart.cover.size + sizeof(s32), true); return strlen(stream); } static bool loadTextSection(const char* project, const char* comment, char* dst, s32 size) { bool done = false; const char* start = project; const char* end = project + strlen(project); { char tagstart[16]; sprintf(tagstart, "\n%s <", comment); const char* ptr = strstr(project, tagstart); if(ptr && ptr < end) end = ptr; } if(end > start) { memcpy(dst, start, MIN(size, end - start)); done = true; } return done; } static inline const char* getLineEnd(const char* ptr) { while(*ptr && isspace(*ptr) && *ptr++ != '\n'); return ptr; } static bool loadTextSectionBank(const char* project, const char* comment, const char* tag, char* dst, s32 size) { char tagbuf[64]; sprintf(tagbuf, "%s <%s>", comment, tag); const char* start = strstr(project, tagbuf); bool done = false; if(start) { start += strlen(tagbuf); start = getLineEnd(start); sprintf(tagbuf, "\n%s ", comment, tag); const char* end = strstr(start, tagbuf); if(end > start) { memcpy(dst, start, MIN(size, end - start)); done = true; } } return done; } static bool loadBinarySection(const char* project, const char* comment, const char* tag, s32 count, void* dst, s32 size, bool flip) { char tagbuf[64]; sprintf(tagbuf, "%s <%s>", comment, tag); const char* start = strstr(project, tagbuf); bool done = false; if(start) { start += strlen(tagbuf); start = getLineEnd(start); sprintf(tagbuf, "\n%s ", comment, tag); const char* end = strstr(start, tagbuf); if(end > start) { const char* ptr = start; if(size > 0) { while(ptr < end) { static char lineStr[] = "999"; memcpy(lineStr, ptr + sizeof("-- ") - 1, sizeof lineStr - 1); s32 index = atoi(lineStr); if(index < count) { ptr += sizeof("-- 999:") - 1; str2buf(ptr, size*2, (u8*)dst + size*index, flip); ptr += size*2 + 1; ptr = getLineEnd(ptr); } else break; } } else { ptr += sizeof("-- 999:") - 1; str2buf(ptr, end - ptr, (u8*)dst, flip); } done = true; } } return done; } static bool loadProject(Console* console, const char* name, const char* data, s32 size, tic_cartridge* dst) { char* project = (char*)malloc(size+1); bool done = false; if(project) { memcpy(project, data, size); project[size] = '\0'; // remove all the '\r' chars { char *s, *d; for(s = d = project; (*d = *s); d += (*s++ != '\r')); } tic_cartridge* cart = (tic_cartridge*)malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge)); if(cart) { memset(cart, 0, sizeof(tic_cartridge)); memcpy(&cart->bank0.palette, &getConfig()->cart->bank0.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); const char* comment = projectComment(name); char tag[16]; if(loadTextSection(project, comment, cart->code.data, sizeof(tic_code))) done = true; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(BinarySections); i++) { const BinarySection* section = &BinarySections[i]; for(s32 b = 0; b < TIC_BANKS; b++) { makeTag(section->tag, tag, b); if(loadBinarySection(project, comment, tag, section->count, (u8*)&cart->banks[b] + section->offset, section->size, section->flip)) done = true; } } if(loadBinarySection(project, comment, "COVER", 1, &cart->cover, -1, true)) done = true; memcpy(dst, cart, sizeof(tic_cartridge)); free(cart); } free(project); } return done; } static void updateProject(Console* console) { tic_mem* tic = console->tic; if(strlen(console->romName) && hasProjectExt(console->romName)) { s32 size = 0; void* data = fsLoadFile(console->fs, console->romName, &size); if(data) { tic_cartridge* cart = malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge)); if(cart) { if(loadProject(console, console->romName, data, size, cart)) { memcpy(&tic->cart, cart, sizeof(tic_cartridge)); studioRomLoaded(); } free(cart); } free(data); } } } #endif static void onConsoleLoadCommandConfirmed(Console* console, const char* param) { if(onConsoleLoadSectionCommand(console, param)) return; if(param) { s32 size = 0; const char* name = getCartName(param); void* data = strcmp(name, CONFIG_TIC_PATH) == 0 ? fsLoadRootFile(console->fs, name, &size) : fsLoadFile(console->fs, name, &size); if(data) { console->showGameMenu = fsIsInPublicDir(console->fs); loadRom(console->tic, data, size, true); onCartLoaded(console, name); free(data); } else { #if defined(TIC80_PRO) const char* name = getName(param, PROJECT_LUA_EXT); if(!fsExistsFile(console->fs, name)) name = getName(param, PROJECT_MOON_EXT); if(!fsExistsFile(console->fs, name)) name = getName(param, PROJECT_JS_EXT); if(!fsExistsFile(console->fs, name)) name = getName(param, PROJECT_WREN_EXT); if(!fsExistsFile(console->fs, name)) name = getName(param, PROJECT_FENNEL_EXT); if(!fsExistsFile(console->fs, name)) name = getName(param, PROJECT_SQUIRREL_EXT); void* data = fsLoadFile(console->fs, name, &size); if(data) { loadProject(console, name, data, size, &console->tic->cart); onCartLoaded(console, name); free(data); } else { printBack(console, "\ncart loading error"); } #else printBack(console, "\ncart loading error"); #endif } } else printBack(console, "\ncart name is missing"); commandDone(console); } static void load(Console* console, const char* path, const char* hash) { if(hash) { s32 size = 0; const char* name = getCartName(path); void* data = fsLoadFileByHash(console->fs, hash, &size); if(data) { console->showGameMenu = true; loadRom(console->tic, data, size, true); onCartLoaded(console, name); free(data); } commandDone(console); } else onConsoleLoadCommandConfirmed(console, path); } typedef void(*ConfirmCallback)(Console* console, const char* param); typedef struct { Console* console; char* param; ConfirmCallback callback; } CommandConfirmData; static void onConfirm(bool yes, void* data) { CommandConfirmData* confirmData = (CommandConfirmData*)data; if(yes) { confirmData->callback(confirmData->console, confirmData->param); } else commandDone(confirmData->console); if(confirmData->param) free(confirmData->param); free(confirmData); } static void confirmCommand(Console* console, const char** text, s32 rows, const char* param, ConfirmCallback callback) { CommandConfirmData* data = malloc(sizeof(CommandConfirmData)); data->console = console; data->param = param ? strdup(param) : NULL; data->callback = callback; showDialog(text, rows, onConfirm, data); } static void onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(studioCartChanged()) { static const char* Rows[] = { "YOU HAVE", "UNSAVED CHANGES", "", "DO YOU REALLY WANT", "TO LOAD