Hacky version of the Collection axiom

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Dan Frumin 2019-01-22 12:12:46 +01:00
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@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
From stdpp Require Import base.
From Coq Require Import Logic.PropExtensionality.
(** * Cumulative hierarchy *)
Inductive V : Type :=
@ -205,6 +204,10 @@ Qed.
(** * Axioms *)
(** First, we define a class of set predicates: predicates that respect the equality on V *)
Class SetPredicate (ϕ : V Prop) :=
pred_proper :> Proper (() ==> impl) ϕ.
(** Extensionality *)
Theorem CZF_extensionality (a b : V) :
a b b a a b.
@ -215,7 +218,7 @@ Proof.
(** Paring *)
Lemma CZF_pairing (x y : V) :
Theorem CZF_pairing (x y : V) :
forall (w : V), w ({[x; y]} : V)
w x w y.
@ -230,13 +233,23 @@ Qed.
(* TODO: need big union operation *)
(** Empty set *)
Lemma CZF_empty :
Theorem CZF_empty :
forall y, ¬ (y ( : V)).
Proof. intros ? [[] ?]. Qed.
(** Set Induction *)
Theorem CZF_induction ϕ `{SetPredicate ϕ} :
(forall x, (forall y, y x ϕ y) ϕ x) (forall x, ϕ x).
intros x.
induction x as [A f IH].
apply .
intros y [a ->]. apply IH.
(** Infinity *)
Definition suc (x : V) := x {[x]}.
Lemma CZF_infinity :
Theorem CZF_infinity :
NN (forall y, y NN suc y NN).
@ -254,9 +267,8 @@ Proof.
intros [x ?]. exact (f x).
Class SetPredicate (ϕ : V Prop) :=
pred_proper :> Proper (() ==> impl) ϕ.
Lemma CZF_separation a ϕ `{SetPredicate ϕ} :
(* Note that we have non-restricted separation *)
Theorem CZF_separation a ϕ `{SetPredicate ϕ} :
forall y, (y sep a ϕ y a ϕ y).
intros y. destruct a as [A f]. split.
@ -266,3 +278,36 @@ Proof.
rewrite Hx in .
exists (existT x ). assumption.
(** Collection *)
(** Collection holds only if we use types-as-proposition
interpretation, by using Σ-types (landing in Type) instead of
(landing in Prop). Curiously, the predicate ϕ doesn't have to be
proper. *)
Definition coll (a : V) (ϕ : V V Prop) :
(forall (x : V), x a { y | ϕ x y })
intros .
destruct a as [A f].
refine (sup A _).
intros x.
assert (f x sup A f) as Hfx. { exists x; reflexivity. }
exact (proj1_sig ( (f x) Hfx)).
(* ∀a[∀x∈a ∃y φ(x,y) → ∃b∀x∈a ∃y∈b φ(x,y)] *)
Theorem CZF_collection (a : V) (ϕ : V V Prop)
`{Proper _ (() ==> () ==> (impl)) ϕ} :
(forall (x : V), x a { y | ϕ x y })
exists (b : V), (forall (x : V), x a exists y, y b ϕ x y ).
intros .
exists (coll a ϕ ). intros xx Hxx.
destruct a as [A f].
destruct Hxx as [x Hx]. simpl in *.
set (Hϕ':= (f x) (ex_intro (λ y, f x f y) x (reflexivity _))).
exists (proj1_sig Hϕ'). split.
2: { rewrite Hx. apply (proj2_sig Hϕ'). }
exists x. cbn. reflexivity.