html: Remove gratuitous escape codes.

UTF-8 encoded HTML pages are much better than maintaining a giant lookup

* haunt/build/html.scm (%escape-chars): Remove all but the absolutely
  necessary escape codes.
* haunt/builder/blog.scm (ugly-theme)[#:layout]: Add UTF-8 meta tag.
This commit is contained in:
David Thompson 2015-07-26 22:27:24 -04:00
parent a123965c0c
commit d919b527fc
2 changed files with 2 additions and 244 deletions

View File

@ -59,250 +59,7 @@
(#\& . "amp") (#\& . "amp")
(#\' . "apos") (#\' . "apos")
(#\< . "lt") (#\< . "lt")
(#\> . "gt") (#\> . "gt"))))
(#\¡ . "iexcl")
(#\¢ . "cent")
(#\£ . "pound")
(#\¤ . "curren")
(#\¥ . "yen")
(#\¦ . "brvbar")
(#\§ . "sect")
(#\¨ . "uml")
(#\© . "copy")
(#\ª . "ordf")
(#\« . "laquo")
(#\¬ . "not")
(#\® . "reg")
(#\¯ . "macr")
(#\° . "deg")
(#\± . "plusmn")
(#\² . "sup2")
(#\³ . "sup3")
(#\´ . "acute")
(#\µ . "micro")
(#\¶ . "para")
(#\· . "middot")
(#\¸ . "cedil")
(#\¹ . "sup1")
(#\º . "ordm")
(#\» . "raquo")
(#\¼ . "frac14")
(#\½ . "frac12")
(#\¾ . "frac34")
(#\¿ . "iquest")
(#\À . "Agrave")
(#\Á . "Aacute")
(#\Â . "Acirc")
(#\Ã . "Atilde")
(#\Ä . "Auml")
(#\Å . "Aring")
(#\Æ . "AElig")
(#\Ç . "Ccedil")
(#\È . "Egrave")
(#\É . "Eacute")
(#\Ê . "Ecirc")
(#\Ë . "Euml")
(#\Ì . "Igrave")
(#\Í . "Iacute")
(#\Î . "Icirc")
(#\Ï . "Iuml")
(#\Ð . "ETH")
(#\Ñ . "Ntilde")
(#\Ò . "Ograve")
(#\Ó . "Oacute")
(#\Ô . "Ocirc")
(#\Õ . "Otilde")
(#\Ö . "Ouml")
(#\× . "times")
(#\Ø . "Oslash")
(#\Ù . "Ugrave")
(#\Ú . "Uacute")
(#\Û . "Ucirc")
(#\Ü . "Uuml")
(#\Ý . "Yacute")
(#\Þ . "THORN")
(#\ß . "szlig")
(#\à . "agrave")
(#\á . "aacute")
(#\â . "acirc")
(#\ã . "atilde")
(#\ä . "auml")
(#\å . "aring")
(#\æ . "aelig")
(#\ç . "ccedil")
(#\è . "egrave")
(#\é . "eacute")
(#\ê . "ecirc")
(#\ë . "euml")
(#\ì . "igrave")
(#\í . "iacute")
(#\î . "icirc")
(#\ï . "iuml")
(#\ð . "eth")
(#\ñ . "ntilde")
(#\ò . "ograve")
(#\ó . "oacute")
(#\ô . "ocirc")
(#\õ . "otilde")
(#\ö . "ouml")
(#\÷ . "divide")
(#\ø . "oslash")
(#\ù . "ugrave")
(#\ú . "uacute")
(#\û . "ucirc")
(#\ü . "uuml")
(#\ý . "yacute")
(#\þ . "thorn")
(#\ÿ . "yuml")
(#\Œ . "OElig")
(#\œ . "oelig")
(#\Š . "Scaron")
(#\š . "scaron")
(#\Ÿ . "Yuml")
(#\ƒ . "fnof")
(#\ˆ . "circ")
(#\˜ . "tilde")
(#\Α . "Alpha")
(#\Β . "Beta")
(#\Γ . "Gamma")
(#\Δ . "Delta")
(#\Ε . "Epsilon")
(#\Ζ . "Zeta")
(#\Η . "Eta")
(#\Θ . "Theta")
(#\Ι . "Iota")
(#\Κ . "Kappa")
(#\Λ . "Lambda")
(#\Μ . "Mu")
(#\Ν . "Nu")
(#\Ξ . "Xi")
(#\Ο . "Omicron")
(#\Π . "Pi")