CART?", }; confirmCommand(console, Rows, COUNT_OF(Rows), param, onConsoleLoadDemoCommandConfirmed); } else { onConsoleLoadDemoCommandConfirmed(console, param); } } static void onConsoleLoadCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(studioCartChanged()) { static const char* Rows[] = { "YOU HAVE", "UNSAVED CHANGES", "", "DO YOU REALLY WANT", "TO LOAD CART?", }; confirmCommand(console, Rows, COUNT_OF(Rows), param, onConsoleLoadCommandConfirmed); } else { onConsoleLoadCommandConfirmed(console, param); } } static void loadDemo(Console* console, ScriptLang script) { s32 size = 0; u8* data = getDemoCart(console, script, &size); if(data) { loadRom(console->tic, data, size, false); free(data); } memset(console->romName, 0, sizeof console->romName); studioRomLoaded(); } static void onConsoleNewCommandConfirmed(Console* console, const char* param) { bool done = false; if(param && strlen(param)) { #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) if(strcmp(param, "lua") == 0) { loadDemo(console, LuaScript); done = true; } # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) if(strcmp(param, "moon") == 0 || strcmp(param, "moonscript") == 0) { loadDemo(console, MoonScript); done = true; } # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) if(strcmp(param, "fennel") == 0) { loadDemo(console, Fennel); done = true; } # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) if(strcmp(param, "js") == 0 || strcmp(param, "javascript") == 0) { loadDemo(console, JavaScript); done = true; } #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) if(strcmp(param, "wren") == 0) { loadDemo(console, WrenScript); done = true; } #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) if(strcmp(param, "squirrel") == 0) { loadDemo(console, SquirrelScript); done = true; } #endif if(!done) { printError(console, "\nunknown parameter: "); printError(console, param); commandDone(console); return; } } #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) else { loadDemo(console, LuaScript); done = true; } #endif if(done) printBack(console, "\nnew cart is created"); else printError(console, "\ncart not created"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleNewCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(studioCartChanged()) { static const char* Rows[] = { "YOU HAVE", "UNSAVED CHANGES", "", "DO YOU REALLY WANT", "TO CREATE NEW CART?", }; confirmCommand(console, Rows, COUNT_OF(Rows), param, onConsoleNewCommandConfirmed); } else { onConsoleNewCommandConfirmed(console, param); } } typedef struct { s32 count; Console* console; } PrintFileNameData; static bool printFilename(const char* name, const char* info, s32 id, void* data, bool dir) { PrintFileNameData* printData = data; Console* console = printData->console; printLine(console); if(dir) { printBack(console, "["); printBack(console, name); printBack(console, "]"); } else printFront(console, name); if(!dir) printData->count++; return true; } static void onConsoleChangeDirectory(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param && strlen(param)) { if(strcmp(param, "/") == 0) { fsHomeDir(console->fs); } else if(strcmp(param, "..") == 0) { fsDirBack(console->fs); } else if(fsIsDir(console->fs, param)) { fsChangeDir(console->fs, param); } else printBack(console, "\ndir doesn't exist"); } else printBack(console, "\ninvalid dir name"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleMakeDirectory(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param && strlen(param)) fsMakeDir(console->fs, param); else printBack(console, "\ninvalid dir name"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleDirCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { PrintFileNameData data = {0, console}; printLine(console); fsEnumFiles(console->fs, printFilename, &data); if(data.count == 0) { printBack(console, "\n\nuse "); printFront(console, "ADD"); printBack(console, " or "); printFront(console, "DEMO"); printBack(console, " command to add carts"); } printLine(console); commandDone(console); } #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) static void onConsoleFolderCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { fsOpenWorkingFolder(console->fs); commandDone(console); } #endif static void onConsoleClsCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { memset(console->buffer, 0, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(console->colorBuffer, TIC_COLOR_BG, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); console->scroll.pos = 0; console->cursor.x = console->cursor.y = 0; commandDoneLine(console, false); } static void installDemoCart(FileSystem* fs, const char* name, const void* cart, s32 size) { u8* data = NULL; s32 dataSize = unzip(&data, cart, size); fsSaveFile(fs, name, data, dataSize, true); free(data); } static void onConsoleInstallDemosCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { static const u8 DemoFire[] = { #include "../bin/assets/fire.tic.dat" }; static const u8 DemoP3D[] = { #include "../bin/assets/p3d.tic.dat" }; static const u8 DemoSFX[] = { #include "../bin/assets/sfx.tic.dat" }; static const u8 DemoPalette[] = { #include "../bin/assets/palette.tic.dat" }; static const u8 DemoFont[] = { #include "../bin/assets/font.tic.dat" }; static const u8 DemoMusic[] = { #include "../bin/assets/music.tic.dat" }; static const u8 GameQuest[] = { #include "../bin/assets/quest.tic.dat" }; static const u8 GameTetris[] = { #include "../bin/assets/tetris.tic.dat" }; static const u8 Benchmark[] = { #include "../bin/assets/benchmark.tic.dat" }; FileSystem* fs = console->fs; static const struct {const char* name; const u8* data; s32 size;} Demos[] = { {"fire.tic", DemoFire, sizeof DemoFire}, {"font.tic", DemoFont, sizeof DemoFont}, {"music.tic", DemoMusic, sizeof DemoMusic}, {"p3d.tic", DemoP3D, sizeof DemoP3D}, {"palette.tic", DemoPalette, sizeof DemoPalette}, {"quest.tic", GameQuest, sizeof GameQuest}, {"sfx.tic", DemoSFX, sizeof DemoSFX}, {"tetris.tic", GameTetris, sizeof GameTetris}, {"benchmark.tic", Benchmark, sizeof Benchmark}, }; printBack(console, "\nadded carts:\n\n"); for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Demos); i++) { installDemoCart(fs, Demos[i].name, Demos[i].data, Demos[i].size); printFront(console, Demos[i].name); printFront(console, "\n"); } commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleSurfCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { