2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* * Formalisation of "Noninterference, Transitivity, and Channel-Control Security Policies" by J. Rushby
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
www . csl . sri . com / papers / csl - 92 - 2 /
* )
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
(* * printing -> #→# *)
(* * printing ( policy a b ) #a ⇝ b# *)
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
From stdpp Require Import list relations gmap sets fin_sets .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
(* * * Mealy machines *)
(* * A Mealy machine is a state machine with labels and outputs on arrows *)
Class Mealy ( state action out : Type ) := {
initial : state ;
step : state -> action -> state ;
output : state -> action -> out
} .
(* * * * Auxiliary functions
We define a [ run ] of a machine [ M ] , which is an extension of
the [ step ] function to lists of actions . We use a shortcut
[ do_actions ] for running the machine from the [ initial ] state . * )
Fixpoint run ` { Mealy state action out } ( s : state ) ( ls : list action ) : state :=
match ls with
| nil => s
| a :: tl => run ( step s a ) tl
end .
Definition do_actions ` { Mealy state action out } : list action -> state := run initial .
(* * The [test] function runs the required list of actions and examines the output of the resulting state on a specified action. *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Definition test ` { Mealy state action out } ( ls : list action ) : action -> out := output ( do_actions ls ) .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
Section Rushby .
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2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
(* * We assume for the rest of the formalisation that we have a Mealy
machine [ M ] . Thus , we parameterize our main development module by a machine [ M ] . * )
Context ` { MM : Mealy state action out } .
(* * * Security policies *)
Section Policy .
(* * In order to define the notion of security, we assume a type [domain] of security domains. Those can be, e.g. clearance levels. For each action [a] we assign a domain [dom a] of that action. For instance, if we interpret domains as clearance levels, the domain of an action can signify the clearance level required to observe/preform the action.
A * security policy * is defined to be a reflexive decidable relation on the type of domains . For instance , the policy relation can state that the clearance level [ u ] is below the clearance level [ v ] . * )
Class Policy ( domain : Type ) := {
dom : action -> domain ;
(* * Sidenote: I had a lot of issues with Coq not finding relevant
typeclass instances because the next field was declared as
[ domain_dec : TYPE ] instead of [ domain_dec :> TYPE ] . So we actually
do need implicit coercions to get automatic resolution of typeclass
instances . * )
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
domain_dec :> EqDecision domain ;
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domain_countable :> Countable domain ;
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
policy :> relation domain ;
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
policy_dec :> RelDecision policy ;
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policy_refl :> Reflexive policy
} .
(* * TODO: Make this notation span over different sections? *)
Delimit Scope policy_scope with P .
Open Scope policy_scope .
Infix " ⇝ " := policy ( at level 70 ) : policy_scope .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* * Quoting Rushby:
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
< <
We wish to define security in terms of information flow , so the
next step is to capture the idea of the " flow of information "
formally . The key observation is that information can be said to
flow from a domain [ u ] to a domain [ v ] exactly when the acions
submitted by domain [ u ] cause the behavior of the system
percieved by domain [ v ] to be different from that perceived when
those actions are not present .
> >
Hence , we define a function [ purge ] that removes from the given list
all the actions that are not supposed to " influence " the domain [ v ] .
* )
Fixpoint purge ` { Policy domain } ( ls : list action ) ( v : domain ) : list action :=
match ls with
| [] => []
| a :: tl => if ( decide ( dom a ⇝ v ) ) then a :: ( purge tl v )
else purge tl v
end .
(* * Then, the system is _secure_ w.r.t. a given policy if for any set
of actions that can be performed , the system cannot tell the
difference between preforming the given actions and only performing
the actions that are supposed to influence the outcome * )
Definition security ` { Policy domain } := forall ( ls : list action ) ( a : action ) ,
test ls a = test ( purge ls ( dom a ) ) a .
End Policy .