(#\Ρ . "Rho")
(#\Σ . "Sigma")
(#\Τ . "Tau")
(#\Υ . "Upsilon")
(#\Φ . "Phi")
(#\Χ . "Chi")
(#\Ψ . "Psi")
(#\Ω . "Omega")
(#\α . "alpha")
(#\β . "beta")
(#\γ . "gamma")
(#\δ . "delta")
(#\ε . "epsilon")
(#\ζ . "zeta")
(#\η . "eta")
(#\θ . "theta")
(#\ι . "iota")
(#\κ . "kappa")
(#\λ . "lambda")
(#\μ . "mu")
(#\ν . "nu")
(#\ξ . "xi")
(#\ο . "omicron")
(#\π . "pi")
(#\ρ . "rho")
(#\ς . "sigmaf")
(#\σ . "sigma")
(#\τ . "tau")
(#\υ . "upsilon")
(#\φ . "phi")
(#\χ . "chi")
(#\ψ . "psi")
(#\ω . "omega")
(#\ϑ . "thetasym")
(#\ϒ . "upsih")
(#\ϖ . "piv")
(#\ . "ensp")
(#\ . "emsp")
(#\ . "thinsp")
(#\ . "ndash")
(#\— . "mdash")
(#\ . "lsquo")
(#\ . "rsquo")
(#\ . "sbquo")
(#\“ . "ldquo")
(#\” . "rdquo")
(#\„ . "bdquo")
(#\† . "dagger")
(#\‡ . "Dagger")
(#\• . "bull")
(#\… . "hellip")
(#\‰ . "permil")
(#\ . "prime")
(#\″ . "Prime")
(#\ . "lsaquo")
(#\ . "rsaquo")
(#\‾ . "oline")
(#\ . "frasl")
(#\€ . "euro")
(#\ . "image")
(#\℘ . "weierp")
(#\ . "real")
(#\™ . "trade")
(#\ℵ . "alefsym")
(#\← . "larr")
(#\↑ . "uarr")
(#\→ . "rarr")
(#\↓ . "darr")
(#\↔ . "harr")
(#\↵ . "crarr")
(#\⇐ . "lArr")
(#\⇑ . "uArr")
(#\⇒ . "rArr")
(#\⇓ . "dArr")
(#\⇔ . "hArr")
(#\∀ . "forall")
(#\∂ . "part")
(#\∃ . "exist")
(#\∅ . "empty")
(#\∇ . "nabla")
(#\∈ . "isin")
(#\∉ . "notin")
(#\∋ . "ni")
(#\∏ . "prod")
(#\∑ . "sum")
(#\ . "minus")
(#\ . "lowast")
(#\√ . "radic")
(#\∝ . "prop")
(#\∞ . "infin")
(#\∠ . "ang")
(#\∧ . "and")
(#\ . "or")
(#\∩ . "cap")
(#\ . "cup")
(#\∫ . "int")
(#\∴ . "there4")
(#\ . "sim")
(#\≅ . "cong")
(#\≈ . "asymp")
(#\≠ . "ne")
(#\≡ . "equiv")
(#\≤ . "le")
(#\≥ . "ge")
(#\⊂ . "sub")
(#\⊃ . "sup")
(#\⊄ . "nsub")
(#\⊆ . "sube")
(#\⊇ . "supe")
(#\⊕ . "oplus")
(#\⊗ . "otimes")
(#\⊥ . "perp")
(#\⋅ . "sdot")
(#\⋮ . "vellip")
(#\⌈ . "lceil")
(#\⌉ . "rceil")
(#\⌊ . "lfloor")
(#\⌋ . "rfloor")
(#\〈 . "lang")
(#\〉 . "rang")
(#\◊ . "loz")
(#\♠ . "spades")
(#\♣ . "clubs")
(#\♥ . "hearts")
(#\♦ . "diams"))))
(define (string->escaped-html s port) (define (string->escaped-html s port)
"Write the HTML escaped form of S to PORT." "Write the HTML escaped form of S to PORT."

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
(lambda (site title body) (lambda (site title body)
`((doctype "html") `((doctype "html")
(head (head
(meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
(title ,(string-append title " — " (site-title site)))) (title ,(string-append title " — " (site-title site))))
(body (body
(h1 ,(site-title site)) (h1 ,(site-title site))