gotoSurf(); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleCodeCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { gotoCode(); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleVersionCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { printBack(console, "\n"); consolePrint(console, TIC_VERSION_LABEL, CONSOLE_BACK_TEXT_COLOR); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleConfigCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param == NULL) { onConsoleLoadCommand(console, CONFIG_TIC_PATH); return; } else if(strcmp(param, "reset") == 0) { console->config->reset(console->config); printBack(console, "\nconfiguration reset :)"); } #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) else if(strcmp(param, "default") == 0 || strcmp(param, "default lua") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultLuaTicPath); } # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_MOON) else if(strcmp(param, "default moon") == 0 || strcmp(param, "default moonscript") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultMoonTicPath); } # endif # if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_FENNEL) else if(strcmp(param, "default fennel") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultFennelTicPath); } # endif #endif /* defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) */ #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) else if(strcmp(param, "default js") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultJSTicPath); } #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) else if(strcmp(param, "default wren") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultWrenTicPath); } #endif #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) else if(strcmp(param, "default squirrel") == 0) { onConsoleLoadDemoCommand(console, DefaultSquirrelTicPath); } #endif else { printError(console, "\nunknown parameter: "); printError(console, param); } commandDone(console); } static void onFileDownloaded(GetResult result, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(result == FS_FILE_NOT_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nfile not downloaded :|"); else if (result == FS_FILE_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nfile downloaded :)"); commandDone(console); } static void onImportCover(const char* name, const void* buffer, size_t size, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(name) { static const char GifExt[] = ".gif"; const char* pos = strstr(name, GifExt); if(pos && strcmp(pos, GifExt) == 0) { gif_image* image = gif_read_data(buffer, (s32)size); if (image) { enum { Width = TIC80_WIDTH, Height = TIC80_HEIGHT, Size = Width * Height, }; if(image->width == Width && image->height == Height) { if(size <= sizeof console->tic->cart.cover.data) { console->tic->cart.cover.size = size; memcpy(console->tic->cart.cover.data, buffer, size); printLine(console); printBack(console, name); printBack(console, " successfully imported"); } else printError(console, "\ncover image too big :("); } else printError(console, "\ncover image must be 240x136 :("); gif_close(image); } else printError(console, "\nfile importing error :("); } else printBack(console, "\nonly .gif files can be imported :|"); } else printBack(console, "\nfile not imported :|"); commandDone(console); } static void onImportSprites(const char* name, const void* buffer, size_t size, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(name) { static const char GifExt[] = ".gif"; const char* pos = strstr(name, GifExt); if(pos && strcmp(pos, GifExt) == 0) { gif_image* image = gif_read_data(buffer, (s32)size); if (image) { enum { Width = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, Height = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE*2, }; s32 w = MIN(Width, image->width); s32 h = MIN(Height, image->height); for (s32 y = 0; y < h; y++) for (s32 x = 0; x < w; x++) { u8 src = image->buffer[x + y * image->width]; const gif_color* c = &image->palette[src]; tic_rgb rgb = {c->r, c->g, c->b}; u8 color = tic_tool_find_closest_color(getBankPalette()->colors, &rgb); setSpritePixel(getBankTiles()->data, x, y, color); } gif_close(image); printLine(console); printBack(console, name); printBack(console, " successfully imported"); } else printError(console, "\nfile importing error :("); } else printBack(console, "\nonly .gif files can be imported :|"); } else printBack(console, "\nfile not imported :|"); commandDone(console); } static void injectMap(Console* console, const void* buffer, s32 size) { enum {Size = sizeof(tic_map)}; memset(getBankMap(), 0, Size); memcpy(getBankMap(), buffer, MIN(size, Size)); } static void onImportMap(const char* name, const void* buffer, size_t size, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(name && buffer && size <= sizeof(tic_map)) { injectMap(console, buffer, size); printLine(console); printBack(console, "map successfully imported"); } else printBack(console, "\nfile not imported :|"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleImportCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param == NULL) { printBack(console, "\nusage: import sprites|cover|map"); commandDone(console); } else if(param && strcmp(param, "sprites") == 0) fsOpenFileData(onImportSprites, console); else if(param && strcmp(param, "map") == 0) fsOpenFileData(onImportMap, console); else if(param && strcmp(param, "cover") == 0) fsOpenFileData(onImportCover, console); else { printError(console, "\nunknown parameter: "); printError(console, param); commandDone(console); } } static void onSpritesExported(GetResult result, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(result == FS_FILE_NOT_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nsprites not exported :|"); else if (result == FS_FILE_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nsprites successfully exported :)"); commandDone(console); } static void onCoverExported(GetResult result, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(result == FS_FILE_NOT_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\ncover image not exported :|"); else if (result == FS_FILE_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\ncover image successfully exported :)"); commandDone(console); } static void exportCover(Console* console) { tic_cover_image* cover = &console->tic->cart.cover; if(cover->size) { void* data = malloc(cover->size); memcpy(data, cover->data, cover->size); fsGetFileData(onCoverExported, "cover.gif", data, cover->size, DEFAULT_CHMOD, console); } else { printBack(console, "\ncover image is empty, run game and\npress [F7] to assign cover image"); commandDone(console); } } static void exportSprites(Console* console) { enum { Width = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, Height = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE*2, }; enum{ Size = Width * Height * sizeof(gif_color)}; u8* buffer = (u8*)malloc(Size); if(buffer) { u8* data = (u8*)malloc(Width * Height); if(data) { for (s32 y = 0; y < Height; y++) for (s32 x = 0; x < Width; x++) data[x + y * Width] = getSpritePixel(getBankTiles()->data, x, y); s32 size = 0; if((size = writeGifData(console->tic, buffer, data, Width, Height))) { // buffer will be freed inside fsGetFileData fsGetFileData(onSpritesExported, "sprites.gif", buffer, size, DEFAULT_CHMOD, console); } else { printError(console, "\nsprite export error :("); commandDone(console); free(buffer); } free(data); } } } static void onMapExported(GetResult result, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; if(result == FS_FILE_NOT_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nmap not exported :|"); else if (result == FS_FILE_DOWNLOADED) printBack(console, "\nmap successfully exported :)"); commandDone(console); } static void exportMap(Console* console) { enum{Size = sizeof(tic_map)}; void* buffer = malloc(Size); if(buffer) { memcpy(buffer, getBankMap()->data, Size); fsGetFileData(onMapExported, "world.map", buffer, Size, DEFAULT_CHMOD, console); } } #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) static void onConsoleExportCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param == NULL || (param && strcmp(param, "native") == 0) || (param && strcmp(param, "html") == 0)) { printBack(console, "\nweb/arm version doesn't support html or\nnative export"); printBack(console, "\nusage: export sprites|cover|map"); commandDone(console); } else if(param && strcmp(param, "sprites") == 0) exportSprites(console); else if(param && strcmp(param, "map") == 0) exportMap(console); else if(param && strcmp(param, "cover") == 0) exportCover(console); else { printError(console, "\nunknown parameter: "); printError(console, param); commandDone(console); } } #else static void *ticMemmem(const void* haystack, size_t hlen, const void* needle, size_t nlen) { const u8* p = haystack; size_t plen = hlen; if(!nlen) return NULL; s32 needle_first = *(u8*)needle; while (plen >= nlen && (p = memchr(p, needle_first, plen - nlen + 1))) { if (!memcmp(p, needle, nlen)) return (void *)p; p++; plen = hlen - (p - (const u8*)haystack); } return NULL; } #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) static void* embedCart(Console* console, s32* size) { tic_mem* tic = console->tic; u8* data = NULL; s32 appSize = 0; void* app = fsReadFile(console->appPath, &appSize); if(app) { void* cart = malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge)); if(cart) { s32 cartSize = tic->api.save(&tic->cart, cart); { unsigned long zipSize = sizeof(tic_cartridge); u8* zip = (u8*)malloc(zipSize); if(zip) { compress2(zip, &zipSize, cart, cartSize, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); { EmbedHeader header = { .appSize = appSize, .cartSize = zipSize, }; memcpy(header.sig, TicCartSig, SIG_SIZE); s32 finalSize = appSize + sizeof header + header.cartSize; data = malloc(finalSize); if(data) { memcpy(data, app, appSize); memcpy(data + appSize, &header, sizeof header); memcpy(data + appSize + sizeof header, zip, header.cartSize); *size = finalSize; } } free(zip); } } free(cart); } free(app); } return data; } static void onConsoleExportNativeCommand(Console* console, const char* cartName) { s32 size = 0; void* data = embedCart(console, &size); if(data) { fsGetFileData(onFileDownloaded, cartName, data, size, DEFAULT_CHMOD, console); } else { onFileDownloaded(FS_FILE_NOT_DOWNLOADED, console); } } #endif static const char* getExportName(Console* console) { static char name[FILENAME_MAX]; strcpy(name, strlen(console->romName) ? console->romName : "game"); #if defined(__TIC_WINDOWS__) strcat(name, ExeExt); #endif return name; } static void onConsoleExportCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param) { if(strcmp(param, "native") == 0) { #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) onConsoleExportNativeCommand(console, getExportName(console)); #else printBack(console, "\nnative export isn't supported on this platform\n"); commandDone(console); #endif } else if(strcmp(param, "sprites") == 0) { exportSprites(console); } else if(strcmp(param, "map") == 0) { exportMap(console); } else if(strcmp(param, "cover") == 0) { exportCover(console); } else { printError(console, "\nunknown parameter: "); printError(console, param); commandDone(console); } } else { onConsoleExportNativeCommand(console, getExportName(console)); } } #endif static CartSaveResult saveCartName(Console* console, const char* name) { tic_mem* tic = console->tic; bool success = false; if(name && strlen(name)) { u8* buffer = (u8*)malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge) * 3); if(buffer) { if(strcmp(name, CONFIG_TIC_PATH) == 0) { console->config->save(console->config); studioRomSaved(); return CART_SAVE_OK; } else { s32 size = 0; #if defined(TIC80_PRO) if(hasProjectExt(name)) { size = saveProject(console, buffer, projectComment(name)); } else #endif { name = getCartName(name); size = tic->api.save(&tic->cart, buffer); } if(size && fsSaveFile(console->fs, name, buffer, size, true)) { setCartName(console, name); success = true; studioRomSaved(); } } free(buffer); } } else if (strlen(console->romName)) { return saveCartName(console, console->romName); } else return CART_SAVE_MISSING_NAME; return success ? CART_SAVE_OK : CART_SAVE_ERROR; } static CartSaveResult saveCart(Console* console) { return saveCartName(console, NULL); } static void onConsoleSaveCommandConfirmed(Console* console, const char* param) { CartSaveResult rom = saveCartName(console, param); if(rom == CART_SAVE_OK) { printBack(console, "\ncart "); printFront(console, console->romName); printBack(console, " saved!