(* * * View partitions
As we have seen , the non - interference notion of security is defined by
quantifying over all the possible paths of the system . We wish to
develop techniques for establishing the security property by putting
conditions on individual state transformations .
As a first step , we define a notion of a " view partition " , which is an
equivalence relation on the type of states of the system , siginfying
that two states are " identitcal " or indistinguishable for a given
domain .
* )
Section view_partitions .
(* * Formally, a view partition is an assignment of an equivalence
relation [ ≈ { u } ] for every domain [ u ] * )
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
Class ViewPartition ( domain : Type ) := {
view_partition :> domain -> relation state ;
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
view_partition_is_equiv :> forall v , Equivalence ( view_partition v ) ;
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
} .
Notation " S ≈{ U } T " := ( view_partition U S T )
( at level 70 , format " S ≈{ U } T " ) : policy_scope .
Open Scope policy_scope .
(* * We say that a system is _output consistent_ if for every two
states [ s , t ] that are indistinguishable w . r . t . the domain [ dom a ] ,
the output of the system [ output s a ] is the same as [ output t a ] * )
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Class OutputConsistent ` { P : Policy domain } ` ( ViewPartition domain ) :=
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
output_consistent : ( forall a s t , s ≈ { dom a } t -> output s a = output t a ) .
(* * Our first lemma states that if we have a view partitioned system
that is output consistent and satisfies
[ [ ( do_actions ls ) ≈ { u } ( do_actions ( purge ls u ) ) ] ]
then the system is secure . * )
(* Lemma 1 *)
Lemma output_consist_security ` { P : Policy domain } ` { VP : ViewPartition domain } { OC : @ OutputConsistent domain P VP } : ( forall ls u ,
( do_actions ls ) ≈ { u } ( do_actions ( purge ls u ) ) )
-> security .
Proof .
intros L ls a . apply output_consistent .
apply ( L _ ( dom a ) ) .
Qed .
(* * Note that the conditions of Lemma [output_consist_security] still
require us to quantify over all possible paths of the system . We wish
to replace this condition with the following two " local " conditions .
The first condition , stating that the view partitioned system _ locally
respects policy_ : if the domain [ dom a ] is not suppose to interfere
with the domain [ u ] , then , from the point of view of [ u ] , the states
[ s ] and [ step s a ] are indistinguishable .
* )
Definition locally_respects_policy ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } := forall a u s ,
¬ ( policy ( dom a ) u ) -> s ≈ { u } ( step s a ) .
(* * We say that the system is * step consistent * , if the view partition
is closed under the [ step ] function . * )
Definition step_consistent ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } := forall a s t u ,
s ≈ { u } t -> ( step s a ) ≈ { u } ( step t a ) .
(* * Given those two conditions we can prove that the system is secure,
by applying the previous lemma * )
(* Theorem 1 *)
Theorem unwinding ` { P : Policy domain } ` { VP : ViewPartition domain } ` { @ OutputConsistent domain P VP } : locally_respects_policy -> step_consistent -> security .
Proof .
intros LRP SC . apply output_consist_security .
assert ( forall ls u s t , view_partition u s t -> view_partition u ( run s ls ) ( run t ( purge ls u ) ) ) as General . (* TODO: a simple generalize would not suffice, because we actually need the s ≈ t assumption *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
induction ls ; simpl ; auto .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
intros u s t HI .
destruct ( decide ( policy ( dom a ) u ) ) .
(* DOESNT WORK ( Lexer ) : destruct ( decide ( ( dom a ) ⇝ u ) ) . *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* * Case [ ( dom a ) ~> u] *)
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
apply IHls . apply SC ; assumption .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* * Case [ ( dom a ) ~/> u] *)
apply IHls .
transitivity s . symmetry . unfold locally_respects_policy in LRP . apply LRP ; assumption . assumption .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
unfold do_actions . intros ls u . apply General . reflexivity .
Qed .
End view_partitions .
(* * * Access control interpretation of the view partition. *)
Section ACI .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* * In this section we consider a formalisation of the access control mechansisms.
