185 lines
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185 lines
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(* rewrite using the view partition relation
Require Import base.
Require Import Mealy.
Require Import Policy.
Require Import ViewPartition.
Class IsSecure {domain : Type}
`(M : Mealy state action out)
(P : Policy action domain) :=
noninterference :
(forall (ls : list action) (a : action), test ls a = test (purge ls (dom a)) a).
Section MealySec.
Variable (state action out : Type).
Variable (M : Mealy state action out).
Variable domain : Type.
Variable (P : Policy action domain).
Variable (VP : ViewPartition M domain).
Lemma output_consist_view_security {OC : OutputConsistent P VP} : (forall ls u,
(do_actions ls) ≈{u} (do_actions (purge ls u)))
-> IsSecure M P.
intros L ls a. apply output_consistent.
apply (L _ (dom a)).
Instance unwinding {OC : OutputConsistent P VP} {LRP : LocallyRespectsPolicy P VP} {SC: StepConsistent P VP} : IsSecure M P.
apply output_consist_view_security.
assert (forall ls v s t, view_partition v s t -> view_partition v (run s ls) (run t (purge ls v))) as General. (* TODO: a simple generalize would not suffice, because we actually need the s ≈ t assumption *)
induction ls; simpl; auto.
intros u s t HI.
destruct (decide (policy (dom a) u)).
(* DOESNT WORK (Lexer) : destruct (decide ((dom a) ⇝ u)). *)
(** Case [(dom a) ~> u] *)
eapply IHls. apply step_consistent. assumption.
(** Case [(dom a) ~/> u] *)
eapply IHls.
transitivity s; [| assumption]. symmetry. apply locally_respects_policy. assumption.
unfold do_actions. intros ls u. eapply General; reflexivity.
Instance unwinding_trans {OC : OutputConsistent P VP} {LRP : LocallyRespectsPolicy P VP} {TP: Transitive policy} {SC: WeakStepConsistent P VP} : IsSecure M P.
apply output_consist_view_security.
assert (forall ls u s t, (forall v, policy v u -> view_partition v s t) -> (forall v, policy v u -> view_partition v (run s ls) (run t (purge ls v)))) as General.
induction ls; simpl; auto.
intros u s t S v HI.
destruct (decide (policy (dom a) v)).
(** Case [(dom a) ~> u] *)
apply IHls with (u:=u); try assumption.
intros v' Hv'.
apply weak_step_consistent; apply S. etransitivity; eassumption.
(** Case [(dom a) ~/> u] *)
apply IHls with (u:=v); try assumption.
intros v' Hv'.
transitivity s. symmetry.
apply locally_respects_policy. intro.
apply n. rewrite H. assumption.
apply S. rewrite Hv'. assumption. reflexivity.
unfold do_actions. intros ls u. eapply General; reflexivity.
End MealySec.
Module MSyncSec.
Variable (state action out : Type).
Variable (M : MSync state action out).
Definition M' : Mealy state action out := msync_mealy.
Variable domain : Type.
Variable (P : Policy action domain).
Variable (VP' : ViewPartition M' domain).
Instance VP: ViewPartition (MSync_as_Mealy (MS:=M)) domain
{ view_partition := @view_partition _ _ _ _ _ VP'
; view_partition_is_equiv := @view_partition_is_equiv _ _ _ _ _ VP'
Class SyncPartitioned :=
{ sync_partitioned : forall s t a, view_partition (dom a) s t -> (delayed a s <-> delayed a t)
Global Instance oc2 {SP: SyncPartitioned} (OC: OutputConsistent P VP') :
OutputConsistent P VP.
intros a s t L.
unfold output; simpl.
destruct (decide (delayed a s)) as [D | ND];
destruct (decide (delayed a t)) as [D' | ND'];
try solve
[erewrite output_consistent by (apply L);
reflexivity | reflexivity ].
exfalso. apply ND'. rewrite <- (sync_partitioned s t a L). assumption.
exfalso. apply ND. rewrite -> (sync_partitioned s t a L). assumption.
Theorem unwinding_sync_trans {SP: SyncPartitioned} {OC : OutputConsistent P VP'} {LRP : LocallyRespectsPolicy P VP'} {TP : Transitive policy} {SC: WeakStepConsistent P VP'} : IsSecure (MSync_as_Mealy (MS:=M)) P.
apply unwinding_trans with (VP:=VP). (* TODO: i want this to be resolved automatically *) apply oc2. assumption.
(* Locally respects policy *)
intros a u s NP. unfold step; simpl.
destruct (decide (delayed a s)); auto. reflexivity.
(* Transitive policy *) assumption. (* again, can this be picked up automatically? *)
(* Step-consitency *)
intros a s t u Ldom L. unfold step; simpl.
destruct (decide (delayed a s)) as [D | ND];
destruct (decide (delayed a t)) as [D' | ND'];
try assumption.
(* only s is delayed by a *)
exfalso. apply ND'. rewrite sync_partitioned; try eassumption.
symmetry; assumption.
(* similar case, but symmetric *)
exfalso. apply ND. rewrite sync_partitioned; try eassumption.
(* both s and t are delayed by a *)
eapply weak_step_consistent; assumption.
End MSyncSec.
Module MApiSec.
Variable (state action out : Type).
Variable domain : Type.
Variable API : Type.
Variable (P : Policy API domain).
Variable (M : MApi domain API state action out).
Definition M' : Mealy state action out := mapi_mealy.
Variable (VP' : ViewPartition M' domain).
Definition vpeq : domain -> relation (state * (domain -> list action)) := fun d s1 s2 =>
let (s1', f) := s1
in let (s2', g) := s2
in @view_partition _ _ _ _ _ VP' d s1' s2' /\ f = g.
Lemma vpeq_eq (d : domain) : Equivalence (vpeq d).
intros. split; unfold vpeq.
intros [s ?]. split; reflexivity.
intros [s ?] [t ?] [? ?]. split; symmetry; auto.
intros [s ?] [t ?] [z ?] [? ?] [? ?]. split; etransitivity; eassumption.
Instance VP: ViewPartition (MApi_as_Mealy (MA:=M)) domain
{ view_partition := vpeq
; view_partition_is_equiv := vpeq_eq
Instance: IsSecure (MApi_as_Mealy (MA:=M)) P.
Proof. intros. apply unwinding_trans with (VP:=VP).
(* output consistency *)
intro. intros [s f] [t g].
remember (f (dom_api a)) as L1;
remember (g (dom_api a)) as L2.
destruct L1;
destruct L2; try (subst; reflexivity).
intros [? Z]. exfalso. rewrite Z in *.
rewrite <- HeqL2 in *.
inversion HeqL1.
intros [? Z]. exfalso. rewrite Z in *.
rewrite <- HeqL2 in *.
inversion HeqL1.
intros [? Z]. f_equal.
rewrite Z in *.
rewrite <- HeqL1 in *.
inversion HeqL2.
apply output_consistency.
(* TODO replace dom in policy with the Dom class *)
End MApiSec.