\n"); } else if(rom == CART_SAVE_MISSING_NAME) printBack(console, "\ncart name is missing\n"); else printBack(console, "\ncart saving error"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleSaveCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param && strlen(param) && fsExistsFile(console->fs, getCartName(param))) { static const char* Rows[] = { "THE CART", "ALREADY EXISTS", "", "DO YOU WANT TO", "OVERWRITE IT?", }; confirmCommand(console, Rows, COUNT_OF(Rows), param, onConsoleSaveCommandConfirmed); } else { onConsoleSaveCommandConfirmed(console, param); } } static void onConsoleRunCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { commandDone(console); console->tic->api.reset(console->tic); setStudioMode(TIC_RUN_MODE); } static void onConsoleResumeCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { commandDone(console); console->tic->api.resume(console->tic); resumeRunMode(); } static void onConsoleEvalCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { printLine(console); const tic_script_config* script_config = console->tic->api.get_script_config(console->tic); if (script_config->eval) { if(param) script_config->eval(console->tic, param); else printError(console, "nothing to eval"); } else { printError(console, "'eval' not implemented for the script"); } commandDone(console); } static void onAddFile(const char* name, AddResult result, void* data) { Console* console = (Console*)data; printLine(console); switch(result) { case FS_FILE_EXISTS: printBack(console, "file "); printFront(console, name); printBack(console, " already exists :|"); break; case FS_FILE_ADDED: printBack(console, "file "); printFront(console, name); printBack(console, " is successfully added :)"); break; default: printBack(console, "file not added :("); break; } commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleAddCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { fsAddFile(console->fs, onAddFile, console); } static void onConsoleGetCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param) { fsGetFile(console->fs, onFileDownloaded, param, console); return; } else printBack(console, "\nfile name is missing"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleDelCommandConfirmed(Console* console, const char* param) { if(param && strlen(param)) { if(fsIsDir(console->fs, param)) { printBack(console, fsDeleteDir(console->fs, param) ? "\ndir not deleted" : "\ndir successfully deleted"); } else { printBack(console, fsDeleteFile(console->fs, param) ? "\nfile not deleted" : "\nfile successfully deleted"); } } else printBack(console, "\nname is missing"); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleDelCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { static const char* Rows[] = { "", "", "DO YOU REALLY WANT", "TO DELETE FILE?", }; confirmCommand(console, Rows, COUNT_OF(Rows), param, onConsoleDelCommandConfirmed); } static void printTable(Console* console, const char* text) { printf("%s", text); const char* textPointer = text; const char* endText = textPointer + strlen(text); while(textPointer != endText) { char symbol = *textPointer++; scrollConsole(console); if(symbol == '\n') { console->cursor.x = 0; console->cursor.y++; } else { s32 offset = console->cursor.x + console->cursor.y * CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH; *(console->buffer + offset) = symbol; u8 color = 0; switch(symbol) { case '+': case '|': case '-': color = (tic_color_gray); break; default: color = (tic_color_white); } *(console->colorBuffer + offset) = color; console->cursor.x++; if(console->cursor.x >= CONSOLE_BUFFER_WIDTH) { console->cursor.x = 0; console->cursor.y++; } } } } static void printRamInfo(Console* console, s32 addr, const char* name, s32 size) { char buf[STUDIO_TEXT_BUFFER_WIDTH]; sprintf(buf, "\n| %05X | %-17s | %-5i |", addr, name, size); printTable(console, buf); } static void onConsoleRamCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { printLine(console); printTable(console, "\n+-----------------------------------+" \ "\n| 80K RAM LAYOUT |" \ "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+" \ "\n| ADDR | INFO | SIZE |" \ "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+"); static const struct{s32 addr; const char* info;} Layout[] = { {offsetof(tic_ram, tiles), "TILES"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, sprites), "SPRITES"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, map), "MAP"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, input.gamepads), "GAMEPADS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, input.mouse), "MOUSE"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, input.keyboard), "KEYBOARD"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, unknown), "..."}, {offsetof(tic_ram, registers), "SOUND REGISTERS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, sfx.waveform), "WAVEFORMS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, sfx.samples), "SFX"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, music.patterns.data), "MUSIC PATTERNS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, music.tracks.data), "MUSIC TRACKS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, sound_state), "SOUND STATE"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, flags), "SPRITE FLAGS"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, free), "..."}, {TIC_RAM_SIZE, ""}, }; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Layout)-1; i++) printRamInfo(console, Layout[i].addr, Layout[i].info, Layout[i+1].addr-Layout[i].addr); printTable(console, "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+"); printLine(console); commandDone(console); } static void onConsoleVRamCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { printLine(console); printTable(console, "\n+-----------------------------------+" \ "\n| 16K VRAM LAYOUT |" \ "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+" \ "\n| ADDR | INFO | SIZE |" \ "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+"); static const struct{s32 addr; const char* info;} Layout[] = { {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.screen), "SCREEN"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.palette), "PALETTE"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.mapping), "PALETTE MAP"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.vars.colors), "BORDER"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.vars.offset), "SCREEN OFFSET"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.vars.cursor), "MOUSE CURSOR"}, {offsetof(tic_ram, vram.reserved), "..."