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
We say that the machine has _ structured state_ if we have a collection
of [ name ] s and [ value ] s ( the latter being decidable ) , and some sort of
the memory assigned to each state , which is formally given by the
[ contents ] function . For each domain [ u ] we assign sets [ observe u ]
and [ alter u ] of names that are allowed to be observed and altered ,
respectively , by the domain [ u ] . * )
Class StructuredState ( domain : Type ) := {
name : Type ;
value : Type ;
contents : state -> name -> value ;
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
value_dec :> EqDecision value ;
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
name_dec :> EqDecision name ;
name_countable :> Countable name ;
observe : domain -> gset name ;
alter : domain -> gset name
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
} .
(* * This induces the view partition relation as follows: two state [s]
and [ t ] are indistinguishable for the given domain , if all the
observable contents at [ s ] is the same as the observable content at
[ t ] * )
Definition RMA_partition ` { @ StructuredState domain } ( u : domain ) s t := ( forall n , ( n ∈ observe u ) -> contents s n = contents t n ) .
Transparent RMA_partition .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Instance RMA ` { ! StructuredState domain }
` { ! EqDecision domain , ! Countable domain }
: ViewPartition domain := { view_partition := RMA_partition } .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
(* begin hide *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
intro u . split ; try apply _ ; unfold RMA_partition .
(* Reflexivity *) - unfold Reflexive . auto .
(* Symmetry *) - unfold Symmetric . intros x y Sy .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
symmetry . apply Sy . assumption .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
- (* Transitivity *) unfold Transitive . intros x y z T1 T2 n .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
transitivity ( contents y n ) ; [ apply T1 | apply T2 ] ; assumption .
Defined . (* We have to use 'Defined' here instead of 'Qed' so that we can unfold 'RMA' later on *)
(* end hide *)
Hint Resolve RMA .
(* * * * Reference monitor assumptions *)
(* TODO: explain those assumptions *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Class RefMonAssumptions ` { ! Policy domain , ! StructuredState domain } :=
{ rma1 :
forall ( a : action ) s t ,
view_partition ( dom a ) s t -> output s a = output t a ;
rma2 :
forall a s t n ,
view_partition ( dom a ) s t ->
( ( contents ( step s a ) n ) ≠ ( contents s n )
∨ ( contents ( step t a ) n ) ≠ ( contents t n ) )
-> contents ( step s a ) n = contents ( step t a ) n ;
rma3 :
forall a s n , contents ( step s a ) n ≠ contents s n -> n ∈ alter ( dom a )
} .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
(* * If the reference monitor assumptions are satisfied, then the system is output-consistent *)
Global Instance OC ` { RefMonAssumptions } : OutputConsistent RMA .
exact rma1 . Defined .
(* * The reference mointor assumptions provide the security for the system, if, furthermore, two additional requirements are satisfied:
- [ u ~ > v ] implies [ observe u ⊆ observe v ] ; that is , if [ u ] is supposed to interfere with [ v ] , then [ v ] can observe at least as much as [ u ]
- if [ n ∈ alter u ] and [ n ∈ observe v ] , then [ u ~ > v ] ; that is , if [ u ] is allowed to alter a location that is observable by [ v ] , then [ u ] is allowed to interfere with [ v ]
* )
(* Theorem 2 *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Theorem RMA_secutity ` { RefMonAssumptions } :
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( forall u v , ( policy u v ) → observe u ⊆ observe v )
-> ( forall u v n , ( n ∈ alter u ) → ( n ∈ observe v ) → ( policy u v ) )
-> security .
Proof .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
intros Cond1 Cond2 . apply unwinding .
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(* * We apply the unwinding theorem, so we have to verify that
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we locally respect policy and that we have step - consistency * )
unfold locally_respects_policy .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
intros a u s .
