Finished proof of extensionality

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Niels 2017-05-25 22:21:19 +02:00
parent 01e4cb982f
commit 2a561d4983
1 changed files with 16 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -618,15 +618,23 @@ Proof.
exact _. exact _.
exact _. exact _.
split ; apply subset_isIn. split ; apply subset_isIn.
- eapply equiv_functor_prod'. - apply HPropEquiv.
apply HPropEquiv.
exact _. exact _.
exact _. exact _.
split ; apply subset_isIn. split.
apply HPropEquiv. * intros [H1 H2 a].
exact _. specialize (H1 a) ; specialize (H2 a).
exact _. destruct (isIn a X).
split ; apply subset_isIn.'. + symmetry ; apply (H2 idpath).
Admitted. + destruct (isIn a Y).
{ apply (H1 idpath). }
{ reflexivity. }
* intros H1.
split ; intro a ; intro H2.
+ rewrite (H1 a).
apply H2.
+ rewrite <- (H1 a).
apply H2.
End properties. End properties.