}, {TIC_VRAM_SIZE, ""}, }; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Layout)-1; i++) printRamInfo(console, Layout[i].addr, Layout[i].info, Layout[i+1].addr-Layout[i].addr); printTable(console, "\n+-------+-------------------+-------+"); printLine(console); commandDone(console); } static const struct { const char* command; const char* alt; const char* info; void(*handler)(Console*, const char*); } AvailableConsoleCommands[] = { {"help", NULL, "show this info", onConsoleHelpCommand}, #if defined(CAN_OPEN_URL) {"wiki", NULL, "open github wiki page", onConsoleWikiCommand}, #endif {"ram", NULL, "show 80K RAM layout", onConsoleRamCommand}, {"vram", NULL, "show 16K VRAM layout", onConsoleVRamCommand}, {"exit", "quit", "exit the application", onConsoleExitCommand}, {"new", NULL, "create new cart", onConsoleNewCommand}, {"load", NULL, "load cart", onConsoleLoadCommand}, {"save", NULL, "save cart", onConsoleSaveCommand}, {"run", NULL, "run loaded cart", onConsoleRunCommand}, {"resume", NULL, "resume run cart", onConsoleResumeCommand}, {"eval", "=", "run code", onConsoleEvalCommand}, {"dir", "ls", "show list of files", onConsoleDirCommand}, {"cd", NULL, "change directory", onConsoleChangeDirectory}, {"mkdir", NULL, "make directory", onConsoleMakeDirectory}, #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) {"folder", NULL, "open working folder in OS", onConsoleFolderCommand}, #endif {"add", NULL, "add file", onConsoleAddCommand}, {"get", NULL, "download file", onConsoleGetCommand}, {"export", NULL, "export native game", onConsoleExportCommand}, {"import", NULL, "import sprites from .gif", onConsoleImportCommand}, {"del", NULL, "delete file or dir", onConsoleDelCommand}, {"cls", NULL, "clear screen", onConsoleClsCommand}, {"demo", NULL, "install demo carts", onConsoleInstallDemosCommand}, {"config", NULL, "edit TIC config", onConsoleConfigCommand}, {"version", NULL, "show the current version", onConsoleVersionCommand}, {"edit", NULL, "open cart editor", onConsoleCodeCommand}, {"surf", NULL, "open carts browser", onConsoleSurfCommand}, }; static bool predictFilename(const char* name, const char* info, s32 id, void* data, bool dir) { char* buffer = (char*)data; if(strstr(name, buffer) == name) { strcpy(buffer, name); return false; } return true; } static void processConsoleTab(Console* console) { char* input = console->inputBuffer; if(strlen(input)) { char* param = strchr(input, ' '); if(param && strlen(++param)) { fsEnumFiles(console->fs, predictFilename, param); console->inputPosition = strlen(input); } else { for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(AvailableConsoleCommands); i++) { const char* command = AvailableConsoleCommands[i].command; if(strstr(command, input) == command) { strcpy(input, command); console->inputPosition = strlen(input); break; } } } } } static void toUpperStr(char* str) { while(*str) { *str = toupper(*str); str++; } } static void onConsoleHelpCommand(Console* console, const char* param) { printBack(console, "\navailable commands:\n\n"); size_t maxName = 0; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(AvailableConsoleCommands); i++) { size_t len = strlen(AvailableConsoleCommands[i].command); { const char* alt = AvailableConsoleCommands[i].alt; if(alt) len += strlen(alt) + 1; } if(len > maxName) maxName = len; } char upName[64]; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(AvailableConsoleCommands); i++) { const char* command = AvailableConsoleCommands[i].command; { strcpy(upName, command); toUpperStr(upName); printFront(console, upName); } const char* alt = AvailableConsoleCommands[i].alt; if(alt) { strcpy(upName, alt); toUpperStr(upName); printBack(console, "/"); printFront(console, upName); } size_t len = maxName - strlen(command) - (alt ? strlen(alt) : -1); while(len--) printBack(console, " "); printBack(console, AvailableConsoleCommands[i].info); printLine(console); } printBack(console, "\npress "); printFront(console, "ESC"); printBack(console, " to enter UI mode\n"); commandDone(console); } static s32 tic_strcasecmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) { char a = 0; char b = 0; while (*str1 && *str2) { a = toupper((unsigned char) *str1); b = toupper((unsigned char) *str2); if (a != b) break; ++str1; ++str2; } a = toupper(*str1); b = toupper(*str2); return (int) ((unsigned char) a - (unsigned char) b); } static void processCommand(Console* console, const char* command) { while(*command == ' ') command++; char* end = (char*)command + strlen(command) - 1; while(*end == ' ' && end > command) *end-- = '\0'; char* param = strchr(command, ' '); if(param) *param++ = '\0'; if(param && !strlen(param)) param = NULL; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(AvailableConsoleCommands); i++) if(tic_strcasecmp(command, AvailableConsoleCommands[i].command) == 0 || (AvailableConsoleCommands[i].alt && tic_strcasecmp(command, AvailableConsoleCommands[i].alt) == 0)) { if(AvailableConsoleCommands[i].handler) { AvailableConsoleCommands[i].handler(console, param); command = NULL; break; } } if(command) { printLine(console); printError(console, "unknown command:"); printError(console, console->inputBuffer); commandDone(console); } } static void fillInputBufferFromHistory(Console* console) { memset(console->inputBuffer, 0, sizeof(console->inputBuffer)); strcpy(console->inputBuffer, console->history->value); processConsoleEnd(console); } static void onHistoryUp(Console* console) { if(console->history) { if(console->history->next) console->history = console->history->next; } else console->history = console->historyHead; if(console->history) fillInputBufferFromHistory(console); } static void onHistoryDown(Console* console) { if(console->history) { if(console->history->prev) console->history = console->history->prev; fillInputBufferFromHistory(console); } } static void appendHistory(Console* console, const char* value) { HistoryItem* item = (HistoryItem*)malloc(sizeof(HistoryItem)); item->value = strdup(value); item->next = NULL; item->prev = NULL; if(console->historyHead == NULL) { console->historyHead = item; return; } console->historyHead->prev = item; item->next = console->historyHead; console->historyHead = item; console->history = NULL; } static void processConsoleCommand(Console* console) { console->inputPosition = 0; size_t commandSize = strlen(console->inputBuffer); if(commandSize) { printFront(console, console->inputBuffer); appendHistory(console, console->inputBuffer); processCommand(console, console->inputBuffer); memset(console->inputBuffer, 0, sizeof(console->inputBuffer)); } else commandDone(console); } static void