(* * In order to prove that the system locally respects the policy
relation , we first state the contrapositive , which we can prove
because the policy relation and type of values are decidable * )
assert ( ( exists n , ( n ∈ observe u ∧ ( contents s n ≠ contents ( step s a ) n ) ) ) -> policy ( dom a ) u ) as CP .
intros opH . destruct opH as [ n [ ?? ] ] .
eapply Cond2 . eapply rma3 . eauto . assumption .
intros NPolicy .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
unfold view_partition , RMA , RMA_partition .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
(* TODO: why can't decide automatically pick the instance value_dec? *)
intros . destruct ( decide ( contents s n = contents ( step s a ) n ) ) as [ e | Ne ] . assumption . exfalso . apply NPolicy . apply CP .
exists n ; split ; assumption .
(* * In order to prove step-consistency we wish to apply the second
reference monitor assumption . For that we must distinguish three
cases : ( contents ( step s a ) n ≠ contents s n ) , ( contents ( step t a )
n ≠ contents t n ) , or if both of the equalities hold * )
intros a s t u A .
unfold view_partition , RMA , RMA_partition in * .
intros n nO .
destruct ( decide ( contents ( step s a ) n = contents s n ) ) as [ E1 | NE1 ] .
destruct ( decide ( contents ( step t a ) n = contents t n ) ) as [ E2 | NE2 ] .
(* Both equalities hold *)
rewrite E1 , E2 . apply A ; assumption .
(* NE2 *)
(* We use the Second RM assmption to deal with this case *)
apply rma2 . (* for this we have to show that s ~_ ( dom a ) t *)
unfold view_partition , RMA , RMA_partition .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
intros m L . apply A .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
apply Cond1 with ( u := dom a ) .
apply Cond2 with ( n := n ) ; [ eapply rma3 | ] ; eassumption .
assumption .
right . auto .
(* NE1 case is similar *)
(* TODO: repetition *)
apply rma2 . (* for this we have to show that s ~_ ( dom a ) t *)
unfold view_partition , RMA , RMA_partition .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
intros m L . apply A .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
apply Cond1 with ( u := dom a ) .
apply Cond2 with ( n := n ) ; [ eapply rma3 | ] ; eassumption .
assumption .
left . auto .
Qed .
End ACI .
(* * * Intransitive security policy *)
Section Intransitive .
(* * Auxiliary definitions *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Fixpoint sources ` { Policy domain } ( ls : list action ) ( d : domain ) : gset domain :=
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
match ls with
| [] => { [ d ] }
| a :: tl => let src := sources tl d in
if ( decide ( exists ( v : domain ) , ( ( v ∈ src ) ∧ ( policy ( dom a ) v ) ) ) )
then src ∪ { [ dom a ] } else src
end .
(* * The two properties of the [sources] function: it is monotone and [d \in sources ls d] *)
Lemma sources_mon ` { Policy } : forall a ls d , sources ls d ⊆ sources ( a :: ls ) d .
Proof .
intros . simpl .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
destruct ( decide _ ) ; [ apply union_subseteq_l |] ; auto .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
Qed .
Hint Resolve sources_mon .
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Lemma sources_monotone ` { Policy } : forall ls js d , sublist ls js → sources ls d ⊆ sources js d .
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Proof .
intros ls js d M .
induction M . simpl . reflexivity .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
simpl . destruct ( decide ( ∃ v : domain , v ∈ sources l1 d ∧ policy ( dom x ) v ) ) ; destruct ( decide ( ∃ v : domain , v ∈ sources l2 d ∧ policy ( dom x ) v ) ) .
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
- apply union_mono_r . assumption .
- exfalso . apply n . destruct e as [ v [ e1 e2 ] ] . exists v ; split ; try ( apply ( IHM v ) ) ; assumption .
- transitivity ( sources l2 d ) . assumption . apply union_subseteq_l .
- assumption .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
- transitivity ( sources l2 d ) ; auto .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
Qed .
Lemma sources_in ` { Policy } : forall ls d , d ∈ sources ls d .
