
This commit is contained in:
Dan Frumin 2020-08-28 18:45:41 +02:00
parent 909f637722
commit 5b9e56a259
1 changed files with 50 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
let input = ref []
let output = ref ""
let gen_index = ref false
let spec =
"-o", Arg.Set_string output,
" file.html Specify the output file (default is stdout).";
"--", Rest(fun s -> input := s :: !input),
" Consider all remaining arguments as input file names.";
("-o", Arg.Set_string output,
" file.html Specify the output file (default is stdout).");
("-i", Arg.Set gen_index,
" generate a post index instead of compiling individual posts.");
("--", Rest(fun s -> input := s :: !input),
" Consider all remaining arguments as input file names.")
type post_metadata = { title : string ; date : float ; tags : string list ;
other : (string * string) list }
(** Utitilies *)
let with_open_in fn f =
let ic = open_in fn in
@ -23,7 +28,7 @@ let with_open_out fn f =
| r -> close_out oc; r
| exception e -> close_out_noerr oc; raise e
let read_metadata ic =
let read_metadata ic : post_metadata =
let rec go lst =
let line =
try input_line ic
@ -32,11 +37,23 @@ let read_metadata ic =
match String.split_on_char ':' line with
| tag::value1::rest -> go ((tag, String.trim (String.concat ":" (value1::rest)))::lst)
| _ -> lst
in go []
let md = go [] in
let lookup k =
match List.assoc_opt k md with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "-"
let date = (lookup "date") in
{ title = lookup "title";
date = date;
tags = String.split_on_char ',' (lookup "tags");
other = md }
(** Functions for processing an individual post *)
let format_post ~title ~tags ~date ~contents =
let format_page ~title ~contents =
String.concat "" [
{|<!DOCTYPE html>
@ -59,9 +76,7 @@ let format_post ~title ~tags ~date ~contents =
<div id="wrapper">
<h1>|}; title; {|</h1>|};
{|<p class="author">|}; date; {|</p>|};
{|<div class="abstract"><p>Tags: |}; tags; {|</p></div>|};
{|<div class="post">|}; contents; {|</div>|};
{| </div>
<hr />
<div class="footer">
@ -70,25 +85,38 @@ let format_post ~title ~tags ~date ~contents =
let format_post ~title ~tags ~date ~contents =
let inner = String.concat "" [
{|<p class="author">|}; date; {|</p>|};
{|<div class="abstract"><p>Tags: |}; tags; {|</p></div>|};
{|<div class="post">|}; contents; {|</div>|}
] in
format_page ~title ~contents:inner
(* convert contents from [ic] to a post webpage, output to [oc] *)
let process ic oc =
let metadata = read_metadata ic in
let lookup_metadata k =
match List.assoc_opt k metadata with
| Some s -> s
| None -> "-"
let md = Omd.of_channel ic in
let date = (lookup_metadata "date") in
let html = format_post
~title:(lookup_metadata "title")
~tags:(lookup_metadata "tags")
~date:(ISO8601.Permissive.string_of_date date)
~tags:(String.concat ", " metadata.tags)
~contents:(Omd.to_html md)
output_string oc html
let compile_posts oc =
if !input = [] then process stdin oc
else begin
let f filename = with_open_in filename @@ fun ic -> process ic oc in
List.iter f !input
(** Generating index of posts *)
(* let generate_index oc = () *)
(** main *)
let main () =
Arg.parse (Arg.align spec)
(fun s -> input := s :: !input)
@ -99,12 +127,7 @@ let main () =
with_open_out !output f
with_output @@ fun oc ->
if !input = [] then process stdin oc
else begin
let f filename = with_open_in filename @@ fun ic -> process ic oc in
List.iter f !input
with_output compile_posts
let () =