error(Console* console, const char* info) { consolePrint(console, info ? info : "unknown error", (tic_color_red)); commandDone(console); } static void trace(Console* console, const char* text, u8 color) { consolePrint(console, text, color); commandDone(console); } static void setScroll(Console* console, s32 val) { if(console->scroll.pos != val) { console->scroll.pos = val; if(console->scroll.pos < 0) console->scroll.pos = 0; if(console->scroll.pos > console->cursor.y) console->scroll.pos = console->cursor.y; } } typedef struct { s32 major; s32 minor; s32 patch; } NetVersion; static lua_State* netLuaInit(u8* buffer, s32 size) { if (buffer && size) { lua_State* lua = luaL_newstate(); if(lua) { if(luaL_loadstring(lua, (char*)buffer) == LUA_OK && lua_pcall(lua, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0) == LUA_OK) return lua; else lua_close(lua); } } return NULL; } static NetVersion netVersionRequest() { NetVersion version = { .major = TIC_VERSION_MAJOR, .minor = TIC_VERSION_MINOR, .patch = TIC_VERSION_PATCH, }; s32 size = 0; void* buffer = getSystem()->getUrlRequest("/api?fn=version", &size); if(buffer && size) { lua_State* lua = netLuaInit(buffer, size); if(lua) { static const char* Fields[] = {"major", "minor", "patch"}; for(s32 i = 0; i < COUNT_OF(Fields); i++) { lua_getglobal(lua, Fields[i]); if(lua_isinteger(lua, -1)) ((s32*)&version)[i] = (s32)lua_tointeger(lua, -1); lua_pop(lua, 1); } lua_close(lua); } } return version; } static void checkNewVersion(Console* console) { NetVersion version = netVersionRequest(); if((version.major > TIC_VERSION_MAJOR) || (version.major == TIC_VERSION_MAJOR && version.minor > TIC_VERSION_MINOR) || (version.major == TIC_VERSION_MAJOR && version.minor == TIC_VERSION_MINOR && version.patch > TIC_VERSION_PATCH)) { char msg[FILENAME_MAX] = {0}; sprintf(msg, "\n A new version %i.%i.%i is available.\n", version.major, version.minor, version.patch); consolePrint(console, msg, (tic_color_light_green)); } } static void tick(Console* console) { tic_mem* tic = console->tic; // process scroll { tic80_input* input = &console->tic->ram.input; if(input->mouse.scrolly) { enum{Scroll = 3}; s32 delta = input->mouse.scrolly > 0 ? -Scroll : Scroll; setScroll(console, console->scroll.pos + delta); } } if(tic->ram.input.keyboard.data != 0) { if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_up)) onHistoryUp(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_down)) onHistoryDown(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_left)) { if(console->inputPosition > 0) console->inputPosition--; } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_right)) { console->inputPosition++; size_t len = strlen(console->inputBuffer); if(console->inputPosition > len) console->inputPosition = len; } else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_return)) processConsoleCommand(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_backspace)) processConsoleBackspace(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_delete)) processConsoleDel(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_home)) processConsoleHome(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_end)) processConsoleEnd(console); else if(keyWasPressed(tic_key_tab)) processConsoleTab(console); if(anyKeyWasPressed()) { scrollConsole(console); console->cursor.delay = CONSOLE_CURSOR_DELAY; } char sym = getKeyboardText(); if(sym) { size_t size = strlen(console->inputBuffer); if(size < sizeof(console->inputBuffer)) { char* pos = console->inputBuffer + console->inputPosition; memmove(pos + 1, pos, strlen(pos)); *(console->inputBuffer + console->inputPosition) = sym; console->inputPosition++; } console->cursor.delay = CONSOLE_CURSOR_DELAY; } } if(console->tickCounter == 0) { if(!console->embed.yes) { #if defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_LUA) loadDemo(console, LuaScript); #elif defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_JS) loadDemo(console, JavaScript); #elif defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_WREN) loadDemo(console, WrenScript); #elif defined(TIC_BUILD_WITH_SQUIRREL) loadDemo(console, SquirrelScript); #endif printBack(console, "\n hello! type "); printFront(console, "help"); printBack(console, " for help\n"); if(getConfig()->checkNewVersion) checkNewVersion(console); commandDone(console); } else printBack(console, "\n loading cart..."); } tic->api.clear(tic, TIC_COLOR_BG); drawConsoleText(console); if(console->embed.yes) { if(console->tickCounter >= (u32)(console->skipStart ? 1 : TIC_FRAMERATE)) { if(!console->skipStart) console->showGameMenu = true; memcpy(&tic->cart, console->embed.file, sizeof(tic_cartridge)); setStudioMode(TIC_RUN_MODE); console->embed.yes = false; console->skipStart = false; studioRomLoaded(); tic->api.reset(tic); printLine(console); commandDone(console); console->active = true; return; } } else { if(console->cursor.delay) console->cursor.delay--; if(getStudioMode() != TIC_CONSOLE_MODE) return; drawConsoleInputText(console); } console->tickCounter++; if(console->startSurf) { console->startSurf = false; gotoSurf(); } } static bool cmdLoadCart(Console* console, const char* name) { bool done = false; s32 size = 0; void* data = fsReadFile(name, &size); if(data) { #if defined(TIC80_PRO) if(hasProjectExt(name)) { loadProject(console, name, data, size, console->embed.file); char cartName[FILENAME_MAX]; fsFilename(name, cartName); setCartName(console, cartName); console->embed.yes = true; console->skipStart = true; done = true; } else #endif if(hasExt(name, CART_EXT)) { loadCart(console->tic, console->embed.file, data, size, true); char cartName[FILENAME_MAX]; fsFilename(name, cartName); setCartName(console, cartName); console->embed.yes = true; done = true; } free(data); } return done; } static bool loadFileIntoBuffer(Console* console, char* buffer, const char* fileName) { s32 size = 0; void* contents = fsReadFile(fileName, &size); if(contents) { memset(buffer, 0, TIC_CODE_SIZE); if(size > TIC_CODE_SIZE) { char messageBuffer[256]; sprintf(messageBuffer, "\n code is larger than %i symbols\n", TIC_CODE_SIZE); printError(console, messageBuffer); } memcpy(buffer, contents, MIN(size, TIC_CODE_SIZE-1)); free(contents); return true; } return false; } static void tryReloadCode(Console* console, char* codeBuffer) { if(console->codeLiveReload.active) { const char* fileName = console->codeLiveReload.fileName; loadFileIntoBuffer(console, codeBuffer, fileName); } } static