Proof .
intros . induction ls ; simpl . apply elem_of_singleton_2 ; auto .
destruct ( decide ( ∃ v : domain , v ∈ sources ls d ∧ policy ( dom a ) v ) ) ; simpl .
apply elem_of_union_l . assumption . assumption .
Qed .
Hint Resolve sources_in .
2018-02-14 17:27:31 +01:00
(* TODO: why is this not picked up automatically? *)
Instance sources_elem_of_dec ` { Policy } ( v : domain ) ls d : Decision ( v ∈ sources ls d ) .
Proof . apply elem_of_dec_slow . Qed .
Fixpoint ipurge ` { Policy } ( ls : list action ) ( d : domain ) { struct ls } : list action :=
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
match ls with
| [] => []
| a :: tl => if ( decide ( ( dom a ) ∈ sources ls d ) )
then a :: ( ipurge tl d )
else ipurge tl d
end .
(* * The non-interference notion of security for intransitive policies
is very similar to the transitive case , bu uses the [ ipurge ] function
instead of [ purge ] * )
Definition isecurity ` { Policy } := forall ls a ,
test ls a = test ( ipurge ls ( dom a ) ) a .
(* * We can prove lemmas similar to the transitive case *)
Lemma output_consist_isecurity ` { P : Policy domain } ` { VP : ViewPartition domain } { OC : @ OutputConsistent domain P VP } : ( forall ls u ,
view_partition u ( do_actions ls ) ( do_actions ( ipurge ls u ) ) )
-> isecurity .
Proof .
unfold isecurity . intros H ls a .
unfold test .
apply output_consistent .
apply ( H ls ( dom a ) ) .
Qed .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Definition view_partition_general
` { ! ViewPartition domain , ! EqDecision domain , ! Countable domain }
( C : gset domain ) s t
:= forall ( u : domain ) , u ∈ C -> view_partition u s t .
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2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Global Instance view_partition_general_equiv
` { ViewPartition domain , ! EqDecision domain , ! Countable domain } :
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forall V , Equivalence ( view_partition_general V ) .
Proof .
intro V . split .
intros x v A . reflexivity .
intros x y A1 v A2 . symmetry . apply ( A1 v ) ; assumption .
intros x y z A1 A2 v A3 . transitivity y . apply ( A1 v ) ; assumption . apply ( A2 v ) ; assumption .
Qed .
Definition weakly_step_consistent ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } :=
forall s t u a , view_partition u s t -> view_partition ( dom a ) s t -> view_partition u ( step s a ) ( step t a ) .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
Ltac exists_inside v :=
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
let H := fresh " Holds " in
let nH := fresh " notHolds " in
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
destruct ( decide _ ) as [ H | [] ] ;
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
[ try reflexivity | exists v ; try auto ] .
Local Hint Resolve sources_mon .
Local Hint Extern 1 ( _ ∈ sources ( _ :: _ ) _ ) => eapply sources_mon .
Local Hint Immediate elem_of_singleton .
(* Local Hint Extern 1 ( _ ∈ {[ _ ]} ) => apply elem_of_singleton; trivial. *)
Local Hint Resolve elem_of_union .
(* Lemma 3 *)
Lemma weakly_step_consistent_general ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } ( s t : state ) ( a : action ) ls ( u : domain ) : weakly_step_consistent -> locally_respects_policy ->
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view_partition_general ( sources ( a :: ls ) u ) s t
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
-> view_partition_general ( sources ls u ) ( step s a ) ( step t a ) .
Proof .
intros WSC LRP P v vIn .
unfold view_partition_general in P .
unfold locally_respects_policy in LRP .
destruct ( decide ( policy ( dom a ) v ) ) .
(* Case [dom a ~> v] *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
apply WSC ; apply P . auto .
(* we need to show that [dom a ∈ sources ( a::ls ) v] *)
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
simpl . exists_inside v . apply elem_of_union . right . auto . apply elem_of_singleton ; trivial .