bool cmdInjectCode(Console* console, const char* param, const char* name) { bool done = false; bool watch = strcmp(param, "-code-watch") == 0; if(watch || strcmp(param, "-code") == 0) { bool loaded = loadFileIntoBuffer(console, console->embed.file->code.data, name); if(loaded) { console->embed.yes = true; console->skipStart = true; done = true; if(watch) { console->codeLiveReload.active = true; strcpy(console->codeLiveReload.fileName, name); } } } return done; } static bool cmdInjectSprites(Console* console, const char* param, const char* name) { bool done = false; if(strcmp(param, "-sprites") == 0) { s32 size = 0; void* sprites = fsReadFile(name, &size); if(sprites) { gif_image* image = gif_read_data(sprites, size); if (image) { enum { Width = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE, Height = TIC_SPRITESHEET_SIZE*2, }; s32 w = MIN(Width, image->width); s32 h = MIN(Height, image->height); for (s32 y = 0; y < h; y++) for (s32 x = 0; x < w; x++) { u8 src = image->buffer[x + y * image->width]; const gif_color* c = &image->palette[src]; tic_rgb rgb = {c->r, c->g, c->b}; u8 color = tic_tool_find_closest_color(console->embed.file->bank0.palette.colors, &rgb); setSpritePixel(console->embed.file->bank0.tiles.data, x, y, color); } gif_close(image); } free(sprites); console->embed.yes = true; console->skipStart = true; done = true; } } return done; } static bool cmdInjectMap(Console* console, const char* param, const char* name) { bool done = false; if(strcmp(param, "-map") == 0) { s32 size = 0; void* map = fsReadFile(name, &size); if(map) { if(size <= sizeof(tic_map)) { injectMap(console, map, size); console->embed.yes = true; console->skipStart = true; done = true; } free(map); } } return done; } static bool checkUIScale(Console* console, const char* param, const char* value) { bool done = false; if(strcmp(param, "-uiscale") == 0) { s32 scale = atoi(value); if(scale > 0) { console->config->data.uiScale = scale; done = true; } } return done; } void initConsole(Console* console, tic_mem* tic, FileSystem* fs, Config* config, s32 argc, char **argv) { if(!console->buffer) console->buffer = malloc(CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); if(!console->colorBuffer) console->colorBuffer = malloc(CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); if(!console->embed.file) console->embed.file = malloc(sizeof(tic_cartridge)); *console = (Console) { .tic = tic, .config = config, .load = load, #if defined(TIC80_PRO) .loadProject = loadProject, .updateProject = updateProject, #else .loadProject = NULL, .updateProject = NULL, #endif .error = error, .trace = trace, .tick = tick, .save = saveCart, .cursor = {.x = 0, .y = 0, .delay = 0}, .scroll = { .pos = 0, .start = 0, .active = false, }, .codeLiveReload = { .active = false, .reload = tryReloadCode, }, .embed = { .yes = false, .file = console->embed.file, }, .inputPosition = 0, .history = NULL, .historyHead = NULL, .tickCounter = 0, .active = false, .buffer = console->buffer, .colorBuffer = console->colorBuffer, .fs = fs, .showGameMenu = false, .startSurf = false, .skipStart = false, .goFullscreen = false, .crtMonitor = false, }; memset(console->buffer, 0, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(console->colorBuffer, TIC_COLOR_BG, CONSOLE_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(console->codeLiveReload.fileName, 0, FILENAME_MAX); if(argc) { strcpy(console->appPath, argv[0]); #if defined(__TIC_WINDOWS__) if(!strstr(console->appPath, ExeExt)) strcat(console->appPath, ExeExt); #endif } printFront(console, "\n " TIC_NAME_FULL ""); printBack(console, " " TIC_VERSION_LABEL "\n"); printBack(console, " " TIC_COPYRIGHT "\n"); if(argc > 1) { memcpy(console->embed.file->bank0.palette.data, getConfig()->cart->bank0.palette.data, sizeof(tic_palette)); u32 argp = 1; // trying to load cart for (s32 i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(strcmp(argv[i], ".") == 0 || cmdLoadCart(console, argv[i])) { argp |= 1 << i; break; } } // process '-key val' params for (s32 i = 1; i < argc-1; i++) { s32 mask = 0b11 << i; if(~argp & mask) { const char* first = argv[i]; const char* second = argv[i + 1]; if(cmdInjectCode(console, first, second) || cmdInjectSprites(console, first, second) || cmdInjectMap(console, first, second) || checkUIScale(console, first, second)) argp |= mask; } } // proccess single params for (s32 i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(~argp & 1 << i) { const char* arg = argv[i]; if(strcmp(arg, "-nosound") == 0) config->data.noSound = true; else if(strcmp(arg, "-surf") == 0) console->startSurf = true; else if(strcmp(arg, "-fullscreen") == 0) console->goFullscreen = true; else if(strcmp(arg, "-skip") == 0) console->skipStart = true; else if(strcmp(arg, "-save") == 0) saveCart(console); else if(strcmp(arg, "-crt-monitor") == 0) console->crtMonitor = true; else continue; argp |= 0b1 << i; } } for (s32 i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if(~argp & 1 << i) { char buf[256]; sprintf(buf, "parameter or file not processed: %s\n", argv[i]); getSystem()->showMessageBox("Warning", buf); } } } #if defined(__EMSCRIPTEN__) if(!console->embed.yes) { void* cartPtr = (void*)EM_ASM_INT_V ( if(typeof cartridge != 'undefined' && cartridge.length) { var ptr = Module._malloc(cartridge.length); Module.writeArrayToMemory(cartridge, ptr); return ptr; } else return 0; ); if(cartPtr) { console->embed.yes = true; s32 cartSize = EM_ASM_INT_V(return cartridge.length;); u8* data = NULL; s32 size = unzip(&data, cartPtr, cartSize); loadCart(tic, console->embed.file, data, size, true); free(data); EM_ASM_({Module._free($0);}, cartPtr); } } #endif #if defined(CAN_EXPORT) if(!console->embed.yes) { s32 appSize = 0; u8* app = fsReadFile(console->appPath, &appSize); if(app) { s32 size = appSize; const u8* ptr = app; while(true) { const EmbedHeader* header = (const EmbedHeader*)ticMemmem(ptr, size, TicCartSig, SIG_SIZE); if(header) { if(appSize == header->appSize + sizeof(EmbedHeader) + header->cartSize) { u8* data = NULL; s32 dataSize = unzip(&data, app + header->appSize + sizeof(EmbedHeader), header->cartSize); if(data) { loadCart(tic, console->embed.file, data, dataSize, true); console->embed.yes = true; free(data); } break; } else { ptr = (const u8*)header + SIG_SIZE; size = appSize - (ptr - app); } } else break; } free(app); } } #endif console->active = !console->embed.yes; }