(* Case [dom a ~/> v] *)
transitivity s . symmetry . apply LRP ; assumption .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
transitivity t . apply P . auto .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
apply LRP ; assumption .
Qed .
(* Lemma 4 *)
Lemma locally_respects_gen ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } ( WSC : weakly_step_consistent ) ( LRP : locally_respects_policy ) s a ls u :
¬ ( ( dom a ) ∈ sources ( a :: ls ) u ) ->
view_partition_general ( sources ls u ) s ( step s a ) .
Proof .
intros domN v vIn .
apply LRP . intro .
(* If [dom a ~> v], then [dom a ∈ sources ( a::ls ) u], because [v ∈ sources ls u] *) (* again, a clusterfuck *)
apply domN . simpl .
exists_inside v ; auto . apply elem_of_union ; right ; apply elem_of_singleton ; reflexivity .
Qed .
(* Lemma 5 *)
Lemma unwinding_gen ` { Policy domain } ` { ViewPartition domain } ( WSC : weakly_step_consistent ) ( LRP : locally_respects_policy ) s t ls u :
view_partition_general ( sources ls u ) s t
-> view_partition u ( run s ls ) ( run t ( ipurge ls u ) ) .
Proof .
generalize dependent s .
generalize dependent t .
induction ls ; intros s t .
simpl . intro A . apply ( A u ) . apply elem_of_singleton ; reflexivity .
intro VPG . simpl . unfold sources . fold ( sources ( a :: ls ) u ) .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
destruct ( decide _ ) .
(* * Case [dom a ∈ sources ( a::ls ) u] *)
simpl . apply IHls . apply weakly_step_consistent_general ; auto .
(* * Case [dom a ∉ sources ( a::ls ) u] *)
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
apply IHls . symmetry . transitivity t .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
- intros v vIn . symmetry . apply VPG . apply sources_mon ; exact vIn .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
- apply locally_respects_gen ; try ( assumption ) .
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
Qed .
Theorem unwinding_intrans ` { P : Policy domain } ` { VP : ViewPartition domain }
` { OC : @ OutputConsistent domain P VP } ( WSC : weakly_step_consistent ) ( LRP : locally_respects_policy ) : isecurity .
Proof .
apply output_consist_isecurity .
intros .
apply unwinding_gen ; try assumption .
reflexivity .
Qed .
Theorem rma_secure_intransitive ` { RefMonAssumptions } : ( forall u v n , n ∈ alter u -> n ∈ observe v -> policy u v ) -> isecurity .
Proof . intro policyA .
apply @ unwinding_intrans with ( VP := RMA ) . exact rma1 .
intros s t u a A1 A2 .
unfold view_partition . unfold RMA_partition ; simpl . intros n L .
destruct ( decide ( contents ( step s a ) n = contents s n ) ) as [ E1 | NE1 ] .
destruct ( decide ( contents ( step t a ) n = contents t n ) ) as [ E2 | NE2 ] .
2019-06-12 18:29:21 +02:00
(* Case [contents ( step s a ) n = contents s n /\ contents ( step t a ) n = contents t n] *)
2018-02-14 12:55:20 +01:00
rewrite E1 , E2 . apply A1 ; assumption .
(* Case [contents ( step t a ) n ≠ contents t n] *)
apply rma2 ; [ | right ] ; assumption .
(* Case [contents ( step s a ) n ≠ contents s n] *)
apply rma2 ; [ | left ] ; assumption .
intros a u s A .
assert ( ( exists n , ( n ∈ observe u ∧ ( contents s n ≠ contents ( step s a ) n ) ) ) -> policy ( dom a ) u ) as CP .
intros opH . destruct opH as [ n [ ?? ] ] .
eapply policyA . eapply rma3 . eauto . assumption .
intros n L . destruct ( decide ( contents s n = contents ( step s a ) n ) ) . assumption . exfalso . apply A .
apply CP . exists n . auto .
Qed .
End Intransitive .
End Rushby .